B:9.85” T:9.35” S:8.85” 51 st WORLDFEST–HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FOR HARDCORE FANS. B:11.5” S:10.5” T:11” APRIL 20–29, 2018 APRIL 20–29, J. HUNTER TODD – CHAIRMAN & FOUNDER HUNTER TODD J. WORLDFEST HOUSTON 51st ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 20– 29, 2018 worldfest.org LNC_WFH_Book-Cover_Tear.indd 1 4/2/18 5:32 PM Job #: LNC_WFH_Book-Cov- Doc Name: LNC_WFH_Book-Cover_Tear.indd Client: WorldFest Hous- Job Name: LNC_WFH_Book-Cover_Tear Last Save Date: 4-2-2018 5:31 PM by : Santiago Garces Dept.: None Job Info Fonts & Images Approvals None Job Type Fonts Art Director Santiago Garces Gotham (Bold, Book, Medium) Live 8.85” x 10.5” Copywriter Luis Vasquez Trim 9.35” x 11” Images Account Mgr None Bleed 9.85” x 11.5” Tear.eps (CMYK; 792 ppi; 37.86%), WFH_Logo. psd (CMYK; 1726 ppi; 4.17%) Studio Artist None Inks Proofreader None Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Notes None ® office space available now starting at $299 713-999-4662 I www.BoxerWorkstyle.com FOR LEASE B:9.5” T:9” S:8.5” B:11.5” S:10.5” T:11” LNC_WFH_Print_Psychologist.indd 1 3/23/18 4:23 PM Job #: LNC_WFH_Print_2018 Doc Name: LNC_WFH_Print_Psychologist.indd Client: WorldFest Hous- Job Name: LNC_WFH_Print_2018 Last Save Date: 3-23-2018 4:19 PM by : Santiago Garces Dept.: None Job Info Fonts & Images Approvals None Job Type Fonts Art Director Santiago Garces None Live 8.5” x 10.5” Copywriter Luis Vasquez Trim 9” x 11” Images Account Mgr None Bleed 9.5” x 11.5” LNC_WFH_Print_Psychologist.eps (CMYK; 300 ppi; 100%) Studio Artist None Inks Proofreader None Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Notes None TREATING EVERY SHIPMENT LIKE A MASTERPIECE Masterpiece International Limited was founded in 1989 as a Customs Broker, freight forwarder, and logistics provider specializing in the transport of fine art. 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