The Profession Professional Notes W00DR0W WILSON House Library Project Pendleton Herring, the President of the Wood- 1976 Alternate PROGRAM: row Wilson Foundation, recently published an Call for Papers and Panel Proposals article in Historic Preservation outlining plans for the National Trust for Historic Preservation At the APSA's 1976 Annual Meeting in Chi- to undertake a project to bring together at the cago, a number of panels will be conducted Woodrow Wilson House Library in Washington, under the auspices of the "1976 Alternate D.C. the books most significant in the intellec- Program Committee." The committee members tual life of the former President. According to are Martin Diamond (Chair), George Carey, Herring, "Wilson's own publications on govern- Robert Horwitz, Austin Ranney, and Ellis ment, politics and jurisprudence are an essential Sandoz. part of the story, as are his speeches and essays. Suggestions and inquiries should be addressed His papers, now being edited by Arthur S. Link to the appropriate person as indicated below. and his associates at Princeton University, are being published by the Princeton University Press. Volume 23 is in production now. Eventu- Section I.American Political Institutions ally more than 40 volumes will be available. (eight panels) This is no mountain of bureaucratic documen- Austin Ranney, Department of Political Sci- tation but an intensely personal collection. ence, University of California, Berkeley, Berke- Thus, to a unique degree, the inspiration and ley, California 94720. stimuli that entered into the thoughts of this sensitive and idealistic leader can be studied. Section II. Enduring Themes of the Founding The Washington house in which Wilson spent his last three years after leaving the White (eight panels) House in 1921 was overflowing with books. George Carey, Department of Government, Mrs. Wilson, on her husband's death, gave them Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. to the Library of Congress with the stipulation 20057; and Robert Horwitz, Department of that the collection be kept intact. These vol- Political Science, Kenyon College, Gambier, umes are now available for research. Here are Ohio 43022. many of the books that Wilson treasured through a lifetime as well as many that simply Section III. Theory Greats Past and Present accumulated over the years. Ellis Sandoz, Department of Political Science, The entire book list has many hundreds of East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas titles. The indices to the first 12 volumes of the 75428. Papers of Woodrow Wilson carry more than Panel 1. Plato. Presiding: Joseph Cropsey, 2700 references but the main focus is on British University of Chicago. essayists, novelists and poets of the 19th century and, more broadly, on political theo- Panel 2. Aristotle. Presiding: Harry V. Jaffa, rists from classic times to Wilson's own day. His Claremont Men's College. shelves displayed his taste as a man of letters Panel 3. F. A. Hayek. Presiding: Eugene F. and his interest as a student of politics, of Miller, University of Georgia. jurisprudence and of political philosophy. Panel 4. Eric Voegelin. Presiding: Ellis Sandoz, The present objective is to gather for the library East Texas State University. of the S Street residence not only a complete collection of Wilson's own writings but also Panel 5. Machiavelli. Presiding: Harvey C. Mans- those books that best represent his personal field, Jr., Harvard University. taste or that may have influenced his political Panel 6. Harold Lasswell. Presiding: Robert H. philosophy. Political scientists who possess vol- Horwitz, Kenyon College. umes in their field published prior to 1924 are the most likely source for aiding the National Panel 7. Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn. Presiding: Trust in reconstituting the Wilson collection. Harrison E. Salisbury, New York Times. The following list is suggestive of the many Panel 8. Saint Augustine. Presiding: Ernest L. authors who might be cited: Aristotle, John Fortin, Boston College. Austin, Francis Bacon, Walter Bagehot, William Martin Diamond Blackstone, Johann Kaspar Bluntschli, John 1975-76: c/o National Humanities Institute Bright, James Bryce, Edmund Burke, Richard 53 Wall Street Cobden, Thomas Cooley, Albert V. Dicey, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 Richard Ely, Otto Friedrich von Gierke, Rudolf 54 PS Winter 1976 von Gneist, Frank J. Goodnow, John Richard order is placed, and a list of students and Green, George Jellenik, John Locke, Thomas addresses must be attached. The issues of Babington Macaulay, Sir Henry Maine, Adolf Preview will be mailed directly to each student. Merkel, John Morley, John L. Motley, Montes- Preview was launched in 1964 in order to help quieu, Plato, Sir Frederick Pollock, Herbert the news media comprehend the decisions of Spencer, Frederick Jackson Turner, Francis A. the Supreme Court. Beginning with the 1973 Walker. term of the Supreme Court, the memoranda Among authors in belles lettres are Matthew became available to teachers, students, mem- Arnold, Jane Austen, Robert Browning, Charles bers of the bar, and other interested persons. Dickens, John Keats, Charles Lamb, Sir Walter Professor Sherman L. Cohn of the Georgetown Scott, Alfred Lord Tennyson, William Words- University Law Center is the Administrator; worth. Meyer Kramer, Assistant Director for Publica- tions, ALI-ABA Committee on Continuing Pro- Questions concerning titles or authors may be fessional Education, is Editor. addressed to Dr. Pendleton Herring, Castle Howard, Princeton, New Jersey 08540; offers Additional information on Preview may be to donate books may be sent to Shirley obtained from Meyer Kramer, Editor, ALI-ABA Markley, Administrator, Woodrow Wilson Committee on Continuing Professional Educa- House, 2340 S Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. tion, 4025 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn- 20008. sylvania 19104. ASIAN Political Scientists Group STATE and LOCAL Government Review A new executive committee of the Asian State and Local Government Review is a Political Scientists Group was elected at the triannual publication of the Institute of 1975 meeting of the American Political Science Government, University of Georgia, devoted to Association in San Francisco with Chun-tu practitioners and academics interested in ap- Hsueh as the chairman. Other committee mem- plied research dealing with the practical prob- bers are: M. Lai Goel, Norman Han, Young lems of state and local government. As a Hoon Kang, and Uasumasa Kuroda. multi-disciplinary journal oriented toward prac- titioners, the Review welcomes all articles The committee welcomes any suggestions to concerning applied research, university-based promote the professional and ethnic interests of public service programs and training, policy Asian political scientists in this country, and making and implementation, and programs in volunteers who are interested in the work. state and local government. The Review also Please write to Professor Hsueh, Department of publishes notes on new subjects, commentaries, Politics, University of Maryland, College Park, and replications. Our preference is for manu- Maryland 20742. scripts which would appeal to practitioners and academics. Short to medium-length article man- Preview of the uscripts (11-20 typewritten, double-spaced United States SUPREME COURT Cases pages) and notes (10 pages or less) are desired, but longer manuscripts will be considered. For Preview of the United States Supreme Court further information write Delmer D. Dunn, Cases is a unique educational tool containing a Director, Institute of Government, The Univer- brief, though scholarly, analysis of every case sity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602. argued before the Supreme Court. Prepared jointly by the Association of Ameri- can Law Schools and the American Law Insti- ITALIAN Politics Group tute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education, Preview A Conference Group on Italian Politics has contains concise, easily read memoranda writ- been established. Designed to enhance the ten by law teachers expert in the field. Every study of Italian politics, the group is both case argued before the Court is covered. Each international and interdisciplinary. memorandum gives the facts and the back- The officers and members of the Executive ground, and arguments of the parties, and the Council follow: possible conclusions of the Court. The reader obtains a synopsis of the record and the briefs, President: Norman Kogan, Professor of Poli- as well as an introduction prepared by a tical Science, University of Connecticut. specialist, in language that even the college Vice President: Samuel H. Barnes, Professor student can understand. of Political Science, University of Michigan, During the 1975-76 term, about 170 memoran- Ann Arbor. da will be published in approximately 52 issues Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Raphael Za- of Preview. riski, Professor of Political Science, Univer- Individual subscriptions to Preview are $20 per sity of Nebraska, Lincoln. term. In bulk orders for an entire class, the cost Members of the Executive Council: Giusep- is reduced by half to $10. In the case of bulk pe DiPalma, Professor of Political Science, orders, payment must be made in full when the University of California, Berkeley; Joseph 55 Professional Notes LaPalombara, Professor of Political Science, Please direct all correspondence to Dr. Freder- Yale; Joseph Lopreato, Professor of Soci- ick Burkhardt, R.F.D. 1, Bennington, Vermont ology, University of Texas, Austin; Alberto 05201 U.S.A.
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