ifranct&o Jfogfjorn OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Vol. 28 No. 1 SAN FRiANCISCO, CALIF., FEBRUARY 5, 1913 FRIDAY The LIGHTHOUSE By GENE MURRAY We students of the University of San Francisco are privileged. Ask anyone. Question another member of the student body and see what he has to say. The reply -§ will be somewhat like this: "Sure we're privileged. How many fellows are given the chance to 83 Seniors Given Large Freshman complete their college education, or even part of it? The percentage is NOVEL RECEPTION very small, I'll tell you. We're Diplomas at Last Registration Keeps prospective officers; potential of­ ficers, they call us! I know of a lot of fellows who would appreciate Graduation, Jan. 24 Enrollment High the chance to be commissioned PLANS UNDER WAY officers, but just didn't have the The 84th annual commencement FR. FEELY: "COLLEGES breaks I did." of the University of San Francisco MUST PREPARE MEN Yes, that's the answer you'd was held on Sunday, January 24, Higgins Sets Date For get. 1943. On that day eighty - three FOR COMMISSIONS" ENTERING SERVICE? seniors, who had completed their Many of us will be called be­ courses on the Hilltop were given Although still lacking com­ Combined Rally-Dance fore long to enter one of the ser­ their diploma by Father President plete registration figures, the vices, like "Mike" Shanks and William J. Dunne, S.J. Frank Smith for example. They'll A military note was added to the Office of the Dean has an­ "Friday, February 12 at 8:30 P. M., the guys from the be in the Marines in a little more ceremony when Phillip F. Povey nounced the enrollment of the Hilltop and their cute gals will again test the floor boards than five months. And then there was commissioned as a Second largest group of Freshmen of is Walt McElroy, who was called Lieutenant in the Coast Artillery, of the University Auditorium during the Annual Frosh and by the Army just last week. The Army of the United States and any Spring Semester in the Dance." This is the cry echoing throughout the portals of Navy will be calling up her boys when thirty-one seniors who had history of the University. The the University this week as plans for the first dance of the pretty soon, too, when the going completed the Senior Course of the Freshman enrollment this new term commenced to get under way. gets tough, but what of it? Reserve Officers Training Corps, semester is almost three Doesn't everyone on the road of graduated in their uniforms. •$> 'This affair is always one of the times the size of last year's class. life have to travel uphill now and Father President awarded seven gayest of the year according to For the first time during the then? We're privileged. We're help­ special prizes. They were: those who have attended them in present war the University is on a Army Colleges ing to pave the road and make it ST THOMAS AQUINAS AWARD the past. The dance will be com­ strict war program. This is due easier for ourselves and others to for the senior who maintained the bined with a rally for next week's to the possibility of the army act­ climb. highest record for scholarship dur­ basketball game; the rally will be ivating reservists before the com­ Announced Feb. 15 ing four years of undergraduate held during the intermissions, it Some of the fellows are working pletion of the present semester. was announced by Bernie Higgins, work, awarded to JAMES J. GOH­ on ladders to ease the steep climb. The war program consists of two Washington, Feb. 1—(ACP)— head of the Activities Committee. MANN. They're building them at USF in sessions of eight weeks each, which Officials in Washington now say The combination the lab, in the classroom, in the FATHER LONERGAN MEMOR­ will give students an opportunity it will be about February 15 before of the two events will mark a corridors, yes, even in the Green IAL AWARD to the senior who had to complete half a semester's units announcement is made or which new high in USF activities it is said. This is the and Gold Room. We'rei making maintained the highest average in if they are called out of school in colleges and universities have been first occasion where a basketball friends. the studies of religion and scholas­ the middle of the semester. selected to train service men under tic philosophy, awarded to WM. rally has been united with a Fresh­ We're making friends who will the new Army-Navy college train­ T. WALL. Father Feely, Dean of the Fac­ men Reception and it will be used help us over the road; who will ulties, sends these words to the stu­ ing programs. as an experiment for future dances ST. IVES AWARD to the senior help us when the going starts get­ dent body. "We are urging all stu­ The officials will not say how connected with sport's rallies, Hig­ who in his preparation for the ting tough. dents to increase the amount of many colleges (will be included, gins said. School of Law has maintained the We're making friends. Don't you mathematics, physics and American although guesses have ranged from highest school average, awarded to call that being privileged? You bet History in their curriculum. The 200 to 350 institutions. Navy Secre­ The music for the night has not JOSEPH H. AGUIRRE. been definitely set. Al Casella, stu­ you do! If you don't think so, just first objective of the school is to tary Knox has said th.at small col­ dent of the University, has been try telling one of the boys that it MCKINLEY GOLD MEDAL for prepare all students to be officers leges won't be left out in the cold interviewed along with other bands wouldn't be any honor to know the best speech in the Annual in the armed forces. The degrees, in the new deal. including Eddie Murphy. Casella him. Then see how long it takes Public Debate of the Philhistorian during war time, are secondary." has played for dances held around to make friends with him. Debating Society, awarded to JOHN In accordance with this, the F. BLAKE. the Bay Area and is highly spoken FINE EDUCATION facilities for teaching these courses of as a "solid-sender" and a "sweet THE LUCKMANN PRIZE for Don't you think the three main are being expanded as rapidly as band for college dances." Murphy most effective speech in the An­ points brought out in a Catholic possible. An entirely new physics Five Seniors is widely known throughout North­ education are privileges to be nual Contest in Oratory, awarded laboratory has been constructed ern California for his music, also. attained? There's the development to GERALD J. O'CONNOR. which will double the physics cap­ The price for the bids has been of the man physically, mentally, ALUMNI AWARD for the senior acity of the University. set at $1.25 by the \ommittee and spiritually. most distinguished for unselfish Elected To ASN An innovation in Freshmen regis­ handling the dance. All are invited and efficient devotion to Student Ask a Marine who lost a leg on tration is a three hour entrance to come along with their girl Affairs, awarded to WARREN R. The USF Chapter of Alpha Guadalcanal or the Solomons, he'll examination which is demanded by friends , if not to dance then to WHITE. Sigmu Nu, National Jesuit Honor tell you. It's more than just a root their heads off in the rally. the American Council of Education. Society, announced today the names privilege to be sound physically. U. S. COAST ARTILLERY AS­ Bids are on sale today and may It is compulsory for each freshman of five candidates for admission to If you'd talk to some of the un­ SOCIATION AWARD for a Mili­ be obtained from Frank McGinnis, to take this examination regardless its ranks. The local chapter was fortunates in "Skid Row", he'll tell tary Science student of Junior Bernie Higgins, or any of his com­ of his High School record. Over established here two years ago to you what kind of a privilege it is standing who has achieved the mittee. three hJundred colleges and uni­ give recognition to senior students to have an education ... to be highest distinction on the basis versities throughout the country developed mentally. of grades in Acadetmic subjects, outstanding in Scholarship, Loyalty are giving this examination. and Service. And what is life without religion? grades in Military subjects and The object of these tests is to Life is empty, it is bitter. One can­ personal qualifications, awarded to The five candidates who will be eliminate anyone who is not not fully realize just how privileged JOHN F. BLAKE. initiated on Wednesday, February ATTENTION potential officer material. When he is to have a religion and to be Doctor of Laws was conferred on 10, are: Mario Gino Paolini, Robert the student then, enlists in the able to stand up and argue for it. Henry F. Grady and Father Paul Charles Smith, John Finbarr Kear­ Class Elections will be held on armed foroes, his examination is Jehovah Witnesses will go so far McNally by Fr. President. ney, J. Frank McGinnis, and John next Tuesday and Wednesday, sent to the service in which he as to preach on street corners.
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