Football Playoffs: Holy Ground • Adna Moves on to State Semis / Sports St. Francis Xavier Celebrates • Napavine Loses 175 Years in Toledo / Life 1 Heartbreaker / Sports $1 Crime Thwarted Early Week Edition Officers Cuff Burglary Tuesday, Suspects / Main 5 Nov. 26, 2013 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Local A Capitol Christmas Retailers Fir Tree Harvested from East Lewis County Gear Up Decorated in the State Capitol Rotunda Monday for Holiday By Lisa Broadt [email protected] With a wide variety of Black Friday and “Small Business Satur- day” sales, local shoppers will have much to be thankful for this holi- day weekend. Sunbird Shopping Center, 1757 N. National Ave, Chehalis, will of- fer a different, special deal on each day, Friday through Sunday. According to Sunbirds’ Mer- chandise and Advertising Manager Craig Ronish, these weekend deals are not BLACK FRIDAY to be missed. BARGAINS “Most cus- tomers know Be sure to pick us for all the up the Thursday products we edition of The Chronicle for carry. When exclusive holiday they see the shopping deals pricing I’m sure they will be in to see us,” Ronish said. “There’s some tremendous pricing.” To allow for extra shopping, Sunbirds will open at 7 a.m. JJ Berry Furniture, 2141 Jack- son Highway, Chehalis, also has special deals. According to Assis- tant Manager Frank Phormahlen the store will be open 9 a.m-6 p.m. Friday and Saturday. “We have a little bit of every- Rachel La Corte / The Associated Press thing, every style, something A state Christmas tree is seen from the upper levels of the Capitol Rotunda in Olympia, Wash., on Monday. for everyone,” Phormahlen said. “Come on in, you’ll be amazed By Kyle Spurr when you get here.” [email protected] According to the Centralia Downtown Association, the day The state Christmas tree, a after Thanksgiving kicks off the 24-foot noble fir, arrived at the shopping season in Centralia. Washington state Capitol in “Stay to eat lunch, dinner or cof- Olympia Monday morning from fee and treats, and enjoy the won- Lewis County-based Port Blake- derful shops downtown,” the asso- ly Tree Farms. ciation wrote on its Facebook page. Port Blakely Tree Farms do- “We have a real hometown, local nated the noble fir, cut from the shopping experience that is rare to company’s property near Mor- find these days.” ton. Among those Centralia busi- The 16-year-old tree was har- nesses is Embody Movement Stu- vested on Friday, Nov. 15, from dio & Lifestyle Boutique, 115 S. the tree farm at 3,000-feet eleva- Tower Ave., Centralia, which will tion, according to the company. be offering a free Tai Chi class Sat- “It’s a high elevation species,” urday at 10 a.m. Teresa Loo, Port Blakely Tree According to owner Christina Farms communications direc- Wolf, the boutique will be open tor, said. “When we get requests from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. offering holi- for trees, we have to go look for day make-up makeovers, hot herb- them on our land. That some- al tea samples, gift certificates, stu- times is a challenge because dio tours and more. you want a tree that is naturally For more information visit: grown but looks really nice.” www.embodycentralia.com The state tree was installed Tenino also will offer an opportunity for relaxation — and decorated Monday in the Volunteers decorate a state holiday tree in the Capitol Rotunda in Olympia on Monday. The 24-foot noble ir is from please see TREE, page Main 14 a tree farm in Lewis County. please see RETAIL, page Main 14 WSDOT to Suspend Projects for Thanksgiving Travelers PREPARED: I-5 Widening ing Thanksgiving weekend, cording to WSDOT. day through the weekend, driv- WSDOT crews will be out Washington State Department “As a rule we do not allow ers will still have to obey the on state highways this week to Project in Centralia of Transportation plans to sus- contractors to work on the high- reduced speed limit on south- prepare roadways for continued on Hold Over pend most highway construc- ways from noon the day before bound I-5, Russell said. freezing temperatures forecast tion work from noon Wednes- the holiday until the following Southbound I-5 from throughout the weekend. Holiday Weekend day through the weekend. Monday unless it’s an emergen- Blakeslee Junction to the Skoo- “When we know an event is By Kyle Spurr The suspended work state- cy situation,” WSDOT spokes- kumchuck River bridges is being coming we pre-treat the road- wide will include the Interstate 5, woman Abbi Russell said. reduced from 60 miles per hour ways and do whatever we can [email protected] Mellen Street to Blakeslee Junc- Although crews will not be to 50 miles per hour, WSDOT To keep traffic moving dur- tion project in Centralia, ac- working in Centralia Wednes- said. please see TRAVELERS, page Main 14 Weather The Chronicle, Serving The Greater Don’t Lewis County Area Since 1889 TONIGHT: Low 36 The Midweek Edition Follow Us on Twitter TOMORROW: High 52 Forget! of The Chronicle @chronline Partly Cloudy see details on page Main 2 will be delivered Find Us on Facebook Your Thursday and available on www.facebook.com/ Weather picture by Ruby thecentraliachronicle Barnts, third grade, Boistfort Chronicle Will Wednesday, School Be Early for Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Main 2 The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013 COMMUNITY CALENDAR / WEATHER Community Editor’s Best Bet Lyceum to Take Look at Play Production sentation is to address the steps that are taken to and from con- Calendar ception through auditions, re- Today hearsal and performances while WHAT’S HAPPENING? using pieces of the winter drama Bingo, Chehalis Moose Lodge, doors open production “Almost Maine” as at 4:30 p.m., game starts at 6:30 p.m.; food If you have an event you material. available, (360) 736-9030 would like included in the This Lyceum offering is spon- Health and Hope Medical Outreach, free Community Calendar, please sored by the Centralia College medical clinic, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Northwest Pe- email your information to Drama Department. diatrics, 1911 Cooks Hill Road, Centralia, for [email protected]. Lyceum is free to and may also those whose income is less than 200 percent Include a daytime telephone of the poverty level, (360) 623-1485 number where you can be be taken as Humanities 286, one Festival of Trees, 10 a.m.-2 p.m, Great Wolf reached. “Page to Stage,” an exploration credit. Lyceum classes are held Lodge, Grand Mound, $6 for adults and teens, of the collaborative process inher- in WAH 103 or, if more space is free for children 12 and under There is no charge for these ent to producing a play, is the topic needed, Corbet Theatre. Festival of Trees Holiday Premiere Buffet listings. and Silent Auction, 6-10 p.m., $50 per person, For questions about of the Centralia College Lyceum For more information, contact advance registration required calendar items, call Doug program Wednesday at 1 p.m.. Brian Tyrrell at (360) 736-9391, Blosser at The Chronicle, (360) The framework for this pre- ext. 301, [email protected]. Public Agencies 807-8238. Centralia City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall, 118 W. Maple St., Centralia, (360) 330-7670 Lewis County Alcohol, Tobacco and Other sembly of God church, 702 SE First St., Winlock Drugs Advisory Board, 4 p.m., Lewis County Cowlitz Praire Grange, business meet- Blues Power, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Scatter Creek board games, card games, 1 p.m., Matrix Public Health building, second-floor confer- ing 7:30 p.m., potluck dessert to follow, (360) Grill, Lucky Eagle Casino, (360) 273-2000, ext. Coffeehouse, Chehalis, (360) 740-0492 ence room, (360) 740-1418 864-2023 301 MaryLeigh Roohan, 7 p.m., Matrix Coffee- Napavine City Council, 6 p.m., Napavine United Women in Business, 5:30 p.m., Kit Grand opening, Gallery 505, Morgan Arts house, Chehalis, $8, (360) 740-0492 City Hall, 407 Birch St., (360) 262-3547, ext. 213 Carson banquet room, Chehalis, (360) 388-5252 Centre, 4-8 p.m., 205 Cowlitz St., Toledo Blues Power, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Scatter Creek Lewis County Planning Commission, Breakfast With Santa, 8-11 a.m., Centra- Grill, Lucky Eagle Casino, (360) 273-2000, ext. meeting canceled, (360) 740-2677 lia Train Depot, pancake breakfast, pictures 301 Libraries taken with Santa, donations to to Centralia Festival of Trees, 10 a.m.-2 p.m, Great Thursday, Nov. 28 Police Officers Assocation “Night Out With Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, $6 for adults and Preschool Story Time, for children 3-6 Santa” teens, free for children 12 and under years, 11 a.m., Centralia Tree lighting, 6 p.m., George Washington Free Thanksgiving dinner, 1 p.m., St. Fran- Festival of Trees, Gala Dinner and Live Park, Centralia, followed by Santa at the Fox cis Mission, 139 Spencer Road, Toledo, RSVP Auction, 6-10 p.m., Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Theatre requested, (360) 785-4563, (360) 864-6566, or Mound, $120 per person, reservations (360) 864-4126 Festival of Trees, 10 a.m.-8 p.m, Great required Free community Thanksgiving dinner, 1-2:30 Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, $6 for adults and Wednesday, Nov. 27 teens, free for children 12 and under Polar Express Trains, 4:30 and 7:30 p.m., p.m., Cooks Hill Community Church, 2400 Chehalis-Centralia Railroad, 1101 SW Sylve- Festival of Trees Senior Day, 10 a.m.-5 Bingo, doors open 5 p.m., bingo starts Cooks Hill Road, Centralia, (360) 736-6133, ext.
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