6 Friday, August 24, 2018 | Haaretz WEEKEND The ring master Sigmund Freud gave bejeweled rings engraved with mythological figures to patients and to members of the ‘secret committee’ of psychoanalysts that he founded. What prompted the father of psychoanalysis to give such gifts, one of which ended up in Jerusalem? Eran Rolnik I now regard it as a universal event of early childhood.... If that is so, we can understand the riveting power of was preparing a birth- Oedipus Rex...” day present for a woman His father’s death did more than friend – a small engraved prompt Freud to embark on self-anal- gem for insertion into a ysis; it transformed him from being a ring. It was fixed in the devotee of ancient cultures into a col- “Icentre of a piece of stout cardboard lector of their remnants. and on this I wrote the following words: Once Freud started to listen to ‘Voucher for the supply by Messrs. L., what was occurring in his patients’ jewelers, of a gold ring … for the at- inner world, with the aid of myths tached stone bearing an engraved ship and images from humanity’s remote with sail and oars.’ But at the point at past, he apparently sought the physi- which I have here left a gap, between cal presence of the heroes of antiquity ‘ring’ and ‘for,’ there stood a word in his room. “My old and dirty gods,” which I was obliged to cross out since it he called them. His collection, which was entirely irrelevant. It was the little grew apace from year to year, was word ‘bis’ [German for ‘till’].” compressed into the two studies in his An obscure article, in which Sig- apartment at Berggasse 19 in Vienna. mund Freud subjects to analysis the Antiquities were not displayed any- clumsy text of a gift voucher he in- where else in his home. tended to give a woman friend, is the Among local antique dealers, Freud only place in his writings that offers was known as a knowledgeable col- a glimpse of his custom of giving as a lector who would not be tempted into gift ancient rings set with an intaglio overpaying for an item. If he discov- (seal) stone and engraved by an artist. ered that an object in his possession In the course of his life, Freud gave was inauthentic, he quickly got rid of it. out about 20 such signet rings, set with Four decades later, the two rooms in his ancient semi-precious stones from his apartment were crammed with about collection of gems, bearing a figure 2,000 archaeological items. Amazingly, from Greek and Roman mythology. He the Nazi authorities allowed Freud to himself wore, during certain periods leave Vienna in 1938 with his collection of his life, more than one ring from of antiquities in exchange for a trifling the collection. fine of 400 Reichsmarks and without Six of these rings are currently on confiscating even one object. display in an exhibition, “Freud of the The figurines and statuettes among Rings,” at the Israel Museum in Jeru- which Freud spent most of the day salem through March 2019. They rep- helped him enter into the singular resent the three main groups of those emotional and epistemic attitude for gifted with the rings: psychoanalysts psychoanalytical listening. His non- who were members of the “secret com- neutral and non-sterile consulting mittee”; friends to whom Freud was es- room was an additional expression of pecially grateful; and female psycho- the living, warm and involved presence analysts whom he treated or of whom of the physician of the mind, who saw he was particularly fond. Also on show no contradiction between a search for are several items from the Freud col- the truth concealed in the depths of the lection, together with a video work by unconscious, and the need to accommo- The ring that Sigmund Freud gave to his daughter Anna, now on display at the Israel Museum. She saw it as a symbol of paternal love. American artist Amie Siegel, exploring date uncertainty and to acknowledge Freud Museum, London / Ardon Bar Hama the fetishistic aspect of maintaining the multiple facets and meanings that Freud’s collections. Visitors will also can accrue to every association raised see the ring that Freud himself wore, by the patient. sisted that the committee’s existence time that Freud played down a literary yes-men. Each recipient of a ring was happened when Austria was annexed which is set with a green gemstone Among the antiquities in the col- be kept secret. The first time the its source of inspiration that was liable to grateful to the genius who invented to the Third Reich. Freud doesn’t live bearing a portrait of the god Zeus. lection are items directly connected five members met, on May 25, 1913, underscore his Jewish origins. psychoanalysis but, when the time here anymore. to psychoanalytic theory – those that Freud gave each of them a signet ring. Lessing’s “Nathan the Wise,” which came, was able to find the right dis- It is the elegant home in Hampstead depict the myths of the sphinx and of And so, for more than a decade, and was published in 1799 and is set in the tance from him and claim his intellec- where Freud spent his final years that Oedipus the king – along with others far from the eyes of the other mem- medieval Land of Israel, is consid- tual sovereignty. Jones would take the contains all his personal effects. The The archaeological that Freud left shrouded in mystery. bers of the association, Freud’s five ered a turning point in the relations side of Melanie Klein in her dispute crowning glories of the London house They added new layers and dimensions “knights of the sacred order” conduct- between Jews and Germans. Nathan with Anna Freud, and didn’t hesitate are the library, the study and the metaphor first crops – spatial, visual, aesthetic, even tactile ed regular correspondence and held the Wise tells the sultan Saladin a to tell Freud his doubts about the qual- splendid collection of antiquities, all of – to the highly developed verbal imagi- secret meetings, whose declared pur- fable about a ring that confers divine ity of the analysis he conducted on his them a gesture to the great person that up in Freud’s writings in nation of the inventor of the “talking pose was to demarcate a clear bound- grace upon the person who wears it. daughter. Otto Rank left the psycho- Freud was. But the London museum, 1892: ‘This procedure cure.” Freud listens or writes and his ary between psychoanalysis worthy of The ring is passed down from father analytic movement, immigrated to which “hit the jackpot,” comes across finger caresses a statuette of the god the name and other approaches. to best-loved son, and when it comes America and is remembered as one more as homage to Freud’s ego ideal was one of clearing away Thoth – patron of medicine, witchcraft As functional as the “arrangements to a father with three sons all of whom of the most crazed short-term thera- and particularly to the father ideal of the pathogenic psychical and writing in Egyptian mythology – committee” of the psychoanalytic he loves equally, he promises the ring pists that modern psychotherapy has Anna Freud, who managed her father’s in the form of a baboon. Occasionally movement was, however, it would be to each of them. To keep his promise, known. memorial industry with a high hand. material layer by layer, and he gets up and invites a patient to ac- no exaggeration to also fault this small the father creates two perfect copies Sandor Ferenczi placed psycho- I ran my fingers across the ring we liked to compare it with company him to the next room, to show band for the tendency of psychoana- of the original ring, so it is no longer analysis on a pre-Oedipal path that bearing the image of Nike, the god- her a statuette that their conversation lysts in the post-Freud era to be drawn possible to know which of the three is underscores the connection with the dess of victory, that Rosenfeld be- the technique of excavating evoked for him associatively. to the courts of psychoanalytic rebbes. the authentic one. On his deathbed he mother in early childhood, and chal- queathed to the Israel Museum, and Keepers of the seal. The birth of The story of the “secret committee” awards one ring to each son and dies. lenges the fundamentals of Freud’s which curator Wilhelm only recently a buried city.’ the International Psychoanalytical is known to those familiar with the his- The brothers argue among themselves psychoanalytic technique. And Karl identified as a Freud ring. The magic Association in 1910 reflected the pro- tory of the psychoanalytic movement. about which of them received the real Abraham, who died prematurely, saw began to do its work, as in the “Indiana cess of organization and expansion in In contrast, the story of the generous ring, but a wise judge warns them that himself as Freud’s intellectual equal Jones” stories in which an ordinary which psychoanalysis was caught up in and demanding gifts that Freud gave it is impossible to make a decision, be- and expressed his sovereignty in a se- object that was in a type of deep sleep “My old and dirty gods.” The ar- the years preceding World War I. But his associates continues to be marked cause no one can disprove the hypoth- is uncovered and is revealed to wield chaeological metaphor first crops up Freud, deeply disappointed with such by collective repression to this day.
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