JOM, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2012 DOI: 10.1007/s11837-012-0256-x Ó 2012 TMS Features Materials in Action Lynne Robinson Granted, in some circles, superhero comics are not considered high culture. )RU WKH PLOOLRQV ZKR ZLOO EH ÀRFNLQJ to local movie theaters this summer to catch the big-screen adventures of the Avengers, Spider-man or Batman, they are simply entertaining stories told with bigger-than-life characters and special effects. On a more resonant level, how- ever, these fantastic sagas have woven together a mythology for the modern age, tracing society’s perception of and UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK VFLHQWL¿F DGYDQFH ment. Both brilliant and mighty, the he- roes and villains of these tales echo an- cient themes and struggles, told within WKH FRQWH[W RI H[WUHPH VFLHQWL¿F SRVVL bility. It’s also frequently the materials sci- HQFHLQYROYHGWKDWGH¿QHVWKHVHFKDUDF ters and the parameters of their power. $QGZKLOHVRPHVFLHQWL¿FGHVFULSWLRQV might seem to push the boundaries of plausibility, Suveen N. Mathaudhu, pro- gram manager, Synthesis and Processing of Materials, U.S. Army Research Of- ¿FHQRWHVWKDWDGYDQFHGSURFHVVLQJDQG characterization technologies, coupled with computational materials design tools and strategies, have closed the gap EHWZHHQFRPLF¿FWLRQDQGVFLHQFHUHDO ity. “There really is very little reason that we should not be able to microstructural- ly engineer whatever materials we want for the future,” he said. As a case in point, Mathaudhu recent- ly issued a request for white papers based RQWKHWKHPHRI³WKHPDNLQJRI&DSWDLQ $PHULFD¶V VKLHOG´ &DSWDLQ $PHULFD burst upon a frightened and war-torn world from the pages of his self-titled Figure 1. A wonder of materials science in the form of 0DUYHOFRPLFERRNLQUHDG\DQG KLVLQGHVWUXFWLEOHVKLHOGGHÀQHGWKHFKDUDFWHURI&DSWDLQ$PHULFD ,PDJH eager to vanquish the Axis powers with UHSULQWHGZLWKSHUPLVVLRQ7KH2ULJLQRI&DSWDLQ$PHULFD´7KH+HUR7KDW:DVµ VXSHULRUVWUHQJWKDQGVNLOOVJDLQHGIURP ,VVXH-DQ700DUYHODQGLWVVXEVLGLDULHV$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG an experimental “super soldier serum.” 13 14 Robinson His weapon of choice was a shield ca- vibranium formed an indestructible al- pable of absorbing, storing, and redirect- loy that could only be reshaped by mo- LQJDOOWKHNLQHWLFHQHUJ\DQGYLEUDWLRQV lecular rearrangement. KXUOHGDWLW )LJXUH 7KHPRUHHQHUJ\ To Mathaudhu, the real hero of the it absorbed within the bonds between its &DSWDLQ $PHULFD OHJHQG LV 'U 0\URQ ´7KHVXSHUKHUR molecules, the more powerful the mate- MacLain, an American metallurgist. FRPLF³OLNHDQ\ ULDOEHFDPH7KH¿FWLRQDOHOHPHQWPDN At the urging of President Roosevelt, VFLHQFHÀFWLRQ³ ing these unique properties possible was MacLain was attempting to develop an “vibranium,” obtained from a meteorite LQGHVWUXFWLEOHWDQNDUPRUWRJLYHWKH$O LVWKHSXOVH that fell to Earth in Africa. When bonded OLHG IRUFHV DQ HGJH RQ WKH EDWWOH¿HOG RIVFLHQWLÀF ZLWKVWHHODQGDQXQNQRZQFDWDO\VWWKH SRVVLELOLWLHVµ —Suveen N. Mathaudhu, U.S. Army Research Offi ce While experimenting with vibranium, he nodded off and the alloy mysteriously formed while he slept. MacLain was never able to recreate WKHPDWHULDOLQKLVODEDJDLQ )LJXUH although Mathaudhu believes he would KDYHD¿JKWLQJFKDQFHZLWKWHFKQRORJLHV from the “real world” that have eclipsed LPDJLQDWLRQ )LJXUH ³:HKDYH FRQ trol over the atomic world that we didn’t have 20 years ago,” he said. “Through high-end microscopy tools, we can vi- sualize and manipulate the very micro- structure of a material to achieve ultra- high strength and other truly amazing characteristics. The next frontier is the ability to accurately predict how we can FUHDWH PDWHULDOV ZLWK VSHFL¿F SURSHU ties—a true materials by design capabil- ity.” (QFRXUDJLQJ EUHDNWKURXJKV WR WKDW next frontier was the intent of Mathaud- KX¶V &DSWDLQ $PHULFD FKDOOHQJH ³7KH VXSHUKHUR FRPLF²OLNH DQ\ VFLHQFH ¿F WLRQ²LVWKHSXOVHRIVFLHQWL¿FSRVVLELOL ties,” he said. “People relate to these sto- ries and can tie them uniquely to their RZQLGHDV,RIWHQXVHH[DPSOHVOLNHWKLV in presentations as a means of inspiring the next generation of engineers—to JHWWKHPWRWKLQNGLIIHUHQWO\DERXWZKDW could be possible and then push to that )LJXUH'U0\URQ0DF/DLQUHFDOOV KLVDFFLGHQWDOV\QWKHVLVRIYLEUDQLXPDOOR\WKDWHYHQWXDOO\EHFDPH next level.” &DSWDLQ$PHULFD·VLQGHVWUXFWLEOHVKLHOG$VQRWHGE\6XYHHQ10DWKDXGKX /LNHWKH¿FWLRQDO0DF/DLQ0DWKDXG 86$UP\5HVHDUFK2IÀFH0DF/DLQ·VTXHVWWRUHFUHDWHWKHP\VWHULRXVDOOR\ KX¶V ZRUN IRFXVHV RQ GLVFRYHULQJ PD FRXOGEHIDFLOLWDWHGWRGD\E\DQDUUD\RIDGYDQFHGFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQVLPXODWLRQ DQGFRPSXWDWLRQDOGHVLJQWRROVHQDEOLQJWKHDELOLW\WRHQJLQHHUWKHPLFURVWUXFWXUH terials technologies that will eventually RIPDWHULDOVWRDFKLHYHDOPRVWHTXDOO\DPD]LQJSURSHUWLHV ,PDJHUHSULQWHGZLWK SURWHFW VROGLHUV LQ WKH ¿HOG ³7KURXJK SHUPLVVLRQ&DSWDLQ$PHULFD990DU700DUYHODQGLWVVXEVLGLDULHV RXW KLVWRU\ WKH PLOLWDU\ KDV ORRNHG IRU $OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG ZD\V WR PDNH EHWWHU VKLHOGV²VWURQJHU The Super Materials of the Super Heroes 15 and embodied the best American ideals.” Superman, when he debuted in Action &RPLFVLQDFWXDOO\UHVHPEOHG Hercules more than the high-tech ex- )LJXUH6XYHHQ WUDWHUUHVWULDOWKDWKHLVNQRZQDVWRGD\ 10DWKDXGKX86 He could “leap tall buildings in a single $UP\5HVHDUFK 2IÀFH FHQWHU .ULV ERXQG´ EXW GLG QRW À\ DQG ZKLOH KH 'DUOLQJ86$UP\ was very strong, many of his other traits 5HVHDUFK/DERUDWRU\ had yet to emerge. “In the early stages OHIW DQG<XQWLDQ =KX1RUWK&DUROLQD of comics, the writers and artists came 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ IURPDOLWHUDU\EDFNJURXQGUDWKHUWKDQ with the magnetron DVFLHQWL¿FRQH¶VDLG:LVH³6XSHUPDQ¶V VSXWWHULQJGHYLFHV WKH\XVHWRFUHDWH origins as an alien may have been in- ultrahigh strength ÀXHQFHG E\ WKH SXOS VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ RI QDQRFU\VWDOOLQH WKHGD\EXWKLVTXDOLWLHVZHUHGH¿QLWHO\ metals. tapped from the archetypes of myth and legend.” OLJKWHUPDWHULDOVWKDWDEVRUEDQGUHÀHFW ERRN ZRUOG 7KH HDUOLHVW VXSHUKHURHV 7KH VXSHUKHURHV WKDW TXLFNO\ IRO energy in defense of the soldier. So, it’s tended to draw their powers from myth ORZHGLQWKHZDNHRI6XSHUPDQ¶VSRSX not surprising that the strength of many and magic—if they had any powers at larity were created from a similar mold superheroes comes from their armor,” all. Their arch foes were corrupt land- )LJXUH %DWPDQZKREHJDQ¿JKWLQJ he said. “The basic science and research lords and businessmen and their adven- FULPH LQ ZDV GULYHQ E\ UHYHQJH that I’m involved with now is relevant to WXUHVUHÀHFWHGWKHFRQFHUQVDQGH[SHUL of his murdered parents, relying on his soldiers 20 years from now. But it still HQFHV RI D *UHDW 'HSUHVVLRQ VRFLHW\ FRQVLGHUDEOH LQWHOOHFW DQG GDUN GHWHF UHDOO\ FRPHV GRZQ WR PDNLQJ D EHWWHU “Superman is actually the comic version tive methods rather than other-worldly shield—or at least a futuristic version of of the American immigrant story,” said powers. (“He was the mythical god one.” Wayne Wise, a comic expert with the of the underworld to Superman’s god ToonSeum, a museum located in Pitts- RI WKH KHDYHQV´ REVHUYHG :LVH 7KH THE MATERIALS OF burgh, Pennsylvania, devoted to the art original Green Lantern drew his power MYTHOLOGY RIFDUWRRQLQJ³/LNHPDQ\SHRSOHDWWKH from a magic lantern, much in the way Shields, weapons, and superpowers time, his homeland had been destroyed that Aladdin used his magic lamp. The enabled—and in many plot lines, chal- DQGKHFDPHWR$PHULFDWR¿QGRSSRU RULJLQDO)ODVKUHVHPEOHGWKH*UHHNJRG lenged—by science are actually a more tunity—to be the best that he could be. Hermes in both his powers and his cos- recent concept explored in the comic +HIRXJKWZKDWKLVUHDGHUVZHUH¿JKWLQJ )LJXUH0\WKDQGPDJLFVHUYHGDVWKHEDVLVIRU WKHHDUOLHVWVXSHUKHURHVZLWKVRPHRIWKHVHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVIDGLQJDZD\LQIDYRURIVFLHQWLÀF H[SODQDWLRQV ,PDJH$OH[5RVV-/$´7KH2ULJLQDO6HYHQµFRXUWHV\RIWKHDUWLVW683(50$1 '&&RPLFV $OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG'LVSOD\HGDVSDUWRI´+HURHVDQG9LOODLQV7KH&RPLF%RRN$UWRI$OH[5RVVµ 2FW²-DQ7KH$QG\:DUKRO0XVHXP3LWWVEXUJK 16 Robinson IRONMAN: THE GREATEST MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SUPERHERO OF ALL ,URQPDQLVWKHDOWHUHJRRI7RQ\ IRUWKHSXUSRVHVRIFUHDWLQJDVXSHU )URP,URQPDQ·VHDUOLHVWLQFDUQD 6WDUN D EULOOLDQW HQJLQHHU DQG H[ ZHDSRQ VXIIHULQJ D PRUWDO FKHVW LQ WLRQVKLVDUPRUFRQWDLQHGOLWWOHDF WUHPHO\ZHDOWK\LQGXVWULDOLVWZKRVH MXU\LQWKHSURFHVV$IHOORZSULVRQHU WXDO LURQ³KHDY\ GHQVH DQG SURQH VWRFNDQGWUDGHDUHWKHZHDSRQVRI DQGVFLHQWLVWVDYHG6WDUNE\GHYLVLQJD WRUXVWLWZDVQRWDVXLWDEOHPDWH ZDU )LJXUH $ 0DQ\ RI WKH SORW PDJQHWLFFKHVWSODWHWRNHHSVKUDSQHO ULDOIRUKLVVXSHUKHURH[SORLWV2YHU OLQHVLQWKH,URQPDQFRPLFVH[SORUH IURPHQWHULQJKLVKHDUW7KHWZRWKHQ WKH\HDUV6WDUNKDVGDEEOHGZLWK WKH UROH DQG LVVXHV RI WHFKQRORJ\ VHWWRZRUNLQDSULPLWLYHZRUNVKRSWR YDULRXVWLWDQLXPDOOR\VFDUERQÀEHU UHODWHG WR QDWLRQDO GHIHQVH ÀUVW design and construct a futuristic suit DQG QDQRWHFKQRORJ\ IRU KLV DUPRU ZLWKLQWKHFRQWH[WRIWKH&ROG:DU RIDUPRUSRZHUHGWRÁ\DVZHOODVGH 7KHGHVLJQRIWKHDUPRUKDVHYROYHG ZKHQ,URQPDQEDWWOHGKLVDUFKIRH SOR\DQDUVHQDORIVRSKLVWLFDWHGZHDS DVZHOOIURPD´FKDLQPDLOµDSSURDFK 7LWDQLXP0DQ )LJXUH% DQGPRUH RQV6WDUNZDVXOWLPDWHO\DEOHWRXVH and transistor embedded motors to UHFHQWO\DJDLQVWWHUURULVP WKHVXLWWRHVFDSHDQGVLQFHWKHQKDV DLGLQKLVPRYHPHQW )LJXUHV&DQG 6WDUN ZDV FRPSHOOHG WR FUHDWH FRQVWDQWO\ XSJUDGHG LW WR PDWFK WKH ' WR´EOHHGLQJHGJHµ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