MEDIA INFORMATION 2009 AMERICAS CUP – GENERAL INFO Media Contacts: Jody Kingsbury Communications & Media Relations Wheelchair Basketball Canada work: (613) 260 -1296 ext. 204 cell: (778) 316 – 9862 [email protected] Anna Parisi cell: 604 828 2875 [email protected] Lindsay Thom cell: 604-551-9068 [email protected] The 2009 Americas Cup is presented by: Wheelchair Basketball Canada Wheelchair Basketball Canada is the national sports governing body responsible for the organization of wheelchair basketball in Canada. It is a non-profit, charitable organization that is the Canadian member to the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF). BC Wheelchair Basketball Society The BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS) is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 and registered with Revenue Canada as a charity since 1985. BCWBS provides support to wheelchair basketball programs throughout British Columbia. International Wheelchair Basketball Federation IWBF is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide opportunities for persons with a disability to play the game of wheelchair basketball. About the Americas Cup: The Americas Cup is the America Zone Qualifying tournament for entry into the World Championships set to take place July 2010 in Birmingham, England. The top three teams from the event will earn a spot amongst the world’s best representing North and South America. Tournament Structure: The Americas Cup in Richmond, BC will host the men’s division only. Teams represented will be Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, United States and Venezuela. The teams will be broken up into two pools -as per IWBF standards – compete in three round robin games and move on to the quarter-final round, semi-finals and eventual medal games. There will be additional placement games for 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th place. POOL A POOL B Event Overview: The 2009 Americas Cup is a qualifying tournament that features nearly 100 of the top male wheelchair basketball players in the Western Hemisphere representing 8 teams from North and South America. Participants are competing on this elite international stage not only for pride of country, but the top three teams are guaranteed the opportunity to attend the next major international tournament – the 2010 World Wheelchair Basketball Championships in Birmingham England. For the hosting Canadian Men’s Wheelchair Basketball Team this tournament is the marquee event of the summer; it highlights a devoted training schedule that propels the team ever closer to their goal of defending their title as current World Champions. The Americas Cup also presents Team Canada with the opportunity to square off against a perennial foe in the United States, whose talented core of players usually find a way of turning the intensity way up when facing their Northern neighbour. This will be the first time the two powerhouse teams meet since Canada defeated the USA in a double overtime thriller to advance to the championship games at the last Paralympic Games in Beijing. The newly constructed Richmond Olympic Oval is a state-of-the art facility that provides the ideal venue to showcase the tremendous skill and technique of the sport, while the beautiful city of Richmond, British Colombia and nearby Vancouver provide the picturesque backdrop. Some of the top Paralympians in the world are on hand to thrill spectators with the ferocity, speed and control that has earned wheelchair basketball a reputation as a premiere high performance sport. 2009 AMERICAS CUP Wheelchair Basketball Schedule POOL A - CAN MEX COL ARG ------------------- POOL B - USA BRA JAM VEN Day 1 24-Aug-09 Start: 13:00 End: 21:00 12:15 - 12:40 OPENING CEREMONIES G#1 POOLA 13:00 -15:00 CAN vs COL G#2 POOL B 15:00 -17:00 JAM vs BRA G#3 POOL A 17:00 - 19:00 MEX vs ARG G#4 POOL B 19:00 - 21:00 VEN vs USA Day 2 25-Aug-09 Start: 13:00 End: 21:00 G#4 POOL B 13:00 -15:00 BRA vs VEN G#5 POOL A 15:00 -17:00 COL vs MEX G#6 POOL B 17:00 - 19:00 USA vs JAM G#7 POOL A 19:00 - 21:00 ARG vs CAN Day 3 26-Aug-09 Start: 09:00 End: 22:00 G#9 POOL B 13:00 -15:00 VEN vs JAM G#10 POOL A 15:00 -17:00 COL vs ARG G#11 POOL A 17:00 - 19:00 CAN vs MEX G#12 POOL B 19:00 - 21:00 USA vs BRA Day 4 27-Aug-09 Start: 09:00 End: 22:00 G#13 13:00 -15:00 Men's Quarterfinals 1 G#14 15:00 -17:00 Men's Quarterfinals 2 G#15 17:00 - 19:00 Men's Quarterfinals 3 G#16 19:00 - 21:00 Men's Quarterfinals 4 Day 5 28-Aug-09 Start: 09:00 End: 22:00 G#17 13:00 -15:00 Consolation side semi-finals 1 G#18 15:00 -17:00 Consolation side semi-finals 2 G#19 17:00 - 19:00 Semifinal 1 G#20 19:00 - 21:00 Semifinal 2 Day 6 29-Aug-09 Start: 09:00 End: 17:00 G#21 10:30 -12:30 Place 7/8 Court #2 G#22 11:00 -13:00 Place 5/6 G#23 13:00 - 15:00 BRONZE MEDAL GAME MAIN COURT G#24 15:00 - 17:00 GOLD MEDAL GAME 17:10 - 17:30 CLOSING CEREMONIES CLOSING DINNER TO FOLLOW AT HOTEL Page 1 of 1 2009 AMERICAS CUP - TEAM ROSTERS )*%$5%&$ ()*%$5'(%&$ ()0 #)) 5 ))% )* (#&)#(*& < : 895895A8 &$ %-1 ( & = <4= 8;59;5?> &%) &%(& (%% > 9 9858=5?< (1 $& ? 9 8A5895?9 (%%1 #!%(& @ 94= 8;58:5?: ##% -)*.&% # A 94= 9959?5@: -( / $# %& 98 :4= 895:;5@? &' % #-(& 99 <4= 8>58@5@< (##) *&( # ) 9: < 9:59@5@: ((#* ( & 9; ;4= 8?5:85@8 (-% &#& 9< < 8A5:<5@9 &$1 ( )+% 9= <4= 8;59:5@< *(&% % *&&$ %& & %( / $ %& )) )*%*& & % #%# &%*( -*&( && (&#(*& %( )*%$5%&$ ()*%$5'(%&$ ()0 #)) 5 ))% -('&) . < ;4= 8?59<5>@ &- ##( .&% = ; 8<59A5?: ) &(* > :4= 8=5895@8 *( ( ? :4= 9858A5?: &%)&% &0 @ <4= 8>5:<5?= % $ A <4= 8959?5@8 % * 98 9 895895@9 ))$% 99 94= 8A59>5@; %( (%&% 9: 9 8<59@5@; %()&% * 9; <4= 8@5::5?A &-# % "# 9< ;4= 9:58<5@> % . 9= <4= 995:95?> &%##& ((0 & () $ )) )*%*& ( )+% (( )) )*%*& %($-#% % ) 0) &*(' )* &)) -0 '&(*)0&#& )* 01)(=)+( "/01)(=-/)+( /08 '00 ="00) !81 8) D D AA=@I=GI (-'' )1+ E C<E @A=AE=HF /+6) +' F B @G=@B=GA 3))") !( ))"0 G A @A=BA=GA ) /( /8) H D @H=BI=GI (-'' +1+ I D @A=AE=HF 3))") !( '-!)0+ A@ B @H=BI=H@ ")'"/ 5"'' AA C @B=BC=EH '+2 "/1 AB A<E @G=AA=HA +7 !'+) AC C @A=@I=IA " 5+) AD B @B=@I=HA "''"(0+) )/ AE C @G=@E=IC ("&" '/"1+ +! -3 %8 !80"+=+1+/ !") 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"$$% *!2 !/ ! $$"% *!2 "!&% "% "!// *$" $! *% "!// "+!!. $* "% $"& # .% $" $" $! %#!"/ "$&" " *$$". "% %%%&!&" $$$ "% & "$ .! !$ 2009 AMERICAS CUP TEAM CANADA / L'ÉQUIPE CANADIENNE Sr. Men's Wheelchair Basketball Team / masculine de basketball en fauteuil roulant NUMBER / CLASS / D.O.B / BIRTHPLACE / HEIGHT / CLUB TEAM / ÉQUIPE DU NAME / NOM RESIDES / RÉSIDE NUMÉRO POINTAGE NAISSANCE VILLE NATALE TAILLE CLUB 4 DUREPOS, Dave 3.5 14-Jul-68 Fredericton, NB Fredericton, NB 5'10 A.L. Gullison Allcourts 5 ROUILLARD, Yvon 3.0 19-Apr-72 Montreal, QC Montreal, QC 6'4 Civa Montreal 6 HEDGES, Robert (Bo) 2.5 5-Jan-80 Fort St. John, BC Wonowon, BC 6'1 Douglas College Royals 7 PETER, Richard 2.5 10-Sep-72 Duncan, BC Vancouver, BC 5'10 RSV Lahn-Dill (Germany) 8 JOHNSON, Joey 4.5 26-Jul-75 Winnipeg, MB Lorette, MB 6'2 RSV Lahn-Dill (Germany) 9 LANCIA, Adam 4.5 17-Jan-80 Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 6'3 Variety Village / Bonn (Germany) 10 FATAH DINI, Abdi 1.0 1-Jan-81 Somalia, Africa Scarborough, ON 6'3 Variety Village 11 JASSMAN, Chad 1.5 16-Sep-83 Medicine Hat, AB Calgary, AB 5'10 Calgary Grizzlies 12 WAGNER, Brandon 1.0 18-Apr-83 Kitchener, ON Burlington, ON 6'2 - 13 ANDERSON, Pat 4.5 22-Aug-79 Edmonton, AB Vancouver, BC 6'4 - 14 POULIN, Mickael 3.5 12-Apr-86 Quebec, QC Quebec, QC 5'6 Quebec Bulldogs 15 ENG, David 4.5 21-Nov-76 Montreal, QC Montreal, QC 5'9 Laval Gladiateurs Head Coach / entraîneur en chef: Jerry Tonello Coach / entraîneur: Darrell Nordell Coach / entraîneur: Joe Higgins Coach / entraîneur: Jaimie Peers 2009 AMERICAS CUP Team Canada Bios # 4 DAVE DUREPOS Birthplace: Fredericton, NB Hometown: Fredericton, NB Birth Date: July 14, 1968 Height: 175cm; Weight: 170 lbs Languages: English/French Occupation: Computer Automated Design Operator Club: Milwaukee Bucks, NWBA Div.
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