RIVER MILEAGES AND DRAINAGE AREAS FOR ILLINOIS STREAMS—VOLUME 2, ILLINOIS RIVER BASIN U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-111 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS RIVER MILEAGES AND DRAINAGE AREAS FOR ILLINOIS STREAMS—VOLUME 2, ILLINOIS RIVER BASIN By R. W. Healy U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-111 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1979 CONTENTS Conversion Table . .iv Abstract . .1 Introduction . .1 Methods . .2 Explanation of tables . .2 References . .3 Index . .291 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Map showing Illinois counties . .4 2. Map showing stream systems, hydrologic units, and major cities in Illinois. .6 TABLE Table 1. River mileages and drainage areas for Illinois streams . .8 i CONVERSION TABLE Multiply inch-pound unit By To obtain SI (metric) unit mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2) iv RIVER MILEAGES AND DRAINAGE FOR ILLINOIS STREAMS— Volume 2, Illinois River Basin By R. W. Healy ABSTRACT River mileages are presented for points of interest on Illinois streams draining 10 square miles or more. Points of interest include bridges, dams, gaging stations, county lines, hydrologic unit boundaries, and major tributaries. Drainage areas are presented for selected sites, including total drainage area for any streams draining at least 100 square miles. INTRODUCTION Expansion of water-resource investigations within the State of Illinois has amplified the need for a common index to locations on streams. A common index would aid in the coordination of various stream-related activities by facilitating data collection and interpretation. River mileages can serve as this index and can also be used for navigation and the computation of stream lengths. This report, in two volumes, lists river mileages for points of interest on Illinois streams that drain at least 10 square miles. These points include bridges, dams, gaging stations, county and State lines, hydrologic unit boundaries, and major tributaries. Mileages for an intermediate site can be determined by adding or subtracting a measured distance from the nearest given point of interest. Drainage areas for selected points, including drainage area at the mouth of any stream draining 100 square miles or more, are also given. Within each volume, streams are listed in an upstream order, following the stream to which they are tributary. Volume 1 contains the Ohio River basin followed by the St. Lawrence and Mississippi (excluding the Illinois) River basins. Volume 2 contains the Illinois River basin. Two maps are presented of the State of Illinois. Figure 1 shows counties. Figure 2 shows the major Illinois streams and hydrologic units superimposed on figure 1. An alphabetical index is included containing the stream name, the larger stream to which it is tributary, and the major basin in which it lies. This report was prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It includes the drainage area values reported by Ogata (1975) with revisions and several additions. 1 METHODS River mileages were determined according to the standards of the U.S. Water Resources Council (1968). Computations were done on the most recent (as of February 1979) USGS 7 1/2- or 15-minute series topographic maps, with the exception of a few streams for which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Survey had already established mileages. An electronic digitizer with a resolution of 0.01 inch was used and measurements were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mile. Streams were measured upstream from the mouth at mile 0.0 to the topographic divide. Drainage areas were computed according to the standards of the Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee (1951). These calculations were done over several years by the use of planimeters on USGS 7 1/2- or 15-minute series topographic maps. Survey district offices in Indiana and Wisconsin furnished data for areas within those States. Areas less than 1 square mile were rounded to two significant figures; areas from 1 to 1,000 square miles were rounded to three significant figures; and areas greater than 1,000 square miles were rounded to the nearest square mile. Since January 17, 1900, there has been limited diversion of water from Lake Michigan through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to the Illinois River. None of the Lake Michigan drainage area was included in the Illinois River Basin calculations. EXPLANATION OF TABLES Miles above mouth This is the river mileage for a point of interest. It is the distance from the mouth to a point on the stream measured along the stream’s established course. Description This is a brief description of the point of interest. If the point has no name (for example, county road or unnamed tributary), the section, township, and range location is given. Tributaries are marked as entering a stream from the left or the right (L or R) from a position facing downstream. Drainage area The drainage area of a point on a stream is that area measured in a horizontal plane, that constitutes a topographic basin and is enclosed by a topographic divide from which all direct surface runoff drains to that point. Latitude and longitude These have been determined for every point that has a drainage area listed. They are given in degrees in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Topographic quadrangle This is the most recent USGS 7 1/2- or 15-minute series topographic map on which the site is located. All quadrangles are located in Illinois unless otherwise stated. 2 REFERENCES Federal Inter-Agency River Basin Committee, 1951, Inter-agency coordination of drainage area data: Subcommittee on Hydrology Bulletin 4, 48 p. Ogata, K. M., 1975, Drainage areas for Illinois streams: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 13-75, 124 p. U.S. Water Resources Council, 1968, River mile measurement: Hydrology Committee Bulletin 14, 17 p. 3 90° 89° 88° JO DAVIESS GO McHENRY STEVENSON LAKE WINNEBA BOONE CARROLL 42° OGLE COOK DE KALB KANE DU PAGE WHITESIDE LEE 91° KENDALL WILL ROCK ISLAND HENRY BUREAU LA SALLE GRUNDY MERCER PUTNAM KANKAKEE STARK 41° MARSHALL 4 KNOX LIVINGSTON PEORIA WOODFORD WARREN IROQUOIS HENDERSON McDONOUGH FULTON FORD TAZEWELL McLEAN HANCOCK SCHUYLER MASON DE WITT LOGAN CHAMPAIGN MENARD 40° ADAMS CASS VERMILION BROWN PIATT MACON DOUGLAS SANGAMON MOULTRIE MORGAN EDGAR PIKE SCOTT COLES CHRISTIAN CLARK GREENE MACOUPIN SHELBY CALHOUN MONTGOMERY CUMBERLAND MOULTRIE SANGAMON MORGAN DOUGLAS PIKE SCOTT EDGAR COLES CHRISTIAN CLARK GREENE SHELBY MACOUPIN MONTGOMERY CUMBERLAND CRAWFORD CALHOUN EFFINGHAM JERSEY 39° FAYETTE BOND JASPER RICHLAND LAWRENCE CLAY MADISON CLINTON ST. CLAIR MARION WASHINGTON WAYNE WABASH JEFFERSON EDWARDS MONROE HAMILTON 5 RANDOLPH WHITE 38° PERRY FRANKLIN GALLATIN JACKSON WILLIAMSON SALINE JOHNSON 0 20 40 60 MILES HARDIN POPE UNION 0 20 40 60 KILOMETERS MASSAC ALEXANDER PULASKI 37° Figure 1. Counties in Illinois. 90° 89° 88° 07090004 07090001 R. 07060005 04040002 R. P atonica 07120006 le e c p Lake p 07090003 Kishwau A kee Michigan R. K R. Plum li 07090006 Cr. l b n uck r Pin 07120003 42° o e h Cr. lk Cr. Cr. E k 07090005 c o er er 07120004 R iv iv R R r 07120007 r 04040001 e e v v 91° i k Cr. i R c R pi o u sip R a x is G re o iss ree u F M n B 07090007 07080101 Edwards R. M K 07120001 a ank zo a V n k 07130001 e ee iver r R m 07120005 Cr. il Hende rson io R. n Ir 41° o q 6 07080104 u o is R iver Cr. iv er 07130002 er R. 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HYDROLOGIC UNIT BOUNDARY S HYDROLOGIC UNIT NUMBER S R 07140105 Cr. k iv 05120113 ill e R. e t r Wabash River 07140204 oup c Rend F. u 05120115 dy a Lake e d 7 R. u B s y M 38° r 07140105a 07140106 M e l t t i Sal L in e 05120113 dy 05140204 d R u Crab Orchard iv M e Lake r ig B 0 20 40 60 MILES 05140203 0 20 40 60 R.
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