Obscenity Rules Volume 69, Number 20 May Be Cleared Tuesday, (See Page 5) I The Skiff/ Texas Christian University • • •• Fort Worth, Texas 76129 November 10, 1970 Question: Is This 'Wholesome7 Entertainment? (See Views on Pages 2, 3) THE SKIFF Tuesday, November 10, 1970 Concert Question Focuses on Pot booking Sly and the Family Stone By SHIRLEY FARK^LL the concert and that, although minutes long." said in the letter, "Crowds of this the crowd was "well behaved," When asked why he resigned, type are virtually impossible to for a Nov. 22 appearance at TCU, Editor-in-Chief it was not "good wholesome en- Simpson said, "Obviously, we control en masse. Our only safe- and a tentative date in April had guard seems to be in refusing to already been set with Three Dog News Analysis tertainment." can't put on any more rock shows, and my philosophy is that use University facilities for such Night. D'dn't Care Entertainment at TCU has been the students want them. I sec no gatherings." Cocker Flopped a major focal point for the past Martin said his real objection reason to continue as chairman When asked how he gauged several semesters, with claims was "them (the announcer) get- They can probably get someone student desire for a rock concert. Simpson was chairman of the of apathy as the major cause of ting up and saying police aren't more palatable to the administra- Simpson said many other cam committee when Joe Cocker ap tion views of entertainment " its demise. Now, the very en- here." Martin said this was a puses have only rock shows for peared last April Although he thusiasm begged for in the past entertainment, usually once a termed the Cocker show a subtle suggestion to the audience Controls? may bring a veritable shutdown to do whatever it wanted to do. month. He said also that such financial flop. Simpson said thin of certain shows. He said, because of this and sim- Simpson based his conclusions concerts In the Fort Worth area were excellent reactions He said Middle Earth, 'Inc., a Fort ilar statements he thought "the not only on Martin's reaction to have been well supported in the at this time his philosophy Worth promotion agency, staged entertainers didn't care about the the concert, but also on a letter past. His major indication of in changed to the idea of letting out wha: is popularly called a rock people there." to Martin from Mrs. Elizabeth teiest, however, was the attend- side agencies produce shows on concert at Daniel-Meyer Coliseum Dee Simpson, who resigned as Proffer, director of Student Ac ance of the Jefferson Airplane campus in order to have sue Sun., Nov. 1. The concert, which chairman of the Entertainment tivities. In the copy of the letter concert. "About 1,000 TCU stu CCSSI'S featured the Jefferson Airplane, Committee Friday, countered this Simpson received. Mrs. Proffer dents attended—that's almost one- He said the arrangements with was attended by some 6,503 per- fifth of the student body." view with the fact that Space said, "I already have indicated Middle Earth for the Airplane sons. But even this phenomenal Opera played for an hour and the to the student chairman of the Simpson mentioned that the En concert had included the student turnout (phenomenal for TCU) Airplane, and its sub-group, Hot Entertainment Committee that I tertainment Committee also is re- discount on tickets and the as may bring ths banning cf similar Tuna, played for almost three and would not sign additional requests sponsible for booking the Rod Mc- surance that they would do their cenc rts in the future. a half hours. He said, "It's un- for use of Daniel-Meyer Coliseum Kuen Homecoming show, and said 1 lust to prevent holes being made Fcur p; sons whs represent the usual to find any headline group for 'rock' concerts." this indicated a balanced ap- f upon the gym floor and the pro- various phases o respons blity that will play for three and a In regards to the use of mari- proach to entertainment. He said for the cencrt's production ani half hcurs; most shows are 90 juana at the concert, Mrs. Proffer there was a "good possibility'' of (Continued on Page 3) various reactions to the concert itself were contacted last week by The Skiff in order to establish the consequences of the Airplane concert. Burned Floor Fear Abe Martin, TCU Athletic Di- rector and the man in charge of Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, had been somewhat reluctant before the show to have the coliseum used. One major fear expressed before the concert was that the floor of the basketball court might be burned or severly damaged by those at the concert. Martin said Wednesday he thought the concert was "not a good thing for TCU." He cited the problems encountered by the Maintenance Department follow- ing the concert, saying there was "too much rubbish to clean up." Martin indicated, however, that the mere physical aspect of maintenance problems was not his major complaint. He said that chewing gum, beer cans and whiskey bottles were found in the colisuem following the concert. "That was offensive to me, and I don't believe the students want it either." Martin said, "I've got to be careful. I don't want our coliseum to be used and abused like it was that night." He said he attended TCU SPECIAL THE LONDON SHAG is designed especially Sonny and Cw Atro R«c<vd» for TCU FROGETTES REGULARLY $34. NOW ... $21.88 looktofjortabstljeptjle. (With This Ad) 'phone 335-2113 for professional It can make things work for you. styling It's that kind of book. National Bible Week Committee • BankAmericard P.O. Box 11 70, Ansonia Station Read your Bible. You'll see. New York, New York 10023 •Master Charge If you don't have a Bible of your own, Good. I'm send ng you one dollar we'll send you one for a dollar. Please send me one Bible. Hard cover and everything. ss Wgdhitfet Just one should do it. SI The Bible lasts a long time. Layaways Open Daily 915 University Drive 30th Annual National Bible Week, November 22-29, 1970. An Interfaith effort. Tuesday, November 10, 1970 THI IKIM IN MY OPINION . What Entertainment Should We Seek? In an attempt to get student opinion, The Skiff took a straw poll 2. Do ycu think that last Sunday's show was bad for TCU's image'' Thursday to ascertain reactions to the Jefferson Airplane concert 3. Should TCU bring shows and who? The fallowing questions were asked: 1. In light of the Nov. 1 Jefferson Airplane concert, do you think If ycu differ with these student opinions, please express your i>nU rtainment in this same vein should be brought to TCU? point of view in a letter to the Skiff. MITCHEL SHEINOFF: I think BRUCE McGRATH: I think more '.■ntertainment shou'll be that mi re should be brought here, DAVID HARRISON; "1 think brought There are not, enough l; is got i for T( U's image in my that big name entertainment activities; beside*, lots of money opinion, TCU is behind the rest should be brought I reallj can be made." of the country and now it is on joyed it. I didn't see anything 'I don't think it is bad for the its way " wrong with it. It didn't show that image at all as a modern school. "1 like entertainment along the much bad ' I think that the majority of the same lines oi the Moody Blues or There was a little too much students would like to sec shows Simon and Garfunkel 1 noticed dope but then there was nothing like this " that not too many TCU students done to stop it. I don't think it ' I guess more entertainment were at the Jefferson Airplane ruined the TCU image. Maybe should be brought but there is a concert and i wondered why the some things shouldn't have been need for an agency to help (to students didn't come'' done but it didn't ruin or hurt the my own knowledge).'' image." "I like any pop group." "I think TCU should bring more MOLLIE GATES: "I think that entertainment because nothing is if entertainment is brought to really offered for the students by TCU that it should be big name the school. I don't know anyone and nothing else. I don't think in particular except the Three that it is bad on the image be- Dog Night " FRANK CALLOWAY: "Yes, I cause it shows TCU is up with think more big name entertain the times " nient should be brought but it "I don't think that the type of should vary We should have -nine music should always be the same soul, jazz, rook (as well as the but it should be big name. There acid rock), and even COUBtry and is nothing for the school morale a (there are some students otherwise. It gives the school who like eountrj and western"! something to be proud of " "I didn't go to the Jefferson "I was not at the concert but Airplane coneert and it is unfair I have heard nothing unfavorable to diSCUSS what I heard about it so I really can't say The entertainment itself is a good ad- vertisement for TCU but I can't lay anything about the audience Pot, Outsiders Influence Concerts'Future I do think that there should be more publicity, not as a threat, (Con'inoed from Page 2) thing like the Jefferson Ajrpl anything about obeying the laws but to make a more desirable vision of SO Middle Earth per then we Can't have it ol the university and the com- program." •nnnel and a delegation from I)r Wihle said there W( munit l part of "Who to bring depends on who is popular at the time A good Bailey Security Service to main provisions for entertainment :' Wheth way to find out what is wanted lain order M in the student rights statement -till illegal to smoke marijuana " Simpson said that these pro currentl) being studied bj various Ask -a .
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