Union College Union | Digital Works The oncC ordiensis 1900 The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 11-22-1900 The oncorC diensis, Volume 24, Number 9 Porter Lee Merriman Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1900 Recommended Citation Merriman, Porter Lee, "The oncC ordiensis, Volume 24, Number 9" (1900). The Concordiensis 1900. 25. https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1900/25 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oncC ordiensis 1900 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' . UN:I&N COI:.LEG:S, SCHI;NECTADY, N. y, ·' (_-:;: ·:1-. ~.,_ ··~ The I ,oncorf d. · 1ens1s. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTs· O.F UNION COLLECE, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. VoL. XXI'V •. NOVEMBER 22, 19()(). No. 9. ., ' .. If ' ,. I .. · .. •' ' - ·~'f-1 :!'· f.. 1f :' -----ADVERTISEMENTS.----- r Union University. AIDREW Y."·Y. RAYMOMD, D. D.., LL. D., Pres.i:dent . When You Buy· Furniture. ·~·· UNION COLLEGE, . Look elsewhere-look here. ,S.CHENECTADY,. N. Y. Comparison is our deHght, 1. Course Leading to the Degree of A. B.-The usual and the .more you know about Classical Course, including French and German. After Sopho­ furniture the surer we are of more year the work is largely elective. making a ~ale. Furriibxre ~. Course Leading to the Degree of B. S.-The DlOdern lall:guages are substituted fo:r the ancient, and the amoaut of for every use practical, qu.ra­ Mathematics and English studies is increased. After the Sophomore year a large list of electives is offered. ble a.p~ surprisingly low 3. Course Leading to the Degree of Ph. B._:This differs priced.· from the A. B. course chiefly in the omission of Greek and the substitution therefor of additional work in modern languages and science. · 4. General Course Leading to tile Degree of B. E.­ This course is intended to give the basis of an\e11gineerii1g edu­ cation, including the fundamental principles of 11.1'1 special A. BR·QW,N .& SON, branches of the profession, a knowledge of both :French and ' German, and a full course in English. 5. Sanitary Course Leading to the DegJ.·ee (:)f" B.. E.­ 302 State St. This differs from course 4: in substituting special work in Sani­ tary Engineering for some of the General Eng·ineering studies. 6. Electrical Course Leading to tb.e Degree of E. E.­ This differs from course 4 in substituting special work in Elec­ tricity and its applications, in place of some of the General Enginee1·ing studies. '.rhis course is offered in co-operation with the Edison General Electric Con pany. 7. Gracluate Course in Engineering Leading tG the Degree ot: c. E.-A course of .one year offered to graduates of courses 4, 5 or 6. There are also special. courses in Analytial .Chemistry, Metallurgy and Natural H1sto·ry. For catalogues oTfor special information, address The Most Reliable BENJAMIN H. RIPTON, De11n of the College, Schenectady, N. Y. ·.DEPARTiV!ENT OF MEDICINE. Albany Medical College.-Term commences last Tuesday in September. Four years strictly graded course. Instructions by lectm·es, recitations, laboratory work, clinics and practical demonstrations and operations. Clinical advantages excellent. Expenses.-Matriculation fee, $5; annual lecture course, $100; perpetual ticket, $300; graduation fee, $25; disseeting fee, 245 STATE ST., $10 ; laboratory course, each $10. For circular address WILLIS G. TUCKER, M.D., Registrar, Albany, N.Y. SOHE~EO~ADY, N. Y. DEPA.RTMENT OF LAW. FOR HATS, CAPS, Albany Law School.-This department of the university is FURS, TRUNKS, SUIT L· T". Cl ·u·t e· located at Albany, near the State Capitol. It occupies a build­ CASES, BAGS, CANES • ~. " .," ing wholly devoted to its use. The course leading to the degree UMBRELLAS, MACK- 1 of LL.B., is two years, each year is divided into two semesters. INTOSHES, &c., Go TO -~-------- Expenses.-Matriculation fee, $10; tuition fee, $100. For catalogues or other information, address Dunlap and Stetson Hats 227 STATE ST. and Dent's Glo-ves. " ALBANY LAW SCHOOL, NEWTON FIERO, Dean. ALBANY, N. Y. ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. WILSON DAVIS,~ Exercis(:}s held in .Albany Medical College.. Annual lecture M.e.r.chant Tailor. term oommeuces Monday, Oct•. I. For catalogue and informa­ tion a;d'd'ress DEBAUN VANAKEN, Ph.. G.9 Secretary. 222 Hamilton Street. 2·37 State St. SCHENECTADY, N. f. .·, --ADVERTISEMENTS.-- 3 lnterc:oUegi.ate Caps and Gowns, C. G. ORAF'T & 00., COTRE.LL & LEONARD, COR. MAIDEN LANE AND JAMES ST., ALBANY, N. Y. ALBANY, N. Y. CUSTOM TAILORS a11cl READY MADE. IUUrstrated bulletin on application. Both Domestic and Foreign Goods. Wtt I HOT DRESS WELL ? Botham Carts. Suits and Overcoats ----------- --------------------- IOU CJIN [)Q IT EJ!ISJL I. SANDWICHES, all kinds. ' ,. Custom or Ready-Made. PIES, always fresh. YOUR CRE[)IT IS QOO[). Unsurpassed COFFEE. PURE MILK, etc. Marcus Saul, STATE CoR. CENTRE. E ltf ROGERS STATE CoR. JAY. lfl l\1EVEH LEHHBERG, Mgr. 417 STATE ST. JAY, NEXT TO BURTIS. :I ' I . I ------- BARHYTE & DEVENPECK, JONATHAN LEVI & CO., ... Wholesale and Retail. .. Coal and Wood. W~LESALE CROCERS, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Flour, I 306, 308 and 310 Union. Feed, Grain, Baled Hay, Straw 209 and 211 Dock St., Tobacco, Grain and and Fertilizers. Schenectady, N, Y. 218-222 State St. .P1•ovis ions. i ------ -=-=--=============== LADIES' & GENTS' JOHN KRIDAl T..A.:CLOE. ------No. 101 Jay Street. The 1-,en Eyck, Ladies' Tailor-made Suit!S and Jackets. Gents' Suits made to order. Clothing repaired, cleaned sponged and Pressed at reasonable prices. Work called for and delivered. ALBANY, N. Y. GO TO ''THE OVEN'' RESTAURANT, POSITIVELY Fl RE-PROOF. BES7'.. 2/5c DINNER IN THE CITY. OPEN DAY AND .HIGHT. American and European Plan. Most Attractive Hotel in New Ladie.<~' and Gents' 443 STATE STREET, Restaurant. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. York State. 5CHERMERHORN & CO., GENERAL Restaurant and Grill Room Special Features INSURANCE AGENTS, Cor. State & Centre Streets. ScHENECTADY, N. Y. H. J. ROCKWELL & SON, OSCAR J. GROSS, D.D.S., HoTEL KENMORE 156 JAY STREET, AMERICAN PLAN. RATES, $2.50 AND $3.00 PER DAY. OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M. TO 4 P.M. Schenectady, N. Y. Under the same management. ----ADVERTISEMENTS.--·r--.--. Hotel Veadiom.e To The Bog$ ofl90l-2-3and4! Rtfttted and Refurnished. lhtder New Management. .. CALL ON ... JIMGAFFEES Rates $2 and $2..50 per Day. • • FO~ YOUR •• H. A. PECI{, PROPR.' tanf~~tian~ry, Tol~co ana Ci.gar~. SCHENECTAD:Y, N. Y. 511 Union Street. CASH 0~ CREDI'I'. E. PI. WES"r'~~~t, S. R. JAMES, NEWSDEALER ~ 202-204 STATE ST. STIITIONER. SO:S::E~EOT..A..:C'"Y', ~- -yo-_ Magazine and Periodical Department. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, IMPOQTED AND DOMESTIC CIGAQS. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, TOBACCO OF ALL KINDS. HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, LAMPS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETc. 403 UNION STREET, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. • • • <9HE • • • T~TES' BOJIT HOUSE. The Largest and Best Equipped in the State. Excellent Dancing Hall. which can be rented for Private Parties only, in con­ Edison -s- Hotel, neetion with house. SGHENEGTADY, N.Y. 29 FRONT STREET. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Oysters, Clams and Lobsters Served In All Styles. The Largest and Best Appoi1zttd Hotel MANHATTAN K.ESTAQKI!INT -in the City. AND LQNtH ROOM. 338 STATE STREET, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Headquarters for Sons and Friends of Old Union, Meal Tickets Sold. Best Inducements to Students. Tourists and Commercial Travelers. Open from 5:30 A. M. to 1:00 A.M. WOHLBJUtG & ZEISLER, P1·ops. ALHAMBRA HALL VAN CURLER o~~R~sE. H. J. BUTCH, P1·op. PAUL STEINHORST, Mgr. C. H. Benedict, I-.t:anager. Telephone 335. 1. OVERTURE.-Bunch of Blackberries, by Abe Boltzmann. 2. FLORENCE GILBERT Fox, The Little Soubrette. FRIDAY, Nov. 23d.-Chas. H. Yale's, 3. LILLU.N RAMSEY, llallad Singer. ''Evil Eye.'' 4:. DOLLY HA.YDRN, The Little Sunbeam. 5. EDITH ARNOLE1 Singing, "Come Back to Erin" and "Sweet Susanna." SATURDAY MAT. & NIGHT.-"Vogel and 6. JOHN AND LULU, The Juggling Thorns. Deming's Minstrels." 7. FLORENCE GILBERT Fox, With her winning ways. B. LILLIAN RAMSEY, The Up-to-date Songstress. ALL NEXT WEEK.- 9. DOLLY HAYDEN, Serio-Comic. ,, The King Dramatic Co." The Concordie11 sis Vo1... XXIV. UNION OOLLE'GE, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. No. 9. UNION, 68; ST. STEPHENS, 0. yard line and Carver was sent around the end for another score. This perfonnance was fol­ lowed by a 6o yard run by Welles who scored a The Garnet Wins Its Seventh Victory in touchdown, and so on through the rest of the a One-Sided Game. half in which eight touchdowns were made. In the second half a substitute team was put Union won her seventh victory on the grid­ in, but they were more than equal to the St. iron last Saturday afternoon on the catnpus by Stephens players and succeeded in tnaking four defeating the St. Stephens eleven by the large more touchdowns, chiefly by good interference score of 68 to o. The ga1ne was a walkover for around the visitors' ends. Time was called the garnet frotn start to finish, in which every with the ball in Union's possession on St. man (}tl the team took a conspicuous part. The Stephens' 20 yard line. The line-up and ball was in the visitor's territory during the summary: whole game and only twice did they make their UNION. POSITIONS. ST. STEPHENS. five yards. The first touchdown was made Thebo . ......... left end .............. Tuthill after tbt-ee minutes of play when Carver secur­ Finnegan ........... left tackle .........•.... Durell ing the ball on Union's 40 yard line, with good Shaw ..............
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