© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR chapterSALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © JonesTheft, & Bartlett Learning, Burglary, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 10NOT FORand SALE OR Robbery DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION KEY TERMS “Such hounds have a way aggravated robbery departure signature sound suppressor sooner or later of biting the approach to entry entry access specialty robbery © Joneshand & that Bartlett feeds them.Learning, They LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONasportation NOTfence FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONspecific intent will be arrested for this bur- ATM robbery habit pattern street robbery glary. The police are already bait money jimmy stripped after them. ” bona fide joyriding substance-habituated © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Sherlock Holmes breaking and entering larceny robber NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION “The Adventure of the bump-and-grab method of entry target selection Three Gables” burglary modus operandi (MO) theft career robber (plural modi operandi) tire impression © Jones & Bartlett carjackingLearning, LLC opportunistic© Jones robbers & Bartletttoolmark Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION casing point of entry tracing chop residential robbery truck hijacking (home invasion) commercial robbery unauthorized use of a show of force motor vehicle © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCconversion © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOTsmash-and-grab FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONvehicle identification delivery van robbery number (VIN) STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Upon completion of this chapter, students will be able to: NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Distinguish the different types of burglary Identify the entry techniques used to facilitate a burglary Distinguish the different types of robberies © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Identify the modus operandi of robbery NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Describe the difference between modus operandi and signature © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Shutterstock / happykanppy © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 9781284082852_CH10_Dutelle.indd 226 22/12/17 8:52 pm Burglary 227 © Jones Introduction& Bartlett Learning, LLC jurisdictions© Jones have & Bartlett added a newLearning, section toLLC their larceny penal codes. In addition to statutes prohibiting NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION In common law, NOT FORIn SALE common OR law, DISTRIBUTION taking the property of another theft of a motor vehicle, which involves intent taking the property for the purpose of depriving that person of own- to permanently deprive ownership, there are of another for the ership was called larceny. It required three basic now statutes dealing with unauthorized use of purpose of depriv- elements: a motor vehicle. The lesser deprivation reduces ing that person of ownership; it 1. A taking © Jones & Bartlett Learning,the seriousness LLC of the offense in those© Jones jurisdic -& Bartlett Learning, LLC tions that recognize joyriding as differing from required three basic 2. Asportation (movementNOT FOR of the SALE items taken) OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALEelements: OR a taking, DISTRIBUTION outright theft. asportation (move- 3. An intent to deprive the owner Once theft offenses were consolidated, the ment of the items magnitude of a theft offense became based on taken), and an intent All three elements are problematic in our how much was taken. Excepted from this con- to deprive the owner contemporary understanding of theft. In many © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC solidation were the© offensesJones &of Bartlettburglary andLearning, LLC instances, a person may be convinced to vol- robbery. The elements of burglary differ in sig- unauthorized untarilyNOT part FOR with SALE his or her OR property, DISTRIBUTION which is NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION nificant degree from those of theft, and burglary use of a motor obviously counter to the common-law notion of is still treated as a separate and more serious vehicle “taking.” Some things are so large as to prohibit offense than theft. Because of the personal Use of a vehicle movement, such as a house, land, and trees, yet confrontation and threat of personal violence by someone other © Jones &today, Bartlett through Learning, fraud, a person LLC may have his or involved© Jones in robbery, & Bartlett it too isLearning, treated as aLLC sepa- than the owner her house, land, or trees stolen. Clearly, for lar- rate and more serious offense. without the owner’s NOT FORceny SALE to make OR sense DISTRIBUTION today, there must have been NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION permission an evolution of the elements. Taking may now Burglary be real or constructive, and asportation may asportation also be real or constructive. There is an old joke about shooting burglars Movement of items taken from another; In common law and presently in some juris- that goes like this: If you shoot a burglar out- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlettone of the threeLearning, LLC dictions, there are numerous types of theft, with side your home, drag him back inside in order NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALEbasic elementsOR DISTRIBUTION different names and definitions, in which one of to avoid legal consequences. The conventional required for larceny the traditional elements of theft is lacking. Theft wisdom is that a homeowner can use deadly in common law by false pretext, for example, occurs when a force in defense of his or her property. This may person voluntarily relinquishes property under or may not be true, depending on state burglary conversion some© pretext Jones that & allows Bartlett the thiefLearning, to deprive LLC the penal codes. That is© why Jones it is in & the Bartlett best interest Learning, Using LLCproperty of investigators to not only understand the penal ownerNOT of the FOR property. SALE Theft OR by DISTRIBUTION embezzlement NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONentrusted to a per- occurs when a person entrusted with property code definition of burglary but all the cases in a son by another for uses the property to his or her own advantage state that have added to or interpreted that code. the former’s advan- (conversion) and with the intent to deprive the tage and with the owner of possession. Types of Burglary intent to deprive the owner of possession © Jones & BartlettOver time, Learning, legislatures LLC and the judiciary Most© burglariesJones & are Bartlett products Learning, of opportunity LLC per- have recognized many related offenses that NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION petratedNOT byFOR noncareer SALE burglars. OR DISTRIBUTION Open doors and differ in some degree from basic theft, and the windows are an opportunist’s invitation. Uncol- breaking and entering result has been an ever-expanding and confusing lected mail and newspapers are also an invi- Term that was network of theft-related statutes. Many jurisdic- tation. Originally, burglary was referred to as originally used for tions, aware of the imaginativeness of thieves, breaking and entering and may still be called burglary because it decided to consolidate© theJones theft & offenses Bartlett into Learning, that by investigators.LLC Burglaries in common© Jones law & Bartlettrequired a break-Learning, LLC one statute, forsakingNOT the categories FOR SALE of theft OR by DISTRIBUTIONrequired a breaking (forced entry) componentNOT FOR SALEing (forced OR entry) DISTRIBUTION false pretext, conversion by a bailee, shoplifting, and a physical entry into the premises. Today, component and a theft from a person, acquisition of property by neither element is required, but both generally physical entry into threat, swindling, swindling by worthless check, are present. The breaking component is lack- the premises embezzlement, extortion, receiving or conceal- ing when someone who is originally invited ing embezzled© Jones property, & Bartlett receiving Learning, or concealing LLC onto the premises extends© Jones the & visit Bartlett and secrets Learning, theft LLC stolenNOT property, FOR credit SALE card OR theft, DISTRIBUTION theft of trade him- or herself ontoNOT the FORpremises SALE to await OR anDISTRIBUTION An unlawful secrets, forgery, and fraud. These special types opportunity to commit theft. It is also lacking intentional appropri- of theft indicate how earnestly criminals work when entry is made through openings inviting ation of property to separate people from their property. access. Finally, there are those cases in which Theft has come to be defined as an unlaw- the burglar does not physically intrude on the joyriding Stealing an auto- ful intentional appropriation of property. Intent premises at all but, for example, pokes a stick © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC mobile for personal to deprive ownership is questionable as an ele- through an open window to withdraw a purse NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION enjoyment ment in only one type of theft: joyriding. Many on a nearby table. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION
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