Downloaded from: justpaste.it/premiumlink UPDATE 22 NOVEMBER 2017 BEST GAME YANG BARU MASUK DAFTAR LIST NieR Automata - (10DVD) Full CPY Releases REKOMENDASI SPESIFIKASI PC PALING RENDAH BISA MAIN GAME BERAT/BESAR TAHUN 2017 SET LOW / MID FPS 30 KURANG LEBIH VERSI INTEL DAN NVIDIA TERENDAH: PROCIE: INTEL I3 RAM: 6GB VGA: NVIDIA GTX 660 WINDOWS 7 VERSI AMD TERENDAH: PROCIE: AMD A6-7400K RAM: 6GB VGA: AMD R7 360 WINDOWS 7 REKOMENDASI SPESIFIKASI PC PALING STABIL FPS 40-+ SET HIGH / ULTRA: PROCIE INTEL I7 6700 / AMD RYZEN 7 1700 RAM 16GB DUAL CHANNEL / QUAD CHANNEL DDR3 / UP VGA NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX 570 HARDDISK SEAGATE / WD, SATA 6GB/S 5400RPM / UP SSD OPERATING SYSTEM SANDISK / SAMSUNG MOTHERBOARD MSI / ASUS / GIGABYTE / ASROCK PSU 500W CORSAIR / ENERMAX WINDOWS 10 CEK SPESIFIKASI PC UNTUK GAME YANG ANDA INGIN MAINKAN http://www.game-debate.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- LANGKAH COPY & INSTAL PALING LANCAR KLIK DI SINI Order game lain kirim email ke [email protected] dan akan kami berikan link menuju halaman pembelian game tersebut di Tokopedia / Kaskus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Download List Untuk di simpan Offline LINK DOWNLOAD TIDAK BISA DI BUKA ATAU ERROR, COBA LINK DOWNLOAD LAIN SEMUA SITUS DI BAWAH INI SUDAH DI VERIFIKASI DAN SUDAH SAYA COBA DOWNLOAD SENDIRI, ADALAH TEMPAT DOWNLOAD PALING MUDAH OPENLOAD.CO CLICKNUPLOAD.ORG FILECLOUD.IO SENDIT.CLOUD SENDSPACE.COM UPLOD.CC UPPIT.COM ZIPPYSHARE.COM DOWNACE.COM FILEBEBO.COM SOLIDFILES.COM TUSFILES.NET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- List Online: TEKAN CTR L+F UNTUK MENCARI JUDUL GAME EVOLUSI GRAFIK GAME DAN GAMEPLAY MENINGKAT MULAI TAHUN 2013 UNTUK MENCARI GAME TAHUN 2013 KE ATAS TEKAN CTRL+F KETIK 12 NOVEMBER 2013 1. NEW RELEASE 22 NOVEMBER 2017 2. ATV DRIFT AND TRICKS - (1DVD) CODEX 3. BEN 10 - (1DVD) CODEX 4. Batman Arkham city GOTY (STEAM EDITION) tanpa menggunakan windows live - (5DVD) PROPHET 5. Crusader Kings II Jade Dragon - (Include game base + All DLC) (1DVD) CODEX 6. Endless Space 2 Galactic Statecraft - (2DVD) CODEX 7. Europa Universalis IV Cradle of Civilization - (1DVD) CODEX 8. Farming Simulator 17 Platinum Edition - (2DVD) RELOADED 9. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 - (6DVD) CODEX 10. NieR Automata - (10DVD) Full CPY Releases 11. Outcast - Second Contact - (2DVD) CODEX 12. Redout Enhanced Edition Space Exploration Pack - (1DVD) PLAZA 13. Road Rage - (1DVD) CODEX 14. THIS WAR OF MINE STORIES FATHERS PROMISE - (1dvd) CODEX 15. Titan Quest Anniversary Edition Ragnarok - (2DVD) PLAZA 16. Play With Gilbert - (1DVD) PLAZA 17. NEW RELEASE 12 NOVEMBER 2017 18. American Truck Simulator - New Mexico (include all dlc) - (1DVD) PLAZA 19. Don Bradman Cricket 17 - (3DVD) SKIDROW 20. Hack//G.U Last Recode - (9DVD) CODEX 21. Little Nightmares Secrets Of The Maw (Include Chapter 1-2) - (1DVD) CODEX 22. Minecraft Story Mode Season Two (Include Episode 1-4) - (2DVD) RELOADED 23. Marvels Guardians Of THe Galaxy - The Telltale Series ( Include Episode 1-5) - (5DVD) CODEX 24. Nioh - Complete Edition (+Update V1.21.01) - (11DVD) CODEX 25. The Sims 4 Cats And Dogs Expention/DLC (Harus mempunyai game base terupdate 1.33.38 (25.08.2017) - (2DVD) RELOADED 26. Transroad USA - (1DVD) POD 27. Warhammer 40.000 Sanctus Reach Sons Of Cadia - (1DVD) CODEX 28. NEW RELEASE 05 NOVEMBER 2017 29. Among The Sleep - Enhanced Edition - (1DVD) PLAZA 30. Call Of Duty WW II - (10DVD) KONCEPT/CODEX 31. Debris - (2DVD) RELOADED 32. EMERGENCY 20 - (3DVD) PLAZA 33. Spintires MudRunner (1DVD) DARKSIDERS 34. Motorsport Manager Endurance series - (2DVD) SKIDROW 35. Sword Art Online Realixation Deluxe Edition - (8dvd) 36. The Sims 4 - Digital Deluxe Edition (Include all Stuff Expention dan game basic) - (6dvd) RELOADED • Sudah Include : • Toddler Stuff (DLC) • Fitness Stuff (DLC) • Parenthood (DLC) • Vampires (DLC) • Bowling Night Stuff (DLC) • Toddlers (DLC) • City Living (DLC) • Vintage Glamour (DLC) • Dine Out (DLC) • Kids Room Stuff (DLC) • Romantic Garden Stuff (DLC) • Movie Hangout Stuff (DLC) • Get Together (DLC) • Spooky Stuff (DLC) • Spa Day (DLC) • Cool Kitchen Stuff (DLC) • Perfect Patio Stuff (DLC) • Luxury Party Stuff (DLC) • Get to Work (DLC) • Outdoor Retreat (DLC) • The Prima Computer (DLC) • Holiday Celebration Pack (DLC) • Pools (DLC) • Life of the Party Pack (DLC) • Awesome Animal Hats (DLC) • Up All Night (DLC) • Digital Soundtrack (DLC) • Let There Be Plumbobs Award (The Sims 3) (DLC) • Never Ending Reward (World Adventures) (DLC) • hine On Reward (Ambitions) (DLC) • UV Light Reward (Late Night) (DLC) • Beacon Of Ages Reward (Generations) (DLC) • Paws Anonymous Reward (Pets) (DLC) • Your Name In Ligh • Whatever The Weather Reward (Seasons) (DLC) • Alma Mater Reward (University) (DLC) • Truly Tropical Reward (Island Paradise) (DLC) • Time Travelers Reward (Into the Future) (DLC) • The Ultimate Freezer Bunny Award. (DLC) 37. NEW RELEASE 1 NOVEMBER 2017 38. Night Of Azure 2 - (4DVD) CODEX 39. Lego Worlds Monster - (Include main game + DLC) (1DVD) CODEX 40. RUGBY 18 - (1DVD) 41. The Hunter Call Of The Wild Medved Taiga (Include main game + DLC) - (4DVD) CODEX 42. Wolfenstein II The New Colossus - (11DVD) CODEX 43. NEW RELEASE 29 Oktober 2017 44. Cities Skylines Green Cities (Include main game + all LDC) - (1DVD) RELOADED 45. ELEX - (6DVD) RELOADED 46. Fernbus Simulator - (1DVD) CODEPUNKS 47. Heliborne - (1dvd) HI2U 48. Life Is Strange Before The Storm (Include Main game + Episode 1-2) - (4DVD) CODEX 49. Profesional Farmer American Dream - (1DVD) CODEX 50. PES 2018 - PATCH 1.0-1.1-2.0 (1DVD) PTE 51. South Park the Fractured But Whole - (4DVD) CODEPUNKS 52. Sid Meiers Civilization VI Khmer and Indonesia Civilization and Scenario Pack - (2DVD) CODEX 53. Sudden Strike 4 Road to Dunkirk - (2DVD) RELOADED 54. WWE 2K18 (+DLC Unlock) - (11DVD) CODEX 55. NEW RELEASE 17 Oktober 2017 56. Dungeons 3 - (1DVD) CODEX 57. Grim Dawn Ashes of Mamouth - (2dvd) CODEX 58. Gold Rush The Game - (3DVD) CODEX 59. Marvels Guardians Of The Galaxy (Include Episode 1-4) - (4DVD) CODEX 60. Middle Earth Shadow Of War - (26DVD) CODEX 61. SYLVIO 2 - (1DVD) CODEX 62. The Evil Within (8dvd) CODEX 63. NEW RELEASE 08 Oktober 2017 64. Batman The Enemy Within (Include Episode 1-2) - (3DVD) CODEX 65. Chasers Nightwar - (1DVD) CODEX 66. Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony - (5DVD) CODEX 67. EMPYRE Lords of the Sea Gates - (1DVD) CODEX 68. FIFA 18 - (INCLUDE UPDATE2) - (9DVD) STEAMPUNK 69. FRANCHISE HOCKEY MANAGER 4 (1DVD) 70. INFINITE MINIGOLF - TORTUGA (1DVD) PLAZA 71. MONOPOLY PLUS - (1DVD) STEAMPUNKS 72. Road Redemption - (1DVD) CODEX 73. TEKKEN 7 - (Game is updated to the latest version and includes all DLCs) - (11dvd) CPY 74. NEW RELEASE 02 Oktober 2017 75. CUPHEAD - (1DVD) CODEX 76. Home Sweet Home (2dvd) HI2U 77. Killer Instinct - (9DVD) CODEX 78. MARVEL VS CAPCOM INFINITE - (14DVD) CPY 79. TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER II - (8DVD) STEAMPUNKS 80. NEW RELEASE 26 September 2017 81. The King Of Fighters XIII Steam Editiom - (1DVD) DARKSiDERS 82. Dishonored Death of the outsider (StandAlone dlc dishonored 2) - (6DVD) STEAMPUNK 83. PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018 (+ Update Nama Pemain & nama club) - (6dvd) CPY 84. The Lego Ninjago Movie Vidio Game - (5DVD) CODEX 85. Project Cars 2 - (12DVD) CODEX 86. Warhammer 4000 Space Wolf - (1DVD) SKIDROW 87. MINECRAFT STORY MODE SEASON TWO EPISODE 2 (Include ep1 & 3) - (1dvd) CODEX 88. ECHO - (2DVD) RELOADED 89. BAJA EDGE OF CONTROL HD (1DVD) 90. Sniper Ghost warior 3 (include last update) - (13DVD) CPY 91. WRC 7 - (5DVD) CPY 92. PES 17 - Hanya patch 6.0 - 6.1 (17-18 Summer Transfers, FINAL RELEASED) PTE - (1DVD) 93. NEW RELEASE 18 September 2017 94. Arma 3 Laws Of War (include main game + all dlc) - (7DVD) 95. Blood Bowl 2 Legendary Edition - (2DVD) CODEX 96. Baja Edge of Control HD - (2DVD) CODEX 97. Tyranny Bastards Wound - (Include game basic + all dlc) - (2DVD) RELOADED 98. Dont Knock Twice - (1dvd) PLAZA 99. DIVINITY ORIGINAL SIN 2 - (6DVD) CODEX 100. Euro Fishing Manor Farm Lake - (1DVD) 101. F1 2017 - (8DVD) CPY 102. Nascar Heat 2 - (3DVD) CODEX 103. GRAND THEFT AUTO V (GTA V) Hanya Update V.1.41 - RELOADED 104. Sonic Mania - (1DVD) 105. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst HD - (4DVD) 106. Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - Hanya update 1.03 - (1DVD) 107. NBA 2K18 - (16DVD) CODEX 108. XCOM 2 War of the Chosen - Include game basic + all dlc - (17dvd) CODEX 109. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Road to Boruto (Include main game) (10DVD) 110. NEW RELEASE 4 AGUSTUS 2017 111. Agents of Mayhem (9DVD) CPY 112. Ark Survival Evolved - (9dvd) 113. Blue Angels Aerobatic Flight Simulator - (1DVD) SKIDROW 114. Cities Skylines - Comcerts (Include Main gmae + All Dlc) - (2dvd) CODEX 115. Cossack 3 The Golden Age (Iclude main game + Dlc) - (1dvd) CODEX 116. Cossacks 2 Path to Grandeur - (1dvd) RELOADED 117. Chaos Reborn - (1DVD) CODEX 118. Darkwood - (1DVD) RELOADED 119. Hunting Simulator - (2DVD) CPY 120. MOERO CHRONICLE - (2DVD) PLAZA 121. MINECRAFT STORY MODE SEASON TWO EPISODE 2 (Include ep1 &2) - (1dvd) CODEX 122. Night Trap 25th Anniversary Edition - (1dvd) SKIDROW 123. Motorsport Manager Challenge Pack - (2DVD) CODEX 124. Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 - (1dvd) DARKSiDERS 125. NO MANS SKY ATLAS RISES - (2DVD) GOG 126. NARUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM - (2DVD) CODEX 127. NARUTO
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