@ Number 10, Summer 1984 C U \- ü\[XUS NI IWS Ururvrnsrry Or CnlrFoRNrA CoNSoRTtutv ON lVrxlco & Tur UNlrco Srnrcs Brnrrlev . DAvrs . lRvrNE . Los ANcelES. SAN Dreoo . RrvensrDE . SANTA BeRaRnn. SRru FRRructsco . SANTA CRUZ UNAM and UCLA Sign Exchange Agreement The rector of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Octavio Rivero Serrano, and Charles E. Young, chancellor of UCLA, signed in Los An- geles on April 13, 1984, an agreement for academic exchange between the two universities. According to the agree- ment, the two institutions will conduct faculty exchanges, joint research, semi- nars, and public lectures. Elwin V. Svenson, UCLA's Vice Chancellor for lnstitutional Relations, noted that "the agreement will lead to a better under- standing of lVexico and Hispanics in Southern California." (pteaseturntopasel4) UCLA Chancellor Charles E. Young and UNAAI Rector Octavio Rivero Serrano PROFMEX Named to ll,S.-Mexican MexiGo-Related Joint Gultural Gommission Programs at UCSB To plan cultural and intellectual links be- Enseñanza Superior (ANUIES). ln The University of California, Santa tween [Vexico and the United States for Trowbridge's words, the PROFMEX- Barbara, is the site of considerable aca- the period 1984-1987, James W. Wilkie ANUIES academic link between the two demic activity related to lt/exican and (UCLA), President of PROFMEX, has countries is "a remarkable example of Chicano studies. Of the 50 academic de- been appointed as the U.S. academic creative and dynamic aspirations come partments, organized research units, the delegate to the U.S.-tVexican Joint Cul- true . The books they have published Graduate Schoolof Education, and the tural Commission. have been excellent and the meeting College of Creative Studies, 15 units are The Commission, chaired by they are planning next year entitled 'One actively involved in studies related to Ronald L. Trowbridge, Associate Direc- Border, Two Nations: Policy lmplications Mexico, or have participated in collabora- tor of the United States lnformation and Problems Resolution' could make tive efforts with lVexican institutions. More Agency (USIA) and Luz del Amo, Direc- significant contributions to the concepts than thirty faculty are currently directly en- tor General of Cultural Affairs of [Vexico's and understanding of policy makers on gaged in lVexico-related research. Secretariat of Foreign Relations, met at both sides of the border." UCSB's UC MEXUS Committee has the Secretariat in [t/exico City, April 9-11, The Commission agreed that both emerged since the establishment of the 1984. Robert L. Chatten, Counselor for governments will support the growth universitywide consortium to function as Public Affairs in the U.S. Embassy at of contacts between PROFMEX and an umbrella organization to articulate the Mexico City, and Luz delAmo signed the ANUIES for the purpose of organizing campus fVexico-related efforts. The accord on April 13, 1984. conferences, lectures, and seminars be- committee is chaired by Giorgio ln opening the meeting of the tween lt/exico and the United States. Perissinotto (Spanish and Portuguese), Commission, Trowbridge remarked on Planning priorities of the Commis- who also serves as Santa Barbara's per- the birth and growth of PROFI\/EX and its sion also encompassed the following son on the Executive Committee of UC relations with the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e lnstitutos de (please turn to back page) (please turn to back page) Published by The UCLA Program on Mexico, Univers¡ty of California,Los Angeles,for UC MEXUS, in cooperation with PROFMEX: THE CoNsonlurvl oF U.S. RESTnRCH PnooRAIVS FoR lVextco . Anrzo¡rR . ARrzoNR SrATr . Nrw N¡Exrco SIRIE . OvrRsgas Drveropurrur Couxclr . SlRruroRo . TEXAS Rr AusrtN . TExRS nr Er Pnso . UCLA . UCSD . THe Wtlsoru CErurcn 2 Richard Saltonstall (Professor of Arid Lands Population Policy, Scripps lnstitution, Gonference at UA UCSD) UC MEXUS NEWS Mustofa Tolba (Director General, Editor, Paul Ganster As part of the University of Arizona's cen- United Nations Environment Program, tennial celebration in 1985, the Office of Nairobi, Kenya) Published by the UCLA Program on Mexico Arid Lands Studies has planned a re- Jack D. Johnson (Associate Dean search and development conference of the UA College of Agriculture)and UC IVEXUS/UCLA entitled, "Arid Lands:Today and Tomor- Herbert E. Carter (Emeritus Head of 1201 Campbell Hall row." The meetings will be held October Biochemistry and Former Chairman of 405 Hilgard Avenue 20-25,1985, and will be part of a three- NSF board of directors)are the cochair- University of California week series of events. lt is cosponsored men of the conference. Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA by UA, UNESCO, and the U.S. [i/an and Other UA scientists taking part in the (213) 206-8500 Telex: 677654 Biosphere Program. There will be dis- program will be: cussions on water use, conservation, William J. McGinnies (Director and allocation; agricultural systems and Emeritus, OALS) Susan Schroeder, Associate Editor the adaptations of these plant and ani- Carl N. Hodges (Director, Environ- Patricia Gagan, Editorial Assistant mal resources; natural resources recla- mental Research Laboratory) o 1984 by the Regents of the University of mation, conservation, and use; and Kennith E. Foster (Director, OALS) California human habitat-i.e., architectural, urban Wilford R. Gardner (Head of Soit, planning, and cultural adaptations. Water, & Engineering and recently Other events will include a trade fair elected to the National Academy of UC MEXUS NEWS is published quarterly of arid lands technologies; the premier Science) in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer by the University of California Consortium on showing of the 1985 centennial film on C. John Mare (Head Veterinary of lt/exico and the United States (UC the Sonoran Desert; a series of arid and Chairman of Council for lnternational MEXUS), 1201 Campbell Hall, UCLA,405 lands films from around the world; pub- Programs) Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024, lishers' book displays; pre-conference All inquiries regarding the confer- (213) 206-8500 Second class postage paid at Los field trips to places of natural and cul- ence should be directed to: Gary P. Angeles, CA, USPS 680890. POSTMAS- tural interest in North American deserts; Nabhan, Conference Coordinator, Office TER: Send address changes to UC and post-conference meetings of sev- of Arid Land Studies, 845 N. Park, Uni- MEXUS, UCLA, 1201 Campbell Hall,405 eral task forces and international coop- versity of Arizona, Tucson, A285719. Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. erative programs. UC MEXUS Executive Committee: ln addition to the UA's centennial, David J. Sánchez, Jr. (UCSF), Chair; 1985 also marks UNESCO's 25th anni- Fulbright Adalberto Aguirre Jr. (UCR); Norris C. versary of the conclusion of its Arid Hundley (UCLA); Giorgio Perissinotto Lands N/ajor Project. Lecturing and (UCSB); David W. Robinson (UCD); While the conference will emphasize Research Awards Jaime E. Rodriguez (UCl); Alex M. the international spectrum of the world's Saragoza (UCB); and David G. arid zones, there will be considerable Available at- Sweet (UCSC). tention devoted to the North American deserts-the borderland areas, most The Council for lnternational Exchange particularly. Among the distinguished of Scholars (CIES)announces its annual speakers and session chairmen partici- Fulbright competition for university lec- pating in the conference are: turing and postdoctoral research awards PROFMEX SECRETARIAT in Latin America Mohammed Al-Sud eaÍy, (Execu- and the Caribbean. Clint E. Smith, Coordinator tive Director, lnternational Fund for Agri- Awards are offered in a variety of FRt-306 culture Development, Rome, ltaly) academic fields for periods of two to Stanford University Mohammed El-Kash (Director twelve months. Candidates must be U.S. Stanford, CA 94305 USA General, Arab Center for the Studies of citizens, should possess a doctorate or (415) 497-3096 equivalent Arid Zone Research, Damascus, Syria) degree in their field, and have PROFMEX Directors: James W. Mohammed Kassas (Di rector, college or university teaching experi- Wilkie (University of California), ence. Good Egyptian National Park Service) to fluent Spanish or Portu- President; Wayne A. Cornelius (UC guese is required Carlos López-Ocaña (Di rector, for most awards, ex- San Diego); PaulGanster (UCLA), Centro de lnvestigaciones de Zonas cept those in the English speaking ex-officio; Louis Wolf Goodman (The Aridas, Lima, Peru) countries of the Caribbean. Applications Wilson Center); Jerry R. Ladman (Ar- for most awards in Latin Nina Nichaeva (lnstitute of Deserts, America and the izona State University); Colin M. Ashkhabad, USSR) Caribbean should be submitted by the Maclachlan (Tulane), ex-officio; Gilbert White (Gustavson Distin- June 15,1984. Oscar J. Martinez (University of information guished Professor of Geography, Uni- Specific may be re- Texas at El Paso); Michael C. Meyer quested versity of Colorado) by writing the Latin American (University of Arizona); Clark W. Luna Leopold (Professor of Hydrol- Section, The Council for lnternational Reynolds (Stanford University); ogy and Geology, UCB) Exchange of Scholars, Suite 300, 11 Stanley R. Ross (University of Texas Jorge Bustamante (Director, Dupont Circle, NW, Washington, D.C. at Austin); Louis R. Sadler (New 20036 cEFNOMEX) or by telephoning the Council at Jt/exico State University); John W. (202) Roger Revelle (Dean Emeritus of 833-49s5. Sewell (Overseas Development the Schoolof Science and
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