VOLUME YI. WASHINGTON CITY, D. €., JULY 2, 1876. NUMBER 18. THE CAPITAL, —Five hundred Swedish and Norweigian Mor- Pittsburg. The city has been beaten out of lots Duquesne' once rose above the river's banks, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. mons left Liverpool last Thursday for the Unitèd Qf money by them, and many prominent citizens thirty miles or so from Braddock's Fields, where States. The Utah plank of the Cincinnnti con- failed—to get rich—I suppdse, through them. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, the English fell into the French and Indian The Second of July Centennial Celebra- vention is supposed to be the attraction. IRON FRONTS AND NEWSPAPERS. ambuscade, and had a boy-and-the-frogs encoun- tion. BY THE It is a handsome village, though somewhat ter for a while. Beer-shops and bargemen's PHILADELPHIA, July 1.—The city is all excitement BEAUBY DOUGLAS IN PITTS- begrimed. The wooden pavement is a fearful boarding-houses now mark the memorial place. to-day, flags, banners and transparencies are flying Capital Publishing Company, fraud, and discounts the worst sections of the from every building in profusion, and the streets BURG. The penitentiary in Allegheny is one of the Washington dittoes; but the buildings are tall, finest arranged establishments of the sort in the are thronged with people. Independence Hall and 927 D street, Washington. D. 0. substantial and stately. The first iron front ever Square are the centers of attraction, where the cen- The American Birmingham—Pittsburg As It Is. world, I suppose. It has all the.benefits of the tennial anniversary of the resolution declaring the / PITTSBURG, PA., June 29, 1876. erected in America is on the Fifth avenue of contract and solitary system, and under the colonies free, passed by the Continental Congress this city, and it is an extetisive honor to its sec- SOM PIATT and 3. G. LOVEJOY Editors It was a ^rell-known individual of wicked kindly management of the teacher, Doctor Tre- July 2,1776, is being celebrated. Brooklyn who copyrighted the remark that tion. All the newspaper offices are on this ave- valli, the inmates have their old ideas taught to | {The ceremonies opened at 11 o'clock by the recep- tion of authors in the national museum, who had TEfOlS: $2.50 per year (including postage)2in Washington was hotter thanell, and if his testi- nue, and. it is remarkable the number and large shoot their wicked ways. When Dom Pedro advance. mony on the witness-stand was as truthful as his size of the journals supported by the metropolis visited the school-room he said in an undertone been invited to prepare a memoir of seme distin- CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, »20 in ad- guished person prominently identified with the testimony on the atmospheric pressure of the of Western Pennsylvania. I am most familiar to Trevalli," How sad it is that your politicians resolution and deposit them in the archives. The vance. with one copy free. Twenty copies to one with the Leader, which is <abont the same size address, $>35 in advance, with one copy Tree. city of magnificent distances and munificent mud, do not graduate from penitentiaries like this; it authors were received by the ladies composing the one would be guaranteed in believing Beecher and holds the same position in Pittsburg as the would prevent the certainty of their ultimate board of managers of the national museum. After an exchange of courtisies, the guests were escorted CONTENTS OF INSIDE. to be. as pure as the driven—the landaulet- Star in Washington, both evening papers; though end-up in them!" to independence chamber and welcomed by the PACK 2.—A poem by "William Winter, entitled driven—snow. And that was the style of the the papers here publish more editions than those The iron-puddling factories here furnish an mayor. ' The Voice of the Silence," and Gossip by Roberts. weather in Washington when I left it for the in Washington, very often running up to five excellent training-place for sinners who believe PAGE 3.—Miscellany. smoke, soot and celeras of Pittsburg. Satan, and six " extras" an evening, and generally Colonel Frank M. Etting, chairman of the com- in a personal devil and despise Moncure Con- mittee on the restoration of Indpendence Hall, then PAGE 6.—New York Letter. with all his satellites and in his sulphurian counting three and four per day. way. There has been much trouble about the PAGE 7.—French Notabilities. addressed the assemblage, after which prayer abode, can scarcely discount it. The sun was The Sunday Leader is the only stable Sunday wages of the puddlers, strikes following strikes, was offered by Rev. William White Brown. Whit- hot, the pavements hotter and the atmosphere paper in Pittsburg; it is a large affair, and has but things have been equalized. tier's centennial hymn was then sung by a chorus of EVENTS. hottest. The shimmering vapor from the con- a genuine circulation of 23,000. But the religious The old saw is paraphrased, and it is settled fifty voices. Roll was called and the memoirs pre- crete streets joined with whatever breeze was stir- element is opposed to a Sunday journal, and that the price of the puddling is in the li'eating sented and laid on the table in the hall. This con- —Bishop Cummins of the Reformed Episcopal ring, and the two made a combination that ex- it affords fine opportunity for pulpit oratory. cluded the ceremonies and the company was escorted of it. to the stand in Independence square. About 3,000 •church died suddenly in Baltimore county last ceeds a sirocfrom Sahara in scorching concentra- The principle of the religions here is Hebrici- The suburbs of the city, as seen in East Lib- persons were upon tae stand and fully 5,000 in the week. In his last moments he urged the continu- tion and scatteration of heat. But, of course, cal; it objects, I suppose, to setting up type and erty, furnish a landscape kaleidoscope of won- sqnare dunng the ceremonies here, which were ance of the work he had commenced. Bishop Cum you know how it is yourselves, as Demosthenes laboring on the Sabbath (Saturday,) for the derful beauty. At every point new vistas rise opened by an address by John William Wallace, mins had before him in the old church a future said on the crown. warmest opponents of the Sunday edition are and fall in delightful multitude; wealth and president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. which would have satisfied the cravings of the NOT SO DIRTY, AFTER ALL. among the morning daiB'es, who do all their culture seem to have labored on natural beauty, Addresses were delivered by William O. McKean, of this city ; Hon. Leverett Salstonstall, of Massa- most ambitious churchman. All the temporal ben- Pittsburg isn't that way. After a ride of eleven Monday work on Sunday. Inconsistency, thou and the result is refreshing. No dust, no smoke, efits which the position of assistant bishoprick can hours over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad—a chusetts ; G-overner Henry Lippett, of Rhode art a paste diamond ! J» ; ' no soot, long lanes of tall, green trees, evenly- Island; ex-Governor Dix, of New York ; Hon. Ben- confer were bis, and in exchanging the certain- pleasant ride, as the sleepers are comfortable and The founder of the Sunday Leader was Mr. undulating lawns, well-kept orchards and ele-'jami n H. Brewster, of Philadelphia ; Hon. L. Q,. C. ties of his old position for the uncertainties of induce slumber—you strike along the suburbs, Pittock, well known in .^Washington, and uni- gant residences gem the scene on every side in Lamar, of Mississippi, and others. The exercises- the leadership of a reform church, he made those along an asphalt pavement, through lowering versally here. He began life young. At twelve ever-varying number. were interspersed with vocal and instrumental smoke and sooty fog, and are landed in the music, which was well* rendered. The ceremonies sacrifices which are the first proofs of a sincere years of age had the contract for delivering all BEER. heart and honest convictions. The movement depot at the bottom of the city about 7:30 a. m. were still in progress at this hour, (2:30 o'clock.) the New York dailies that arrived in Pittsburg; They have beer of all and the best sorts. The To-morrow special services appropriate to the occa- •on foot may or may not succeed, now that he is There is some disappointment in finding that combined that with the stationery business, and saloons here are made up magnificently. New sion will be held in the churches of all denomina- dead. If it does succced it will in all proba- Pittsburg isn't so dirty as it boasts of; not that when a mere boy was scooping in an income of York can show no finer samples of invigorating tions in this city. bility, at some future day, offer .an acceptable it is painfully clean—for under the circumstances forty or fifty dollars per week. He continued, establishments than Tivoli's or Troup's. Beer Carl Schurz and Governor Hayes. compromise to Methodism. Indeed, the two and soft coal it cannot do the chastity business and has Jjeen marvelously successful. is dispensed pretty generally for three cents a •churches seem to have a' natural attraction for under gauze drapery to much success—but the COLUMBUS, O., July 1.—Ex-Governor Noyes was Pittock has a peculiar custom of giving a glass, which puts the beverage that cheers, but in the city to-day, and on starting for Cincinnati was each other.
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