The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association May 27,1992, Volume 29 Number 22 Success rate high for certifying coaches; program meets goals The early feedback on the new edge, but the questions often were NCAA coaches certification exam- legalistic and difficult to answer, ination has been good, and those Gerdy said. involved with implcmentmg the pro- “We missed the boat on that,” he gram believe it has accomplished its said, “because they don’t need to primary goals. understand all the specifics. They “The test itself has been viewed to need to know general principles, be a fair tcst,“said Kevin C. I,ennon, and they need to be smart enough director of compliance services. “It to know that if something falls out- has provided greater exposure and side those principles, they should a greater lcvcl 01 comfort with the ask.” NCAA Manual.” For example, the following ques- Fffective August I in Division 1, tions arc simdar to those that ap- only those coaches who have been pcarcd 011 the open-book ccrtificd may contact or evaluate certification examination: any prospective student-athlete off l /?fier Seprernher I of’ the he- campus. Certification procedures lr mcludc a requirement that the I coaches pass an open-hook examii ‘1 nation on NCAA recruiting legisla- tion. l~hc rate of failure on the cxami- nations has been low, probably less than tive percent. “The test is easy, but that’s OK,” said John R. Gerdy, associate com- missioner for the Southeastern Con- fercnce. Gcrdy said the test accomplished two principal goals: motivating coaches to review the ‘l‘he answer to the first is sclcction o Ma lnual and testing them on a non- “b”(Bylaw 13.4). and the answer to % tecl lnical basis. the second is talse (Hylaw 13.01.6). p’ .. We had fallen into a trap rcgard- In both cases, the appropriate rules 2. rules,” Cierdy said. “We made $ w are clearly stated in the Manual. 2 the miotake of cxpccting coaches to Rritton Hanowsky, assistant corn- know every single rule. It created an missioner of the Southwest Athletic Strong-arm tactics enormous paranoia among them.” Confercncc, said about 241) SWC While the NCAA certification coaches had been tested so far, and program is new, testing coaches all had passed the exam. About 120 The heads-up play of UCLA catcher Kelly lnouye made things oYfficult for Arizona May 25 at about rules IS not. Confcrcnccs and of them had pcrfcct scores, he said, the Women L College Wodd Series in Oklahoma City lnouye threw out three base runners on institutions in the past relied on a and one finished the exam in seven her way to making the all-tournament team, and UCLA defeated Atizona, Z-0, in the title bank of test questions from the minutes. Although coaches had an game. See stoty on page 7. NCAA to cheek coaches’ knowl- NCAA awards Senate set minority grants Toner knows where he stands Hy David D. Smale for vote The NCAA has awarded post- Thr NCAA News Stall NCAA File ) , graduate scholarships through the ethnic-minority-enhancement pro- on gambling It ncvcr has been hard to get an opinion related John L. Toner gram for the fifth year. A vote is scheduled June 2 in the to NCAA activities out of John Toner. On any Lives in: Savannah, Georgia. The enhancement program, es- ~J.s. Scnatr on the Prolessional and tablished in 1987 as a result of a subject. At any time. Occupation: Retired It is nor that .I‘oncl is overly opinionated. He has Amateur Sports Protection Act (S. recommcndatlvn of the NC-AA Formerly: NCAA president (1983-85); jLJSt been involved in so many athletics issues during 474). which would prohibit cxpan- Council Subcommittee to Review NCAA secretary-treasurer (1981-83); his career that hc has a well-formed opinion on sion ot statr-aulhorircd sports-garn- Minority Opportunities in Intercol- member of Council (1977-81). practically everything. Gender equity? ‘Toner was Ming schcmc\. lcgiatc Athletics, is aimed at creating assistant/head football coach at Boston heavily involved in Incorporating women’s cham- Unlverslty, Columbia University and The bill, which has been cospon- .SecLNC ‘A A awurd. page’ -71 pionshlp\ into the jurisdiction of the NC-AA. University of Connecticut. and athletics \orcd by more than 60 senators. Proposition 4x” ‘loner was NCAA secretary-trcas- director at Connecticut. would prohibit state and Iocal g(~ urcr when the original legislation was passed. ‘I hc Family: Wife, Claire; SIX children, 10 vcrnmcnts Irom instituting new 101- rcorgam/ation of the NCAA’? Toner w:l\ on thr In the News grandchildren. rcrics or other pmblinp xhrmcs N<‘AA <‘ouncil when Dlvlsion I was fedcrated Into based upon the ou(cornc of. OI I-A and ILAA In lootbail. pcrlormanccs in, professional and This is one Toner that never runs dry. limilrd IO a vote in Division I aniatcur spotting ewnts Dueprocess legislation 3 First cause ‘lbncr hcgan getting involved in NCAA activities I softball 7 in the late 1960s and earl) 1070s as the I’oothaII Ill men’s golf 7 coach and arhlcrlcs dIrector at the Univcrslty of I men’s tennis 8 Conncc~~cu~ His first cause W;IS what hc called I women’s tennis 9 “taxation without rcprc\cnlation ” Eligibility appeals 14 C‘onncc(icul sponsored fi,othall In Divisinn II Executive Committee and all other sports in I)lvlslon I. Toner rcactcd to minutes 16 the fact that his vote counted in IIi\ision I I onlb NCAA Record. 24 when tbc maltcr was ;L toothallk~nl! issue. II it WZIS The Ma&et 25 an all-spores i\wc th:it included foothall. hc was 2 THE NCAA NEWS/May 27,1992 Certification subcommittee plans Committee notices review of topics for self-study COMMllTEE CHANGES General committees A subcommittee of the NCAA Olympic Sports Liaison: Nelson E. Townsend, State University of New York at Buffalo, appointed to replace Larry Fllis, Princrton iJnivKrsity, Spcc~al Committee on Athletics Cer- tllicatlon will reexamine which areas rrsignrd arK to be considered when an insti- Student-Athlete Advisory: Chris Studer, student-athlete. Boston Uni- In other uctions at its Mav 6-7 meeting in Rena. Nevada, the versity, appointed to replace Margaret Smith, George Mason University, tutjon conducts a self-study as part Spec~ol Committee on Athletics Cert$cation: of the proposed certification proce- resigned from the committee Studer’s sport is wrestling. d urc. Sports committees l Received a rrport on an experimental peer-review visit to the in the committee’s February 17 Men’s and Women’s Golf: VincK Jarrctt, Abilcnc Christian liniversity, LJ.S. Military Academy. report, scvcn arcas wcrc identified appointed to replace Joseph E. Carlson, University of California, Davis, l Rcvicwrd and discussed the latest rrport ot the Knight Founda- that every Division I institution resigned from the committee. tion Commission on intercollegiate Athletics. would cxaminc in a self-study to Men’s and Women’s Rifle: Terri Howes, llniversity of Wyoming, l Discussed building a greater understanding of the certification achieve certification, of the program appointed to rcplact: John W. Kaiser, St. John’s Iiniversity (New York). process. As part of this effort, representatives of the committee will Men’s and Women’s Skiing: Sten Fjeldheim, Northern Michigan is approved at the 1993 NCAA make presentations at thK conventions of the College Football <‘onvcntion. liniversity, appomted to replace Margaret 6. Strait, St. Lawrence Liniversity, Association in IatK May and thr National Association of Collegiate Howcvcr. at its May 6-7 mreting when her term cxpircs Scptcmher I, 1992. Dirrctors of Athlrtlcs in June. Also, the committee discussed the at the University of Nevada, the possibility ot another set of open hearings, possibly in mid-August committee formed the subcommit- after the proposal has bren circulated. tee to create a document on the sclf- study segment of the process and Penn State commits charged that group with the respon- deleted. Also, the subcommittee tions have expressed special concrrn sibility ofassurmg that the certilica- will consider how to address gender ahout meeting requirements from tion process examines thK proper equity and minority issues. The two organi7ations. to Blockbuster Bowl areas. NCAA Minority Opportunities and l Composition and workloud o/ Pennsylvania Statr [Jnivcrsity an- ship Until 1993, Penn State cannot A suhcornmittcc also was formed interests Committee has recom- the proposed Committee on Ath- nounccd May 20 that its football compete in the Rose Bowl, either. to create a document on the certifi- mended that minority concerns hc letics Cert&ution. The committee team would play in the Blockbuster Penn State athletics director cation program’s general adminis- Kxpiicitly examined in the certifica- SKaSon. could be called upon to makr as Bowl at the end of the 1992 James 1. Tarman acknowledged that trative procedures. tion process. many as 60 certification decisions This is the second year in which accKpting a bowl invitation in May The group studying the self-study The self-study suhcommittec also every year, which might be more institutions are free to accept a bowl was unique but “not inappropriate instrument was given two pritnary will consider whcthcr the operating than it could effectively handle. invitation at any time. Penn State given circumstances that forced responsibilities: first, to make the officials took advantage of the op- principles (see ‘l’hc NCAA Nrws, l Treatment of pilot partic- Penn State to assume an aggrrssive self-study process as simple as pos- tion because the institution was February 19) need to he rcvisrd. pms. The full committee requested and accelerated posture toward the sible and.
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