SPECIAL EDITION THE INVESTORS GUIDE VOJVODINA 2009 2010 www.allianceinternationalmedia.com TH TH NOVEMBER AT THE NOVI SAD FAIR FROM 10 TO 13 herence among local communities. REGIONAL he aim of last year’s Investment Fair was to create Tan environment for the presentation and promotion of the projects of local governments (cities and munici- palities), i.e. a place where foreign and domestic investors could gain insight into the complete investment potential INVESTMENT of Serbia. This year the goal is to present the investment potentials of the region and the real estate market in one location, but also to review all advantages of cross-bor- der co-operation, whether that be through exhibitions or business meetings, as well as to establish a dialogue be- CENTRE tween relevant participants. Goran Vasić, director general of the Novi Sad Fair: s we are aware of the importance of launching a di- Aalogue on economic reconstruction, stabilisation, “welcoming investment, energy and construction fairs.” the modernisation of state administration and the im- provement of regional co-operation, we believe that the his period of economic challenges is an obvious re- Investment Fair is a perfect event to present the need and Tminder of the importance of managing a country’s the willingness of the Western Balkan countries to co-op- potential well. In such a business environment, the Novi erate with each other in a way that they will co-operate in Sad Fair becomes a place and instrument for the promo- the EU in the future. tion of economic opportunites locally, nationally and re- he visits of regional delegations, such as from gionally. The incentives to be provided both by the state TSlovenia, as well as already established mutual inter- and provincial governments – in order to implement stra- ests in strengthening economic co-operation – especially tegically important citizen interests, develop local gov- when it comes to writing projects in the field of innova- ernments and regional connectivity – will be present- tions and new technologies - will be an excellent oppor- ed at unique events like investment, energy and construc- tunity to attract new capital to Serbian municipalities; as tion fairs in Novi Sad. This is an opportunity to publicly well as allowing the municipalities to utilise their own re- present the possibilities of economic and social develop- sources and capacities, particularly when it comes to wind ment on the basis of interregional and cross-border co- energy, waterpower and biomass, for which the country operation and market integration, as well as increasing co- has solid prerequisites. The regions of Emilia Romagna, 2 / The Investors guide Vojvodina 2009/2010 Varaždin and Styria have all expressed an in- for Strategic Economic Studies Vojvodina to discuss the implementation of regional de- terest in such projects. Continuing good co- CESS, numerous professional conferences velopment plans aimed at strengthening insti- operation established in the Danube-Kris- and educational seminars aimed at the local tutional capacities in underdeveloped areas. Moris-Tisa (DKMT) region, which en- governments will be held. odernisation, reconstruction and build- compasses Vojvodina and four regions of he greatest interest is being shown in es- Ming infrastructure are of utmost im- Hungary and Romania, as well as the already Ttablishing partnerships between twin cit- portance in our region, whether we are talk- established good relations with the Italian re- ies, cities which share the same waterways ing about road transport or revitalising and gion of Friuli Venezia Giulia, provide a signif- (for example, the Working Community of reconstructing bridges and border crossings, icant incentive for the development of future the Danube Region), between larger regions which are all part of the overall European projects, devising various approaches to inves- (for example, the Working Community of the transport infrastructure. The Fair presents an tors and establishing business incubators and Alpe Adria Region) or Euro regions. opportunity to establish a dialogue about ef- industrial zones. egional development programmes and fective designation of space, i.e. about the lib- uring the process of European inte- Rcross-border co-operation programmess eralisation and efficiency of services used in Dgration, EU regions play an impor- that include activities such as developing in- finding a business location, as well as the de- tant role in ensuring the development of the frastructure of cross-border relevance, pro- velopment of new business spaces. This is new European concept. Vojvodina, as a mem- viding technical support to projects, investing why the Construction Fair is held at the same ber of the Assembly of European Regions, in renewable energy sources through environ- time, bringing added value to the integrity of as well as the Novi Sad Fair, as a company the whole development chain. with a good international reputation, are cen- he final stage of any investment project tral meeting points for such market partici- Tis related to construction and construc- pants. The fact that there are about a hundred tion is one of the key development branch- Euro regions today, coupled with the fact that es of the economy. The Construction Fair is Western Europe’s regions are economically similar to other regional fairs in terms of hav- stronger and more successful than their coun- ing a real estate segment, but also when it terparts in the rest of Europe, made us even comes to organising the Energy Fair with par- more determined to make the Novi Sad Fair ticipants of great importance for the con- a place where transnational regional co-op- struction sector. eration projects will be implemented in line his provides an opportunity for both with the Council of Europe’s Convention on Tconstruction materials and machinery the Cross-Border Co-operation of Territorial producers, as well as other types of construc- Communities. tion companies, to get the lowdown on new n collaboration with the highest state in- investment locations and plans for the en- Istitutions, ministries and provincial sec- ergy sector. The Novi Sad Fair will pay spe- retariats, the Novi Sad Fair will organise ex- cial attention to building houses that conserve pert meetings at its Invest Expo Fair, with the energy. Moreover, the implementation of a help of institutions will also participate in the new law on construction and spatial plan- fair, including the Ministry for the National Goran Vasić, director general of ning in Serbia is to be considered, as is the Investment Plan, Ministry for Environmental the Novi Sad Fair use of environmentally friendly building ma- Protection and Spatial Planning, Ministry terials. Energy has a special strategic impor- of State Administration and Local Self- mental protection, creating integrated labour tance for the country, as it does at the global Government, the Provincial Secretariat for markets and developing joint employment in- level, which is why the fair will give this top- Economy, the Provincial Secretariat for itiatives can be presented at these kinds of ic due attention. Energy and Mineral Resources, the Provincial events. he development strategy of the Novi Sad Secretariat for Local Governance and Inter- his event will provide opportunities to TFair, which envisages our venue as the municipal Co-operation and the Provincial Tdiscuss the strengthening of administra- central place for business meetings in Serbia, Secretariat for Regional and International Co- tive capacities, which are necessary for the im- simply confirms the importance of an event operation. plementation of European standards and reg- like the Investment Fair. eminars, meetings, conferences and train- ulations, as well as to initiate projects in the e should bear in mind that it was Sing sessions are an important segment areas like development of industrial zones, WVojvodina that established co-operation of the Invest Expo Fair. In cooperation with the use of energy resources, advancing utili- with many regions in the past, which is why the Executive Council of the Autonomous ty systems, etc. Furthermore, the issue of ef- the province is the leader in implementation Province of Vojvodina and the institu- ficiently usuing state funds is motivation of European projects and foreign investments. tions under its jurisdiction, like the Capital enoough for local governments to participate This will be an incentive for both the partici- Investment Fund, the Vojvodina Investment in the Investment Fair. They are aware of the pants of the Investment Expo Fair and profes- Promotion Fund (VIP Fund) and the Centre fact that the investment fair is an opportunity sionals that will come to attend the Fair. CONTENTS BAČ Business GLOBAL CRISIS 31 & Tourism BAČKA PALANKA Transport, Industry 32 and Agribusiness BAČKA TOPOLA Gateway of 33 Vojvodina FOREWORD Branislav BAČKI PETROVAC “The global crisis is being felt Bugarski, CEO of VIP Administrative everywhere, but the current level 7 34 efficiency of unemployment does not devi- ate signifi cantly from the usual INTERVIEW Sándor The investors guide investors The 2009 /2010 Vojvodina number of layoff s in Vojvodina’s Egeresi, President BEČEJ - At the crossing of the companies. Statistics says that our 8 of the Parliament of economy has shown considerable waterways Vojvodina - Political 35 vitality. I have to emphasise that EDITOR IN CHIEF dialogue is imperative the provincial administration is Tatjana Ostojić BELA CRKVA [email protected]
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