Year Set Complete Set 1863 Jordan & Co. 1867 Sterey Photographers Troy Haymakers 1869 Peck & Snyder Cincinnati Red Stockings - Large 1869 Peck & Snyder Cincinnati Red Stockings - Small 1870 Peck & Snyder Chicago White Stockings 1870 Peck & Snyder New York Mutuals 1870 Peck & Snyder Philadelphia Athletics 1872 Warren Studio Boston Red Stockings Cabinets 1872 Warren Studio Boston Red Stockings CDVs 1874 Suppards & Fennemore Cabinets 1874 Warren Studio Boston Red Stockings Cabinets 1879-1880 N.Y. Clipper Woodcuts 1880s John M. Ward Fan 1881 Randall Studio Cabinets 1884 Climax Poster 1886 Hancock's Syracuse Stars 1886 J. Wood Studio N.Y. Giants Cabinets 1886 J. Wood Studio N.Y. Metropolitans Cabinets 1886 Lorillard Team Cards 1886 MacIntire Studio Cabinets 1886 New York Baseball Club (H812) 1886 Old Judge New York Giants (N167) 1886 Red Stocking Cigars 1886 Virginia Brights Black Stocking Nine (N48) 1886 W.H. Sanders New York Baseball Club (H812) 1886 Welton Cigars N.Y. Giants (H812) 1887 Four Base Hits 1887 Gold Coin (Buchner) (N284) 1887 Gypsy Queen (N175) 1887 Hastings Cabinets 1887 Kalamazoo Bats (N690) 1887 Kalamazoo Bats Cabinets (N690-1) 1887 Kalamazoo Bats Team Cards (N693) 1887 Lone Jack St. Louis Browns (N370) 1887 Tobin Lithographs B/W 1887 Tobin Lithographs Color 1887 Tomlinson Studios Cabinets 1887 Virginia Brights Polka Dot Nine 1887 W.S. Kimball Champions (N184) 1887-1890 Old Judge (N172) 1887-1890 Old Judge Hall of Famers Pose Variations 1887-1893 Baseball Currency 1888 "Scrapps Tobacco" Die-Cuts 1888 Allen & Ginter Girl Baseball Players (N48, N508) 1888 Allen & Ginter World's Champions (N28) 1888 Allen & Ginter World's Champions (N29) 1888 Allen & Ginter World's Champions (N43) 1888 Allen & Ginter World's Champions Album (A16) 1888 Allen & Ginter World's Champions Album (A17) 1888 Conly Cabinets 1888 Dixie Cigarettes Girl Baseball Players (N48) 1888 Duke Talk of the Diamond (N135) 1888 G & B Chewing Gum (E223) 1888 Gilbert & Bacon Cabinets 1888 Goodwin Champions (N162) 1888 Gray Studio Cabinets 1888 Gypsy Queen California League 1888 Joseph Hall Cabinets 1888 Joseph Hall Imperial Cabinets 1888 Rafael Tuck & Sons Artistic Series Baseball 1888 S.F. Hess (N338-2) 1888 S.F. Hess California League (N321) 1888 S.F. Hess California League (N338-1) 1888 S.F. Hess Newsboys League (N333) 1888 Sporting Times (M117) 1888 Sub Rosa Cigarettes Girl Baseball Players (N508) 1888 Uhlman St. Paul Cabinets 1888 Virginia Brights Black Stocking Nine 1888 Virginia Brights Girl Baseball Players 1888 WG1 Base Ball Playing Cards 1888 Yum Yum Tobacco (N403) 1888-1889 Dogs Head Cabinets (N173) 1888-1889 Old Judge Cabinets(N173) 1888-1889 Sporting Extra World Tour Imperial Cabinets 1888-1889 Stevens Studio Australian Tour Cabinets 1889 "The Stage" Stars of the Diamond 1889 C.S. White & Co. Boston N.L. 1889 Diamond S Cigars Boston N.L. 1889 Duke's Terrors of America 1889 E.R. Williams Card Game 1889 G. Waldon Smith Boston Beaneaters Cabinets 1889 Goodwin & Co. Baseball Album (A35) 1889 Number 7 Cigars (N526) 1889 Police Gazette Cabinets 1890 G. Waldon Smith Cabinets 1890 Stevens Studio Chicago Pirates Cabinets 1890 Stevens Studio Chicago White Stockings Cabinets 1891 Conly Studio Cabinets 1892 Base Ball Scenes (N360) 1892 J.U. Stead Studio Cabinets 1893 Just So Tobacco 1894 Alpha Photo-Engraving Baltimore Orioles 1894 Honest (Duke) Cabinets (N142) 1895 Ashman Studio Cabinets 1895 Mayo's Cut Plug (N300) 1895 Newsboy Cabinets (N566) 1895 Police Gazette Supplement 1896 Mayo's Die-Cut Game Cards (N301) 1898 Cameo Pepsin Gum Pins 1898 -99 National Copper Plate Co. Portraits 1899 Chickering Studio Boston Beaneaters Cabinets 1899 Henry Reccius Cigars Honus Wagner 1899-1900 Sporting News Supplements (M101-1) 1900 Chickering Studio Cabinets 1900 Mayo's Baseball Comics (T203) 1901-1917 Police Gazette Supplements 1902 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1902-1911 Sporting Life Cabinets (W600) 1903 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1903-1904 Breisch-Williams 1903-1904 E107 Type 1 1903-1904 E107 Type 2 1904 Allegheny Card Co 1904 Anonymous Studio Cabinets 1904 G. Waldon Smith Cabinets 1904 Pittsburg Leader Honus Wagner Schedule 1904 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1904 Stenzel's Rooter Buttons 1905 Harry Pulliam Cigar Label 1905 N.Y. Giants Scorecard Postcard 1905 Rotograph Postcards 1905 Souvenir Post Card Shop of Cleveland 1905 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1905-1909 Carl Horner Cabinets 1906 Fan Craze - American League 1906 Fan Craze - National League 1906 Lincoln Publishing Philadelphia A's 1906 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1906 Ullman Postcards 1906-1907 Sporting Life Team Composite Postcards 1907 Dietsche Chicago Cubs Postcards (PC765-2) 1907 Dietsche Posters 1907 Geo. W. Hull Chicago White Sox Postcards 1907 Grignon Chicago Cubs Postcards 1907 Krieg & Co. Chicago Cubs Base Ball Mail Card 1907 Morgan Stationery "Red Belt" Postcards 1907 Newark Evening World Supplements 1907 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1907 Wolverine News Co. Detroit Tigers 1907-1909 Dietsche Detroit Tigers Postcards (PC765-1) 1907-1909 H.M. Taylor Detroit Tigers Postcards 1907-1909 Novelty Cutlery Postcards (PC805) 1908 American Caramel (E91 Set A) 1908 American League Pub. Co. Postcards 1908 Art Post Card Co. Our Home Team 1908 Boston Oyster House Chicago Cubs 1908 Boston Red Sox Foldout Postcard 1908 Chicago Cubs/White Sox Postcards 1908 Detroit Free Press Tigers Postcards 1908 General Photo Co. St. Louis Browns Postcards 1908 Hall's Studio N.Y. Giants Cabinets 1908 Offerman Buffalo Bisons Postcards 1908 Pittsburgh Pirates Vignette Postcards 1908 R.C. Williams Cy Young Postcard 1908 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1908 Victor Publishing Cy Young 1908-1909 E91 American Caramel Co. 1908-1911 H.H. Bregstone Browns/Cardinals Postcards (PC743) 1908-1909 Greenfield's Chocolates Postcards 1908-1909 Rose Company Postcards 1908-1910 Brush Detroit Tigers Postcards 1909 "Colgan's Chips" Square Proofs 1909 American Caramel (E91 Set B) 1909 Bastian Gum Pin 1909 Boston Herald Supplements 1909 Boston Sunday Post Red Sox Stars 1909 Cabanas 1909 Clement Bros. Bread (D380-1) 1909 Croft's Candy (E92) 1909 Croft's Cocoa (E92) 1909 Derby Cigars N.Y. Giants 1909 Dockman & Sons Gum (E92) 1909 E101 "Set of 50" 1909 E102 "Set of 25" 1909 E92 Nadja Caramels 1909 E95 Philadelphia Caramel 1909 Minneapolis Tribune/St. Paul Pioneer Press Mirrors 1909 Nadja Caramels (E92) 1909 Niagara Baking Co 1909 Obak (T212) 1909 Philadelphia Caramel (E95) 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates Extension Postcard 1909 Ramly Cigarettes (T204) 1909 Spargo Hartford Senators Postcards 1909 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1909 T.T.T. Cigarettes (T204) 1909 T204 1909 Topping & Co. Detroit Tigers Postcards 1909 W.W. Smith Postcards 1909 Walter Johnson "Weiser Wonder" Postcards 1909-1910 C.A. Briggs Co. (E97) 1909-1910 German Baseball Stamps 1909-1911 American Beauty Cigarettes 1909-1911 American Caramel (E90-1) 1909-1911 Carolina Brights 1909-1911 Drum Cigarettes 1909-1911 E90-1, E90-2, E90-3 American Caramel 1909-1911 El Principe de Gales Cigarettes 1909-1911 Hindu Cigarettes 1909-1911 Lenox Cigarettes 1909-1911 Old Mill Cigarettes 1909-1911 Piedmont Cigarettes 1909-1911 Polar Bear Tobacco 1909-1911 Sovereign Cigarettes 1909-1911 Sweet Caporal 1909-1911 T206 Errors 1909-1911 T206 White Border 1909-1911 Tolstoi Cigarettes 1909-1911 Ty Cobb Tobacco (T206) 1909-1911 Uzit Cigarettes 1909-1912 Broad Leaf Cigarettes 1909-1912 Cycle Cigarettes 1909-1912 Sweet Caporal Domino Discs (PX7) 1909-1916 Max Stein Postcards (PC758) 1909-1910 W555 1909-1911 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond (E254) 1909-1913 Sporting News Supplements (M101-2) 1910 "Orange Borders" 1910 A Fan For A Fan 1910 A.W.H./A.W.A. Caramels Virginia League (E222) 1910 All Star Base-Ball 1910 American Caramel (E91 Set C) 1910 American Caramel Die-cuts (E125) 1910 American Caramel Pirates (E90-2) 1910 American Caramel White Sox/ Cubs (E90-3) 1910 American Sports Candy and Jewelry 1910 Baltimore News Orioles 1910 Bishop & Co. P.C.L. (E99) 1910 Bishop & Co. P.C.L. Teams (E221) 1910 Boston Red Sox Cabinets 1910 Clement Bros. Bread (D380) 1910 Contentnea First Series (T209) 1910 Contentnea Photo Series (T209) 1910 Coupon Cigarettes Type 1 (T213) 1910 Darby Chocolates (E271) 1910 Doc Powers Day Postcard 1910 E104 Nadja Caramels 1910 E125 American Caramel Die-Cuts 1910 E93 Standard Caramel Co. 1910 E96 Philadelphia Caramel 1910 E98 "Set of 30" 1910 E-UNC Candy 1910 Hans Wagner Cigars 1910 Hermes Ice Cream Pirates Pins 1910 Ju-Ju Drums (E286) 1910 Luxello Cigars A's/Phillies Pins (P13) 1910 Makaroff Cigarettes World Series Postcard 1910 Mascot Gum Pins 1910 Mello-Mint (E105) 1910 Morton's Buster Brown Bread Tigers Pins (PD2) 1910 Morton's Pennant Winner Bread Tigers Pins 1910 Nadja Caramels (E104-3) 1910 Nadja Caramels Philadelphia Athletics (E104-1) 1910 Nadja Caramels Pittsburgh Pirates (E104-2) 1910 Obak 150 Subjects (T212) 1910 Obak 175 Subjects (T212) 1910 Old Mill Cabinets (H801-7) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 1 (S. Atlantic League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 2 (Virginia League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 3 (Texas League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 4 (Va. Valley League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 5 (Carolina Assn.) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 6 (Blue Grass League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 7 (E. Carolina League) 1910 Old Mill Cigarettes Series 8 (Southern Assn.) 1910 Old Put Cigar 1910 PC796 Sepia Postcards 1910 Philadelphia Caramel (E96) 1910 Pittsburgh Gazette Times Honus Wagner Postcard 1910 Punch Cigars 1910 Ramly Team Composite Premiums 1910 Red Sun (T211) 1910 Sporting Life Team Composites (W601) 1910 Standard Caramel Co. (E93) 1910 Tip-Top Bread Pittsburgh Pirates (D322) 1910 Toy Town Post Office 1910 Washington Times 1910 Williams Caramels (E103) 1910 W-UNC Strip Cards 1910-1911 S74 Silks - White 1910-1911 Sporting Life (M116) 1910-1912 Plow Boy Tobacco 1910-1912 Red Cross Tobacco Type 1 (T215) 1910-1912 Sweet Caporal Pins (P2) 1910-1911 T3 Turkey Red Cabinets 1910-1957 Baseball Magazine Player Posters 1911 Baltimore News Newsboys Series 1911 Baseball Bats 1911 Baseball Scorecard Fan 1911 Big Eater Sacramento Solons 1911 Bishop & Co.
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