COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP BOARD AGENDA Monday 7 December 2015, 9:30 - 12.30 Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre Agenda Items Presented by Time Pages Allowed 1 Introductions and Apologies for Absence Chair 1 minute N/A Declarations of Interest Members of the Board are asked to declare any Chair 2 1 minute N/A personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. Minutes 3 Chair 3 minutes 1-17 To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting on 14 September 2015. Section 1: Discussion Items London Fire Brigade – Safeguarding 20 4 Stephen Norman 19-20 Safeguarding vulnerable people from fire minutes deaths (presentation). Community Safety Partnership Priorities a) Strategic Assessment 2015 Outlining the analysis of the Strategic Dan James 15 To follow 5 Assessment and agreeing the CSP’s priorities Minutes for the forthcoming year. b) CSP Proposed Restructure Karen Proudfoot 10 To follow A review of the CSP’s current structure and minutes proposal for an adjusted structure. Royal Society of Arts Report: Safer 15 6 Sultan Taylor 21-100 Together - Policing a Global City in 2020 minutes For discussion. National Probation Service Blueprint ‘E3’ Carina 10 7 Report 101-154 Heckroodt minutes For discussion Section 2: For Approval 20 8 Draft Homeless Strategy James Goddard 155-240 minutes For approval. 20 Draft Substance Misuse Strategy Karen Proudfoot 241-253 9 minutes For approval. 10 Borough Risk Register Tony Cox 255-289 10 minutes For approval. Home Office Gangs Local Assessment 5 11 Henry Staples 291-310 Process minutes For approval. 5 12 Health of Young Offenders Matthew Cole 311-315 minutes Update on recommendations. Section 3: Business Items Safer Neighbourhood Board 5 13 Steve Thompson 317-334 Minutes of meeting to note and items for minutes escalation. Performance Callover 10 14 Dan James 335-336 Minutes of meeting to note and items for minutes escalation. Chair’s Report 15 Chair 5 minutes 337-338 To Note. (a) Forward Plan (b) Date of Next Meeting 16 14:00 – 17.00 Chair 5 minutes 339-340 Tuesday 1 March 2016 Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre Section 6: RESTRICTED ITEMS Preventing Extremism – Draft Prevent 15 17 Strategy 2016-18 Gareth Tuck 341-351 minutes Update on Prevent including presentation of Draft Prevent Strategy. 5 18 Domestic Homicide Review Anne Clark 353-355 minutes Membership List Name Post Title Agency Sultan Taylor Borough Commander Metropolitan Police Service (Chair) Glynis Rogers Divisional Director London Borough of Commissioning and Partnerships Barking and Dagenham Sharon Morrow Chief Operating Officer Barking and Dagenham CCG Steve Thompson Chair Barking and Dagenham Safer Neighbourhood Board Erika Jenkins Chief Executive Barking and Dagenham Council for Voluntary Service Clare Williamson Senior Service Delivery Manager Barking and Dagenham Victim Support – NE London Division Cllr Laila Butt Portfolio Holder for Crime and London Borough of Enforcement Barking and Dagenham Carina Heckroodt Assistant Chief Officer, Barking, National Probation Service Dagenham, Havering and Newham Steven Tucker Interim Corporate Director of London Borough of Housing and Environment Barking and Dagenham Helen Jenner Corporate Director of Children’s London Borough of Services Barking and Dagenham Matthew Cole Director of Public Health London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Stephen Norman Borough Commander London Fire Brigade Douglas Thompson Head of Stakeholders and Community Rehabilitation Company Partnerships Vacant Magistrates Courts Service Rita Chadha Chief Executive Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London Chris Naylor Chief Executive (ex officio) London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Non-LBBD Advisers Gemma Woznicki MOPAC Link Officer Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime Martin Kirby Chief Inspector Partnership and Metropolitan Police Service Safer Neighbourhoods Barking and Dagenham LBBD Advisers and Observers Karen Proudfoot Interim Group Manager London Borough of Community Safety and Offender Barking and Dagenham Management Henry Staples Interim Service Improvement London Borough of Officer, Community Safety and Barking and Dagenham Offender Management Contact Officer: Henry Staples Tel.: 020 8227 2596 E-mail: [email protected] AGENDA ITEM 3 Community Safety COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP MINUTES Monday 14 September 2015 Partnership Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre 9:30 - 12:30 Members Present: Sultan Taylor (Vice Chair), Councillor Laila Butt, Rita Chadha, Matthew Cole, Carina Heckroodt, Erika Jenkins, Helen Jenner, Steve Norman, Glynis Rogers, Lucy Satchell-Day, Steve Thompson, Clare Williamson. Advisers, Officers and Guests Present: Will Donovan (minutes), Katherine Gilcreest, James Goddard, Karen Proudfoot, Henry Staples, Sarah D’Souza, Jenny Bastock, Louise Giles, Daniel James, Gareth Tuck, Norma Jen Sarsby. Apologies: Anne Bristow, Sharon Morrow, Steven Tucker. Action By 245. Introductions and Apologies for Absence The apologies were noted. 246. Declarations of Interests None declared. 247. Minutes The minutes of 8 June 2015 were agreed as an accurate record. It was agreed to widen action 213b “identify additional ways to safeguard dementia patients from the risk of fire death” to include protecting all vulnerable people from the risk of fire. 248. Public Space Protection Orders This item was presented by Katherine Gilcreest (LBBD Anti-Social Behaviour Manager). Katherine outlined the new power of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) as described in the report. PSPOs replace Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs), such as the one currently in effect in the Borough to allow enforcement officers and the Police to ask people to stop drinking alcohol in public places, which will now end in 2017. Many boroughs are now considering replacing existing DPPOs with PSPOs. It was noted that the a PSPO has to be introduced by the Council’s Assembly following public consultation and that the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) were being consulted to consider whether the introduction of a PSPO is appropriate and enforceable. It was reported that when the public are consulted on Page 1 the introduction of new legislation in the Borough they are generally in favour of bringing in any powers available to improve public order. It was reported that members of the public have approached Council officers about the use of orders to prohibit the use and sale of new psychoactive substances in the Borough, particularly nitrous oxide and that some other Boroughs have introduced PSPOs with this prohibition as a condition. It was reported that there have not been issues noted with these conditions in the UK. It was reported that other boroughs have worded this condition as banning some named substances then noting “other substances” to ensure that all substances are covered by the PSPO. It was reported that there is consideration for a PSPO in Barking Town Centre, particularly around Barking Train Station where there is a wide range of issues including alcohol, begging, littering, urination, loitering and dogs off leads. It was reported that many known offenders have had orders given against them previously and that arrangements with British Transport Police and other plans are already in place, however these have been used before and problems have reoccurred. It was suggested that a PSPO could set a standards of behaviour across the board and give clear enforcement rules for all rather than requiring specific orders against persistent offenders. Members of the public have also reported issues around a hardware retail location in Hartford Road where large groups of people wait by a business for potential work. It has been reported that those who don’t get work that day have begun sleeping in the area, street drinking and urinating. It was reported that there are plans in place to address this behaviour without a PSPO, however there are similar issues in locations across the A406 route in other boroughs and not taking strong enforcement action could result in this site in LBBD being seen as the most lenient and attractive of these locations. It was noted that enforcement of a PSPO requires resources from the Police and Council enforcement officers and that as many people engaging in this behaviour are vulnerable there would not be a recovery of this cost through fines. It was reported that the Police still have the power to seize alcohol being drunk in public and licensing can take action against retailers selling means to cover alcohol up. It was noted that retailers around Station Parade had been subject to test purchases recently with one failure. It was noted that retailers cannot sell alcohol to people who are already drunk, however the alcohol tolerance of heavy drinkers is very high and it can be hard to tell if they have been drinking. It was noted that there are significant regeneration plans for Barking Town Centre and the Borough more widely, including a Page 2 large number of new homes, which may introduce new issues. It was reported that the process of adding new conditions to a PSPO is relatively simple. Steve Thompson as chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Board noted that the consultation process is much reduced from what it was for DPPOs and is now merely “to consult with interested parties”. Steve raised the concern that consulting on this and bringing in a PSPO raises public expectation of enforcement. It was reported that there have not been any known incidents of a PSPO being subject to judicial review due to lack of public consultation, however the London Borough of Hackney have amended a PSPO to enforce against only begging and not rough sleeping following a negative public response to this condition. It was noted that the area this was introduced in Hackney is of a similar profile to Barking Town Centre. It was noted that Council enforcement officers do not currently have processes in place for checking names and addresses to issue penalty notices for disorder and other enforcement actions which they may undertake if a PSPO were enacted.
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