

(f,eJl'ltllr1ol ) slutoll?rl 5t'uou.Iplr'{ Nrysplo d (,{sl^ITIICct{)Dpasslpoa l^a19 s€{u€J crJrceds01 ' pasm:,{1e,,rqcedser ere KaJ^\llr{)xlNDpodoqrtopdsqns [ent{ JDpunfsrp I tur^rl1DalNsluuo!run 'dsqns '^p.I^ITIIgcy{ 'g ussrey4lofupqoDo g ,tJassip dsqns 38loag S v osoltd s3lJadsqns '9 'ttoure11'51ry paldeccz.{puarrncaarql nolrrel N4, "plo'dopry$nd dsqnsusslsry.taPlo.sfryr 'dsqnsu,ro.rg 't aplg 4np{qd[t1tod d arardouKs !toux.l,{.NT epIO dDlrDpat dsqnse3:oe5 5 y '9 ']|'olJtelN 'uolrrEt{ osoltd NT,eplo d14atl1,'dsqns usstell xe lsIddIX s?rSlsal t N ?8eplo d 'dsqns suapacat'dsqns'qtuegxo ont{ c r4&D4b1l'g'tto\JJel NTeplo d tlzsrl|l reuplEc v J 'llour?trAl '9'lloIJlEI saptotpuo,up g N T aplo do,un]ul'dsqns ,{€l^lllrcct{ DqollMnJ tr N 4) 'g apyl 4onuq'dsqns'ussol oaupioJ :pequcsape.r€ sarcadsqns ,,iLau tq8tg ltoIJJBItr N?aplo d oqtadns gEmy,orn?hl'NT, aplo d,rrl 9'uoIrrEI N? aplg'4nnqttd 5.'tlolrr€I l N?opl6 d 'D'llo\rral 'Nry"plo'dDwSn suaulaotd g'tlorJJeyq 5ryep16 4 r,tarron or','lloureI NT 'lloIlJ€l{ '4ossatdpo ap16 4 4a!o4l7D N d' eplg oa11d2l9 :peqlrcsepaf satceds,'weu 1q3rg '(€66I) ,{€r^rllrgct{ uro.rJu,,! €rp er€ alqecqdde 'tueuo8euelN areq,ttsyelep uorl€arJrd{lpue,{ru,{uou^S €llz:lsnv urelsel6 pue'I pue uorl"AJosuoO ;o luauuzdeq er4 ,{q po:tnber esoql,tolloJ sopoouollellesuoJ peAIoAuIoJe sdno$ petele: ,{1aso1c '11etrrs 'npuq oreq,r peprlo:d s:e s,{o) suouelndodIsJn]Pu se palpnls uoaq e.teq BXBI1e dsqns 'HJdgd 'salpnls oauntoc g lo uotldacxoerp qlllA pw ldsN te suerutcedsuo ,{gelnalwd lunlwqJaq lu? eler sE llal s€ suos?es8ru:eltog rno;;o pot:ed € relo )Jo,nt pIoIJ ollsuolxa pollolur eAEq serpnlsoseql Da1hatg sruei apur satpnlsSuto8uo:noJo slFser erllJoeluos slueso:d radtd srql uollJnpoJlul 't0€ o8€duo ue^r8 sr px?l ol xepu uV sel?odspap[3] ,{lasolcruo4 uorlB.tEdes3lq€ue o1papr,ro.td e:z s,{e; 1ue: cgtceds1e palelsuteJ sl ^ru,4uou,{srn,{pua:mt setc:ds I :{uul sglceds o1pasm: e:u sercadsqnspeldeccp flluaJ:ns t :paqucsapoJe seloodsqns ,tnau 8 pu€ setceds,t au lq8tE '(.t661) ^\E-LEZ:(Z) 6 "rst,4nN €II?ISnV urelsod\ lse,t-qlnos uo.IJ (e€eproellr^e.IC:oea*aloJd) ' 'eplo Dalll\alg ur sa8uuqo crurouoxel pue serceds.ereN d IIaN ouJBI puu I^l Jeled IJBJISqY 'p?01 'FrosrnN 08€€yuol.r^ deec sLLInOslrq/dr ttZZsrtetdrDnos,1oN'8uo^\tt['pUrat.\oC 8€Ir zllolrrEl u IIsN pu€raplo l,^\trleled ul|allsnY uralsaa\ lsa.{{-qlnosuro4 (rBeploefll,|erc :aBaJEaloJd)DalLllatt q saSuBqJJlruouoxBl pue salJads,{{aN (966I)n0€ ,tZ :(Z)6 uslInN Nuyrsiavol 9. No.2 (1993) P. Olde & N. Mariott, ard G. dolichopoda(McGillivray) P. Olde & N. Marriott. One species, G.flexuosa (Lindley) Meissn., referred to synonymyby McGillivray(1993), is reinstatedat specific rank. The paperis divided into 6 parts. Part 1: speciesI-5 (G. curviloba.G. rara, G. corrugata, G. adpressa,G. unifurmis),species referable to Section11 Manglesia sensuBentham. This group is distinguishedin havingpedicels elongate, filiform; perianthactinomorphic; pistils yery short (2.5-6.5mmlong), glabrous and with stylessfongly constrictedabovetheovary below aconspicuous dilationbeyond which the style tapers to a conicalstyle-end; fruits oblong-ellipsoid. Pa 2: species 6-8 (G. synapheae,G. flexuosa,G. prominens), speciesreferable to Section9 Conogynesensu Bentham.This groupis distinguishedby its conflorescenceswith developmentbasipetal, perianth stronglycurled in youngbud; pistils glabrous,<10 mm long with stylesretrorse to sigmoidafter anthesisand with an erect, conicalpollen-presenter;nectary absent. Part 3: species 9-12 (G, thyrsoides, G. dryandroides, G. crowleyi, G. coccinea), speciesreferable to Section I Eugrevillea Series 2 Hebegynesensu Bentham. This groupis distinguishedby its conflorescencesusually secund; pedanthzygomorphic and glabrous on the innersurface; ovary densely hairy andeither sessile or shortlystipitate; fruits with anindumentum of reddishor purple-colouredstripes or blotches.Part 4: species13-15 (G. pilosa, G. dissecta,G. insignis). This assemblagewas partially placedby McGillivray (1993:454) in his Group 12. Thesespecies have conflorescences with development basipetal;torusvery oblique;ovarian stipe adnate at its baseto the inside ofthe torus, usually refracted atright anglesat theupper margin of thetorus;pedanth zygomorphic, the tepals strongly ridged, the limb with segmentsimpressed along their margins; ovary densely hairy; ftuits oblong-ellipsoidwith bonypericarp. Part 5: species16-17 (G. haplantha,G. dolichopoda).These species are referable to Section1 EugrevilleaSeries3 Plagiopoda sensuBer.tham, a group distinguished by its leavessimple andentire, conflorescences axillary or caulineand generally few-flowered; torus oblique; perianth zygomorphic,dilated at the base, hairy on both surfaces;ovary densely hairy, shortly stipitate;pollen- presentervery oblique to lateral.Part 6: species18-20 (G. althoferi, G. pythara, G. superba);agrotp of threeunrelated species whose affinities are discussed within thetext. Newtaxa are described at specific and subspecific ranks some of whichhave not beenpreviously recognised.Perhaps the most contuoversial aspect of thepaper will bethe decision to rankat specific rankthree taxa recently descdbed at subspecific rank (McGillivray 1986), to restore one species from synonymyandtorecognisetaxa atboth specific and subspecific rank that have been treated informally in therecently published revision of thegenus (McGillivray 1993). As thispaper will be followed by a book on the genusby the two authorsin which other sirnilar changesmay be madeand further newtaxa will beeither restored or newlydescribed, it is properand reasonable that a bdefoutlineof ourspecies concept be given in orderthat the reasons fof ouractions can be understood and ourposition in relationto the McGillivray revisioncan be evaluated. We should make it clear from the outset that our treatmentsare not intended to diminish McGillivray's revision,which standsas a taxonomicdocument of significantintemal integrity, erudition andresearch and will remain the standardreference for many yearsagainst which we and otherscan make valid taxonomiccomparisons. Rather, we put forward a different perspectivein the admittedly more subjective area of interpretation and ranking which reflects our adoption of a somewhatnarrower, biologically orientated species concept as the basicunit of practicalhuman recognition.To someextent, this approachis moreconcordant with historicallyaccepted species conceptswithin the genus. Thereforewe do not argueanything particularly new, nor do we assert any empirical elfor on the part of othersbut rather our disagreementcentres on the classification puq aqt q8norqt (9661 ,{rr^nlrCcl{) uor ^erDallwai9 aql;o tducsnueruaql ot slq8u ,{rotetlnsuoc '0661 'pefolue 'sJoqln" pe8el,lud ol 9861 ruo4 e^€q e,r Jeq]o Jo Joqunu u q1r,tr3uo1y 'esuaplAe 'lurod ,aau,{ue ?urprlord lnoqlh ^eJAl[yr9c6 fqpept,r.ordsenlc eql qcq,,i,io],{t!ua I€JISolorqaqlJo , llpar eql peuryuor s"q lr'sJeqlo ul suort"AJasqosrq ueqlSuels ol ocuepl^epuotlppe pepr,lordseq qarueselrno 'ses"ceuros uI ernl€lJueruoupesll?turoJ erou luEJE,{\ldeJuoc JnouarJolDwud qJ\qt 'serlllue FuuoJur Jo requrnu e8rul e lnoqe epp pept,r.ordpur] petnullep s"q (t66I) ,{ur,r.t11tgc1,q 'a,lrluradur uorlr,rresuocpu" 'pa le8e1lue:eggrpeol spEaluelJo,{ra,t puE uoIlErIunuruocJo anugA€Jolleq" sapr^old lasqo ^lISJeAIp t?JrSotorqeql;o suoqdecredselepll?^ lI l€qt uI lesn pue eqt ot 8ut,(;sqes erou sI aJnlelaueuou 'JeAa,{\oH Fru.roJu! u€ql JeqluJleluloJ l€q] ,{ld3J plno,{\ e.^(\ Sunn€u qlld uolssesqou€ s€ slql ta:d:elursnu tq8rur atuos pe^lo^ul sennue pctSolotq aq1;o e:n1crdrertelc e a,t€ snql pue exBl 1le equcsepot sr sn.roJ,ftuor:deq1 ueqt peprocJ" sI uoqtuSocarct3:tcadsvrgur euos ueq,a^ue,\e'seqltua 'cne1,{qdflod lucrSolorq eleercua,re seuttleuos pue rusrqd:oru,{1ode:ncsqo o1 pue} suottdtrcsrunc.Itc 'euo serJedspauepr/(\ puo:q ,{lpnldaJuoJ p seopullqt {uu: cgrcads1e txel ;o requrnureluarS qcntu 'le,l.roJftu e 3:ouorlruSocar selelrssecau ,{1ddt e,t qc1q,t ldacuoc sercedspaseq flpctSolorq aqJ 'sdno:3 reqlo ur sercedsuuql asprrqfq o1 ,{cuepuelreleerB ou Surlrqrqxe'satceds p1t,t peltlost ,(le,lqcnporder;o sgstsuocdnolS eql'e3ft1 pu€ 'l?ql 'e1rqu1 'tu€qtueg ,{q uorlr^Jasqorno ueeq sEqlr ,{1luctleue8eq ot pelxmlc ueuo sI qf,Iq,t\ fls?.rr.s DlsalSuoWuolqaes\u ue,rg suorlrlndod pp,,nSuoruu eSueqcJelur arleue8 Jo ee:Bep,tol ,{re,tt st ereql 'eueJueloJd 'uorltlJesqo 'suoq€lndod l€ql ur lseal le lceJrpJo rell€ru € srtr s" iJunfsrp ,{lleclqdtJSoe3 '1?rTr?.rlsnv 't"qt ut uouulosr e^Ilcnporder erunsseo1 alq?uospeJ sr lr u]etsed! ur ts"el ta uess" plno,r 'sesod.Ind ad\ 'luereJJrpsE elqesruSocer ,{11unsr,t eq sseleqleuouplnoqs suorplndod esaql 'le^e^\oq prrlce'td rog uortruBrssecrgrcadsuoc raql ol goddns ppt puu elqe:rsepsduq:ed eru feql'paapul 'suoqalndod cr3rceds€gurolaJJsIp uee,^dtaq petuJelot eq u:c sdupa,toI"JISoloqdJoru euos'uelsfs snll uI o,{\l eql Jo ernlxrur e ro ,{laue,rro setcadsqnsgo luuJ eql Jo enlz^ eqt e?pe1,r,rou1ceplno,t 'pe^lo^uI e,r ere11 paldeccuserceds pelrler,{lasolJ req}oJo raqunu aql puEuorlBuB^ Jo eer8epeql suoqelndod;o Jequnu aql lsuruSuperuupq eq ol speeu pu€ lueurssess€a,'iqcalqns Jo aeJ8epu e,r1o,r.ur,(rur,{llnuquocsppcrSoloqdrou tqAJIs,{luoSuDIqIqxe suorltlndod cultdolpgo Sutluug '(peure ',{ue3o1uo ecseeq ol te^ u€Uo) sJoFurTlodpur 'rnoloc 'eIuD ',(Soloqdroru 'llq?q pu" uorl"luarJo IrJoU e8l?11o;puu ra,alog Suue,rou ;rnr; pul, J?et 'Jeqlo sc qcns sernlueJprle^ flFnbo lnq e:nasqo€JouI seulllautos uI pallqqxe Fllnuquof,sIpserncsqo ',{u€8o1,{qd ua o Jo uorteprrnle eql ur lqasn qSnoqrlupuu ,(lrper lucrSolorqeqt lolsrp rl1elqult sI

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