REBECCA GOLDSTEIN Reconciles Science and Philosophy CELEBRATING REASON AND HUMANITY December 2017/January 2018 Vol. 38 No .1 HEAVEN'S GATE HOW TO RAISE CULT-BAIT A quirky how-to by JOANNE HANKS and STEVE CUNO Is Philosophical Naturalism for Sale? The Fight for Our Philosophy, Part 3 Maarten Boudry | Candice Shelby | Tom Flynn and Judy Walker D/J 18 $5.95 CDN O $/N5 1.975 US Templeton Grantmaking Exposed $5.95 CDN $5.95 US 1011 Robyn E. Blumner | Faisal Saeed Al Mutar | Sarah Haider Russell Blackford | Ophelia Benson | James A. Haught 0 74470 74957 8 Shadia B. Drury | Joe Nickell Published by the Center for Inquiry in association 0 74470 74957 8 with the Council for Secular Humanism Get F I into your favorite library. All of it. nnouncing a new way to help your favorite Now we’ve combined our ve-year library gift sub- public library shelve America’s foremost secu- scription with the deepest discount we’ve ever oered lar humanist magazine: on the full run of back issues. It’s never been more AFor many years, we’ve oered a special, deep-dis- aordable to oer your favorite library the complete count, ve-year gift subscription for donors who gift run, 1980 to present—more than 160 issues, in all a the permanence and dignity of print—plus guaran- library. Libraries sometimes balk at accepting gift teed delivery of new issues for ve years! subscriptions out of concern about ending up with a Whether you’d like to gift a ve-year subscrip- short run of the title if the gift is not renewed. Being tion or the full-run plus ve years, now is the time able to guarantee that the magazine will keep coming for ve full years addresses that concern. its magazine holdings! To order, see form on page 51. Personal check/AmEx/Discover/MasterCard/Visa accepted. CFI Mission: The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. Our Vision: A world where people value evidence and critical thinking, where superstition and prejudice subside, and where science and compassion guide public policy. Our Values: Integrity, Courage, Innovation, Empathy, Learning, and Wonder. 2 F REE I NQUIRY D ECEMBER 16 / J ANUARY 17 secularhumanism.org Get F I into your favorite library. All of it. DECEMBER 2017 | JANUARY 2018 Volume 38 No. 1 nnouncing a new way to help your favorite Now we’ve combined our ve-year library gift sub- CELEBRATING REASON AND HUMANITY public library shelve America’s foremost secu- scription with the deepest discount we’ve ever oered lar humanist magazine: on the full run of back issues. It’s never been more AFor many years, we’ve oered a special, deep-dis- aordable to oer your favorite library the complete 20 How to Raise Cult-Bait 33 The Corruption of Philosophy? count, ve-year gift subscription for donors who gift run, 1980 to present—more than 160 issues, in all Joanne Hanks with Steve Cuno Tom Flynn a the permanence and dignity of print—plus guaran- library. Libraries sometimes balk at accepting gift teed delivery of new issues for ve years! THE FIGHT FOR OUR PHILOSOPHY, PART 3 37 Eighteen Templeton Foundation Grants subscriptions out of concern about ending up with a Whether you’d like to gift a ve-year subscrip- A Symposium in Print Tom Flynn short run of the title if the gift is not renewed. Being tion or the full-run plus ve years, now is the time Daniel C. Dennett, Honorary Chair 41 The Scientists and the Philosophers able to guarantee that the magazine will keep coming Should Be Friends Introduction for ve full years addresses that concern. its magazine holdings! 25 Rebecca Newberger Goldstein Judy Walker and Tom Flynn 48 In Closing A Most Unnatural Alliance 26 Judy Walker and Tom Flynn Maarten Boudry 29 Wicked Problems Candice Shelby EDITORIAL STAFF ANNOUNCEMENT 57 HUMANISM AT LARGE REE NQUIRY An Atheist Interviews God 4 Free Speech and Identity Politics F I Welcomes New Douglas Whaley Robyn E. Blumner Managing Editor 17 OP-EDS LOOKING BACK IN APPRECIATION Diana Brown, Recipient of Distinguished 6 A Modest Proposal: Get Religion 18 Out of the Charity Sector Humanist Award, Dies at Seventy-Seven 58 Tom Flynn LETTERS To order, see form on page 51. 8 Violence and Freethought 19 REVIEWS Personal check/AmEx/Discover/MasterCard/Visa accepted. Sarah Haider DEPARTMENTS 59 Fantasyland: How America Went 11 The Problems of Philosophy Haywire: A 500 Year History, 50 DOERR'S WAY Russell Blackford by Kurt Andersen Al Gore’s Good but Reviewed by Marc Schaus 13 Unplanned Obsolescence Incomplete Sequel Ophelia Benson Edd Doerr 61 The Christian Fallacy: The Real Truth 14 The Silver Lining in Fake News 52 FAITH AND REASON about Jesus and the Early History Shadia B. Drury Evidence for ‘Miracles’: Does a of Christianity, ‘Cold-Case’ Approach Redeem by Paul McGrane 15 I Question the Gospel Accounts? Reviewed by Robert M. Price James A. Haught Joe Nickell POEM 16 Enlightenment in the Arab World 2.0 55 THE FAITH I LEFT BEHIND Faisal Saeed Al Mutar Through My Own Looking Glass 66 Scoundrel Nicholas S. Molinari Ted Richer CFI Mission: The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. Our Vision: A world where people value evidence and critical thinking, where superstition and prejudice subside, and where science and compassion guide public policy. Our Values: Integrity, Courage, Innovation, Empathy, Learning, and Wonder. 2 F REE I NQUIRY D ECEMBER 16 / J ANUARY 17 secularhumanism.org Still, essential Enlightenment val- ROBYN E. BLUMNER ues were abandoned by KPFA’s EDITORIAL de-platforming decision, such as Editor Thomas W. Flynn supporting an open exchange of Managing Editor Nicole Scott ideas, not caving into misguided Columnists Ophelia Benson, Russell political correctness, and standing Blackford, Greta Christina, Edd Doerr, Shadia B. Drury, up for a renowned promoter of rea- Sarah Haider, Faisal Saeed son and science. Al Mutar, Gregory Paul Free Speech and As to the second question, Daw- Senior Editors Bill Cooke, Richard Dawkins, kins is a responsible critic of all reli- Edd Doerr, James A. Haught, Identity Politics gions. To conflate that with bigotry Jim Herrick, Ronald A. Lindsay, Taslima Nasrin or hate is to fall into the trap set by extremists who want to insulate Contributing Editors Levi Fragell, Adolf Grünbaum, their virulent form of intolerance by Marvin Kohl, Lee Nisbet cloaking it in a religious wrapper. Julia Lavarnway Assistant Editor Dawkins’s attacks on Islam are hen Richard Dawkins directed toward its tenets and the Literary Editor Ted Richer was de-platformed violent actions people take in its Permissions Editor Julia Lavarnway from an event planned name. He is careful to say that Mus- Art Director Christopher S. Fix in August by a radio Wstation (KPFA) in Berkeley, California, lims should enjoy religious-freedom rights and not suffer collective guilt. Center for Inquiry Inc. a now well-worn debate was For instance, Dawkins came out Chair Edward Tabash sparked. It had a couple of key com- Board of Directors David Cowan forcefully against the Muslim travel Richard Dawkins ponents that these dustups always Brian Engler do. The first centered on whether ban instigated by President Donald Kendrick Frazier J. Trump. Barry A. Kosmin free speech rights were violated, Y. Sherry Sheng and the second on whether the crit- But he will not be cowed by the J. Anderson Thomson Jr. cultural shield religions’ adherents Leonard Tramiel icism Dawkins had expressed about Honorary: the Islamic faith constituted a form have erected in order to escape Rebecca Newberger scrutiny and reasoned critique. Daw- Goldstein of bigotry or hate speech. Susan Jacoby In short, no one’s free speech kins validly points out the absurdity Lawrence Krauss rights were violated, and Dawkins of Islamic beliefs and the mortal ho- Chief Executive Officer is not a bigot. And, having known mophobia and repression of women Robyn E. Blumner and President Richard Dawkins personally for three found in its precepts and in the Senior Research Fellow Ronald A. Lindsay years, I know him to be a com- actions of so many of its radical fol- Director, Campus and passionate humanist and feminist, lowers. Dawkins also condemns the Community Programs Debbie Goddard abidingly fair-minded, caring about backwardness of Catholics’ limits Stephanie Guttormson Director of Public Engagement others’ feelings, and an egalitarian on birth control and abortion and Vice President for Philanthropy Martina Fern who is polite even to those who the hypocrisy and money-grubbi- Director, African Americans would try one’s patience. The only ness of America’s Prosperity Gospel for Humanism Debbie Goddard people he judges unfairly are peo- preachers. Director of Libraries Timothy Binga ple who chew gum, whom he thinks Dawkins doesn’t like religion— Paul Fidalgo Communications Director should be executed. (Kidding, but any religion. Read The God Delu- Database Manager Jacalyn Mohr only just.) sion, in which Dawkins makes his System Administrator Cody Hashman As to the free-speech claim, case with sober eloquence. Why Director of Digital only the government and govern- this came as news to KPFA is the Product and Strategy Marc Kriedler ment institutions can violate the only surprise in the entire incident. Director, Teacher Institute for First Amendment. The founders Oddly, as justification, KPFA pointed Bertha Vazquez Evolutionairy Science were guarding the nation against to one of Dawkins’s tweets from Staff Pat Beauchamp, the dangerous power of the state to 2013 that called Islam “the greatest Melissa Braun, Lauren Foster, censor speech, ideas, and the press.
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