THE WESTFIELD LEADER o The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County CoN t- o I SI'S 6JUD3I N1NI EAR, NO. 29 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1982 Published A\ \W*lKld. N J. Every Thursday 24 Pages—25 Cents Rezoning for Shopping Mall Office Revamp Brings Protest from Chamber Approved Chamber of Commerce day's meeting to protest Westfield's traffic pattern President Norman Greco, the rezoning which they and flow. retailer Saul Drittel of the feel will be detrimental to "As most of you are Restructuring of the felt that James Krieger's Chamber, and others are the local business district, aware, many retail stores school district's business post as assistant expected to attend the 7:30 Westfield traffic patterns in this area are facing dif- department in an effort to superintendent in charge and density, and to the save $50,000 was approved of business and as p.m. hearing Wednesday ficult times financially; a by the Board of Education secretary to the board on a plea for rezoning of a residential character of the mall in the magnitude pro- Tuesday night by a vote of should remain. 52-acre tract on Route 22 in local community because posed could be the prover- 8-1. Joan Unger cast a bial "straw that broke the Krieger has resigned his Springfield as a shopping of traffic and economic im- negative vote claiming she post for a similar position mall, The meeting will be pact. camel'3 back." is opposed to the in another school district. held in the Gardineer In a letter to the Spr- "Springfield Ave. has Superintendent of Schools Instead of finding a School on South Springfield ingfield Planning Board long been a dangerous becoming an acting replacement for him, the Ave. and the Springfield (Continued tart paga, thli section) secretary to the board and The hearing will be held Township municipal body, (Continued latt page, thtnectionl by the Springfield Plann- Greco said. ing Board on the proposed "The Westfield Area redevelopment located at Chamber of Commerce Residents In Mass the corner of the highway wishes to express its strong and South Springfield Ave. objection to the rezoning of Among plans advanced acreage located in the roads leading to Spr- southeast corner of Route Support for Ziobro ingfield Ave. and a possible 22 and Springfield Ave., Yellow ribbons on lapels, ing conduct." of town and neighboring overpass over Route 22. Springfield, to permit the a letter writing campaign Aim of the protest, ac- towns were present. Peo- Primary stores expected construction of a shopping and a full page ad in cording to Carolyn Moran ple who have been at odds to occupy the tract are mall. today's Leader are among of Raymond St., is to "have with each other on other Alexander's and "Two of the strongest ob- steps taken by a large Mr. Ziobro back teaching issues in town were united. Bamaber's,' supplemented jections expressed by the group of Westfield in our school as soon as We, presently, have receiv- by perhaps up to 85 Chamber, which residents in support of possible." Plans for mass- ed statements of praise for satellite shops. represents 120 business Stanley Ziobro, junior high ing his support were drawn Mr. Ziobro from present Chamber officials urged and professional firms in school teacher suspended at a leadership meeting and former students and local residents and mer- the Westfield area, are: from his duties with pay Feb. 4, she said. from as far away as Lex- Fireman Kenneth Van Blarcom and Volunteer general alarm fire which almost destroyed home at 555 chants to attend Wednes- "l. The economic impact and awaiting a hearing by "We have a large scale ington, Ky. The aim of the Fireman Daniel Kelly Sr. direct water stream from St. Marks Ave. early Monday morning of a mall of such an administrative law mass support group group is to have Mr. Ziobro Fire Department's snorkel at flames erupting from a magnitude on the commer- judge to be appointed by organizing for Mr. Stanley back teaching in our school cial section of Westfield; State Commissioner of Ziobro," Mrs. Moran said. as soon as possible. and Education Fred G. Burke. "Parents, former Family Pets Perish "2. The proposed access Ziobro was suspended teachers, former students, "We feel he is, without a roads which would have a pending his hearing on people of all ages and all shadow of a doubt, an ex- definite effect on allegations of "unbecom- walks of life from all parts cellent teacher and a As Fire Ravages wonderful human being. He has always treated children with the greatest St. Marks Home Bailey to Seek Election respect and with the -Smoke detectors are tained heat and water highest of principles. Many credited with helping to damage. have already stepped for- save the lives of Dr. Fred The area of deepest char To 3-Year Board Seat ward and told many heart- Schulaner and his 17-year- was located in the ceiling warming stories that we're old daughter Rachel when area at the bottom of the B. Carlton Bailey Jr. of from the same univeristy. sure he'd love to hear. flames virtually demolish- cellar steps and Dr. 411 Beechwood Place today After college, he taught "Our children are cur- ed their three story center Schulaner told firemen announced his intention to ninth and tenth grade colonial home at 555 St. that flames were leaping rently missing his exper- run for a three year term English for one semester tise in the classroom. He is Marks Ave. early Monday from a cellar door as he on the Westfield school before serving as an officer morning. and his daughter board. Bailey, recently ap- in the United States Army, one of the best teachers in The doctor and his evacuated their home. The pointed to fill a vacancy on stationed in Germany. the whole system. His daughter were aroused by smoke alarms which woke the Board of Education, Bailey has completed math notes are widely used the smoke alarms at about them were located adja- seeks to continue his ser- post graduate courses at by former students even at 5 a.m. and the general- cent to the second floor vice to the community. George Washington the college level. Although alarm fire raged out of con- sleeping area. In announcing his inten- University Law School, all children miss terribly, trol for more than three The basement ceiling tion to run, Bailey said "I and is a member of the it has been brought to our hours. consisted of asbesto's More hoses are directed at fire from firemen working on the ground. Smoke detec- strongly advocate concen- American Bar Association, attention that children who At least one fireman, blocks stapled to fin-ing tors are credited with saving the lives of two occupants in the home. trating on the curriculum the Virginia Bar, the have thought of him as a Robert Schierle, was in- strips, and the fire, basics necessary for our Supreme Court Bar, the substitute father or grand- jured. Schierle was taken believed to be electrical in children's survival in this Motor Carriers Lawyers father are literally to Overlook Hospital for origin, apparently started PERC To Rule On PBA Dispute highly technical society. Association, and is devastated. treatment of smoke inhala- above the asbestos ceiling Superior Court Judge December. administered by the State We must also preserve our secretary of the New York "Mr. Ziobro is teaching tion. Other firefighters suf- and burned for a con- Frederick C. Kentz Jr. rul- The Westfield PBA Local Police Chief's Association investment in our facilities Chapter of the Association twenty-five years and fered minor burns and siderable time consuming ed Thursday that the 90 had filed a grievance as well as his own judge- by proper attention to the B. Carlton Bailey Jr. of Interstate Commerce there are no two ways other complaints. the rafters and flooring Public Employees Rela- against the town and the ment and promoted those care of our physical plants. to Westfield because of the Commission Practitioners. about it, we want him back The family's pet dog and above. tions Committee (PERC) chief about a month ago. that he felt were more We must achieve these outstanding school system. Bailey is married and teaching our children!,"' two cats perished in the Flames then traveled up will decide whether They were in court Thurs- qualified for the positions. goals within the con- We must maintain this has two children. Mrs. Moran concluded. blaze. an open stairway to the kit- Westfield Police Chief day seeking a temporary He also took seniority into straints of our current system to insure the quali- The fire caused exten- chen area, penetrated the James F. Moran violated restraining order pro- account. financial realities, ty of our community." sive damage to the base- suspended ceiling in the promotional procedures hibiting the three new William Lasseter, PBA "I am gratified by the Bailey is a corporate at- Families May Receive ment, kitchen and roof and kitchen and spread lateral- when he promoted three of- sergeants from continuing president, indicates that confidence that the Board torney with Sea-Land In- the entire structure sus- (Cominued iMtpaga. thiiMctioni ficers to sergeants in in their positions. Attorney the PERC decision should of Education showed in me dustries, Inc. of Iselin. He Stephen Hunter be made within three mon- by appointing me to the is a graduate of Mercer Cheese Here Saturday represented the PBA; ths.
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