Ornithological literature from South Asia1 and Tibet—2007 Aasheesh Pittie Pittie, A. 2009. Ornithological literature from South Asia and Tibet—2007. Indian Birds 5 (2): XX–XX. Aasheesh Pittie, P. O. Box 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034, Andhra Pradesh, India. Email: [email protected] Anonymous. 2006-2007. Appendix 2: Birds of the Konkan coast and Aitken, E. H. 2007. The tribes on my frontier. An Indian naturalist’s foreign nearshore areas. Journal of Ecological Society 19-20: 64–65. policy. New ed. New Delhi: Penguin; Viking. Anonymous. 2007. Editorial. Flamingo 4 (1&2): 1 (2006). Ali, B. 2007. Sewree birds. Indian Birds 2 (6): 166–168 (2006). Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 4 (1&2): Ali, R. 2007. Issues relating to invasives in the Andaman Islands. J. Bombay 21–22 (2006). Nat. Hist. Soc. 103 (2&3): 349–355 (2006). Anonymous. 2007. Roger Clarke (1952–2007). TimesOnline 2007: 2 pp. Date Ali, S. 2007. Birds: Kannada encyclopaedia, 1980. In: A bird’s eye view: the accessed: 17 February 2007. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 40–50. Gandhi, T. Anonymous. 2007. Bird of the month. Rufous Treepie (Dendrocygna (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. vagabunda). Pitta 3&4 (9–12; 1–2): 4. Ali, S. 2007. Gagodar to Nanda (Camp), 1946. In: A bird’s eye view: the Anonymous. 2007. Editorial. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 1. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 101. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Anonymous. 2007. Vulture update. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 13. Delhi: Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 15. Ali, S. 2007. Birds among people. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays Anonymous. 2007. British Ornithologists’ Union: Union Medal. Ibis 149 and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 129–132. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: (1): 189–190. Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Feathered friends. Buceros 12 (2): 3. Ali, S. 2007. Sequence of movie film: Ladakh June 1976.In : A bird’s eye view: Anonymous. 2007. Courser’s habitat under threat again. Buceros 12 (2): 4. the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 146–147. Gandhi, Anonymous. 2007. Critically endangered: Himalayan Quail Ophrysia T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. superciliosa. Buceros 12 (2): 9. Ali, S. 2007. Bombay Towers of Silence. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Anonymous. 2007. Vulture update. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 10. essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 198–199. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Anonymous. 2007. Rosy Pastor watch at Vadodara. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 11. Delhi: Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 13. Ali, S. 2007. Dispersal and pollination. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Aarif K. M. & Hameed, S. V. A. 2007. Sighting of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 200. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: leucorodia and White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster in the Permanent Black. Kadalundy Estuary. Malabar Trogon 5 (2): 17. Ali, S. 2007. Kihim ‘Akhbar Book’ entry, 1943. In: A bird’s eye view: the Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Nawala. CBCN 2007 (October): 154. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 215–216. Gandhi, T. Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Ruhuna N P Block I 3–4.9; Udawalawe N P 12–13.9; (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. Nawala: Temple road. CBCN 2007 (September): 135–136. Ali, S. 2007. Comments on bird motifs, 1983. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Divulankadawala; Nawala 25.11. CBCN 2007 essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 306. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: (November): 170. Permanent Black. Abeyratne, B. 2007. S-E Inland wetland sector 18.2. CBCN 2007 (February): Ali, S. 2007. Indian life and lore: Alien migrants. In: A bird’s eye view: the 24. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 367–371. Gandhi, T. Abeyratne, B. 2007. Colombo: Borella 30.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 133. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. Abeyratne, B. 2007. Colombo: Borella 16.12. CBCN 2007 (December): 185. Ali, S. 2007. Kihim ‘Akhbar Book’ entry. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda, E of Kalutara; Migahatenna 27.7; Payagala essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 374. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: 30.7. CBCN 2007 (August): 118. Permanent Black. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Hiyare F R, near Galle; Kanneliya F R 11–12.8; Ampitiya Ali, S. 2007. Submerged fowlers in decoy-duck caps: Strange Indian coot- 30.8. CBCN 2007 (August): 131–132. catching methods. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays and shorter Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda E of Kalutara 4.10; Kalutara; Migahatenna writings of Sálim Ali. II: 35–36. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent 9.10; Payagala. CBCN 2007 (October): 163–164. Black. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Kosgoda 22.9; Near Matugama 15.9; Nagoda 17.9; Ali, S. 2007. Correspondence on economic ornithology research. In: A bird’s Near Kalutara 17.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 152. eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 70–75. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda 14.11; Payagala 20.11; Migahatenna 29.11. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. CBCN 2007 (November): 182. Ali, S. 2007. Birds associated with agriculture and horticulture, undated. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Bandaragama 10.12; Near Kegalla 10–11.12; In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. Embilipitiya 21.12; N of Sevanagala 21.12; Udawalawe N P 22.12. II: 91–98. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. CBCN 2007 (December): 201–202. Ali, S. 2007. Excerpt diary notes on Kailas–Manasarowar trek. In: A bird’s Acharya, B. K. & Vijayan, L. 2007. Range extension of Rusty-bellied eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 347–355. Shortwing Brachypteryx hyperythra in Sikkim, India. BirdingAsia 7: Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. 50–51. Ali, S. 2007. Ornithology for mountaineers. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Ahmed, M. F., Das, A. & Meyase, V. 2007. Khasi Hills Swift Apus acuticauda: essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 375–383. Gandhi, T. (ed.) first record from Nagaland and Manipur, north-east India.J. Bombay Delhi: Permanent Black. Nat. Hist. Soc. 104 (1): 87–88. Ali, S. 2007. Do birds possess a cnscience? In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Aitken, E. H. 2007. A naturalist on the prowl. New ed. New Delhi: Penguin; essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 34. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Viking. Permanent Black. 1 South Asia includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the Maldives. 34 Indian Birds Vol. 5 No. 2 (Publ. 20th July 2009) Mahesh: Larks in Indian aerodromes Aliabadian, M., Kaboli, M., Prodon, R., Nijman, V. & Vences, M. 2007. Bhargav, A. P. 2007. A nest on terrace. NLBW 47 (2): 29. Phylogeny of Palaearctic wheatears (genus Oenanthe)—congruence Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Sighting of Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) between morphometric and molecular data. Molecular Phylogenetics in Chhattisgarh. NLBW 47 (2): 29. and Evolution 42: 665–675. Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Redvented (sic) Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) feeding Allen, S. & Catsis, M. 2007. On the trail of the Bugun Liocichla Liocichla on House Gecko (Hemidactylus flaiviridis) (sic) hatchling. NLBW 47 bugunorum in north-east India. BirdingAsia 7: 75–80. (2): 30. Alles, E. 2007. Colombo: Beira Lake 16.2; Sigiriya area. CBCN 2007 Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Distribution range extension of Red-whiskered (February): 32–33. Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus. NLBW 47 (5): 79. Alles, E. 2007. Pahala Kadugannawa 19–21.10. CBCN 2007 (October): Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. A mistaken identity. Hornbill 2008 (October– 157–158. December): 38. Alles, E. 2007. Kalmunai 18.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 141. Bhatt, A. 2007. Birdwatching at Rajula–Jafarabad coastal area. Flamingo Alles, E. 2007. Palali 13.12. CBCN 2007 (December): 192–193. 5 (3&4): 7–8. Amarasinghe, A. A. T., Karunarathna, D. M. S. S. & Warakagoda, D. 2007. Bhatt, N. 2007. [‘Received “Gyps”, the Newsletter of the BCSG Vulture The endangered Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush Myophonus blighi eats Cell...’]. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 14. an endangered lizard. BirdingAsia 7: 83–84. Bhatt, N. C. 2007. Birding in Vasna area of Ahmedabad. Flamingo 4 (1&2): Ambudoss, A. 2007. Anthropocentric pressure-induced decline in status 8–9 (2006). and distribution of Eurasian Eagle Owls and initiation of participatory Bhatt, N. R. 2007. Black-breasted Weaver in Surendranagar. Flamingo 5 conservation measures: a case study in Tamilnadu, south India. World (1&2): 8. Owl Conference 2007. Groningen, Netherlands. Bhatt, S., Bhatt, N. & Bhatt, M. 2007. Just to save vultures. Hornbill 2006 Ambudoss, A. 2007. Prevalence of owl trapping communities and its (July–September): 35 (2006). ethnobiological significance in Tamilnadu, south India. World Owl Bhatt, Y. N. 2007. Rescuing a Short-toed Snake-Eagle. Flamingo 5 (3&4): Conference 2007. Groningen, Netherlands. 7. Ambudoss, A. 2007. A method of census survey and monitoringof Eurasian Bhattacharya, T. & Sathyakumar, S. 2007. An ornithological survey of Eagle Owls in south India. World Owl Conference 2007. Groningen, Chenab Valley, Chamoli district, Uttaranchal, including notes on Netherlands. pheasants. Indian Birds 3 (4): 138–145. Anderson, R. C. 2007. New records of birds from the Maldives. Forktail Bishop, K. D. 2007. Reviews. Birds in Bhutan: Status and distribution By Peter 23 (August): 135–144. Spierenburg. 2005. Bedford, UK: Oriental Bird Club. 383 pages. ISBN Antony, P. 2007. Kanneliya F R 17–18.5; Ruhuna N P Block I 26–28.5. CBCN 0-9529545-1-6. Hardback. £40. Indian Birds 3 (2): 77–78.
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