If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. -PHILADELPHIA COURT OF COMMON PLEAS I t !~.' . .• _.l . ,. ~ • "J ~, ,. .e .. " L' FAMILY COURT DIVISION 1991 ANNUAL REPORT COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA FAMILY COURT DIVISION SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Honorable Edward J. Blake Honorable Jerome A. Zaleski President Judge Administrative Judge Family Court Division Matthew M. Tierney Court Administrator Family Court Division COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA - FAMILY COURT DIVISiON 139056 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Just!ce This document has been reproduced exactly as (eceived Irom the person or organization originating It. Points of vie\\' Dr ui!:nions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by . • philadelphia Farruly Court to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission 01 the copyright owner. This report was prepared by theResearch and Planning Unit, Family Court Division. Pictures were provided by Lynn Roman, staff member of Family Court. All requests for information should be directed to: E. L. Davis, Deputy Court Administrator, Management and Staff, Family Court Division, 1801 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. ~~----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------~------~ ~--~ -- SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS Page JUDICIARY ................................................................................................................. 5 FAMILY COURT DIVISION ORGANIZATION CHART ....................................... 8 IN'I'RODUCTION AND HIGIiLIGHTS ..................................................................... 9 JUVENILE BRANCH ............ ,..................................................................................... 15 DOMESTIC RELATIONS BRANCH.................................................................. ....... 47 DIVORCE PROCEEDIN"GS .......... ....... ...... ........................ ..... ................... ................. 55 ADOPTION BRANCH ................................................................................................ 61 MEDICAL BRANCH .................................................................................................. 67 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 73 ------------------------------------[J SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT THE JUDICIARY Edward J. Blake Jerome A. Zaleski President Judge Administrative Judge Family Court Division JUDGES SITTING IN THE FAMll.. Y COURT DIVISION DURING 1991 John L. Braxton IdaK. Chen Tama Myers Clark Leonard A. Ivanosld Frank M. Jackson Sheldon C. Jelin ------------------------------------~~ COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA - FAMILY COURT DIVISION JUDGES SITTING IN THE FAMILY COURT DIVISION DURING 1991 Nicholas Kozay, Jr. Stephen E. Levin Kathryn S. Lewis Joseph Patrick McCabe FrankX. O'Brien Paul P. Panepinto Abram Frank Reynolds EdwardR. Swnmers Esther R. Sylvester GJr----------------------------------- I SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT JUDGES SITTING IN THE FAMILY COURT DIVISION DURING 1991 Allan L. Tereshko Petrese B. Tucker SENIOR JUDGES Vito F. Canuso Nicholas A. Cipriani Jerome A. O'Neill Edward B. Rosenberg Evelyn M. Trommer ------------------------------------~~ COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA - FAMILY COURT DIVISION FAMILY COURT DIVISION ORGANIZATION ADMlNISTRA TIVE JUDGE Honorable Jerome A. Zaleski COURT ADMlNISTRA TOR Matthew M. Tierney SUPPORT Ai~D DIVORCE MASTERS UNIT Margaret McKeown DOMESTIC CLERK OF MANAGEMENT JUVENILE MEDICAL RELATIONS ADOPTION FAMlLYCOURT AND STAFF BRANCH BRANCH BRANCH BRANCH Benjamin Coco Ervin Davis Michael Gavaghan John Fitzgerald Joseph DiPrimio Andrea Jelin Supervisor Deputy Coon Admin. Chief Chief Chief __ Deputy Coon Admin. I- Divorce Proceedings Administrative ~ Delinquent llnd :- Medical, Psychiatric - Suppon Adoptions Appointment of suppon operations Dependent children and Psychological Custody/visitation Voluntary Masters of Family Coun matters examilJ.ations and - Establishment of Relinquishments Docketing of protec- Overseeing suppon I- Adult defendants treatment services Paternity Involuntary tion from abuse cases services charged with Family counseling - Protection from Terminations I- Docketing of Research and corrupting or I- Nursery Abuse adoption cases Planning endangering .... Mental Health - Parent Locator '- Abuse Assistance Data Processing children Referrals Service Unit operations r- Probation districts - Bureau of Accounts Courtroom personnel '- ResulUuon and Resource Planning Unit QJ-----------------.------------------------ SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT INTRODUCTION AND HIGHLIGHTS Administrative Judge Jerome A. Zaleski The Family Court is constantly striving to attain various goals in its pursuit of excellence. In 1991, a certain number of these goals were achieved despite reductions in staff resources. A long-term goal was achieved when the Domestic Relations Branch moved into a new location. For the frrst time in many years the entire Branch is under one roof. Joining the Domestic Relations Branch are the Clerk ofFamiIy Court (processing of divorces), Abuse Assistance Unit and Permanent Hearing OfficerslPermanent Divorce Masters Unit. Having the Domestic Relations Branch and other units serving the family combined in one facility provides signiticant advantages in terms of services, efficiency and effectiveness. The new facilities provide a convenient and comfortable setting for the public and for our employees. A major component of the new Domestic Relations operation at 34 S. 11th Street was the installation of a new JudgeJerome A.Zaleski, AdministrativeJudge, Family mainframe computer dedicated exclusively to Domestic Court Division welcomes employees and guests to the Relations applications. This computer has provided the annual Family Courl Employees Awards Ceremony. opportunity for enhanced automation of the entire Domestic Relations process and will assist the Branch in its ongoing effort to meet the challenges of Domestic Relations in the 1990's. In addition, a comprehensive analysis of all units will be initiated and will be ongoing throughout 1992. A reorganization of the administration of the Domestic Relations Branch is expected to be implemented in the early New computer programs are being developed for increased months of 1992. These plans will allow for the consolidation automation in the scheduling of all support and custody of Domestic Relations case filings at one location, as well as, matters, and in generating all court lists and notices to clients a central location for clients and attorneys to review their files. and counsel. In allendancefor t he opening ofthe Court's newfacility were: (starting alleft) Helen Lafferty, Deborah Willig, Philadelphia Bar Association,' Allie Page Darlene Gaines (left) is ready to begin operaling one of Ihe compUiers Mallhews, Office ofChild Support Enforcement; AdministraliveJudgeJerome installed in the courl rooms hearing delinquenl cases. Also shown (slarling A. Zaleski, Supreme Court Jus/ice James T. McDermott, President Judge left) are: Family Courl Administrative Judge, Jerome A. Zaleski, Judges Edward Blake, Gloria Thomas, Chief, Domestic Relalions Branch and Abram Frank Reynolds and Esther R. Sylvesler and Matthew M. Tierney, Rachel Munafo, Phi/adelphia Bar Association. Courl Administralor, Family Division. ------------------------------.------Q] COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA - FAMILY COURT DIVISION With the relocation of the Domestic Relations Branch, additional space was made available at our Family Court Building. Space planning was initiated to attain the most effective work locations for the Juvenile Bench and staff and other personnel remaining in this building. Computer terminals/printers were installed in courtrooms hearing juvenile delinquency cases. It is anticipated that terminals/printers will be placed in non-dclinquentcourtrooms early in 1992. A Family Court Committee has worlceddiligently to achieve courtroom computerization. With aJ uvenile Court Management System already in place, it became the committee's duty to extend theavailable data to the courtrooms. Benefits include increased efficiency, timeliness, access to prior juvenile histories including prior adjudications and dispositions. In addition there is less need for juvenile files in the courtrooms. The cooperation of the staff of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions was outstanding and extremely helpful. The Data Processing Unit of the Court of Common Pleas played a very significant role in implementing the project. Two new projects were initiated to complement and further Judge Joseph P. McCabe was presenJeda certificate of improve our Juvenile Program: recognition for his work in presiding over delinquent mailers. 1. An electronic monitoring project to provide in-home detention alternative services to youths who would Mention is made here of the recently established otherwise be helo at the Youth Study Center and/or at Dispositional Planning Unit located in the Juvenile Branch Commonwealth operated delinquent residential because of its vital functions and its unique organizational institutions. The program will be available to structure. The Unit is responsible for identifying
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