1909-11 T206 White Border Total Cards: 525 Card Card Name 45 Bill Bradley (Portrait) No. 46 Bill Bradley (With Bat) 1 Ed Abbaticchio (Blue Sleeves) 47 Dave Brain 2 Ed Abbaticchio (Brown Sleeves) 48 Kitty Bransfield 3 Fred Abbott 49 Roy Brashear 4 Bill Abstein 50 Ted Breitenstein 5 Doc Adkins 51 Roger Bresnahan (Portrait) 6 Whitey Alperman 52 Roger Bresnahan (With Bat) 7 Red Ames (Hands at Chest) 53 Al Bridwell (Portrait, With Cap) 8 Red Ames (Hands above Head) 54 Al Bridwell (Portrait, No Cap) 9 Red Ames (Portrait) 55 George Browne (Chicago) 10 John Anderson 56 George Browne (Washington) 11 Frank Arellanes 57 Mordecai Brown (Chicago on Shirt) 12 Herman Armbruster 58 Mordecai Brown (Cubs on Shirt) 13 Harry Arndt 59 Mordecai Brown (Portrait) 14 Jake Atz 60 Al Burch (Batting) 15 Home Run Baker 61 Al Burch (Fielding) 16 Neal Ball (New York) 62 Fred Burchell 17 Neal Ball (Cleveland) 63 Jimmy Burke 18 Jap Barbeau 64 Bill Burns 19 Cy Barger 65 Donie Bush 20 Jack Barry 66 John Butler 21 Shad Barry 67 Bobby Byrne 22 Jack Bastian 68 Howie Camnitz (Arm at Side) 23 Emil Batch 69 Howie Camnitz (Arms Folded) 24 Johnny Bates 70 Howie Camnitz (Hands above Head) 25 Harry Bay 71 Billy Campbell 26 Ginger Beaumont 72 Scoops Carey 27 Fred Beck 73 Charley Carr 28 Beals Becker 74 Bill Carrigan 29 Jake Beckley 75 Doc Casey 30 George Bell (Hands above Head) George Bell (Pitching Follow 76 Peter Cassidy 31 Through) 77 Frank Chance (Batting) Chief Bender (Pitching, No Trees in Frank Chance (Portrait, Red 32 78 Background) Background) Chief Bender (Pitching, Trees in Frank Chance (Portrait, Yellow 33 79 Background) Background) 34 Chief Bender (Portrait) 80 Bill Chappelle 35 Bill Bergen (Batting) 81 Chappie Charles 36 Bill Bergen (Catching) 82 Hal Chase (Holding Trophy) 37 Heinie Berger Hal Chase (Portrait, Blue 83 38 Bill Bernhard Background) Hal Chase (Portrait, Pink 84 39 Bob Bescher (Hands in Air) Background) 40 Bob Bescher (Portrait) 85 Hal Chase (Throwing, Dark Cap) 41 Joe Birmingham 86 Hal Chase (Throwing, White Cap) 42 Lena Blackburne 87 Jack Chesbro 43 Jack Bliss 88 Ed Cicotte 44 Frank Bowerman 89 Bill Clancey 1909-11 T206 White Border 1 www.slantycouch.com :: Vintage Baseball Cards and Memorabilia 90 Josh Clarke 139 Mickey Doolan (Fielding) 91 Fred Clarke (Holding Bat) 140 Mickey Doolan (Doolin) 92 Fred Clarke (Portrait) 141 Gus Dorner 93 J.J. Clarke 142 Patsy Dougherty (Arm in Air) 94 Bill Clymer 143 Patsy Dougherty (Portrait) Ty Cobb (Portrait, Green 95 144 Tom Downey (Batting) Background) 145 Tom Downey (Fielding) 96 Ty Cobb (Portrait, Red Background) Ty Cobb (Portrait, Red Background, 146 Jerry Downs 97 Joe Doyle (N.Y. Nat'l,Hands Above Ty Cobb Brand Back) 147 Head) 98 Ty Cobb (Bat off Shoulder) 148 Joe Doyle (Hands above Head) 99 Ty Cobb (Bat on Shoulder) 149 Larry Doyle (Portrait) 100 Cad Coles 150 Larry Doyle (Throwing) 101 Eddie Collins 151 Larry Doyle (With Bat) 102 Jimmy Collins 152 Jean Dubuc 103 Bunk Congalton 153 Hugh Duffy 104 Wid Conroy (Fielding) 154 Jack Dunn 105 Wid Conroy (With Bat) 155 Joe Dunn 106 Harry Coveleski 156 Bull Durham 107 Doc Crandall (Portrait, No Cap) 157 Jimmy Dygert 108 Doc Crandall (Portrait, With Cap) 158 Ted Easterly 109 Bill Cranston 159 Dick Egan 110 Gavvy Cravath 160 Kid Elberfeld (New York) 111 Sam Crawford (Throwing) 161 Kid Elberfeld (Washington, Portrait) 112 Sam Crawford (With Bat) 162 Kid Elberfeld (Washington, Fielding) 113 Birdie Cree 163 Roy Ellam 114 Lou Criger 164 Clyde Engle 115 Dode Criss 165 Steve Evans 116 Monte Cross 166 Johnny Evers (Portrait) 117 Bill Dahlen (Boston) Johnny Evers (With Bat, Chicago On 167 118 Bill Dahlen (Brooklyn) Shirt) Johnny Evers (With Bat, Cubs On 119 Paul Davidson 168 Shirt) 120 George Davis 169 Bob Ewing 121 Harry Davis (Davis on Front) 170 Cecil Ferguson 122 Harry Davis (H. Davis on Front) 171 Hobe Ferris 123 Frank Delahanty 172 Lou Fiene (Portrait) 124 Jim Delahanty 173 Lou Fiene (Throwing) 125 Ray Demmitt (New York) 174 Steamer Flanagan 126 Ray Demmitt (St. Louis) 175 Art Fletcher 127 Rube Dessau 176 Elmer Flick 128 Art Devlin 177 Russ Ford 129 Josh Devore 178 Ed Foster 130 Bill Dinneen 179 Jerry Freeman 131 Mike Donlin (Fielding) 180 John Frill 132 Mike Donlin (Seated) 181 Charlie Fritz 133 Mike Donlin (With Bat) 182 Art Fromme 134 Jiggs Donohue 183 Chick Gandil 135 Wild Bill Donovan (Portrait) 184 Bob Ganley 136 Wild Bill Donovan (Throwing) 185 John Ganzel 137 Red Dooin 186 Harry Gasper 138 Mickey Doolan (Batting) 187 Rube Geyer 1909-11 T206 White Border 2 www.slantycouch.com :: Vintage Baseball Cards and Memorabilia 188 George Gibson 237 Fielder Jones (Hands at Hips) 189 Billy Gilbert 238 Fielder Jones (Portrait) 190 Wilbur Good 239 Davy Jones 191 Bill Graham 240 Tom Jones 192 Peaches Graham 241 Dutch Jordan 193 Dolly Gray 242 Tim Jordan (Batting) 194 Ed Greminger 243 Tim Jordan (Portrait) 195 Clark Griffith (Batting) 244 Addie Joss (Pitching) 196 Clark Griffith (Portrait) 245 Addie Joss (Portrait) 197 Moose Grimshaw 246 Ed Karger 198 Bob Groom 247 Willie Keeler (Portrait) 199 Tom Guiheen 248 Willie Keeler (Batting) 200 Ed Hahn 249 Joe Kelley 201 Bob Hall 250 J.F. Kiernan 202 Bill Hallman 251 Ed Killian (Pitching) 203 Jack Hannifin 252 Ed Killian (Portrait) 204 Bill Hart 253 Frank King 205 Jimmy Hart 254 Rube Kissinger 206 Topsy Hartsel 255 Red Kleinow (Boston) 207 Jack Hayden 256 Red Kleinow (New York, Catching) 208 J. Ross Helm 257 Red Kleinow (New York, With Bat) 209 Charlie Hemphill 258 Johnny Kling 210 Buck Herzog (Boston) 259 Otto Knabe 211 Buck Herzog (New York) 260 Jack Knight (Portrait) 212 Gordon Hickman 261 Jack Knight (With Bat) 213 Bill Hinchman 262 Ed Konetchy (Glove above Head) 214 Harry Hinchman 263 Ed Konetchy (Glove Near Ground) 215 Dick Hoblitzell 264 Harry Krause (Pitching) 216 Danny Hoffman 265 Harry Krause (Portrait) 217 Izzy Hoffman 266 Rube Kroh 218 Solly Hofman 267 Otto Krueger 219 Bock Hooker 268 James Lafitte 220 Del Howard 269 Nap Lajoie (Portrait) 221 Ernie Howard 270 Nap Lajoie (Throwing) 222 Harry Howell (Hand at Waist) 271 Nap Lajoie (With Bat) 223 Harry Howell (Portrait) 272 Joe Lake (New York) 224 Miller Huggins (Hands at Mouth) 273 Joe Lake (St. Louis, Ball in Hand) 225 Miller Huggins (Portrait) 274 Joe Lake (St. Louis, No Ball in Hand) 226 Rudy Hulswitt 275 Frank LaPorte 227 John Hummel 276 Arlie Latham 228 George Hunter 277 Bill Lattimore 229 Frank Isbell 278 Jimmy Lavender 230 Fred Jacklitsch 279 Tommy Leach (Bending Over) 231 Jimmy Jackson 280 Tommy Leach (Portrait) Hughie Jennings (One Hand 232 281 Lefty Leifield (Batting) Showing) Hughie Jennings (Both Hands 282 Lefty Leifield (Pitching) 233 Showing) 283 Ed Lennox 234 Hughie Jennings (Portrait) 284 Harry Sentz (Lentz) 235 Walter Johnson (Pitching) 285 Glenn Liebhardt 236 Walter Johnson (Portrait) 286 Vive Lindaman 1909-11 T206 White Border 3 www.slantycouch.com :: Vintage Baseball Cards and Memorabilia 287 Perry Lipe 337 Bill Milligan 288 Paddy Livingston 338 Fred Mitchell 289 Hans Lobert 339 Mike Mitchell 290 Harry Lord 340 Dan Moeller 291 Harry Lumley 341 Carlton Molesworth 292 Carl Lundgren (Chicago) 342 Herbie Moran 293 Carl Lundgren (Kansas City) 343 Pat Moran 294 Nick Maddox 344 George Moriarty 295 Sherry Magee (Magie) 345 Mike Mowrey 296 Sherry Magee (Portrait) 346 Dom Mullaney 297 Sherry Magee (With Bat) 347 George Mullin (Mullen) 298 Bill Malarkey 348 George Mullin (Throwing) 299 Billy Maloney 349 George Mullin (With Bat) 300 George Manion 350 Danny Murphy (Batting) 301 Rube Manning (Batting) 351 Danny Murphy (Throwing) 302 Rube Manning (Pitching) 352 Red Murray (Batting) 303 Rube Marquard (Hands at Thighs) 353 Red Murray (Portrait) Rube Marquard (Pitching Follow- 304 354 Chief Meyers (Batting) Through) 355 Chief Meyers (Fielding) 305 Rube Marquard (Portrait) 356 Billy Nattress 306 Doc Marshall 357 Tom Needham 307 Christy Mathewson (Dark Cap) 358 Simon Nicholls (Hands on Knees) 308 Christy Mathewson (Portrait) 359 Simon Nicholls (Nichols, Batting) 309 Christy Mathewson (White Cap) 360 Harry Niles 310 Al Mattern 361 Rebel Oakes 311 John McAleese 362 Frank Oberlin 312 George McBride 363 Peter O'Brien 313 Pat McCauley 364 Bill O'Hara (New York) 314 Moose McCormick 365 Bill O'Hara (St. Louis) 315 Pryor McElveen 366 Rube Oldring (Batting) 316 Dan McGann 367 Rube Oldring (Fielding) 317 Jim McGinley 368 Charley O'Leary (Hands on Knees) 318 Iron Man McGinnity 369 Charley O'Leary (Portrait) 319 Stoney McGlynn 370 William O'Neil 320 John McGraw (Finger in Air) 371 Al Orth 321 John McGraw (Glove at Hip) 372 William Otey 322 John McGraw (Portrait, No Cap) 373 Orval Overall (Hand Face Level) 323 John McGraw (Portrait, With Cap) 374 Orval Overall (Hands Waist Level) 324 Harry McIntyre (Brooklyn) 375 Orval Overall (Portrait) 325 Harry McIntyre (Brooklyn & Chicago) 376 Frank Owen 326 Matty McIntyre 377 George Paige 327 Larry McLean 378 Fred Parent 328 George McQuillan (Ball in Hand) 379 Dode Paskert 329 George McQuillan (With Bat) 380 Jim Pastorius 330 Fred Merkle (Portrait) 381 Harry Pattee 331 Fred Merkle (Throwing) 382 Billy Payne 332 George Merritt 383 Barney Pelty (Horizontal Photo) 333 Chief Meyers 384 Barney Pelty (Vertical Photo) 334 Clyde Milan 385 Hub Perdue 335 Dots Miller 386 George Perring 336 Molly Miller 1909-11 T206 White Border 4 www.slantycouch.com :: Vintage Baseball Cards and Memorabilia 387 Arch Persons 437 Spike Shannon 388 Francis (Big Jeff) Pfeffer 438 Bud Sharpe 389 Jake Pfiester (Seated) 439 Shag Shaughnessy 390 Jake Pfiester (Throwing) 440 Al Shaw 391 Jimmy Phelan 441 Hunky Shaw 392 Eddie Phelps 442 Jimmy Sheckard (Glove Showing) 393 Deacon Phillippe 443 Jimmy Sheckard (No Glove Showing) 394 Ollie Pickering 444 Bill Shipke 395 Eddie Plank 445 Jimmy Slagle 396 Phil Poland 446 Carlos Smith 397 Jack Powell 447 Frank Smith (F.
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