SKILURAND HIS KINGDOM (NewDiscoveries and New Questions) Y.P. ZAITSEV¯ Theage of the oweringof the Pontic stateoccupies a specialplace in the Classicalhistory ofthe North Pontic region. Among thestates and people of that time anunusualrole is that attributedto the‘ Scythian’kingdom ofSkilur. The regularinterest shown in this stateformation can probably be explained by a numberof key factors. These include the nature of the Late Hellenistic period — atime ofglobal migrations andthe reshaping of the ethno-political map of the region— andalso the unusual personal qualities ofKing Skilur, whothrough his successfulundertakings had in truth wonthe right to bethe rst to claimthe role of‘ political leader’of the North Pontic region. 1 Theevents leading up to theestablishment ofSkilur’ s state— accordingto most scholars— wentback to the3 rd centuryBC andwere pieced together in differentways: the way those events are pieced together is directlydependent on scholars’understanding of the historic destinies ofGreater Scythia andthe Greekstates on thenorthern coast of the Black Sea. Ifweleave certain deviations fromthe general rule to oneside, theopinions on this particularquestion can begrouped together as being bound up with oneof two diametricallyopposed concepts. 1 AGSP,1984,pp. 16f.; Y .G.Vinogradov, “ AVotiveInscription by thedaughter of KingSkilur fromPanticapaeum and questions of the History of Scythia and the Bosporus in the 2 nd century BC”, VDI (Bulletinof Ancient History), 1987, No. 1; Ibid., Politicheskayaistoriya olvi¯ õskogo polisa (ThePolitical History of the Olbian City-state), Moscow ,1989,pp. 230-250; V .M.Zubar, “OnLate Scythian Statehood” , Arkheologiya ,1992,No. 1; I.M. Khrapunov, “ Onthe Socio- politicalCharacteristics of the Late Scythian Kingdom” , Arkheologiya ,1992,No. 1, pp. 86-90; V.S.Olkhovski ¯õ ,“OnControversial Sources for the Socio-political History of the Late Scythian State”, Arkheologiya ,1992,No. 2. c KoninklijkeBrill NV ,Leiden,2001 AncientCivilizations 7, 3-4 ° 240 Y.P. ZAITSEV¯ Thetraditional point ofview which took shapein the1940s and50s 2 was basedon thegeneral conceptions of Scythian ‘civilization’, accordingto which thereexisted a geneticlink betweenLate Scythian cultureand the culture of the Scythians ofthe steppes in the7 th-4th centuriesBC andhence also an ethnic continuity. 3 Accordingto this theorythe Scythian statein theCrimea in the periodbetween the 3 rd centuryBC andthe 3 rd centuryAD wasthe nalstage in the“ thousand-yearhistory ofthe Scythians in theNorth Pontic region”, 4 in connectionwith which“ : : : theactual de nition ‘LateScythian culture’would seemhighly appropriate,as onewhich re ects, on theone hand the continuation ofEarly Scythian culture,and, on theother, the major transformations, which this culturewas subject to asaresultof the transition to asettledway of life and ofthe inclusion in its ranksof numerous elements of different ethnic origin” . 5 Accordingto A.N. Shcheglov,“: : : theformation of the Late Scythian kingdom (whichhe dates to the rst halfof the 3 rd centuryBC —Y.Z.) needsto be explained rst andforemost with referenceto theabrupt and sudden changes in thedemographic and political situation in theNorth Pontic regionas awhole, ratherthan as aresultof the rapid development within LateScythian society”. 6 Intheopinion ofO.D. Dashevskaya,the shift ofthe centre of the Late Scythian statefrom the valley of the Dnieper to theCrimea took placeby theend of 2 M.I.Artamonova, “ TheScythian Kingdom in the Crimea” , VLGU, 1948,No. 89, pp. 56-78; B.M.Grakov, Skify (TheScythians), Kiev, 1947, p. 86; P .N.Shults, Mavzole¯õ NeapolyaSkifskogo (TheMausoleum of Scythian Neapolis), Moscow ,1953,pp. 9f; Ibid., “ Studiesof ScythianNeapolis (1945-1950)”, in Istoriyai arkheologiyadrevnego Krÿ ma (TheHistory and Archaeology of the AncientCrimea), Moscow, 1957, p. 84. 3 T.N.Vysotskaya, “ Neapol— stolitsagosudarstva pozdnikh skifov (Neapolis— theCapital of theLate Scythians’ State), Kiev, 1979, pp. 5-11;T .M.Visotska, “ Onthe Source for the Socio-political Structureof the Late Scythian State” , Arkheologiya ,1992,No. 2, pp. 139-140; I.M. Khrapunov, Op. cit., p. 86. 4 V.S.Olkhovski¯ õ ,I.N.Khrapunov, Krÿmskaya Ski ya (CrimeanScythia), Simferopol, 1990, pp. 64-67. 5 A.I. A¯õ babin,A.G. Gertsen,I.N. Khrapunov, “ TheMain Questions regarding the Ethnic History oftheCrimea” , Materialypo arkheologii, istorii i etnograi Tavrii (Materialson the Archaeology, Historyand Ethnography of Tauris),III, Simferopol, 1993, p. 213. 6 A.N. Shcheglov,“ TheLate Scythian State in the Crimea: towards a Typologyof Hellinism” , Drevni¯õ Vostoki antichnayatsivilizatsiya (The Ancient East and Classical Civilization), Leningrad, 1988, p. 32..
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