ar1anas• MICRONESIA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SINCE 1972 ·:- .. ....v~I. ·. · 17..... No~'1s' ·........ ......-- -' --................._. ,·:. ....' ...........· ·.".... .. ..· o'~ece,m -~ " .. ber. ._ .. ·-,3: 'o :·;..·:g"··a·a·] . '. ·.. ·": Saipah,.MI:)'.... ·.. _ ... .~ ·1'5;':o";' ·_IA"-.:;-~-~ ·:.::.- . ©1988~arianasVariety _ . · .. "" . ·. ·· , -:~· . ·,. _., .. · . ._.,,.__: "'.".'Seritln~jtHeCNMl.for17years-'.· .., ..-:' .. ! .~-:;+~ • -... ., • ,. ~, • ~ • , • ., ~ .., , , .~ ~ t • • '"' • , • "•• • • • ' ,. , i , • , , , • , • ' ~ ~ , , _,. I ~ Power Rate Relief Sought By Senate By Tom Anderson Manglona and Juan Pan Guer­ increase in fact is not-as large as Senators looked for a way to Managing Editor rero went over the reasons why it should be as the figures are a offer a subsidy to CUC so that Members of the Senate .. and CUCneedstherateincreaseofll result of a-1986 study and are not the rate increase would .,.be Commonwealth Utility Corpora­ cents for residential customers up to date'. smaller than what it will become tion officials finally got together and 16 cents for government and "To meet full cost recovery Jan. 1. early this week and beside a few commercial customers with today," said Sasamoto, "We The efforts of the Senators attacks on CUC for poor service, CUC Executive Director Pedro would need to ch.arge 14 cents to was hampered by the interpreta­ the general tone of the meeting Sasamota, CUC Board Chairman residential customers and 19 tion of public law which man­ was one in which a way to help Jose1'aitano, CUC Board Mem­ cents to government and com­ dates cue to become self-suffi­ the utility corporation pay its bers Eloy Inos and Tom Picarro. mercial." cient by the year 1989. That bills and improve its service Sasamoto explained the rate However, the Senato~ said public law was closely scruti­ without a jump in utility rates, as hike was needed in order for the even the jump to 11 cents for nized by the Senators. scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, utility corporation to approach residential users will mean a Sen. Juan Pan Guerrero asked was sought by the Senators. full cost recovery, a goal which is hardship for some families living Sasamoto ifall provisions of the I . Senators Jose Mafnas, Juan mandated by public law. on a fixed income or those fami­ public law had been met. He i I Babauta, Hennan Guerrero, Paul Sasamoto added that the rate lies that have a low income. The Seepaae3 '; Car Found In Lagoon, Man Dies 902 Talks To By Tom Anderson yards from the end of the dock in Managing Editor water of more than seven feet Resume In Jan. A governmental vehicle was deep; There are no barriers at the spotted immersed in the water off edge of the aock. Reyes said the Becky Norton Dunlop, Presi­ Sugar Dock Wednesday morning police are treating the incident as dent Reagan's Special Represen­ around 9 a.m. and inside was the a traffic accident There were no tative, proposed last week in a body ofRarnon B. Santos, Direc­ obvious injuries to the body of letter to Lt Gov. Pedro A. Ten­ toroftheDcpartmentofCommu­ Santos except those refated to the orio that the 902 talksiesume in nity and Cultural Affairs. accident which might have indi­ Santos but he estimated he was in early January on Saipan. Police investigated the inci­ cated foul play was involved. his 30s. And while the incident "Following our October con­ dent and divers recovered the Also the wallet of Santos was will be investigated further, po­ sultations, I asked several federal body of Santos from the vehicle. found in the vehicle although lice are treating the case as one in departments to review their poli­ Santos died from the incident Reyes would not say if it con­ which Santos just drove off the cies on a number of important although an autopsy to detennine tained any money or not. end of the dock. The vehicle itself issues including the taxibility of the exact cause of his death has Capt. Reyes said eye-wit­ was not severely damaged al- MIHA bonds, the meaning of the yet to be perfonned or the infor­ nesses had seen Santos earlier . though the front windshield was term 'fullfaithandcredit',andthe mation released. Tuesday night having a drink at a shattered by the impact of hitting role of the Department oflnterior Department of Public Safety local store. Santos was scheduled the water. Police suspect Santos in relation to the CNMI" said I Infonnation Officer Capt. Anto­ to go to Guam on Thursday. was traveling at a high rate of Dunlop. ii, nio Reyes satd the vehicle, a new Capt Reyes said he had no speed when the vehicle plunged "Because I believe my col­ blue Y'~cagon, was some 25 infonnation on the exact age of into the water. See paqe 3 Nf.WSPAPEFf ~Tftr->~,,._,, ... FRIDAY, DECEMBER23, 1988-MARIANAS VARIETY.NEWS AND VIEWS --PAGE 3 Page 2 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY; DECEMBER 23, 1988 CUC -- Senators Discuss Funding Measures Picarro said before such actions fromwge 1 public hearing and then adopt the the legislature from directly sub­ higher government rate, as sug­ gested by Sen. Hennan Guerrero could be taken he wanted to "look stre~ the fact that all the provi­ rates. Mafnas said CUC did the sidizing cue, it does not stop the I, and a demand rate schedule also. at the figures." .\ sions must be met before CUC process in reverse order and ar­ legislature from subsidizing con­ i I could raise utility rates. gued CUC only held public hear­ sumers, said Inos. I "The real intent of that law is to ings to meet the requirements of He suggest a program be set up provide for an efficient utility the law and not to seriously con­ in which persons oflow and fixed 902 Talks Set For Jan. incomes could apply for energy system," said Sen. J. Guerrero. "I sider the input from the public. Erompaae 1 worked on that law." Mafnas' statements were re­ assistance payments from the leagues in the CNMI should have These talks will give all of us a Sasamoto explained that not acted to by CUC Board Member government. Inos' suggestion an opportunity to review the fed­ clearer understanding of rights only was CUC forced to raise the Tom Picarro and by Sasamoto. appeared to have the support of eral position papers prior to our and responsibilities our citizens EDITORIAL rate because of the public law, but Sasamoto said in the Aug. the Senators and from CUC offi­ meeting and some of the papers in the CNMI have and the legal also federal laws, and the loan meeting proposed rates had to be cials. are not yet in acceptable fonn, it authorities governing our rela­ agreement with CDA called for a offered and agreed on so that the Another suggestion was made was not possible to schedule a tionship." .rate increase also. rates could be published in the by Sen. Herman Guerrero as-a meeting for December," sliesaid. "Simply because the CNMI is Issues Of 1988 Will Sen. Hennan Guerrero sug­ Commonwealth Register. means for the governntent to help "lhopeweareabletomeetbefore far from Washington,D.C.,does gested that during the 902 talks Picarro said the public meet­ CUCwithoutadirectsubsidy.He President Reagan leaves office. I not mean that its citizens can be I\ I the federal restrictions of CUC ings were not just conducted in suggested the rate for govern­ have several recommendations forgotten in the decision-making ment power be raised from the :11 Be Around In 1989 could be taken up an an item for order to satisfy the requirements .to discuss with the 902Represen­ process of the U.S. government," proposed 16 ·cents .. ·to ,,20,-.cents. I Another year has come to a close in the Commonwealth. discussion. of the.law but were held to gather tatives from the CNMI. We are srucfDurilop. "All families need ·Guerrero said big power users Ma_ny things happened and many things started to happen Senator Jose Mafnas, who information from the public and making progress and it would be to have family conferences and ( which should come to fruition in 1989. chaired the meeting, appeared to to explain to the public why the like the government should pay useful to have another meeting clear the air from time to time. We reported heavily on issue in the last quarter of the year ask Senate Legal Counsel Tim rates had to be increased. more and CUC should "leave the in before the inevitable delays that We are engaged that process r . which currently are not in the news but are sure to be sometime Bruce to review the public law Sasamoto added that in the residential customer alone." occur with a new administration. and will continue it." in the upcoming year. which roadblocked the Senate public hearings the impression "The sentiment of t!te public is ' ) For awhile, talk about zoning filled the pages oft he local media from offering a direct subsidy to he received from the public was that this rate increase will hurt the i as people came out heatly either for or against it. The public CUC,althoughafterthemeeting, one that indicated the rate in­ little guy more than the big guy," hearing was held by the Senate on a zoning bill and it got lost in Bruce said he "had no firm crease itself was not strongly said Sen. Herman Guerrero. Senators Discuss Travel the shuffle for a new headline on front page on a different marching orders" from Mafnas. opposed by the public but rather Ways to take some of the load Poker Bill In Session subject. But zoning will be back in the news in 1989 you can bet Sen. Mafnas also attacked the the lack of good service from of the little guy will be looked at on that.
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