GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS love where you live GUIDE TO NORTHSHORESCHOOLS GUIDE TO Chicago’s North Shore N Lake Michigan Chicago’s North Shore N Lake Michigan love whereyou live 03 04 01 02 GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS EVANSTON District65.net 847-859-8000 Ten elementary schools in various 01 Dawes neighborhoods in Evanston serve children (GRADES K-5) www.dawes.district65.net kindertgarten through the 5th grade. 440 Dodge, Evanston Chute, Haven and Nichols are middle 847-859-8990 schools for 6th through 8th grade students. BOUNDaRIes N-Main to Monroe to South, W-McCormack, S-Howard, E-Asbury Upon graduation from the 8th grade all students attend Evanston Township High 02 OaktON (GRADES K-5) School. Evanston also has two acclaimed www.oakton.district65.net magnet schools, Bessie Rhodes and King 436 Ridge, Evanston 847-859-8990 Lab for students kindergarten through the BOUNDaRIes 8th grade. A vast number of private and N-Main to Monroe, E-Sherman to Custer to appx Chicago, S-Howard, W-Asbury to Florence religious school options are also available to families. 03 walkeR (GRADES K-5) www.walker.district65.net 3601 Church, Evanston 847-859-8330 BOUNDaRIes N/E-Simpson to Elgin to McCormack to Lake to Pitner to Dodge, S-Main to Greenleaf, W-Crawford 04 ChUte (GRADES 6-8) www.chute.district65.net 1400 Oakton, Evanston 847-859-6600 BOUNDaRIes N/E-Simpson to Elgin to McCormack to Piner to Dodge to Sheman to Custer, W-Crawford to Greenleaf to McCormack, S-Howard TOP 100 SCHOOLS* PRIVATE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL love where you live * Chicago Sun-Times TOP-RANKED ILLINOIS SCHOOLS. Based on state achievement test scores. (2009). 08 07 09 06 05 14 10 13 12 11 GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS EVANSTON District65.net 847-859-8000 10 Dewey 05 kINgsley (GRADES K-5) (GRADES K-5) www.dewey.district65.net www.kingsley.district65.net 1551 Wesley Avenue, Evanston 2300 Green Bay Road, Evanston 847-859-8140 847-859-8400 BOUNDaRIes BOUNDaRIes N-Noyes, E-Lake michigan, S-Hamilton to Dempster, N-Isabella, E-Jackson, S-Emerson, W-Hartley to Pioneer to W-Dodge to Ridge to Maple Elm to Ewing 11 lINCOlN 06 lINCOlNwOOD (GRADES K-5) (GRADES K-5) www.lincoln.district65.net www.lincolnwood.district65.net 910 Forest Avenue, Evanston 2600 Colefax Street, Evanston 847-859-8970 847-859-8880 BOUNDaRIes BOUNDaRIes N-Dempster to Hamilton, E-Lake Michigan, Mulford to Howard, N-Harrison to Central, E-Elm to Pioneer to Hartley to Howard W-Custer to Sherman to Elmwood to Dodge, S/W-Harrison to Lake to McCormick to Elgin to Simpson to Ridgeway 12 washINgtON (GRADES K-5) 07 ORRINgtON (GRADES K-5) www.washington.district65.net www.orrington.district65.net 914 Ashland Avenue, Evanston 2636 Orrington Avenue, Evanston 847-859-8180 847-859-8780 BOUNDaRIes N-Dempster, E-Elmwood, S--Monroe, W-Brown to Dodge BOUNDaRIes N-Isabella to Roslyn Place, S/E- Lyons to Maple to Noyes to Lake Michigan, W-Ashland to Jackson 13 NIChOls (GRADES 6-8) 08 wIllaRD www.nichols.district65.net (GRADES K-5) 800 Greenleaf, Evanston www.willard.district65.net 847-859-8660 2700 Hurd, Evanston BOUNDaRIes 847-859-8110 N/W-Noyes to Maple to Ridge to Dodge to Brown, SW-Mulford to Case to Custer to Sherman to Monroe, E-Lake Michigan BOUNDaRIes 2 sections: 1. N-Glenview to Isabella, E-Ewing to Bennet to Lincoln to Ridgeway to Lawndale, S-Simpson, W-Crawford to 14 BessIe RhODes MagNet sChOOl Greeley. 2. N-Emerson, E-Ashland, S-Church, W.-Hovland (GRADES K-8) www.rhodesmagnet.district65.net 09 haveN 3701 Davis, Evanston (GRADES 6-8) 847-674-3926 www.haven.district65.net BOUNDaRIes 2417 Prairie Avenue, Evanston Serves anyone living within District 65 847-859-8200 BOUNDaRIes N-Isabella to Roslyn Place, S/E- Dempster to Lyons to Maple to Noyes to Lake Michigan, W-Lake to mccormack to Elgin to Greeley TOP 100 SCHOOLS* PRIVATE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL love where you live * Chicago Sun-Times TOP-RANKED ILLINOIS SCHOOLS. Based on state achievement test scores. (2009). 25 18 24 23 17 21 15 22 16 19 20 26 GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS EVANSTON District65.net 847-859-8000 22 ChIaRavalle MONtessORI 15 kINg laB MagNet sChOOl (GRADES K-8) www.chiaravalle.org www.kinglab.district65.net 425 Demster, Evanston 2424 Lake Street, Evanston 847-864-2190 847-859-8500 BOUNDaRIes 23 MIDwest MONtessORI Serves anyone living within District 65 www.midwestmontessori.com 826 Noyes, Evanston 16 PaRk sChOOl (sN) 847-328-6630 www.essdpark.dreamteamtech.com 828 Main, Evanston 24 ROyCeMORe sChOOl 847-859-8590 (GRADES 3-12) www.roycemoreschool.org 17 saINt JOaN Of aRC 640 Lincoln, Evanston (GRADES K-8) 847-866-6055 www.saintjoanofarc.net 9248 Lawndale, Evanston 25 the BaRBeReUX sChOOl 847-673-0409 (GRADES PK-1) www.barbereux.com 18 saINt athaNasIUs 3333 Culver, Evanston (GRADES K-8) 847-864-3215 www.saintas.net 2510 Ashland Avenue, Evanston 26 NORth shORe sChOOl 847-804-2650 (GRADES K-8) www.northshoreschool.com 19 POPe JOhN PaUl XXIII 1217 West Chase, Chicago (GRADES K-8) 773-274-5143 www.popejohn23.org 1120 Washington, Evansotn 847-475-5678 20 RICe eDUCatION CeNteR (sN) www.essdrice.dreamteachtech.com 1101 Washington, Evanston 847-424-5137 21 JOsePh e. hIll eDUCatION CeNteR 1500 McDaniel Avenue, Evanston 847-859-8300 BOUNDaRIes S-Howard St, N-Isabella St., E-Lake, W-McCormick, but then when you hit emerson it goes up to Crawford (N of Simpson) TOP 100 SCHOOLS* PRIVATE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL love where you live * Chicago Sun-Times TOP-RANKED ILLINOIS SCHOOLS. Based on state achievement test scores. (2009). 03 04 02 01 05 GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS SKOKIE DIstRICt 68 www.sd68.k12.il.us 847-676-9000 Children living in Skokie and Morton Grove attend one of 15 different schools 01 DevONshIRe (GRADES K-5) for kindergarten through 8th grade. The 9040 Kostner, Skokie schools are divided by district boundaries 847-676-9280 depending on each families address. Upon BOUNDaRIes N-Lynne St, E-Crawford Ave, S-Dempster, W-Skokie to Church St. graduation from the 8th grade, students attend either Niles North High School or 02 JaNe steNsON (GRADES K-5) Niles West High School, both located in 9201 Lockwood, Skokie Skokie. 847-676-9480 BOUNDaRIes N-Golf Rd, E-Skokie Blvd, S-Dempster St., W-94 03 hIghlaND (GRADES K-5) 9700 Crawford, Skokie 847-676-9380 BOUNDaRIes N-Old Orchard Rd, E-Crawford, S-Lynne St, W- 41 incl Old Orchard Shopping Center 04 OlD ORChaRD (GRADES 6-8) 9310 Kenton, Skokie 847-676-9010 BOUNDaRIes School District 68 occupies the northwestern third of the Village of Skokie and a small portion of Morton Grove next to the Edens Expressway. The approximate boundaries are Crawford Avenue on the east, Old Orchard Road on the North, Dempster on the south and a few blocks west of the Edens Expressway. ..... DIstRICt 69 www.skokie69.k12.il.us 847-675-7666 05 MaDIsON eleMeNtaRy (GRADES K-2) 5100 Madison, Skokie 847-675-3048 BOUNDaRIes N-Dempster St., S-Mulford St., E-Kostner Ave (including Evanston Golf Club), W-Austin to Main, and East of Parkside Ave. TOP 100 SCHOOLS* PRIVATE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL love where you live * Chicago Sun-Times TOP-RANKED ILLINOIS SCHOOLS. Based on state achievement test scores. (2009). 13 11 06 10 14 12 07 09 08 GUIDE TO NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS SKOKIE DIstRICt 69 www.skokie69.k12.il.us 847-675-7666 ..... DIstRICt 73 ½ 06 thOMas eDIsON (GRADES 3-5) www.sd735.org 8200 Gross Point Road, Morton Grove 847-324-0509 847-966-6210 10 MeyeR sChOOl BOUNDaRIes N-Dempster St., S-Mulford St., E-Kostner Ave (including (GRADES PK-K) Evanston Golf Club), W-Austin to Main, and East of Parkside Ave. 8100 Tripp Avenue, Skokie 847-673-1223 07 lINCOlN JR. hIgh BOUNDaRIes (GRADES 6-8) Bordered on the north by Greenleaf St., on the east by 7839 Lincoln Avenue, Skokie McCormick Blvd., to the south on Mulford St. and to the west Kenton Ave. up to 8000 N and then north of Oakton by Kostner Ave. 847-676-3545 BOUNDaRIes 11 MIDDletON N-Dempster St., S-Mulford St., E-Kostner Ave (including Evanston Golf Club), W-Austin to Main, and East of Parkside Ave. (GRADES 1-5) 8300 St. Louis Avenue, Skokie 847-673-1222 ..... BOUNDaRIes DIstRICt 72 Bordered on the north by Greenleaf St., on the east by www.fairview.k12.il.us McCormick Blvd., to the south on Mulford St. and to the west Kenton Ave. up to 8000 N and then north of Oakton by Kostner Ave. 08 faIRvIew sOUth (GRADES K-8) 12 McCRaCkeN (GRADES 6-8) 7040 Laramie, Skokie 8000 East Prairie, Skokie 847-929-1048 847-673-1220 BOUNDaRIes N-Mulford to South Side, W-to Lehigh east side, S-Pratt, BOUNDaRIes E-Lemon, West side, and Kent on the West Side Bordered on the north by Greenleaf St., on the east by McCormick Blvd., to the south on Mulford St. and to the west Kenton Ave. up to 8000 N and then north of Oakton by Kostner Ave. ..... DIstRICt 73 13 NIles NORth hIgh sChOOl www.eps.n-cook.k12.il.us www.niles-hs.k12.il.us/north 9400 North Lawler, Skokie 09 east PRaIRe sChOOl 847-626-2000: (GRADES K-8) BOUNDaRIes 3907 Dobson, Skokie Serves all of Districts 73 1/2, 73, and 68 847-673-1142 BOUNDaRIes 14 NIles west hIgh sChOOl W-East side of Kenton, N-South side of Malford, www.niles-hs-k12.il.us/west E- McCormack, S-goes from Touey to Hamlin to Jarvis 5701 Oakton, Skokie 847-626-2500 BOUNDaRIes Serves all of Districts 72, 69, 74, 71 TOP 100 SCHOOLS* PRIVATE SCHOOL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL love where you live * Chicago Sun-Times TOP-RANKED ILLINOIS SCHOOLS.
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