c~, ~ 3~~~ · ~·.T& lA.~ ,1~ TheNewH sh .ire- ...,.-- ----------------------------....i-----~---------. ;;;;;... _______ ..,.!P.11!1!!~~,...~~~----_Bull: Aate,0-s· Postaoe Parr. Vol. 78 No. 43 TUESOAY, APRIL 5, 1988 :' 19!.-i , (603)862-1490 Durham.N.H. Durham IIJH t>erm!!ll30 Themes ~illlilar ill forum By Duncan McEachern The largest field of candidates for--Student Body President in years, expressed similar ,the.mes of uniting the students to com- "' bat the fam'iliar issues of hous- . ing and parking at Morid·ay's "Meet the Candidates Night" in Stoke Hall. Write-in SBP candidate John McCutcheon was not allowed to speak at the Student Senate­ sponsored forum because he did not meet filing requirements . .Once the program began, the fifty students in the Stoke _ . lounge h~ard an extended dis- 1111111 . ----------. ---•.------•·--•-•· --•· ■. 111111111111111111111111_ . • cuss ion by the six recogniied (I to r) Cand1da~es Sures, Clemons, Pariseau, Eltasberg, Gould, Turbyne, DeKonmg, Keatmg, Gallivan, Scenn~, and Rose __ tickets. Improving relations respond to q1,1est1ons. Hammond is out of frame. (Addie Holmgren photo) · with UNH President Gordon Haaland, solving the parking problems, and alleviating the housing crunch were the pre­ valent issues discussed by the New phone system.proposed candidates. Presidential Candidate J a.y By Ray Peckham Gould stressed that changes "basically co.r:ne down to student by Director A plan proposed input." 'i-Ie and his running mate Telecommunica­ of University Turbyne ~aw the ad­ calls for Jennifer tions Charles Simpson dition of a third shuttle as a to every UNH phone service viable solution to the parking campus in the dorm room on prQblem. The two also cited the next two years. promotion of student activities · service would remove The to enhance the participation by charges for both the mont'hly students in University life. the high in­ local service and Michael Keating and Pam.ela for students. Only stallation fees DeKoning said that the univer:.. be charged to toll calls would sity has taken the school away the student. · from the students. DeKoning already been The plan has feels the university has "failed Hall since the tested in Hunter miserably" in their efforts to 1987. The broadening of fall of enhance the social lives of the into Williamson, the se-rvice students. They criticized the and possibly Stoke Christensen, administration for condemning summer is the result over the the Greek system when "they of the high praise the system are unable to the Hunter ( administration1 has been given by student ac­ ' supply alterna~ive residents. tivities." see that there is a great "We Michele Scenna and Sean service demand for telephone stressed their ability students," said Gallivan for university to ·recognize and vocalize what Simpson. "A major goal.of mine Scenna referred to as "a growing is to provide this service, pos­ feeling amon_gst the student sibly in the next two years." body to become involved." However, Simpson said, 1 However, she feels that this photo) PHONES, page 8 Every dorm room should have a phone like this. (Addie Holgren · feeling is being stunted by the present university administra­ tion arid she and Gallivan would -­ work to change that sit~ation. TNH )licks new Editor The two used an artistic port­ folio as a means to emphasize for talking has By Elizabeth Cote English major next semester_, operation of the biweekly stu­ "that the time . started as production assistant dent newspaper. She will man­ stopped." Joanne Marino is a small describes him­ at the newspaper in her fresh- age a staff of over 100 employees Mike Elias berg woman chosen to do a big job. mate Chris• - m,an year,, and moved up to the and a budget of over $117,000. self and his running Despite her five-foot frame, "two normal, important duties and long hours Marino will spend the next tine Pariseau Marino has been a strong pres­ who see some of Man~ging Editor this year. several weeks hiring and train­ average students ence in The New Hampshire things wrong wirh the univer­ news room as Managing Editor The new Editor-In-Chief­ ing editors for the '88/ 89 The elect said she is prepared for New Hampshire. The new staff sity." for a year. In May, Marino will Eliasberg feels that the Greek the even fonger. hours, appro'xi­ will take the reigns of the move up to Editor-In-Chief, FORUM, page 22 . highest rung on the ladder, at mately 60 hours per week, that newspaper on May 1. the student newspaper. are part of the territory of her 'Tm kind of nervous, kind of new job. _ excited," Marino said. ''I've "It's _part of the commit­ Take a look at-the worked at the paper for three ment," sne said. "I just hope my Ta lking Heads' latest. years so I'm confident about a professors will understand." . INSIDE lot of things, but I also know· As Editor-In-Chief, Marino · ~ee pqge 16.· what a big responsibility it is." will be ultimately responsible Marino, who will be a senior for th'e content, business, and , , , I I •.• _.\ · , • • , •• , , ·, PA~ETWO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, APRIL 5, -1988 SHARRP loQks for director By Cindy Mathieson Some6ne who is an advocate Act outlines .. Women and men who expe- f(?r survivo~,s of rape and sexual Any kinds of unwanted sexual rience sexual harassment or assault and will help develop attention which has the affect rape will no longer go to the awareness about these issues, . of creating a negative and Commuter Transfer Center to will be recommended by the hostile environment is consi­ · report it.-Starting in May, a full-: search committee. dered sexual harassment, said time coordinator for the Sexual The· next coordinator will Overton. fr ranges from sugges- Harassment and Rape Preven- have specific qu-alifications. tive comments and unwanted tion Program (SHARPP) will ''The ability, to take risks, a · touching at its mildest to mo­ be hired ar:id will work out of leader,_a strong advocate for lestation and rape at its hars_h­ Huddleston Hall. women;'-' said Morrison. The . est. The hiring of a · full-time applicant should also be able . The Mahoney study asks the SHARPP Coordinator is one of to work well with men without question:' When is it all right the U niversfry's responses to · alienating them. for a man to force a woman to recommendations made by a Overton has the confidence have sex with him? If she·is group of concerned students, • that she_ can do the job and make . drunk, if she sexually amuses staff, and farnlty to the alleged many important contributions .him~ if he spends a lot of money rape of "Sarah" in Stoke Hall in the new position. on her, 0r if she has had sex last spring. In 1983 she worked in Chris- already with another man? Other measures implemented tensen Hall as a Hall Director Overtod used this study at at UNH by SHARPP recently and as a rape crisis counselor URI and came up with answers are the addition of more lights· for SHARPP. which explain to her wl:iy there on campus and more safety Overton is currently working is still such a high incidence of Present SHARRP coordinator Maggie Morrison. (file photo) phones. at the University of Rhode rape and sexual hara~sment on Present SHARPP Coordina- . Island (URI) in a part-time campuses. tor Maggi_e Morrison and the · position as coordinator of the Six percent of women sur­ Strafford Regional Planning Sexual Harassment Education veyed said it was all right for Commission in Dover deve- prpgram. She programs educa­ a man to force a woman to have loped a safety .map of UNH. It tiona.l workshops on campus sex with him if she is drunk. details well-lit paths, bus stops, and at fraternities and sororities Twenty-one percent of the men parking lots and the locations several times weekly. said it was all right. Correction ·of.safety_phones. These maps Overton sees similarities be- When the man is sexually can be picked up at the Com- tween URI and_UNH. "Despite aroused by the woman, 2 5 muter Transfer Center of the the public_ity that this place percent of women surveyed said MUB. (UNH) has gotten I don't see it was alright for him to force In last Friday's paper, there were some mistakes in the story The search committee organ- it as any different than the kind -her to have sex with him. Forty­ · "Rec Proposal Reviewed." The 1986 budget request from ized to hire the next SHARPP of challenge at URI," said . five percent of the men surveyed .Coordinator is made up of one Overton. said it was· alright. the stat~ legislature was $5.3 million for renovations and The basic tenet to be taken with additions to the field house. The proposed rec facility is estimated student, rhree staff,-and three After a woman has slept 1 faculty representatives. On Wed- into consideq.tion and upheld another man, eight percent of at $3 million, which is broken down into $15,000 from the nesday _:April 6, the committee is the 1972 Education Amend­ . women surveyed said sex was administration for feasibility study (which we have); $500,000- will recommend who they be- ments Ac_t, according to Over­ all right under these circumstan­ $700,000 from alumni for equipment (which we're looking lieve should be hired. ton. It outlaws sexual harass- ces, and 25 percent of the men The final decision will be ment of any form. "That applies said it was all right.
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