IVV MM1GM ,..,Jplot ic -It On L0806 VD HDKaI 9NO'I I :_. AIR O tILE K ,Ldíi AZNaRi9 A,LNOW ZHNBgäKW t>!ZlB IObtr EL6LI8000 A o6 ,L I9 G-E#*###+krk####+ r Follows page 48 VOLUME 99 NO. 25 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT June 20, 1987/$3.95 (U.S.), $5 (CAN.) Heavy Metal Bands Are `Beverly Hills Cop II' Sets The Pace Rocking Top 40 Playlists Sizzle ley Crue's "Smokin' In The Boys Summer Soundtracks BY KIM FREEMAN Room" for dispelling the notion that Sex" climbs to No. 36; and the Jets' mer blockbusters as Steven Spiel - NEW YORK The days of heavy top 40 and hard rock don't mix. BY DAVE DiMARTINO "Cross My Broken Heart," last berg's "Innerspace," Stanley Ku- metal getting sneezed at by top 40 Metal and hard rock have often LOS ANGELES It's that time of week's Power Pick /Airplay, is bul- brick's "Full Metal Jacket," and programmers are gone -at least for fallen between programming cracks year again: Hollywood's annual sal- leted at No. 45. "Dragnet," featuring Dan Aykroyd the moment. because of their predominantly teen vo of summer films is precipitating The upcoming soundtrack bonan- and Tom Hanks. Among the diverse "Without a doubt, it's a much eas- appeal. The genre lost many airplay another bumper crop of soundtrack za draws from such potential sum- (Continued on page 77) ier time for metal at top 40 radio," slots when album rock outlets be- releases. More than 20 new movie - says Don Josephs, PD of WSSX gan to seek an older demographic a associated albums are due in stores Charleston, S.C., echoing the com- few years back. Although teens are before September. ments of several top 40 PDs whose crucial to the 12 -plus shares of most MCA is already running and gun- DAT Makers Say No To Pols support has played a part in getting top 40s, it's the adult numbers that ning with its "Beverly Hills Cop II" such hard rock groups as Bon Jovi, sell advertising, and many pop PDs album, seeking to repeat the multi - Could Precede Test Motley Crue, and Poison to the top steered clear of metal for fear of of- platinum success of its 1984 sound- Say Imports of the album charts (Billboard, June fending adults. Today, most metal track for the first "Cop" movie. The tem is being evaluated by the Na- BY BILL HOLLAND 13). records are dayparted in late after- new album jumps to No. 35 on this tional Bureau of Standards. Many credit the mass -appeal suc- noon and nights by top 40 outlets, week's Top Pop Albums chart, with WASHINGTON, D.C. The Japa- The refusal came in the form of a cess of Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A and the format still approaches the three of its cuts making significant nese manufacturers of digital au- written reply to the congressional Bad Name" last summer with open- genre with concern. showings on the Hot 100 Singles diotape recorders have refused a request. It cites antitrust worries ing programmers' ears to the merits WMMS Cleveland PD Brian Phil- chart: Bob Seger's "Shakedown" congressional request to delay the and the recent announcement by of metal. Others give a nod to Mot- lips says the station's rock roots en- moves up seven places to No. 12; importation and sale of the ma- Marantz that it would not abide by (Continued on page 67) George Michael's "I Want Your chines while the CBS Copycode sys- the congressional timetable and would bring DAT recorders into the ADVERTISEMENTS country in October (Billboard, June Japanese labels 13) as reasons for its refusal. The statement was written by Charles Ferris, the former Federal rake Advantage Communications Commission chair- 111 man who serves as spokesman and Of counsel for the Home Recording Short C'right Rights Coalition, which represents the interests of the manufacturers BY SHIG FUJITA of home recorders and blank tape. TOKYO Japanese companies are Ferris also points out that Marantz building a growing business from is not represented by the HRRC. unofficial compilations of early The letter requesting a delay was British and American pop product, written by Rep. James J. Florio, D- made possible by the country's 20- N.J., chairman of the Subcommittee year recording copyright protection on Commerce, Consumer Protection, term. The trade group Japan Phono- and Competitiveness, one of two graph Record Assn. has become House groups handling DAT legis- sufficiently alarmed to set up a spe- (Continued on page 76) cial committee to look into the prob- lem. The two "pirate" Beatles CDs re- ported surfacing in U.S. stores (Bill- PICTURE THIS: With the right exposure, Picture Perfect's BeBe & CeCe Winans (the younger siblings of the Grammy- board, May 30) are only the tip of success should be a snap! Great teen demos make their winning Winans family) have entered the Black /AC /Pop the iceberg. CTA, the Japanese firm beautiful new ballad, "Can't Hold Back The Tears" (7- 89231) a mainstream with a stunning debut LP on Capitol. The first single, responsible for them, has in fact must for this summer. The album: Boy Crazy (81758) Produced "1.0.U. ME" is getting rave requests at radio with retail kicking in by Warry Woo and Gordon Worthy for WOO /WORTHY nicely. BeBe and CeCe Winans the smoothest duo to come been marketing nine such compila - ... PRODUCTIONS. around in years! (Continued on page 76) betrlia don't knote u, N 00 O njee The new single from the soon to be Gold album, najees theme. Executive Producer Beau Huggins Produced by Rahni Song AM ADVERTISEMl www.americanradiohistory.com 66áM Just ask Mtume, Luther Vandross, Lou Rawls, Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin, Bryan Ferry, et al. They've Ell been enthralled by the magnificent voice of this young singer /songwriter when they chose to work with her. Now Tawath a steps forward with her first major musical statement, "Welcome To My Dream." Produced by Mtume, it features the kind of sensuous delivery and personal intimacy that's been a h-allmark of Tawatha's Mtume hits such as "Juicy Fruit" and "You, Me and He." One listen to fresh new tracks like the pulsating new single, "Thigh Ride." and the emotive ballad, "Did I Dream You," will be enough to convince you that there's no voice quite like Tawatha's! TAWATHA. "WELCOME TO MY DREAM.'FE40355 Produced by James Mtume. Featuring the hit single, "Thigh Ride:'34.07,7 On Epic Records, Cassettes and Compact Discs. Management: New Dimensions Management. "Epic;' are trademarks cf CBS Irc. f 1987 CBS Inc. www.americanradiohistory.com _ ___________ _ __ _______ _ _ __ __ MM _ Country Music Networks Flourish _ __________ - DllK OD - - --_ - - --- - --- - --- - - --á- TNN, CMT Build Subscriber Bases - - -- - - 70% of subscriber households locat- the international market while ex- BY GERRY WOOD ---------- ed in Nielsen A and B counties, rep- panding domestic subscribers. NASHVILLE Two country- music- resenting the 25 largest markets CMT is like a country- slanted VOLUME 99 NO. 25 JUNE 20, 1987 oriented cable services are report- along with communities with popu- MTV, programming mainly videos, ing skyrocketing subscriber num- lations of more than 150,000. The 24 hours a day, seven days a week. NASHVILLE SONGWRITERS UNITE TO FIGHT bers. Country label executives say Nashville Network, an 18- hour -a- Also like MTV, CMT carries some Music City songwriters are on the offensive in battling recent moves by both services -The Nashville Net- day, advertiser- supported service, is concerts by leading country music a Inc. CMT its playlist of RCA and BMI. The Nashville Songwriters Assn. International has lodged work and Country Music Televi- division of Opryland U.S.A. stars. distributes sion -are bolstering the profile of Marketing and distribution func- videos, listing songs in light to an official complaint against RCA's decision to pare down the number of country artists through additional tions are handled by Stamford, heavy rotation, new adds, hot re- songs on its country albums to nine, and a Music City-based group call- clip exposure and promotion oppor- Conn. -based Group Satellite Com- quests, and heavy mail requests. ing itself Songwriters For Song Rights is circulating a letter protesting tunities. munications. The latest CMT heavy rotation BMI's new bonus policy. Pages 3, 9, 32 Latest subscriber and ratings fig- Meanwhile, another country -ori- list features Randy Travis, Dwight ures show that The Nashville Net- ented cable service continues to ex- Yoakam, Ricky Van Shelton, Larry VSDA Prez Addresses Indies' Problems work continues to be one of the fast- pand its audience and playlist. Gatlin & Janie Frickie, Keith Whit- est growing advertiser -supported Country Music Television, based in ley, Michael Martin Murphey, Rest- In a rare public statement by VSDA president Arthur Morowitz, he put the networks. A.C. Nielsen data con- Hendersonville, Tenn., and owned less Heart, K.T. Oslin, Steve War - onus on independent dealers to become more aggressive in order to re- firm that the country- music -orient- by Caribou Communications Co., iner, and T. Graham Brown. New main competitive. His remarks came during a recent chapter meeting in ed entertainment service hit 32.8 now claims 6.3 million cable sub- video adds include Brown, Steve Fullerton, Calif., and marketing editor Earl Paige was there. Page 44 million households this May, a 30% scribers, plus 1.2 million late -night Wariner, Patty Loveless and Cheryl increase over the 25.3 million house- broadcast stations and low -power Handy.
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