![Lincoln County Times (Jerome, Idaho), 1918-12-19, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
' î ■ LINCOLN COUNTY TIMES. JEROME, IDAHO 5« Spanish Influenza can IN THE GEM STATE "S be prevented easier than WITNESS REVEALS FRANCE WELCOMES PRES. OF PORTUGAL For Christina* The Mnjile Grove schools opened it can be cured. this week/ . Gifts ■ i I I Miss Augusta Schoonover, a promi­ At the first sign of a PRESIDENT WILSON IS ASSASSINATED It Isn't nent young woman of Caldwell, died necessary to shiver or sneeze, take at her home Sunday morning of in­ know any other Jew. fluenza. elry Store. ARMY INTELLIGENCE OFFICER EXECUTIVE IN HIS FIRST SPEECH DR. PAES MURDERED AT LISBON Funeral services for Burl Baker of GIVES GREETINGS OF AMERICA TELLS HOW HUN PROPAGANDA [ STATION WHILE WAITING FOR Nampa, who died at Fort Douglas, Salt bqydpark WAS CARRIED ON IN U. S. TO PEOPLE OF FRANCE. ' TRAIN TO OPORTO. j Lake City,'December 7, where he was CASCARA eullsted In the S. A. T. C„ was held V QUININE Berlin Conference Just Before Out* Poincare Acknowledges United State.' Three Shot. Fired at Head of th. Re- Tuesday morning at the Itohluson un­ 106 MAINMAKERS STRUT OF JEWFLRV‘ÄS ^ break of the World-War to Spontaneous Help Given to the public; Assailant Immedi- dertaking chapel at 10:30. Standard cold remedy for 20 ywn—in tablet Defender. of ateIy Uynched Word lias Just been received at Cald­ i form—Me, uurr, no opiate*—break* up a cold Outline Teuton In 24 hour*—relieve a grip in 3 day*- Mroey i Plans. Liberty. by Crowd. well that Chester Simmons, a former back i fit fails. The genuine boot haa a Red top Caldwell hoy, Is critically 111 la a New with kir. Hill’s picture. At All Drug Store*. ! York hospital with influenza. Mr. Sim­ BARGAINS IN USED CARS Washington. — Operations of the Paris.—President and Mrs. Wilson — London.—Dr. Sldonto Pues, president mons Is third-class eleclrlclal on the U, M) ««Jeni d iw4 ■ Huieki. ou.,„„bl, ALL AIDED IN WINNING WAR German propaganda system in the made their entry Into Paris greeted by of Portugal, was shot and killed by an S. S. lro(|Uols. and was returning to 'tonal*- I3M io |soo ----------- United States, through which valuable well nigh half the populace, not only venin cenrilUn " trim, l( assassin shortly before midnight Sat­ his ship from a furlough In Caldwell ilfhi paiim. W lur i.on.j I,.. “"•* W Dumb Animal, and Bird. Had Promt, information for transmission to Berlin of the city, hut of the surrounding dis­ urday while he was iu a railway sta­ Don. U**d C*» Dept.. when he was attacked by the disease. R.nd.IgDoad Auto Co., nent Part In Great Conflict Now was gathered at the same time that tricts. They were attended by Presi­ tion at Lisbon, waiting for a train to »•" '-o, œ German doctrines dent PiVneatre, Premier Clemenceau K. 11. Dewey, Idaho chairman for the Happily Ended. were spread over Oporto. Advices from Lisbon report­ Bed Cross, and E. S. Chadwick, man- the country were laid hare Friday by and others among the most eminent ing the assassination say that he was Captain G. B. Lester of the army hi- figures of France. ager for the state-wide Christmas roll EXPERT ICODAKFi^ir Parrots have been mobilized to warn Flowers were drop­ struck by three bullets. call campaign, are busy with tile pre­ people from air raids. They sense th« | telllgence service In testimony before ped around their carriage ; airplanes President Paes died within a few H*ve our proirMilonai photo the senate winged overhead ; guns sounded. But liminaries of the drive. Arrangements M “S HI PUl R S ÄS C aircraft coming twenty minutes befor« committee Investigating mlnules after he was shot. will be completed. It Is announced, It is visible. beer and German propaganda, Most observers were Impressed with some­ The president’s assailant, named Film. Cma.ru ':*>« Ol of the evidence related to activity of thing more than the magnitude and early this week, so all counties will he Horses have been decorated. Dr. Sidonio Paes was formally pro­ in position to carry on the campaign HELP WAHTED^^^; Oxen have saved the life of King Teutonic agents before t lie United beauty of the reception ■ by some claimed president of Portugal on last States entered the war. quality if warmth that made It dlf- energetically and close It with the Peter of Serbia and millions of other June 9. He headed a revolt In Portu- least possible loss of time. fugitives. Captain Lester declared that an un­ ferent from tin* visits to Paris recently gal In December. 1917, and was named iroml a. ojtWni eominh.inn (o,*™'‘‘s named informant, m Interned, told made by the sovereigns of the allied Albert Heruler Smith, son of Mrs. hi few MiTk» C*|| or write Mni. Oxen have also been used by the president of the provincial government Laura Leigh of Clayton, Custer county, Colle*«. 43 N Wr-wi Tempi*. Hi s»li L*ÎJcJj him that the Berlin government before nations. ou December 9, a few days more than Italians to sweep the barbed wire en- was killed In action November 2. Mr. tanglements. as well as to .sample first the war started, called into conference The city is ablaze with Illuminations; a year before he was assassinated. about 150 trained and educated Ger- the boulevards are thronged with Dr. Paes was a professor of mathe­ Smith left for Cutup Lewis, April lit) SANTA FE’S PROUD POSITION mined areas. last, and was sent to Camp Merritt, Dogs have played n greajt part. man propagandists and sent them to •rowds. dancing and singing and throw- matics la the University of Coinbra Even all parts of the world with Instructions ng confetti. Tlie Place de la Con­ when lie entered the Portuguese cabi­ -V J., with K company, 301st Infantry, Boast It That One Must Go to Nm cats and chameleons have in June. He left for France in July. taken part In actions us mascots. tu prepare for the world war which, corde has been turned Into a great net in 1911 ns minister of public Mexico to Find the R„| they wçre told, was about to be pre­ dancing pavilion. where American works. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Smith was horn at t'lmllls, Ida., American Art. Whales have been killed because of June -6, IS!Hi. hut was brought up at their close resemblance to U-boats. cipitated. Thirty-one of these, landed snideries are favorite partners. Amer­ he was Portuguese minister to Ger­ Camels, rhinoceroses, lions, tiger» in the United States two weeks after ica is the predominating word here. many and remained In Berlin until the Clayton. He finished publie school at The new mil nemo of Smit* f> rtil* hostilities started and became tin The imagination and Interest of early part of 1916, when he returned to Clayton and was graduated from the flint "one must go to New M«ilw « and elephants have attacked convoys France has been stirred by the presi­ Boise high school In 10X0. In Mesopotamia. nucleus for an organization of betwe CM Lisbon, find an American architecture >n<j „ 200,000 and 300,000 volunteers, mainly dent of the United States as no other A. C. Lilian), city health officer of American art." The terraced how* Giraffes cut telegraph wires. Gennan-Auierlcniis, Birds help to locate hidden artllle who gathered In- leader beyond the borders, All classes Nampa, reports no new Influenza ci of the Pueblos, the FranriKcao rv. formation of all kinds and reported It and parties have united to pay honor GUARDS IN A MIX-UP. mi* and seagulls llÿ about submerged sub­ have developed and that wllldli a few ■Ions, are Ingenious. for the; tat* to German consuls and agents in hun­ ■ the United States through Its presi­ marines. Clash Lett to Diplomatic Settlement; lays from '.‘0 to lift cases now under been produced by the envlronmeat Ik dreds of communities. dent. They greet him us the represe e released. Eagles furiously attacked airplanes, u Negotiations Being Entered Into. ipiarantine would Uv« building material, nm] th* rt. while other birds sympathized* with William Bayard Hale, a writer for tative of ideals now dawning upon The formal opening of the Carnation mate. In Santa Fe, through ih« 4 the Hearst newspapers and formerly Europe. New York.—In a clash on November the airmen and even rested on the Milk company's coudensery at Nampa, pons of the School of Aiuerlr,,, R» confidential representative of President “In the eyes of the Immense crowds 28 between the armed navy guard of which was to he held during the mid- «earch. there haa been fostered planes. the American steamship Monterey and * r*» Wilson in Mexico, eventually became welcoming him," says the semiofficial lie of December, has lieeli |H>Htponed nl»Kttno* of thin ancient Amrrinu Birds have fraternized with men at head of the publicity branch Ajf the Temps, “President Wilson represents Mexicans customs guards at Tampico, the front. Indefinitely on account of the Span­ architecture, one of the fairest main organization thus built up. Captain two invincible forces—the material one Mexican, said to have been cap- ish Influenza epidemic. being the Museum building, or Tm Lester said, The officer also testified force which permitted the talns, was killed, a Mexican soldier Royal Journalist. war to be Seveu-cent tares, one-man ears and pie of St. Francis and the Martyr* that newspapers and writers were In­ won, and also the force which will mortally wounded and a chief gunner's ill- nntlunance of Its Soldiers' Home Six of the ancient Kramlnesn aj* Journalism has a royal recruit in fluenced to promote German propa­ sanctify peace.” mate, named Barry, In charge of the the king of Siam, who recently con­ line until the home, which was de­ sion churches, 800 yean, old, ir* r* ganda, film plays were produced pro­ Thirty-six thousand soldiers, the American guard, less seriously hurt.
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