THE FREE PRESSJOURNAL 20 CORPORATE EVENTS MUMBAI | TUESDAY | AUGUST 30, 2016 Dedication and inauguration of SENDYOUR CORPORATE / EVENTS / HEALTH /ART NEWS AND empo&erment :omen Achie!ers Amenities on CR by Suresh Prabhu CORPORATE CORNER PICTURES TO SACHINTIKARE Email:sachin@f !"c#"in A&ard 0/.1 :inners announced IRCTC named fa!ourite go!ernment ONGC)s P 5 Rao revie&s e-commerce platform Russian projects Suresh Prabhu inaugurated amenities for Central Line 9,he +empowerment *omen /chie!ers /ward(,honored the Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, Minister for Railways dedicated 12-car achie!ements of the women from all walks of life),he EM ser!ices on "arbour Line# foot o!er bridges at $ar%at, awardees ha!e made a significant difference in their chosen Shahad, $urla &$asaiwada', $ing(s Circle, Reay Road and Chembur) causes),he award function was attended by the who(s who of "e inaugurated *i-+i facility at $alyan, Lokmanya ,ilak ,erminus, P $ Rao, -irector &;0erations' !isited Moscow and ,omsk of the industry included Subhash .hai, Saro% $han, $ailash $her -adar&CR'# .arden at -adar under CSR# /C dormitory, water One of the largest e-commerce 0ortals in the /sia-Pacific Russian +ederation and re!iewed 3m0erial Energy and the newly ,Dolly ,hakore, Chhaya Momaya, Mrunalini -eshmukh, $rishika recycling 0lant and bio-toilet for differently-abled 0ersons at region, the 3ndian Railway Catering < ,ourism Cor0oration Ltd acCuired /sset 4ankorneft recently) "e was accom0anied by $ S Lulla, 5hawana Somaaya, .urmeet Choudhry, -ebina, Supriya, Chhatra0ati Shi!a%i ,erminus, delu1e toilet at $urla,,hane# and (IRC,C) has been named the country(s most 0opular e- Pandey, Regional President-Russia business unit of ;6.C Sriti 2ha , SayantaniGhosh, Sanjeeda Sheikh, $aran ,acker, Ritvik new toilet at $alyan and .o!andi in the august 0resence of commerce portal in the .o!ernment/Public Sector Services 4idesh) "e also !isited ,omsk Regional "ome for Children and -hanjani, /sha 6egi, /diti Mittal, Shahid Mallya, Lavina, Ramdas /thawale, Minister of State for Social 2ustice and category at the 5* 5usinessworld .olden Cart /wards),he donated household a00liances for the children),his social Meghna .hai Puri, Shaina 6ath, Sathya Saran, Shilpa Rao ,and Em0owerment, .o!t) of 3ndia and Snehal /mbekar, Mayor of awards were decided on a series of online sur!eys conducted institution, the only one of its kind in ,omsk region, 0ro!ides many more) Mumbai) /lso, 0resent were Rahul Shewale, /r!ind Sawant, across 16 cities to e!aluate o!er ?@ brands across 14 core e- home and care for or0han children u0 to four years old Shrikant Shinde, Ra%an 4ichare, /shish Shelar and ,ru0ti Sawant commerce categories to find out the winners)B*e are suffering from organic damage of central neural system) at -adar, Mumbai) / $ Sri!asta!a, additional general manager, honoured to receive the .olden Cart this year and will Ape; le!el co-ordination committee Central Railway and others were 0resent on the occasion) continue to build our e-commerce brand and deliver the best ECGC celebrated its meeting &ith Corp Bank and *he -e& to our consumers with quality services and inno!ation,D said India Assurance Prez Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated Chairman and Managing -irector / $ Manocha. 60th oundation Day Jangipur Bengal Mega ood Park Panel discussion on'De!elopment of ,ydro Projects" #ssues and Possible Solutions) /n /0e1 le!el co-ordination committee meeting was organised between Cor0oration 5ank and ,he 6ew India /ssurance Co) Ltd) at the 5ank(s cor0orate office in Mangalore) Jai $umar .arg, ,he President of India, Pranab Mukherjee has inaugurated the Managing -irector and CEO of Cor0oration 5ank and .) Jangipur 5engal Mega +ood Park, at Jangipur, in Murshidabad, Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing -irector,,he 6ew India *est 5engal. /rundhati 5hattacharya, Chair0erson, State 5ank of India /ssurance Co) Ltd) along with other e1ecutives of both the graced the 60th +oundation -ay of ECGC. 5hattacharya organisation were present in the meeting),he meeting was addressed the gathering in the presence of .eetha Muralidhar, scheduled to discuss and strengthen the business relationship Manage global risk to seize competitive CMD, ECGC and other senior officials) between two organisations and meeting was concluded by ad!antage emphasizes: CII Risk Summit / 5 /grawal, Executive -irector, NHPC and former Chairman, e1change of MOU entered between 5ank and 6ew India BBMB participated in panel discussion on 9-e!elopment of /ssurance for renewal of cor0orate agency) "ydro Projects: 3ssues and Possible Solutions( organised by Air India 7ong Service Memento India Energy +orum at 6ew -elhi. A&ard function held -uring the discussion, /grawal ga!e his e10ert insights into Dena Bank)s Raj 5umar Sharma !arious issues related to de!elopment of hydropower 0rojects) conferred with Dronacharya A&ard /grawal highlighted that problem of water scarcity must be addressed for planning the e1ecution of hydroelectric projects) "e stressed on educating the masses and 0olicy makers on benefits of hydropower and the need to understand the issues being faced by local 0opulation where hydropower projects are being e1ecuted) "e further ad!ocated that viability of hydropower projects may be worked out by considering ,he 2nd CII 6ational Risk Summit -e-risking India 3nc for .o!ernment support for the social cost towards construction .lobal Competitiveness was held in Mumbai to highlight the of roads and dams for supply of water for irrigation, drinking challenges that 3ndia Inc needs to address as it makes its and flood control) strongest pitch to lead global growth.-uring the occasion, HDFC Chairman -eepak Parekh, RBI’s former -eputy .o!ernor " R $han and Suresh Senapaty released CII 7 KPMG Report: -e- NTPC to plant ./ mn trees /ir India's Regional -irector &*estern Region) Mukesh 5hatia risking 3ndia in the new age of technology) during 0/.1+.2 honored its employees for the completion of 25 years of service with the airline at a function held at Mumbai. $nion Minister Ram Vilas Paswan released 'Jo Dekha Jo (aad Raha) 46th AGM of M.Vis!esvaraya Industrial Research and De!elopment Centre held -ena 5ank employee Raj $umar Sharma has received the country(s highest honor 9-ronacharya /ward( for sports coaching at the hands of President of India Pranab Mukherjee in -elhi) Sharma was given the co!eted award for his services to game of Cricket by Sports Ministry &.;3') -ronacharya is conferred on coaches who produce medal winners at prestigious international sports e!ents),he awardees will receive statuettes, certificates and cash priIe of Rs @ lakh each.Sharma currently works at -ena 5ank Paschim 4ihar NTPC has embarked u0on accelerated afforestation drive with 5ranch and has been with -ena 5ank for the past 28 years) nion Minister for Consumer /ffairs, +ood and Public the State +orest departments of Madhya Pradesh, 5ihar, /ssam, -istribution Ram 4ilas Paswan released a Hindi 5ook titled 92o $arnataka, /ndhra Pradesh,,elengana and Maharashtra to -ekha 2o :aad Raha( written by C 4 /nanda 5ose, Chairman plant 10 million trees during 2016-17 as 0er guidance of Piyush 7 5 %erma takes o!er as CWC and CRWC Ltd in a function held at 6ew -elhi.,he book .oyal, Minister of State & Independent Charge) of Power, Coal, ,he 46th annual general meeting of M.Visvesvaraya Industrial Chief Public Relations 3fficer contains fifty articles on !arious subjects) S0eaking on the 6ew and Renewable Energy and Mines),his is in tandem with Research and -e!elopment Centre was held at *orld ,rade occasion the minister described the book a treasure of the recently announced Intended 6ationally -etermined Centre),he meeting was attended by know names from *orld 5onkan Railway information, conce0ts and salient features of the culture of our Contribution &36-C-2030) of creating an additional carbon sink ,rade Centre like : R *arerkar, Executive -irector# Sharad L $ 4erma has taken o!er as Chief Public country and !aried experiences of the writer from which Hindi of 2.5 to G billion tones of CO2 equivalent through forests and pasani,4ice-Chairman; $amal Morarka, Chairman# 4ijay Relations ;fficer $onkan Railway at Corporate readers will be benefitted to a great e1tent) tree co!er by 2EGE) $alantri,Vice-Chairman; and Somesh 5atra,4ice-Chairman. ;ffice 5elpaur) EVENTS CORNER ART SPACE ART SPACE Multiple;es refuse to sho& ':arrior Savitri) Book launch -irector +arah $han THE SPIRITUAL QUEST and Sa%id Khan recently un!eiled the book co!er for author 2eet .ianHs new funny book H,he ,hree *ise MonkeysH which will be released in the second week of Se0tember) Congratulating the author, +arah tweeted8 Congrats to Mauthor%eetgian Athe com0letion of your book ,he ,hree *ise Monkeys) $ee0ing u0 with his sister, Sa%id $han tweeted8B/nd a !ery interesting co!er Param .ill's 5ollywood debut has landed him in big trouble) tooD),he book re!ol!es around trio /mar, /kbar, and /nthony ,he film faces unofficial ban in India but will open in US, $ who are clueless about their indecisi!e careers and indefinite and /ustralia on September 2, 2016.,he international !ersion struggles, because they were born with the Peter Pan Syndrome of film minus music videos has been hailed by critics) 5ut the and were sim0le enough to be tricked by anyone, including their film has struggled with release in India.,he critic reviews in mystifying girlfriends Meghna, +arah and Sarah),hey get into India ha!e been unfa!ourable as well.,here is massive support trouble when they are tricked hiding crores of ru0ees of black WHA*" B,he Spiritual KuestD, for the film in US, with a theatrical premiere in Los /ngeles set money in secret of shore com0anies)*ill their mistake of turning an exhibition of paintings to be punctuated with major "ollywood celebrities) -irector a blind eye to the 0hiloso0hy of9See no e!il, hear no e!il, s0eak by Mumbai based well- COMMASCAPES Param .ill could not come to India to 0romote the film.
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