PRESSING AHEAD 2011 Annual Report On the cover: Top left, high school journalists talk with a police officer about violent crime at the Indianapolis Association of Black Journalists Multimedia Journalism Workshop for High School Students. IABJ Photo Top right, Temple University editing interns catch their breath after the traditional “Rocky” climb up the Art Museum steps in Philadelphia on their last night in the city. Temple University Photo Bottom right, newly installed board member Pamela Fisher, vice president for diversity at News Corporation, poses with Don Carter, board member emeritus and first executive director of the Fund. DJNF Photo Bottom left, interns in the news editing residency at the University of Texas at Austin at work. Bradley Wilson Photo Table 2011 Annual Report of Contents Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. From the President 2 From the Executive Director 3 2011 Financial Reports 4 Programs College Programs Multimedia Seminars for Professors 6 Student Internships 7 High School Programs Summer High School Journalism Workshops 11 National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year 17 Publications 19 Board of Directors and Officers 20 Guidelines 21 The Dow Jones News Fund is a nonprofit foundation established in 1958 and supported by the Dow Jones Foundation and media companies. Its purpose is to promote careers in print and digital journalism. The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. P.O. Box 300 Princeton NJ 08543-0300 609.452.2820 FAX: 609.520.5804 Website: https://www.newsfund.org Email: [email protected] © 2012 Copyright Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. From the number of jobs fell by and from the response of the Fund’s management. 2.4% to 40,600 in 2011; We have reduced our training fees, strengthened President that is 13,500, or 33.3%, our workshops and pursued internships more Richard J. Levine fewer editorial positions aggressively than in the past, frequently targeting than existed in 2005, new commercial and nonprofit digital publishers. the year before print And there is more to be done. advertising began to The Reality of plummet. Personally, I remain encouraged by the first- rate journalism still being produced at many Present The most worrisome financially-strapped papers and by the enthusiasm aspect of these and confidence of young journalists just starting Challenges developments is their careers. I also remain optimistic that new, he link between the health of the news the impact on the innovative business models capable of supporting business, especially newspapers, and effectiveness of the quality journalism, and indirectly the News Fund’s the health of the Dow Jones News Fund nation’s newsrooms. More provincially, I am programs, will emerge from the current efforts of T talented executives, editors and technologists across became starkly clearer in 2011, the sixth year of the concerned about newspapers’ willingness and ability newspaper industry’s cyclical and secular downturn. to continue to provide paid summer internships the country. that are at the heart of the Dow Jones News Fund’s But in 2011, as newspapers continued to struggle, The Pew Research Center’s most recent annual flagship college programs. These internships are attaining this goal became more urgent. ttt report on “The State of the News Media” concluded designed to encourage students to consider careers that the newspaper industry began 2012 “neither in journalism and help ensure the next generation of dying nor assured of a stable future.” The industry professional reporters and editors. “rallied around a story…that year-by-year it is developing new digital products and new revenue As readers of these annual reports are aware, the streams,” Pew said. However, it stressed that print News Fund has not escaped unscathed. In the advertising declined for the sixth consecutive year summer of 2006, we offered 112 internships. In in 2011 and the loss of that revenue was greater summer 2011 we were able to provide 85, the same than the increase in digital advertising revenue by number as the previous year—no small achievement a ratio of 10 to 1, worse than in the 2010. “Even if in the current environment. the newspaper industry can find a sustainable model online, moreover, those ratios mean newsrooms will Over the past six tumultuous years, News Fund be much smaller than they were a decade ago.” internship programs have held up better than overall The unsettling Pew report was followed by the newsroom employment. They have benefitted from American Society of News Editors’ survey of the stable financial and professional support of Dow newsrooms at daily newspapers that found the Jones and its parent, News Corporation, 2 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. From the In his speech, he paid Patch.com, the hyperlocal websites that are a Executive Director tribute to his “mooching” subsidiary of AOL Inc., joined our multimedia ability, saying “My intern program for the first time, sending four Rich Holden best friend when I was interns for training at Western Kentucky University. teaching back in Iowa gave me a special movie Western Kentucky also was the site of our when I left. I thought multimedia training program for professors from DJNF Programs he was just trying to be Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This, funny—but looking at combined with a similar program at the University Assist Large things now, he was dead- of Texas El Paso for professors at institutions with on. Let me illustrate this large Hispanic student populations, gave some Spectrum of conclusion I’ve come to 30 professors the opportunity to learn new digital with a few things I like to skills and bring them back to their campuses for the Journalists call MoochPoints.” students. eet Aaron Manfull, a.k.a. the “big mooch,” which we’ll explain in detail And from MoochPoints evolved a project that Mr. Among other developments in 2011, we were later. Who is Mr. Manfull? He is the Dow Manfull created called The Next 26. The website, delighted to add to our board of directors Pam M Fisher, the vice president of corporate diversity at Jones News Fund’s 2011 High School Journalism thenext26.com, contains 26 tips for advisers to share Teacher of the Year, the latest in a line of 53 great with their colleagues, among many other features. our parent, News Corporation. Ms. Fisher brings teachers who have received the award that stretches It’s no wonder that among Mr. Manfull’s many a wealth of knowledge in areas to which the News back to 1960 and Dr. William Nolan of Harry Ellis accomplishments he is serving as the chair of the Fund has been committed for more than half a High School in Richmond, Calif. JEA digital media committee. century. Mr. Manfull, who teaches at Francis Howell North In addition to the News Fund’s Teacher of the Year And a special thanks to the Dow Jones Foundation, High School in St. Charles, Mo., is also among the program, we also were proud to provide funding which has provided the bulk of our funding since nearly 500 high school teachers, college professors, of $167,000 to 27 summer high school journalism our inception in 1958. For 2011, the Dow Jones high school and college students who, in 2011, workshops around the country. Our support has Foundation increased our yearly grant by $40,000, benefited from Dow Jones News Fund grants at become even more critical to many of these to $390,000. Because of the foundation’s generosity, programs stretching from New York to California, programs as news organizations have cut back on we were able to continue our multimedia training and Florida to Minnesota. “unnecessary” expenses, such as training programs programs for college professors and provide more for staff and funding of high school and college funding to our high school workshops. ttt Now, about the “big mooch.” As part of the duties programs. of our Teacher of the Year, Mr. Manfull gave his acceptance speech at the annual fall conference of the Journalism Education Association and On the college front, the News Fund last year the National Scholastic Press Association in provided 85 internships to college students around Minneapolis last November. the country. We were particularly delighted that 2011 Annual Report Pressing Ahead 3 The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Statements of Support, Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets - Cash Basis for the Year ended December 31, 2011 Revenue Sources SUPPORT AND OTHER REVENUE Contributions: Dow Jones Foundation, Inc. 390,000 n Dow Jones Foundation Intern Training Grants 49,800 n Book Royalties Total Contributions 439,800 n Intern Training Grants Other Revenue: n Publication Sponsorships Book Royalties 4,477 Publication Sponsorships 6,050 Other 227 Total Other Revenue 10,754 Total Support and Other Revenue 450,554 FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Program Services: Program Expenses High School Teacher Programs 14,499 n High School Teacher Programs High School Student Programs 160,500 College Student Programs 252,742 n College Student Programs Career Information Program 15,893 n High School Student Programs Total Program Services 443,634 n Career Information Program Supporting Services: General Administrative Expenses 33,466 n General Administrative Expenses Total Functional Expenses 477,100 Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets (26,546) Unrestricted Net Assets - Beginning of Year 48,943 Unrestricted Net Assets - End of Year $ 22,397 4 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. The Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. Statements of Functional Expenses - Cash Basis for the Year ended December 31, 2011 Program Services High School Teacher Programs: Teacher Awards Student Scholarships
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