Tony Nunnery's

Tony Nunnery's

Day Localities visited 1 Yanacocha - Bellavista 2 Bellavista - Tony Nunnery's - Middle Tandayapa Valley 3 Bellavista - Mindo Loma - Septimo Paraiso 4 Paz de las aves - Mashpi Reserve CHECK LIST OF THE BIRDS OF ECUADOR 5 Waterfall Rd. - Milpe Garden 6 Milpe Rd MCF to end of Rd. - New rd to Alluriquin - Rio Palenque W = West E = East S = South N = North 7 Rio Palenque - Rio Silanche SW = Southwest Elevation 8 Rio Silanche - Calacali L = Lowlands 0-600m 9 Papallacta Pass - Rd. above hot springs - Guango F = Foothills 600-1200m 10 Guango - Papallacta hot springs/pass - San Isidro S = Subtropic 1200-2400m 11 San Isidro - Rd past Guacamayos T = Temperate 2400-3300m 12 Guacamayos Ridgetrail - Archidona overnight Orchid's Paradise P = Paramo over 3300m 13 El Para - Loreto Rd. - Wildsumaco C = Coast under 100m 14 Wildsumaco - Piha trail - Rd. & Leaftosser Trail I = Interandean Valley 2400-3300m 15 F.A.C.E trail, Streamcreeper trail - Residence trails & feeders M= Maranon 16 Residence & Rd - Loreto - Coca B = Boreal migrant/ summer visitor 17 Sani Lodge A = Austral migrant/ winter visitor 18 Sani Lodge X = Extirpated 19 Sani Lodge 20 Sani Lodge returrn to Quito 21 Antisana 22 Cotopaxi 23 Yanacocha 24 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TINAMOUS 1 Gray Tinamou 2 Black Tinamou 3 Great Tinamou 4 White-throated Tinamou 5 Highland Tinamou 6 Tawny-breasted Tinamou 7 Cinereous Tinamou 8 Berlepsch's Tinamou 1 9 Little Tinamou HH 10 Brown Tinamou 2 11 Undulated Tinamou HH 12 Variegated Tinamou 13 Bartlett's Tinamou 14 Pale-browed Tinamou 15 Tataupa Tinamou 16 Andean Tinamou 3 17 Curve-billed Tinamou X GREBES 18 Least Grebe 4 19 Pied-billed Grebe X 5 20 Silvery Grebe X PENGUINS 21 Humboldt Penguin ALBATROSSES 22 Waved Albatross 23 Black-browed Albatross SHEARWATERS AND PETRELS 24 Southern Giant-Petrel 25 Southern Fulmar 26 Pintado Petrel 27 Dark-rumped Petrel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 White-chinned Petrel 29 Parkinson's Petrel 30 Pink-footed Shearwater 31 Buller's Shearwater 32 Sooty Shearwater 33 Audubon's Shearwater STORM-PETRELS 34 Wilson's Storm-Petrel 35 White-vented Storm-Petrel 36 White-faced Storm-Petrel 37 Least Storm-Petrel 38 Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel 39 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 40 Markham's Storm-Petrel 41 Black Storm-Petrel 42 Ashy Storm-Petrel 43 Hornby's Storm-Petrel TROPICBIRDS 44 Red-billed Tropicbird FRIGATEBIRDS 45 Magnificent Frigatebird 46 Great Frigatebird BOOBIES 47 Blue-footed Booby 48 Peruvian Booby 49 Nazca Booby 50 Brown Booby 51 Red-footed Booby CORMORANTS 6 52 Neotropic Cormorant XXXXXX 53 Guanay Shag DARTERS 7 54 Anhinga XXX PELICANS 55 Brown Pelican 56 Peruvian Pelican SCREAMERS 57 Horned Screamer DUCKS, GEESE, AND SWANS 58 Fulvous Whistling-Duck 59 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 60 Orinoco Goose 61 Muscovy Duck 62 Comb Duck 8 63 Torrent Duck X 9 64 Andean Teal XX XX 65 White-cheeked Pintail 10 66 Yellow-billed Pintail XX 11 67 Blue-winged Teal B X 68 Cinnamon Teal B 69 Northern Shoveler B 70 Southern Pochard 71 Lesser Scaup B 12 72 Andean Ruddy-Duck XX 73 Masked Duck FLAMINGOS 74 Chilean Flamingo HERONS, BITTERNS, AND EGRETS 75 Pinnated Bittern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 13 76 Least Bittern B H 77 Stripe-backed Bittern 78 Zigzag Heron 14 79 Rufescent Tiger-Heron XXX 80 Fasciated Tiger-Heron 15 81 Cocoi Heron X 82 Great Blue Heron B 16 83 Great Egret B X X X X 17 84 Snowy Egret XX 85 Little Blue Heron B 18 86 Tricolored Heron B X 19 87 Cattle Egret B X X X X X 20 88 Striated Heron XXXXXX 89 Green Heron B 21 90 Agami Heron XX 91 Whistling Heron 22 92 Capped Heron X 93 Black-crowned Night-Heron B 94 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 95 Boat-billed Heron IBISES AND SPOONBILLS 23 96 Black-faced Ibis X 97 Green Ibis 98 Bare-faced Ibis 99 White Ibis 100 Scarlet Ibis 101 Glossy Ibis B 102 Roseate Spoonbill STORKS 103 Wood Stork 104 Jabiru AMERICAN VULTURES 24 105 Andean Condor X 106 King Vulture 25 107 Black Vulture XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 26 108 Turkey Vulture B X X X X X X X X X 27 109 Greater Yellow-headed Vulture X KITES, EAGLES, AND HAWKS 28 110 Osprey BXX 111 Gray-headed Kite 29 112 Hook-billed Kite X 30 113 Swallow-tailed Kite B X X 114 Pearl Kite 115 White-tailed Kite 116 Snail Kite 117 Slender-billed Kite 31 118 Double-toothed Kite X 119 Rufous-thighed Kite 32 120 Plumbeous Kite B X X 121 Mississippi Kite B 33 122 Cinereous Harrier X 34 123 Plain-breasted Hawk X 124 Semicollared Hawk 35 125 Tiny Hawk X 126 Bicolored Hawk 127 Gray-bellied Hawk 36 128 Crane Hawk X 129 Slate-colored Hawk 130 Plumbeous Hawk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 131 Semiplumbeous Hawk 132 Black-faced Hawk 133 White Hawk 134 Gray-backed Hawk 135 Barred Hawk 136 Savanna Hawk 137 Common Black-Hawk 138 Great Black-Hawk 139 Solitary Eagle 140 Harris's Hawk 141 Black-collared Hawk 37 142 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle X X 143 Gray Hawk 38 144 Roadside Hawk H X X X X X X X X X X 145 White-rumped Hawk 39 146 Broad-winged Hawk B X 40 147 Short-tailed Hawk XX 148 White-throated Hawk 149 Swainson's Hawk B 150 Zone-tailed Hawk 41 151 Red-backed (Variable) Hawk XX XXX 42 Puna (Varialble) Hawk X XX 152 Crested Eagle 153 Harpy Eagle 154 Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle 155 Black Hawk-Eagle 156 Ornate Hawk-Eagle 157 Black-and-chestnut Eagle FALCONS AND CARACARAS 43 158 Black Caracara X 159 Red-throated Caracara 160 Northern Crested-Caracara 44 161 Carunculated Caracara XX 162 Mountain Caracara 45 163 Yellow-headed Caracara X 46 164 Barred Forest-Falcon H 165 Lined Forest-Falcon 166 Plumbeous Forest-Falcon 167 Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon 168 Collared Forest-Falcon 47 169 Buckley's Forest-Falcon XH 48 170 Laughing Falcon X 49 171 American Kestrel X X X X X 172 Merlin B 50 173 Aplomado Falcon XX 51 174 Bat Falcon 175 Orange-breasted Falcon 176 Peregrine Falcon B CURASSOWS, GUANS, AND CHACHALACAS 52 177 Speckled Chachalaca XX 178 Rufous-headed Chachalaca 179 Bearded Guan 53 180 Andean Guan X 181 Baudó Guan 182 Spix's Guan 183 Crested Guan 54 184 Common Piping-Guan X 55 185 Wattled Guan HHHH 56 186 Sickle-winged Guan X X 187 Nocturnal Curassow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 188 Salvin's Curassow 189 Great Curassow 190 Wattled Curassow NEW WORLD QUAILS 57 191 Marbled Wood-Quail H 58 192 Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail H 193 Dark-backed Wood-Quail 194 Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail 195 Starred Wood-Quail 196 Tawny-faced Quail RAILS, GALLINULES, AND COOTS 59 197 Gray-breasted Crake 60 198 White-throated Crake HH 199 Rufous-sided Crake 200 Black-banded Crake 201 Russet-crowned Crake 61 202 Chestnut-headed Crake H 203 Uniform Crake 204 Sora B 205 Yellow-breasted Crake 206 Paint-billed Crake 207 Colombian Crake 208 Clapper Rail 62 209 Ecuadorian Rail X 210 Blackish Rail 211 Plumbeous Rail 212 Spotted Rail 213 Rufous-necked Wood-Rail 63 214 Gray-necked Wood-Rail X 215 Brown Wood-Rail 216 Red-winged Wood-Rail 217 Purple Gallinule 218 Azure Gallinule 219 Common Gallinule 64 220 Andean Coot XX 221 American Coot SUNBITTERN 222 Sunbittern FINFOOTS 65 223 Sungrebe X LIMPKIN 66 224 Limpkin X TRUMPETERS 225 Gray-winged Trumpeter JACANAS 67 226 Wattled Jacana X SANDPIPERS, SNIPES, PHALAROPES 68 227 Greater Yellowlegs B X 228 Lesser Yellowlegs B 229 Solitary Sandpiper B 230 Willet B 231 Wandering Tattler B 69 232 Spotted Sandpiper B X X X X X X 233 Upland Sandpiper B 234 Whimbrel B 235 Hudsonian Godwit B 236 Marbled Godwit B 237 Ruddy Turnstone B 238 Surfbird B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 239 Red Knot B 240 Sanderling B 241 Semipalmated Sandpiper B 242 Western Sandpiper B 70 243 Least Sandpiper B X 71 244 White-rumped Sandpiper B X 72 245 Baird's Sandpiper B X 246 Pectoral Sandpiper B 247 Dunlin B 248 Curlew Sandpiper B 249 Stilt Sandpiper B 250 Buff-breasted Sandpiper B 251 Short-billed Dowitcher B 252 Long-billed Dowitcher 253 Common Snipe B 254 South American Snipe 255 Puna Snipe 73 256 Noble Snipe X 74 257 Andean Snipe X 258 Imperial Snipe 259 Red Phalarope B 260 Red-necked Phalarope B 261 Wilson's Phalarope B SEEDSNIPES 75 262 Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe X 263 Least Seedsnipe THICK-KNEES 264 Peruvian Thick-knee OYSTERCATCHERS 265 American Oystercatcher STILTS AND AVOCETS 266 Black-necked Stilt 267 White-backed Stilt 268 American Avocet B PLOVERS AND LAPWINGS 76 269 Southern Lapwing XX 77 270 Andean Lapwing XX 271 Gray Plover B 272 American Golden-Plover B 273 Pacific Golden-Plover B 78 274 Pied Plover X 275 Semipalmated Plover B 276 Wilson's Plover 277 Piping Plover B 278 Snowy Plover 79 279 Collared Plover X 280 Killdeer B 281 Tawny-throated Dotterel SKUAS AND JAEGERS 282 Chilean Skua 283 South Polar Skua 284 Pomarine Jaeger 285 Parasitic Jaeger 286 Long-tailed Jaeger GULLS AND TERNS 287 Gray Gull 288 Band-tailed Gull 289 Kelp Gull 290 Lesser Black-backed Gull B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 291 Herring Gull B 292 Ring-billed Gull B 293 California Gull B 294 Gray-hooded Gull 80 295 Andean Gull X 296 Laughing Gull B 297 Franklin's Gull B 298 Sabine's Gull 299 Swallow-tailed Gull 300 Gull-billed Tern 301 Caspian Tern B 302 Royal Tern B 303 Elegant Tern B 304 Sandwich Tern B 305 Common Tern B 306 Arctic Tern B 307 South American Tern 81 308 Yellow-billed Tern XX 309 Least Tern B 310 Peruvian Tern 311 Bridled Tern 82 312 Large-billed Tern X 313 Black Tern B 314 Inca Tern SKIMMERS 315 Black Skimmer PIGEONS AND DOVES 83 316 Rock Pigeon X 84 317 Band-tailed Pigeon X X X X 85 318 Scaled Pigeon XX 86 319 Pale-vented Pigeon XX 320 Marañón Pigeon 87 321 Ruddy Pigeon XHH 88 322 Plumbeous

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