l~h.ng~~ Tru ck No1.se .w:-'~r; \ Remember Dr Martin lu/hPr !(iry; Jr D:::;· .Janua,y JS Irks Du!;L~,t?,hoors ~HI Benjamin Avenue residents opposed lo a business idling its trucks early in Ihe morning, plan lo ask! he Oyster Bay Town Board 10pla ce rest rid ions on thccompany's per.ding applica- tion for a special use permit, unless the pro­ blem is rectified. lllE The residents, all members of lhe Duffy Park lnco,po,at,rg The H,c~sville Ed tt,on Civic Association. said thev are not opposed ol tne Mid-ISiand Herald ILLUSfRATED NEWS to the type of business of 0}-stcr Bay Sand and Gravelorilspendingapplication,bultheyfind Vol. 4 No. 29 Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, January 11, 1990 35c por copy ,,...,,,_<_m...,,,.-,...... .,._..,., ,., 0 acctheording noise fr1Jm to th tehe ci idlingvic associa truckstion·s "inlolerab presidentlC:' ============================="='":::"::"'::' "::'::""::':: ..::c'::"':: " '::::::"k::•:::•"°="':::::':::"::·"=" David Staton. Approximately four diesel lrucks idle for up lo 15 minutes. sometimes as early as 3:30 in Hicksville Faces Tough Challenges in the 90s the morning, before they pull out onto Duffy 8_1 ,11,chae/J Mato,1,y Avenue, Staton said. lion:• said E1-ers "There is a 101of loitering As 1,-e begin a ne'lv decade, Hicksvi lle will Al ot of commu1cr.;arcupse1 orerthe presense Resident Dee Kenny said that the noise is be faced with ne'lv challenges and problems. worse in the summertime when she has her of people who are panhandling and look Some problems will just be extensions of old disreputable. The same problem they hare in windows open. ones. such as traffic. parking, homelessness "My3-year-0ld isawakenedbythesoundof the city subwa)~ is present in llicksvillC:' and energy costs. Some problems we ha11: Iran Czipott, the Hickslille Chamber of Com• lhe trucks ...and it is very difficult toge t him nel'er been e.xperienced before, such as lhe ag­ lo go back to sleep:· merce president. has a Hicksville agenda for ing population of Hicksville. And there will cer­ the '90s. as 1,-ell. "In the '90s. we plan 1owiden Oyster Bay Sand and Gravel, at 292 Duffy tainlyhe problems and challenges that no one Avenue, has applied to the town for the special the base[of theCharnbcrj- to have represen• can predict. talion from all business areas:· said Czipott, use permit which includes permission to llicksville historian Richard Erers belie'l-es garage and service ill trucks and equipment: that tire 1990s will bea 1eryimportant decade to park its 1-ehicles and equipment on its pro­ in terms of making changes that will benefit perty; and to have materials. stockpiled. stored Hick.willerrot only in the '90s, but into the ne.xt and sold from its location. No public hearing century. as well. date has been set. Staton said that if no solution can be reach­ ed prior to the he;iring, hisassocialion will for­ mally requestthe Town of Oyster Ba) to place restrictions on the hours of operalion "lo pro­ tect the rights of the residents of llenjamin Avenue:· The residents met with thecompany 's lc11•Jer and owner. Jeffrey Funfgeld, last month to discuss problems residents had with lhe com­ neighborhoods, its couples in their sixties and pany's operations, Staton said. seventies living in houses that once had five Residents also complained rharemployee., or sixpeople familiCS:' said El'ers. '·The town parking t~eir l'ehicles on Dully Al'enue's dirr hasg01 ro rcla., 1heorrlinonces11rohibiting1,...,. sidewalk is .. unsishtly" and thal the company'$ family rcs1de11ce,. They have to in,rease th~ grounds need landscaping. numbtr of possibilities for molher-daugh!er Messai,<es left uy tlae/ Jicb1•il/e 1//uSlraredfor and two-family homes:• ii-an Czipou, Chamber of Commerce pn-sidcnt Funfgeld were not returned, but his secretary Evers is a supportero fc ivic-minded groups, said, "Nor.e of our guys park on Duff} Avenue such as the Durrv Park Civic Association and Cziporr would like to see llicksville furthef anymore:· She added that Funfgtld has agreed others, but belit~·es that the different groups capitali ze on its central Nassau County loc;i­ Hicksville Fire Chief Tony Wigdzinski tion by improvingt he commercial areas in the to landscape the property. musl work hand in hand to get more Reached by telephone Monday, Staton said "ll'e are going lo be pushed to make a lot of accomplished. village. He hopes that the completion of the that automobiles have not parked on Duffy in decisions. ll'e are going to have to make some 'The Town of Oyster Bay looks at 11sa1 acorn• Broadway Mall will reritalizc the image as d considerable modifications in our lifestyle:' mu nily that Is not easy to deal with [due to so major commercial cenler on Long Island. as front of Oyster Bay Sand and Gravel, because well. the police arc ticketing the autos. said Evers. "It's going to bea dilficull, challeng­ many different groupsj. Al times. these factions ing and more trying decade. ,\nd Idon' t sec how ~on't work togelhcr. I would hope in the next •·Jn addition:· said Czipott. ''1,-e plan lo work Accordingt oStaton. when he asked Funlgeld with thetowu go,-ernrnent \'Cry closely to bring to chan~ the starting time of his operations. ii can be done haphazardly. Al ot more plann­ decade that we are going to learn to work Funfgcld said his trucks travel a great distance ing has got to come into the picture:· together:' back the tree-lined st reets that will improre the during theday 10deliver tocon lrador.; and con­ One of his main cor.cerns is the lack of af­ The homeless problem is also on Evers' appearance and will bringshoppers toth e area. slruc tion sites. To only begin these trips at 7 fo rdable housing for young fam ilies in agenda fort he '90s. "Down at the railroad sta• We will make el'cry effort lo erase the remain· a.m .. as lhe residents requested, Punfgeld's ll ic ksville. " In all too many of these lion is a situation that calls for more regula• fcorui11u l'd on pagP 1) dri1er.; 11ould spend agreat deal oftime in traffic on the Long Island E..xpressway, Staton said. The secretary did not comment onSlalon's statement regarding Funfgeld. The Year In Review: Hicksville's 1989 Staton said, "Mr. Funfgeld was cocperati1-e The 90s arealre.idy upon us and Hicksville Showcase reopens at a new location ..• when residents brought up [the] two other of the late John Pitre!li. an administratil-c assis­ has begun 11rnewdecade. Here isa look at the Residents asks fo r traffic signal at South Elm tant. .. L& KM olding Corporation requests a points of concern . .. [buljthat left onlylheissue news that graced theP<wes ofthe HicksvilleIl­ Street and Plainview Road intersection . zone change on the west side of Broadway to of the truck noise-the most important issue­ lustrated ill the first fire months of 1989. Hicksville Minutemen win second place opera!e retail stores ...The Rose family i.-ere unresolvcd'.' PART! trophies in the Com mack IndoorSocce rT ourn­ seen at the Hicksville Public Library returning January ament. .. Our Lady of Mercy school teacher, books ... Hicksville Illustrated publishessurvey The Search Is On For Town of Oyster Bay Golf Course in Syossel Kathleen Hughes; marries Dr. Peter Smith. and re.mis that residents want more beautifi receives its finishing touches to prepare for its February cation. Hicksville's 1990 Baby 1989 opening .. .Tack ling homework in high School Superintendent proposes S47 million March Hicksville is searching for its 1990 baby. If school is the main concern for theclassoflhe 1989-90 school budget. .Oyster Bay Town Residents· conmnsaboutautoaccidents on )Ou know of a Hicksvillebabybomatrnidnight year 2,000, according to Dulch Lane firsl llo-1rd considers introducing ordinance limiting New South Road prompts O}~ter Bay Town New Year·s El'e or Day (or closest to thal date), graders . ..Town of Oyster Bay, Northwest Civic off-street parking on residential properties ... lloard to lower speed limit . Residents please send us all the particulars anda photo Association and the Chamber of Commerce lwo employees of Old Country Toyota are ar­ Blanche and Artie Baldwin tell Ih e Illustrated pr possible) and we will send a year's free join forces to clean up Jilter in Hicksville rested after dispute with two customers, . of their ad1wture when a cruise ship they i.-ere subscription to lhe Hicksville llluSlrated News ... Moderate damage occurs 10 Lighthouse Another car is abandoned in Hicksville: this on literally sawed a Cuban cargo ship in to the parents. If the parents already hal'e a Restaurant al 46 Old Country Rd. after a late time on lhe corner of Newbridge Road and \\'est half. ..Cus tomers flock to Sears in f!icksville subscription, we will extend it for one year. night fire ... Rene Lauritsen reflect5on old-lime Cherry Stree! .. :'flicksville Bob" ofTrufo nt on after ii introduces a new low-price policy . Nole that babies born at the tail-end of Hicksville in an inteNiew. .. Residents demand Duffy Avenue says "Spring·s around the cor• flicksville High School Band hosts Dream Aue• December are eligible as we are also locking impr01~ tra/fic conditions on South O)iacr Bay ner" after he failed lo see hisshadow on Ground lion to raise money for the band's trip lo Walt for the last Hicksville baby born in 1989. Don't Road near Our Lady of Mercy School and Hog's Day. .Water District says that many Disney ll'orld .
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