Top 25 Natural Disasters in China According to Number of Killed(1901-2000)

Top 25 Natural Disasters in China According to Number of Killed(1901-2000)

Top 25 Natural Disasters in China according to Number of Killed(1901-2000) DisNam DamageUS $ PrimarySourc Rank DisNo GLIDE No. DisType e Year Month Day Killed Injured Homeless Affected TotAff ('000s) Location e 1 19310007 FL-1931-0007-CHN Flood 1931 7 3,700,000 28,500,000 28,500,000 1,400,000 Yangtze Kiang ReInsurance 2 19280002 DR-1928-0002-CHN Drought 1928 3,000,000 0 Shensi, Honan, Kansu US Gov:OFDA 3 19590006 FL-1959-0006-CHN Flood 1959 7 2,000,000 North ReInsurance 4 19090001 EP-1909-0001-CHN Epidemic 1909 1,500,000 Nation wide US Gov:OFDA 5 19200003 DR-1920-0003-CHN Drought 1920 500,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 North US Gov:OFDA 6 19380003 FL-1938-0003-CHN Flood 1938 7 500,000 Hoang-Ho ReInsurance 7 19390006 FL-1939-0006-CHN Flood 1939 7 500,000 Honan Prov US Gov:OFDA Tangshan, Pek, 8 19760050 EQ-1976-0050-CHN Earthquake 1976 7 27 242,000 164,000 164,000 7,000,000 Tientsin US Gov:OFDA 9 19270006 EQ-1927-0006-CHN Earthquake 1927 5 22 200,000 0 Nan-Shan Prov US Gov:OFDA 10 19200007 EQ-1920-0007-CHN Earthquake 1920 12 16 180,000 0 Kansu Prov US Gov:OFDA 11 19350019 FL-1935-0019-CHN Flood 1935 142,000 10,030,000 10,030,000 Changiyang River UN:ESCAP 12 19080009 FL-1908-0009-CHN Flood 1908 100,000 Yanqtze Kiang Private 13 19110002 FL-1911-0002-CHN Flood 1911 100,000 Yangtze River US Gov:OFDA 14 19220004 ST-1922-0004-CHN Wind storm 1922 7 27 100,000 Shantou US Gov:OFDA 15 19320007 EQ-1932-0007-CHN Earthquake 1932 12 26 70,000 0 Kansu Prov US Gov:OFDA 16 19100001 EP-1910-0001-CHN Epidemic 1910 60,000 Manchuria US Gov:OFDA 17 19490025 FL-1949-0025-CHN Flood 1949 7 57,000 Yangtze Kiang Priv:RFF 18 19120005 ST-1912-0005-CHN Wind storm 1912 8 50,000 Wenchou ReInsurance Yangtze-Kiang & 19 19540014 FL-1954-0014-CHN Flood 1954 8 30,000 Hoang-Ho ReInsurance 20 19740025 EQ-1974-0025-CHN Earthquake 1974 5 20,000 0 Yunnan, Sichuan ReInsurance Henan, Hebei, 21 19330013 FL-1933-0013-CHN Flood 1933 18,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 Shandong, Jiangsy UN:ESCAP 22 19300005 ST-1930-0005-CHN Wind storm 1930 2 10 15,000 Inner mongolia Govern:Japan 23 19070006 EQ-1907-0006-CHN Earthquake 1907 10 21 12,000 0 Tien Shan ReInsurance 24 19370011 ST-1937-0011-CHN Wind storm 1937 8 28 11,000 China sea Government 25 19060015 ST-1906-0015-CHN Wind storm 1906 9 8 10,000 20,000 China sea Government Top 25 Natural Disasters in Bangladesh according to Number of Totally Affected People(1901-2000) DamageUS $ Rank DisNo GLIDE No. DisType DisName Year Month Day Killed Injured Homeless Affected TotAff ('000s) Location PrimarySource Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, 1 19980165 FL-1998-0165-CHN Flood 1998 8 6 3,656 123,000 15,850,000 223,000,000 238,973,000 20,000,000 Fujian, Guanxi Prov. UN:OCHA 2 19910123 FL-1991-0123-CHN Flood 1991 5 18 1,729 32,227 4,200,000 206,000,000 210,232,227 7,500,000 Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan provinces UN:OCHA Anhui, Guizhou, Hebei, Henen, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henen, Shangdong, Shanxi, 3 19960103 FL-1996-0103-CHN Flood 1996 7 2,775 234,000 4,400,000 150,000,000 154,634,000 12,600,000 Fujian, Xinjiang provinces UN:OCHA Hunan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, 4 19950139 FL-1995-0139-CHN Flood 1995 5 1,437 70,249 0 114,400,000 114,470,249 4,450,000 Guangdong,jg Guangxi gprovinces g IFRC Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuang, Chingquing (municipality) & Yunnan 5 19990191 FL-1999-0191-CHN Flood 1999 6 725 24,000 1,000,000 100,000,000 101,024,000 8,100,000 Provinces UN:OCHA Anhui, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Si Chuan & 6 19890087 FL-1989-0087-CHN Flood 1989 7 14 2,000 10,000 100,000,000 100,010,000 2,789,000 Zhejiang UN:OCHA Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian 7 19940065 FL-1994-0065-CHN Flood 1994 6 1,001 14,400 5,600,000 73,360,000 78,974,400 5,460,000 provinces UN:OCHA Hubei/Jiangsu/Henan/Anhui/Shan 8 19880237 ET-1988-0237-CHN Extreme temp 1988 6 1,400 0 49,000,000 49,000,000 942,887 dong/Zhejiang US Gov:OFDA Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian, 9 19940066 FL-1994-0066-CHN Flood 1994 7 258 7,665 30,540,000 30,547,665 1,810,000 Guangxi provinces UN:OCHA Sichuan, Esp Fushun, Longchang, 10 19890082 ST-1989-0082-CHN Wind storm 1989 4 20 157 7,500 30,000,000 30,007,500 400,000 Jinyan, & Gulin UN:OCHA 11 19310007 FL-1931-0007-CHN Flood 1931 7 3,700,000 28,500,000 28,500,000 1,400,000 Yangtze Kiang ReInsurance 12 19900024 FL-1990-0024-CHN Flood 1990 6 363 5,805 125,000 26,000,000 26,130,805 592,000 Hunan province US Gov:OFDA 13 19880148 FL-1988-0148-CHN Flood 1988 4 577 22,000,000 22,000,000 1,063,564 Zhejiang & Heilongjiang Provs US Gov:OFDA 14 19200003 DR-1920-0003-CHN Drought 1920 500,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 North Region US Gov:OFDA 15 19990079 DR-1999-0079-CHN Drought 1999 4 0 0 0 19,000,000 19,000,000 North Region US Gov:NOAA 16 19900699 FL-1990-0699-CHN Flood 1990 7 60 0 0 16,000,000 16,000,000 Shandong province Government Zhanjiang, Maoming, Yangjiang (Guangdong province), Beihei, Qinzhou, Yulin (Guangxi 17 19960202 ST-1996-0202-CHN Wind storm Sally 1996 9 10 197 5,000 0 15,000,000 15,005,000 1,500,000 province) UN:OCHA 18 20000267 DR-2000-0267-CHN Drought 2000 5 0 0 15,000,000 15,000,000 796,072 Jilan, Jianxi, Anhui provinces US Gov:NOAA 19 19920128 DR-1992-0128-CHN Drought 1992 5 0 12,000,000 12,000,000 North Press:Reuters Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu 20 19940198 ST-1994-0198-CHN Wind storm Fred (94161994 8 24 1,174 1,800 11,000,000 11,001,800 1,150,000 Provinces UN:OCHA 21 19980444 ST-1998-0444-CHN Wind storm 1998 5 20 17 38 11,000,000 11,000,038 37,200 Hubei, Sichuan ReIns:Swiss 22 19350019 FL-1935-0019-CHN Flood 1935 142,000 10,030,000 10,030,000 Changiyang River UN:ESCAP 23 19500007 FL-1950-0007-CHN Flood 1950 8 14 500 10,000,000 10,000,000 Anhwei Prov US Gov:OFDA 24 19950138 DR-1995-0138-CHN Drought 1995 1 0 9,060,000 9,060,000 12,800 Nord-East provinces ReIns:Swiss 25 19940067 ST-1994-0067-CHN Wind storm 9403 1994 8 6 90 684 253,000 8,235,000 8,488,684 700,000 Guangzhou Province UN:OCHA Top 25 Natural Disasters in China according to Amount of Damage(1,000 US$)(1901-2000) DamageUS $ Rank DisNo GLIDE No. DisType DisName Year Month Day Killed Injured Homeless Affected TotAff ('000s) Location PrimarySource Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guanxi 1 19980165 FL-1998-0165-CHN Flood 1998 8 6 3,656 123,000 15,850,000 223,000,000 238,973,000 20,000,000 Prov. UN:OCHA Henen, Hubei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henen, Shangdong, Shanxi, 2 19960103 FL-1996-0103-CHN Flood 1996 7 2,775 234,000 4,400,000 150,000,000 154,634,000 12,600,000 Fujian, Xinjiang provinces UN:OCHA Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuang, Chingquing (municipality) 3 19990191 FL-1999-0191-CHN Flood 1999 6 725 24,000 1,000,000 100,000,000 101,024,000 8,100,000 & Yunnan Provinces UN:OCHA Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan 4 19910123 FL-1991-0123-CHN Flood 1991 5 18 1,729 32,227 4,200,000 206,000,000 210,232,227 7,500,000 provinces UN:OCHA 5 19760050 EQ-1976-0050-CHN Earthquake 1976 7 27 242,000 164,000 164,000 7,000,000 Tangshan, Pek, Tientsin US Gov:OFDA Yangtse, Haihe, Tianijn, 6 19970068 FL-1997-0068-CHN Flood 1996 8 1,200 6,314,500 Fujian, Gansu ReIns:Swiss 7 19930568 FL-1993-0568-CHN Flood 1993 6 1,000 6,061,000 South ReIns:Swiss Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, 8 19940065 FL-1994-0065-CHN Flood 1994 6 1,001 14,400 5,600,000 73,360,000 78,974,400 5,460,000 Fujian provinces UN:OCHA Hubei, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi 9 19950139 FL-1995-0139-CHN Flood 1995 5 1,437 70,249 0 114,400,000 114,470,249 4,450,000 provinces IFRC 10 19940138 ST-1994-0138-CHN Wind storm 1994 6 10 58 684 440,000 440,684 4,000,000 Southern Guangdong Prov ReIns:Munich 11 19970003 ET-1997-0003-CHN Extreme temp 1997 1 8 39 1,000 1,000 3,000,000 Xinjiang Region Lloyds Cas Wk 12 19890087 FL-1989-0087-CHN Flood 1989 7 14 2,000 10,000 100,000,000 100,010,000 2,789,000 East & Cent China UN:OCHA 13 19970179 ST-1997-0179-CHN Wind storm 1997 8 19 140 3,000 44,000 790,000 837,000 2,675,000 Zhejiang Prov.

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