Class of I960 7960 Version Presents Gift of Campus Carousel To University Starts Today See Below See Page 5 I IkllWCDCITV -& e*"' rt >T M/riDTU TCVAC TEXAS CHRISTIAN eUNIVERSITY Skiffn, 5^ 0 'T WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 59, No. 6 WEDI 99Q* *9y\i» 8 PAGES « ' 0* Fall Elections Underway 146 Candidates Vie For Student Offices By LYNN SWANN Voters today will narrow down the field of candidates running for 17 student body offices. Candidates for class president, vice president, secre- tary, treasurer and freshman class representatives—147 In all -began campaigning Sunday. At 5 p.m. they put up four posters each. Under the new election rules, posters were permitted only in the quadrangle, in front of the Anna Lou 0'Malley, Marilyn Mot k. Ann Terry and Sally Wiley. Student Center also in the Sophomore Candidates mall In front of Dan D so thomoi e president Kenny Hall Anderson, Doi nd Buddy Other modified election rules Wheelosa Liwiinto insist that students provid Sophomore vice president: tivity cards at the polls and that Glenn Clark. Tahita Niemt no handbills be allowed on side and Cli -. e R I walks Sophomore ■ B I Candidates musl have a Byrd, Barbara Carlisle, Maine point index ol 2 2 overall through ' .IItor. Alice the last semest (iazelwood \ Run Off Friday There «ill be a rui Sophomore treasurer: Jan Bor- i8s presidents and fresh ders, Kith. Branum, Vii man representative i Othi r < I Betsy v. ill be elected by a sim Johnstton, Kathy Kirk, I ity.- Kornfeld, Jo Ann Alfrey and Studenl Body Vice Pi ( lanta Tolle. Bob Patton estimates the I Freshman Class Candidates vote will be revealed by 11 p m Fri shman 11 Dick Bis- Wednesday. hop, Bud Byram, David Crandall, "In the spring election almost Mike Duncan, Jim Prasiar, Butch 1,700 people voted We're hop Martin, David Stevenson, Clayton ing tor an even belter turn oul Thompson and Ralph Youngdale. this time," Patton said Freshman vice president: George Counting the votes will be the Bradford, Joe Britton, John five-man electtion committee, the See ELECTIONS on Page 2 executive committee of student congress and the student supreme "Have an apple. By the way, why don't you sudden "friendliness" some of the students vote for . ." "No, here, have a cigar. I'm running for office have. Left to right are court justice Horned Frog running for . ." Sound familiar? Probably Yale Cason, Fort Worth senior; Dick Click, Senior Offices does. This always seems to happen 'round Dallas freshman; and John Cline, a transfer Running for senior president this time of year. Everyone, all of a sudden junior from Ohio University.— (Skiff photo by are Ken Hubble and Tom Bar- Sets Dates geit real "friendly". The lads in the photo, Jesse Ford) ton although "hamming it up" a bit, represent the Senior \ ice president Joe Led better and Don L Talley. For Pictures Senior treasurer Be\ erl y Bennett, Martha Kay Frailer, Headline for sophomore pic- Class of '60 George Horn and Alan Winter tures lia.s been extended until Graduate Record Tests Senior secretary Beth Atkm- Friday, Oct. it Photographs are Presents Gift son. Bennl Lynne Eastman, Man being made In Dan n Re lyn M.irtm. Joyce Paulson and Hall from 8 a in to 5 p m I ist year's tenior clui pre- Patsy Rayburn. i ither deadlines n mam the sented the dm ersity four bronze To Be Given Twice Here Juniors Running same, Juniors have ur.nl ivt L'2 plaqusi to be used as building Junior p resi d ent; Ronnie and senior-, graduate students identification markers The Graduate Record Exami ' I, I960, and April 22 1961 Moore ancLJeff Stevens. and faculty members have until The plaquei art to be ael up nations, which are required l>y The tests consist of an apti- Junior vice president: Steve Nov. 5 on the law us cf the Student < 'en tude test and an advanced test Barnes Fred Barron, Jo Ann Howe\ er, at i I icul- ter, the Library, Clark and Jar most graduate ichooli as well as in I lie area ol specializat ion Both Jones and Ronald Mayberry. ty member may come in early \ is Halls In October. b. donoi i <>f graduate fellow -hips of these arc required of all stu Junior secretary i Judy Carlisle, and have pictures made Max Jonea, preiidenl (if the vt ill be given tw Ice this ichool dents In the doctoral program Ann Craig, Melissa Hicks. Sharon Allen Ej ler, Fort Woi th senior ela i ol '60, preaented the gi£1 year here The teating dates are het • Fee for the two tests w hen Hoffa, Carolyn Thaxton and Mary and yearbook editor, requested taken together Is $12 Woolsey. that pictures be made now to Students who expect to apply Junior treasurer Linda LoftUS avoid the last minute rush BSU Convention in Waco for fellowships or graduate schol- ;u >hips should take the examina lion on one ol these dates, the To Draw 3,000 Students earlier the betl >r, s Testin Bu i eau spokesman sai I I miersity tnembei■ of the the Seventh and James Bs Bulletins of information with Baptist Student Union will at i 'hurch In \\ aco applications enclosed are avail Tfl! students prill take tend the Texas Baptist Student ■ able at the oft Ice ol the dean of trip to College Stat Ion to see the i'»m ention in Wai o They will the Graduate School and In the TCL vs Texu AAM football office of the director of the Test be among 3000 collegians at tend game Oct 18 ing Bureau In Building 8 Ing the convention Oct. 11 Mi at A ill. II tered bus w ill lea\ a the D adline for registration for the Seventh and James Baptist Student Center at l p m l i i o i ol the trip to I oil ilio No\ lit examination la Nov. Chui rli turn «ill be W lodging «ill be 4 : ir the April 22 examination, II itured ipeaki rs w ill be i tr IS i night the deadline for registration is April 7. E N Jonea, secretary of the Reservations should be made Christian Education i ommi Immedi itel) .it the BS1 ol Each person w ho wIshes to lake Baptist General Convention of in the University Baptist Ch ition must applj and Texa . Dr, J. P. A ir of or by calling Mrs Roj Raj BSl son.I his fee with the completed the i ii it Baptist < hurch In Alex .■ at W - ir W \ I applic.it.on to the Educational andria, Va . Rev, William M r018 Special accommoda tion i I Service, Princeton, New Dyal Jr., Southern Baptist Mis will be made tor band membi i i sionary to Costa Kica and current and athletes who wish to attend C -i Firkins director of the ly .i si iting the personnel stall the convention following the lity's testing center, said, (if the Foreign Mission Board and game and are unable to leave "We are expecting 30 or IA to ; i.Mh Dr, Charles Wellborn, paator of on iiir ithaitered bua. lake the lost this \eai." For more "wisheyweshey" Zefa-Sigma Chi photos, >•• page 3. Pig* 2 THE SKIFF Wedne*d«y, October 12, I960 ELECTIONS Summer Course in Hawaii Noonspiration Speakers Selected Continued From Page 1 Baptist Student Union Noon devotionall are held each : the week I f Oct. 10-14 at Monday, Wednesday, Thursday i'. ra (>sw ■■:'.'. Offers Travel and Study noonspiration were announced by and Friday In room 214 of the Jr.. nal committee chairman. I • Center. and teachers can en- of the Mast Paula ["horapson .' !' Wood and Judv Kaye .. summer \ acation I I Hawt and "Inland fun" | Newspaper article about a lo- Wrt] The 1961 summer - They are Ronnie Ryan, Ponca I mirysm "He operates a : City, 01 Shreve- r Robert ■ Berry Janice port. I . farm, engages in civic activities •dge. roll mi and keeps an occasional >neak> Jim 7 nary and M I irovei ing dale I', : idi i s Dl- and New 'Fireside ■ - - ■eludes Series Starts round trip U ; y ma Fresh rj Patty kiki Beach Hotel and hi For Students with rful Hawai- i Oil Campus iMaxShukan Hill and Do: ian social and leisure functions . nesday. Oet 12 a! 7 30 p m. ii - of "1 Was n Tun-age Dwf","Tht Many Jan B. S Trar,- m the cam- Giili*", etc.) " - be Rev. ■ommoda . tecative director, t I tree service of the program Representatives' Race 215 courses in 39 fields In the r rep- :■ ■ I ■red in the tummi "HOME SWEET HOMECOMING" sioa's i by a dis- 11M • are held mcv '. unity from :y. Lynn Rour'ar.d. Martha to provide students, their wives ir Ot and the I'nited 'MI :i asking me lately, vl 1 .-it Campbell. Wini Camptx ■ ■ Hi I trying to find out and to mett with d t of the program is tax de- why my new spi I Its that I haven't had time to answer. Dr. Cralle states, when ,t I final!'. tl d whj my ■ - niup gor> ers are earning in-service sports ear leak- 1 have been driving it upside down and so r,al ad- I ready today to t urn my al "dng. the guest of the t lent Extra credits earned - \ knew the dis- by undergraduate sturier.' 1 el ■ I egin with definitions. Homecoming is ■ w« kend when and ■ - football game, Kay and transferable to nearly all colleges ! leu and work and ur.
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