m ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority I Vol. LXXII, No. 23 13th MAY, 1994 Price $3,00 - General Notice 274 of 1994. Name and location of warehouse Description of warehouse 9. Amtec (Pvt.) Ltd., A varied shaped rectangular CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER 177] 1, Ipswich Road, enclosure with a total area of Belmont East, 1 312, 5 m^, under a steel and Bonded W arehouses Notice 2 of 1994 Bulawayo, asbestos roof. 10. Bak Storage Bulawayo, A rectangular warehouse IT is hereby notified that in the exercise of the powers conferred 14, Sheffield Street, covering an area of 1 203 m^ upon the Director of Customs and Excise by section 57 of the Belmont, under a corrugated iron roof. Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177], the warehouses specified in Bulawayo. the Schedule which have been approved by the Director are appointed as bonded warehouses for the security of goods without 11. USK International (Pvt.) A four brick walled ware­ payment of duty under the Act. Ltd., 171 A, W est W ing house, measuring 41,107 5 m^. Plaza, R. J. MUNYARADZI, Strathaven Shopping Centre, 13-5-94. Director of Customs and Excise. Harare. Schedule 12. Colgate Palmolive, One side brick wall and two 105, Dartford Road, sides wire mesh, measuring Name and location of warehouse Description of warehouse W illowvale, 11,2 x 6,5 X 3 m, under an 1. Afirican D istillers Lim ited, 733,65^ of brick and cement Harare. asbestos roof. Subdivision A of St. walls under an asbestos roof. 13. National Oil Company of Tank No. 301 with a capacity M amock's Farm, Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 169 m^ of petrol. Stapleford, M sasa Pipeline Terminal Harare. Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg 2. W orld Radio Systems, Two sides brick wall and Estate, No. 23-29, Crawford Road, Two sides wire under iron M sasa, Graniteside. sheets roof, measuring Harare. 10,66 X 6,97 m etres. 14. National Oil Company of Tank No. 302 with a capacity 3. Bold Technology, W ire enclosure within a Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 169 mW petrol. 10, Cavan Park, factory, measuring M sasa Pipeline Terminal M utare Road, 9 m X 5 m X 2,4 m. Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg M sasa, Estate, Harare. M sasa, . 4. Henkel Incorporated (ZW).. Brick under asbestos Harare. rectangular structure 15. National Oil Company of Tank No. 303 with a capacity with concrete floors Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 169 m^ diesel. measuring 21,3 m x 10,1 m. M sasa Pipeline Terminal 5. Zemco, Stand 24A, An enclosure measuring Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg Beverly East, 70 m X 22 m in the north-west Estate, M sasa comer with two sides of M sasa, Harare. concrete walls and two sides of Harare. wire mesh. 16. National Oil Company of Tank No. 304 with a capacity 6. Belmor M anufacturers, One level construction of Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 169 rrf diesel. South-east comer of brick and wire mesh M sasa Pipeline Terminal Stand 6288A, measuring approxim ately Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg , Belmont, 160 mL Estate, Bulawayo. M sasa, 7. African D istillers Lim ited, A four sided building of brick Harare. Subdivision of St. M amock's and cement walls under an 17. National Oil Company of Tank No. 308 with a capacity ■ Farm, Stapleford, asbestos roof, measuring Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 2 438 m’ of illum inating Harare. measuring 277,45 m^. M sasa Pipeline Terminal paraffin. 8. Zimbabwe Leaf Tobacco, A partitioned area of 930 m^ Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg Foundry Road, within the north warehouse. Estate, Aspindale Park, M sasa, Harare. Harare. 428 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 13th May, 1994 Name and location of warehouse Description of warehouse Tender 18. National Oil Company of Tank No. 309 with a capacity number Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 2 438 m’ illuminating DEF.31/94. Supply and delivery of tinned sardines and pilchards Msasa Pipeline Terminal paraffin. fish in tomato sauce to the Defence Forces in Harare for a Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg period of one year. Closing date, 26.5.94. Further details on Estate, DBF. 31 /94 may be obtain^ from the Directorate of Procure­ Msasa, ment and Purchasing, Army Headquarters, Private Bag 7720, Harare. Causeway. 19. National Oil Company of Tank No. 310 with a capacity Tenders are invited from government registered contractors in Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 13 544 m’ of diesel. categories "A" to "G"for: Msasa Pipeline Terminal AFC.2/94. Rusape: Construction of two staff houses. Closing date, Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg. 26.5.94. Non-refimdable deposit $200. Documents for Ten­ Estate, der AFC.2/94 may be obtained from Matiza Architects, Msasa, Seventh Floor, Hurudza House, Harare. Harare. HEDU.1/94. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of 20. National Oil Company of Tank No. 311 with a capacity computers. Closing date, 2.6.94. Documents for tender Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 13 544 m’of diesel. HEDU.1/94 may be obtained from the Secretary, Ministry of Msasa Pipeline Terminal Higher Education, P.O. Box UA 275, Union Avenue, Harare, Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg or Fourth Floor, Old Mutual Centre, comer Third Street and Estate, George Silundika Avenue, Harare. Msasa, Harare. MOH.6/94. Supply and delivery of hospital equipment. Closing date, 26.5.94. Non-refundable deposit $50. Documents for 21. National Oil Company of Tank No. 312 with a capacity tender MOH.6/94 may be obtained from the Ministry of Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 6 766 m^of petrol. Health, Room 4-72, Fourth Roor, Kaguvi Building, Harare. Msasa Pipeline Terminal ( Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg PTC.9010. Civil and cable works for Harare Unit 7 Area E. Closing Estate, date,-2.6.94. Non-refundable deposit: $500. A compulsory Msasa, pre-tender site meeting is scheduled for 20.5.94. Harare. Tenders are invited from registered contractors with the Ministry 22. National Oil Company of Tank No. 313 with a capacity of Public Construction ami National Housing in category "A" Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd., of 6 766 m^of petrol. and members of CIFOZ for: Msasa Pipeline Terminal BE/Fl 1/93/94. Harare Central Sorting Office: Construction and Site Lot 7 of Ventersburg associated works. Closing date, 2.6.94. Non-refundable Estate, deposit: $500. Msasa, Documents for tenders PTC.9010 and BE/Fl 1/94 may be Harare. obtained from the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, Room S18, Tenth Floor, South Wing, Runhare House, 107, General Notice 275 of 1994. Union Avenue, Harare. RDS.4/94. Supply and delivery of timber plywood and clockboard GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD as required to all provinces from IstJuly, 1994 to 30th June, 1995. ClosingTlate, 2.6.94. Tenders Invited RDS.8/94. Supply and delivery of tubular steel parapet railings and All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, P.O. Box ancillaries as required. CY ‘W)8, Cmiseway. Documents for tender RDS.4/94 and RDS.8/94 may be Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. obtained from the Ministry of Transport and Energy, Seven­ Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outsicte with the teenth Floor, Room 62, Kaguvi Building, comer Central advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted in time to be Avenue and Fourth Street, Harare. Closing date, 2.6.94. sorted into Post Office Box CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the Secretary, Tl/94. Supply and installation of computer equipment to the Depart­ Government Tender Board, Fourth Floor, Atlas House, 62, Robert Mugabe Road, ment of Taxes. Closing date, 19.5.94. Non-refundable i Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. deposit: $100. Documents for tender Tl/94 may be obtained Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the imme of the tenderer, the from the Commissioner of Taxes, Room 420, Fourth Floor, service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Office to the Anlaby House, Baker Avenue and Angwa Street, Harare. Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing date and the confirma­ ZESA.29/94. Annual supply and delivery of galvanized stranded tion tender posted not later than the closing time and date. The telegraphic address is staywire. Closing date, 2.6.94. “Tenders, Harare”. ZESA.30/94. Supply and delivery of air heater tubes. Closing date, Note.—Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether by hand, 2.6.94. by post or by telegraph, will he, treated as late tenders. ZESA.31/94. Excavation of cable trenches, laying of cables and If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of a bona ancillary works for Harare Area. Closing date, 26.5.94. fide tender or if the tender documents are returned complete aiid unmariced before Ute Refundable deposit: $50. Documents for tenders closing date. ZESA.29/94-ZESA.31/94 may be obtained from the Pro­ For supply contracts, the country of manuf^ture must be stated. When tenders are curement Manager, ZESA, Second Floor, Zimre Centre, compared, a degree of preference is deducted ftom prices tender^ for goods manufac­ comer Park Street and Union Avenue, Harare. tured in Zimbabwe. j ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AUTHORITY No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a fi^riod of 30 days (or another period specified in tender documents) from the stated closing <hue. NOTICE OF INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or miy tender, and reserves the right to select any tender in whole or in part.
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