Page 2, Thursday, May 15, 2003 News for Southern Colorado County, Texas — The Eagle Lake Headlight THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT Advertising and News Deadline: 5 P.M. Monday Single Copy Price : 50* (USPS 163-760) Produced and 2003 Subscription Rates Second class postage paid P.O. Box 67 - 220 East Main Distributed By: at Eagle Lake, Texas Ttt CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS 77434-0067 Colorado County (including Lissie & Egypt) $13.50 TEXAS PRESS 979-234-5521 • Fax: 979-234-5522 Carol Cardenas • Jeannine Fearing Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton & Austin Counties $15.00 Shirley Luedecke Other Texas Residents $16.50 Address Corrections ASSOCIATION email: [email protected] should be sent to P.O. Box 67 Published Weekly-Every Thursday Katherine Smith • Cathy Fearing Outside of Texas; Inside U.S $18.00 Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0068 The Eagle Lake Headlight reserves the right to reject, edit or omit editorial content and/or advertisement for any reason in order to conform to the paper's policy. Foreign Rates Available By Request =^\ Senate passes school finance reform plan If FROM THE DESK OF... Maybe the members of the Legis- state's military bases. Look's like it's still possible for a V J lature don't like hanging around Aus- State Capitol "By increasing military value and Democrat to get elected in Texas, at tin as much as its Chamber of Com- decreasing (federal) operating costs, least in South Texas. Jeannine Fearing, Publisher because you are a registered Republi- It's been a long time since I have merce might think. Highlights we make Texas bases valuable and Juan M. Escobar of Kingsville won can. Think about it as a citizen of a ru- The Senate last week passed a more likely to receive more missions," a runoff election for House District 43 felt the need to voice my opinion about ral community where things are differ- school tax reform plan, a step toward By Mike Cox the senator said. last week to replace the late Irma Ran- something that's happening or about to ent than in the "big cities". not having to come back to the Capital Texas Press Association If Shapleigh's bill makes it through gel, a Democrat who died earlier this happen to Eagle Lake. We have a way of life most in the City for a special session and to do the House and is signed by the gover- year of cancer. I've stepped on toes many times in large cities would not understand; some away with the current Robin Hood Texas, which has 18 military installa- nor, the constitutional amendment it Escobar tallied 62% of the vote and the process, but I can't let that stop me wouldn't even believe the perks here. school finance system. tions. Some of those bases are consid- proposes would go on the ballot for a his Republican opponent, James R. this time. Sure, there's no huge grocery store ered vulnerable to attack - of the base Sept. 13 election. Marz, received 37%. Tuesday morning, the office email or a dozen movie theaters to choose The bill, in a nut shell, lowers prop- closure kind. The bill would allow local govern- Nine candidates vied for the seat in was full of articles and/or comments from, but when was the last time a doc- erty taxes and raises sales taxes. The To shore up the state's economic ments to borrow money for projects the initial election on April 15. about the "yellow dog" Democrats who tor in Houston went to a patient's Senate passed it 30-0 on May 6 after defenses, Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, D-El such as improved rail lines to Fort left the state in order to stop a redis- home? Do Houstonians ever talk for four hours of debate. Paso, has pushed through a bill in his Hood or a desalination plant to serve Escobar is a retired U.S. Border Pa- tricting plan with which they did not five minutes to the person who dialed Of course, the House - and then chamber that would give Texans the Fort Bliss' water needs. trol supervisor who has been on the agree. their phone number by mistake because Gov. Rick Perry - has to go along with opportunity to vote for a $250 million Kingsville Independent School District We received a fax and I even had a they know them? all this, or it's likely going to be back bond issue to improve the value of the House gains a Democrat... board for 13 years. message on my answering machine We have that here. to school in Austin for a special ses- when I went home after dinner for a sion later this year or early next year. break. I don't know who it was from... fr ^N And even if the governor signs the law, Let's Look Back. I deleted it before it was finished. Cook voters have to approve a constitutional We elected Robby Cook to look amendment that would authorize all the after our interests in the State House Continued from Page 1 taxing changes set forth in the bill. and I think we have gotten a good deal erations and procedures of the House. 24 & 48 YEARS AGO over the last seven years. \, JJ The rules specifically state that it takes "I believe the members of the Knowing Robby, I know he would 100 members to conduct the business May 10,1979 Julia Thomas, daughter of Dr. & dened to learn of the death of Mrs. Cal not do something like that (leave the of the House. This is in marked con- House, just like all the homeowners Named as Outstanding Older Tex- Mrs. Raymond R. Thomas of Eagle (EUa) Gertson... and business owners around the state, floor) without good reason. He's just trast to the simple majority of 76 re- ans were Freida Kubesch of Nada and Lake, lettered in tennis at SWT... Madeline Korenek won Best of don't want to wait two years to see their not like that... you all know it. quired to pass a bill. Henry Ward of Columbus... Riley G. Henderson, son of Mr. Show for her artwork exhibited spon- As he stated in his report on the situ- The difference is intentional. local property taxes reduced 50%," Lt. Rice Area Memorial Post of the & Mrs. Norman Henderson Sr. and sored by Xi Pi Psi... Gov. David Dewhurst said. ation, he votes for the issue or person, It's a constitutional protection of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the La- a 1975 graduate of Rice High School, The University of Texas named Specifically, the Senate bill's con- not necessarily along party lines. minority that recognizes there are times dies Auxiliary elected new officers. received his Bachelor of Science de- 1,029 students to the 1978 fall semes- His decision to walk out of the Leg- when even a majority of members may stitutional amendment would raise the Jack Listowski will serve as com- gree in Animal Nutrition on May 6 ter honor roll. Among them was state sales tax by 1% and expand its islature must have been as difficult as be wrong. mander and Bobby Johnson will be from Prairie View A&M University... Patricia Ann Mathis, daughter of Mr. scope to most services except dental he said. He knew what would happen. The requirement of a quorum is a the new president of the auxiliary... & Mrs. J.A. Mathis Sr... and medical. In turn, the maximum Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Tise announ- The Sergeant-at-arms of the House procedural mechanism to prevent Eagle Lake Special Officer Will- Ronnie Meitzen, son of Staff Sgt. school property tax rate would be re- ced the engagement and approaching even ordered the Dept. of Public Safety abuses by the majority, no more and, iam Spencer (Bill) Chavis was cited & Mrs. Mike Meitzen, celebrated his duced 50%. marriage of their daughter, Kathy to find the absent members and "es- no less. for 30 years of outstanding service to second birthday at his home in Golds- Other provisions would raise the Joann, to Curtis Glenn Sevcik, son cort" them to the floor. By my actions today, I am fulfill- the community by Eagle Lake Mayor boro, North Carolina... motor vehicle sales tax from 6.25 to of Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Sevcik. The Yes, he can do that. ing my responsibility to my constitu- Elmer S truss... Mrs. Ralph (Connie) Gertson Jr. 8.75% and create a property tax cap of marriage vows will be exchanged in Of course, Texas Democratic party ents and upholding the oath I took to Sandy Jones of Alleyton was was the honoree of a Baby Shower 750 per $100 valuation (though local Hallettsville on June 30... Chairwoman Molly Beth Malcolm serve the people of Texas to the best of crowned the 1979 Farm Bureau Queen May 5th in the home of Mrs. Jim Ma- voters could phase in an additional 100 Buddy & Cindy Baird are the commended the House members for by ability. by County Farm Bureau President this Jr.... proud parents of a baby girl, Haeley successfully stopping 'Tom DeLay and This was not an easy decision and I rate.) James Ad kins... Margaret, born May 2 in Houston... Among the residents cited for out- Tom Craddick from forcing congres- know there will be those who refuse to standing service to the Heritage House Economic thunderstorm watch... Gladys Epps Gold announced this Michele Sibley, a sophomore at sional redistricting" onto the agenda. agree with the position I have taken.
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