c THE ?ITW URBAN GUERRILLA by ELMER CERONIMO PRATT n..licated to the memory of Saundra Pratt' Holmes Pratt wife of EImer Geronimo asassinated on Novcmber 4 lc/l saunoE Holmes Pratt was tile New Urban Guerrrra - Black Panther PartY SA|(,j.jDRAPRATT INTRODUCTION The Black Panthcr Pany was the only [nk in the Uniied States lo ihe New World Libcration Front. "Was' becruse at onc lime its credcntiah were almost entirely bascd upon action, and it dealt in th€ highest lcvel of resolving Black people's oppresion llere in Babylon: Armcd StrugSle. From lhc rnilitary actioDs in Oakland, California of 1966 1o the lbnnidable b{ttle the Los Angcles "18" waged against thc lascj$ (SWAT).ou ler insurgency forces in December of 1969 rnd lhe nEny chroniclc and unchronicled battles thal have tnken place in belween, il becumc crystal clear that the Black Panthcr Party was truly dre vanguard oryanization in lhe Unitcd Siales. Undoubledly, the rnost imporlant guerilla defenslve put forlh duling the aforerncntioned period was thc viciory of thc Los Angeles "i8" over thc Sestapo forces of thar city. Thc comnunder oflhat military victory wrs Elnler 'Cerooimo' Pratt. Not too lonS ago, Geronirno emba*ed on a mission 1o detennine the feasibility of establishnrg guerilla bases throughoul Babylon. THE NEW URBAN GUERILLA js lhe nuclcus of Cerorrimo's reconnaissance. It is noi his inten(ions to expose thc solid, sublerranean apparatus exhting here in the United Stat€s - xn aligned conglomeration of many armcd groups that base their credenlials on action and composc THE BLACK LIBERATION ARMY, io wh,chthc Black Puntber Party belongs. The Black Panther Paliy is the only rccogn;zcd link in the chain of the New World Liberatio, Front, which includes China, Nortlr Vietnam. the PRC, (?rovisional Revolurionary Covernment) of South Vietnam, Norlh (orca, th€ Tupa aros of Uruguay, Revolutionury movcrnents in Brazil, Argenlina. Zimba,xe, Mozambique, Mexico, Palestine, th€ FLQ (Quebec Liberation Front) and many more who harc adoptcd the role of the COSMOPOLITAN CUERILLA, who relate to actiontfie vanguard. Because ol Geronimo's underground aolivities, he has been number one in the lxrget sights of thc fascist Babylonian prgs aod was placed in Sirhao Sn[ant (!ll for several dnys for no apparent reason. The foLlowing rnessagc fiom Gemnitno will dispell, once and for all, thc myth thnt "niggers arc scared of revolution" or lhe revisionbt linc put forlh by lhe Peralia Streei Garg: "Survir?l Pcnding Revolulion". (As if we Black pcople ain't becn surviving for lhe lasi 400 y€ars or like the revolution will conle in the year 200l). Wc are asking all progr€ssive people to aid us in getting El'ner "Oe.onimo" Pralt and all Political Prisoners back on the ground- We will nccept your lime, money...or 8uns. FREE GERONIMO TIIF \EW AMERICAN URBAN GUERILLA, Zayd Malik ShakLrr THE NEW AMERICAN URBAN GUERILLA *u 7*' G efontmo, The primary reasons ,or the tardiness of this message are threefold: l. The incessant (unceasing) brutality, harassment and solitary confinement imposd upon nE by the guards of these P.O.W. (prisoners of war) camps in which l've been held captive. 2. The lingering laith that I struggled so hard to maintain, that members ot the hierarchy o{ the Black Panther Pafty would consider our report of the matter lmy purge) and 3. The dilemma produced, on one side, by the anti-democratic diabolical attacks by those so €osily inveigled (led-on, tricked. enticed, seduced, doceived, blinded, etc.,) mgmbers ol the party; and on the other side, the ridiculous wrongful grand jury indictments conducted by the cralty, quisling (betraying ono's country, or cause, to the enemy in return for political power from the conquerors), Curtis Gaines, Melvin 'Cotton' Smith and Julio Butler. Firstly, I litsrally deny, denounce and spit on the vile allegations of these pigs and their tricks' in Oakland. The filthy lies that appeared in the Black Panther Newspap€r, coupled with the accusations of my being implicated in soma hideous crimes (which the foiked-tongued pigs- Cotton and Jllio- must have coftmitted and one crime in particular which the pigB have tried to pin on Panthers beforo) has forged a most cunning design ior the double edged sword of the Amerikkkan warmongers, (r) The doubleedged sword shall not succed in its otvious attempts to cut off the tread ol this our new level of struggle ,or liberation. lt is because of the apparent success of my underground venture that I was made No. I in the sights of the big guns of the American Empire {FBl, ClA, etc,). Realizing the gravity (seriousness) o, the quandry (current state o, hesitation, perplexity or uncertainty) and also ,ealizing that there are matters that stillweigh heavily in our favor, I feel the necessity to begin from this premise. lt is my intention to offer morc insight into the development of revolutionary urarfare within the very heart o, this world monster. The leasibility of guerilla waifare within the confines of this empire has fdr too long been doubted by too many sccalled revolutionaries, lt is my understanding, without doubt that we can successiully slay this beast right now. ope.ating trom our own b@se right here- The rnain rcluctance of American Guerilla Action is said by many to rest solely on caution (precautiohary measures ror the sake of an excuse to do nothing really effective). But there is a point where caution ends and cowardice begins. lt is no secret because 6f the loose talk or rcvolutionary rocking chair critics, or because of the copouts of kneegrow (negro) intormants that I effectuated a most comprehensive reconnaissance o, the region (particularly) below the old mason-dixon line and (genemlly) the most part of Amerikkka. My findings, tests and personal endeavors rule unanimously in favor of establishing guerrilla bases, both urban and rural. This is an integral and necessary part of the overall lreedom rnoveIIEnt. ln dealing with the profession of wartare, especially when confronted with prime iingoists {those lvho expound patriotism and favor an agg.essive military policy), it is important that the general laws. which govern our struggle, are understood. The general laws are based on a highly political evaluation which dictates the forms that our struggle must take. Therefore, the high, polatico-military di.ectorates of our stiuggle must possess both political and military skills. Otherwise, a profound and correct evaluation of overall, as well as specific. strategies of both our comrades and our enemies cannot be possible by our directorates. The Amerikkkan waa peddlers, many years ago, ignited a wicked war against oqr peoplea gFnocidal war- nranipulated by the sadistic tycoons of Capitol Hill and {ronted off by lhei. puppets; the KKK, White Citizens Council. etc, This was the nascent (beginning to e)dst or develop) stage o, FASCISM in America (note: Fascism is a government system wllo.e Ieaders, having complete powert forcibly suppress opposition and criticism and emplEcize stong nationalism and racism). Today fascism is bulging at the seams of not only this land but every county lh Amerikkka sets foot on. Examples currently are SEA (Southeast Asia), Aftica. L.tir AMerica, the Middle East, etc. Our comrades in these liberation sauggles arc "JDlIJf dealinq with it (21 Whm v'/e, oppre.$sd p€ople. in Amerikkka entered the political arena, we were "hosed" (firehose), attacked by trained killer dogs, shotgunned, tear gassed, unable to linance expert IegEl help in the courts, haten-up, vamped upon by hundreds of SS troops (specially trained SWAT squads similar to Hitler's Storm Troopers). tied, chained and gassed in courtrooms, heaten severely and many times murdered in P.O.W. camps (prisons), infiltrated by the oppressor's house nigger spies. lynched, and handed tokens (e.9., a few dollars, training progams, poverty commissions, etd,) run by th6 oppr€ssor's own house nigger_-who would guarantee to keep the "tool niggers and hippies" quiet and pac,{ied. Frorn these and many odrer experiences, w€ have learned and tatrght the p€ople, the uselessness of Amerikkkan politics in seruing th6 interests and needs ot all tlre people. As long as there remains, in the heads of the lascists, the idea that there is no profit in serving the needs of all the people, there will be no real concessions. As $/e, the Black Liberation Army, the military arm of the Black Panther Party, transcended {surpassed, exceeded, etc.,) that level of politics and moved to the stage o{ arnEd urban conrrontatioh (Huey. Eldridge, and Bobby Hutton-Oakland, 1967 to Los Ang6les, 1969 shootout on Central Avenus), I observed the dastardly (cowardly, sneaky) reactions o{ rnany so.called leaders of our organization. Right belore my departure to b€gin my underground missior, it became even morc obvioLls. When I began to outline my plans to thern especially the mention of one Dixie Region State, they wer6 sparl(ed with astonishment and stood there agape (mouths wide open) and looking Ioolish. As t now look back on that day, I see clearly that those idiots. instead of understanding the validity (truth. need) Jor such moves, only looked a me in the light o, a glory seeking adventurist. The ground work for this, our new l6vel of struggle had been meticulously laid (with extrgryE care and covering minute details), and understood, I thought, quite some time betore my departure. My political evaluations th6n dictated tho n€cessity for accurate armed actions as a means ol freeing political priloners. My gvaluation reports were submitted to the Central Commiftee (C.C.). Because of their indifferent attitudes toward military end€avors they only acquiesed (quietly agreed).
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