E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2021 No. 25 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2021, at 9 a.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2021 The Senate met at 12 noon and was THE JOURNAL petition between political parties. It is called to order by the President pro If there is no objection—I hear neither. It is a moment of truth for tempore (Mr. LEAHY). none—the Journal of proceedings of the America. f trial are approved to date. My late father, Marcus Raskin, once The Sergeant at Arms will make the wrote: PRAYER proclamation. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- The Acting Sergeant at Arms, Jen- Democracy [needs] a ground to stand upon. fered the following prayer: nifer A. Hemingway, made the procla- And that ground is the truth. Let us pray. mation as follows: America needs the truth about ex- All-powerful God, Sovereign of this Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are com- President Trump’s role in inciting the beloved land, You are our fortress, and manded to keep silence, on pain of imprison- insurrection on January 6 because it You desire justice to be done. As our ment, while the Senate of the United States threatened our government, and it dis- Senate jurors remember their account- is sitting for the trial of the Article of Im- rupted—it easily could have de- ability to You, use them to cause jus- peachment against Donald John Trump, stroyed—the peaceful transfer of power former President of the United States. tice to roll down like waters and right- in the United States for the first time RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER eousness like a mighty stream. in 233 years. Lord, during this impeachment trial, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Democratic leader is recognized. It was suggested yesterday by Presi- give our lawmakers the gift of discern- dent Trump’s counsel that this is real- ORDER OF BUSINESS ment so that they will know truth ly like a very bad accident or a natural Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, for from falsehood. Inspire them to com- disaster, where lots of people get in- the information of all Senators, no mo- mit their thoughts and decisions to jured or killed, and society is just out tions were filed this morning. So we You. looking for someone to blame. And will proceed to the House managers’ Let Your Kingdom come and Your that is a natural and normal human re- presentation. We anticipate two 10- will be done on Earth as it is done in action, according to the President’s minute breaks and a 45-minute dinner Heaven. counsel, but he says it is totally unfair break around 6 p.m. We pray in Your mighty Name. in this case. Amen. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Pur- suant to the provisions of S. Res. 47, President Trump, according to Mr. f the managers for the House of Rep- Castor, is essentially an innocent by- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE resentatives have 16 hours to make a stander who got swept up in this catas- trophe but did nothing wrong. In this The President pro tempore led the presentation of their case. assertion, Mr. Castor unerringly echoes Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The Senate will now hear you. We recognize Mr. Manager RASKIN to begin his client, ex-President Trump, who de- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the presentation of the case for the clared after the insurrection that his United States of America, and to the Repub- conduct in the affair was ‘‘totally ap- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, House of Representatives. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. RASKIN. propriate,’’ and, therefore, we can only assume he could do and would do the f MANAGERS’ PRESENTATION Mr. Manager RASKIN. Thank you exact same thing again because he said TRIAL OF DONALD J. TRUMP, very much, Mr. President. his conduct was totally appropriate. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Members of the Senate, good morn- So now the factual inquiry of the STATES ing, good day. trial is squarely posed for us. The juris- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sen- Some people think this trial is a con- dictional constitutional issue is gone. ators, will you please be seated. test of lawyers or, even worse, a com- Whether you were persuaded by the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S615 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:10 Feb 11, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.000 S10FEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2021 President’s constitutional analysis yes- margin that President Trump had de- folded live on television before a horri- terday or not, the Senate voted to re- clared a landslide in 2016. fied nation. ject it. And so the Senate is now prop- When my colleague Mr. NEGUSE According to those around him at the erly exercising its jurisdiction and sit- speaks after me, he will set forth in de- time, this is how President Trump re- ting as a Court of Impeachment con- tail the exact roadmap of all the evi- portedly responded to the attack that ducting a trial on the facts. We are dence in the case. My fellow House we saw him incite in public: Delight, having a trial on the facts. managers and I will then take you enthusiasm, confusion as to why others The House says ex-President Donald through that evidence step-by-step so around him weren’t as happy as he was. Trump incited a violent insurrection everyone can see exactly how these Trump incited the January 6 attack, against Congress and the Constitution events unfolded. and when his mob overran and occupied and the people. The President’s lawyers But I want to tell you a few key rea- the Senate and attacked the House and and the President say his conduct was sons right now that we know this case assaulted law enforcement, he watched totally appropriate and he is essen- is not about blaming an innocent by- it on TV like a reality show. He reveled tially an innocent victim of cir- stander for the horrific violence and in it, and he did nothing to help us as cumstances, like the other innocent harm that took place on January 6. Commander in Chief. Instead, he served victims that we will see getting caught This is about holding accountable the as the ‘‘inciter in chief,’’ sending up in all of the violence and chaos, over person singularly responsible for incit- tweets that only further incited the the next several days. ing the attack. rampaging mob. He made statements The evidence will be for you to see Let’s start with December 12. You lauding and sympathizing with the in- and hear and digest. The evidence will will see during this trial a man who surrectionists. praised and encouraged and cultivated show you that ex-President Trump was At 4:17 p.m.—over 3 hours after the violence. ‘‘We have just begun to no innocent bystander. The evidence beginning of the siege—for the very fight!’’ he says more than a month will show that he clearly incited the first time, he spoke out loud—not on after the election has taken place, and January 6 insurrection. It will show Twitter. He spoke out loud to the that is before the second Million that Donald Trump surrendered his American people. Here is what he said: role as Commander in Chief and be- MAGA March, a rally that ended in se- (Text of video presentation of 1–6- came the ‘‘inciter in chief’’ of a dan- rious violence and even a burning of a 2021.) gerous insurrection, and this was, as church. And as the President fore- one of our colleagues put it so cogently casted, it was only the beginning. President TRUMP. I know your pain. I on January 6 itself, ‘‘the greatest be- On December 19, 18 days before Janu- know you’re hurt. trayal of the presidential oath in the ary 6, he told his base about where the So you might be saying: All right, history of the United States.’’ battle would be that they would fight the President is going to console us The evidence will show you that he next. January 6 would be ‘‘wild,’’ he now. He is going to reassure America. saw it coming and was not remotely promised. ‘‘Be there, will be wild!’’ said He knows our pain. He knows we are surprised by the violence. And when the President of the United States of hurt. We have just seen these horrific the violence inexorably and inevitably America. And that, too, turned out to images of officers being impaled and came as predicted and overran this be true. smashed over the head. We have just body and the House of Representatives You will see in the days that fol- been under attack for 3 hours. But here with chaos, we will show you that he lowed, Donald Trump continued to ag- is what he actually goes on to say: completely abdicated his duty as Com- gressively promote January 6 to his (Text of video presentation of 1–6- mander in Chief to stop the violence followers.
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