Ornithological Literature from South Asia1 and Tibet—2007

Ornithological Literature from South Asia1 and Tibet—2007

Ornithological literature from South Asia1 and Tibet—2007 Aasheesh Pittie Pittie, A. 2009. Ornithological literature from South Asia and Tibet—2007. Indian Birds 5 (2): XX–XX. Aasheesh Pittie, P. O. Box 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034, Andhra Pradesh, India. Email: [email protected] Anonymous. 2006-2007. Appendix 2: Birds of the Konkan coast and Aitken, E. H. 2007. The tribes on my frontier. An Indian naturalist’s foreign nearshore areas. Journal of Ecological Society 19-20: 64–65. policy. New ed. New Delhi: Penguin; Viking. Anonymous. 2007. Editorial. Flamingo 4 (1&2): 1 (2006). Ali, B. 2007. Sewree birds. Indian Birds 2 (6): 166–168 (2006). Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 4 (1&2): Ali, R. 2007. Issues relating to invasives in the Andaman Islands. J. Bombay 21–22 (2006). Nat. Hist. Soc. 103 (2&3): 349–355 (2006). Anonymous. 2007. Roger Clarke (1952–2007). TimesOnline 2007: 2 pp. Date Ali, S. 2007. Birds: Kannada encyclopaedia, 1980. In: A bird’s eye view: the accessed: 17 February 2007. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 40–50. Gandhi, T. Anonymous. 2007. Bird of the month. Rufous Treepie (Dendrocygna (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. vagabunda). Pitta 3&4 (9–12; 1–2): 4. Ali, S. 2007. Gagodar to Nanda (Camp), 1946. In: A bird’s eye view: the Anonymous. 2007. Editorial. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 1. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 101. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Anonymous. 2007. Vulture update. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 13. Delhi: Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 5 (1&2): 15. Ali, S. 2007. Birds among people. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays Anonymous. 2007. British Ornithologists’ Union: Union Medal. Ibis 149 and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 129–132. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: (1): 189–190. Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Feathered friends. Buceros 12 (2): 3. Ali, S. 2007. Sequence of movie film: Ladakh June 1976.In : A bird’s eye view: Anonymous. 2007. Courser’s habitat under threat again. Buceros 12 (2): 4. the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 146–147. Gandhi, Anonymous. 2007. Critically endangered: Himalayan Quail Ophrysia T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. superciliosa. Buceros 12 (2): 9. Ali, S. 2007. Bombay Towers of Silence. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Anonymous. 2007. Vulture update. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 10. essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 198–199. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Anonymous. 2007. Rosy Pastor watch at Vadodara. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 11. Delhi: Permanent Black. Anonymous. 2007. Some interesting bird sightings. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 13. Ali, S. 2007. Dispersal and pollination. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Aarif K. M. & Hameed, S. V. A. 2007. Sighting of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 200. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: leucorodia and White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster in the Permanent Black. Kadalundy Estuary. Malabar Trogon 5 (2): 17. Ali, S. 2007. Kihim ‘Akhbar Book’ entry, 1943. In: A bird’s eye view: the Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Nawala. CBCN 2007 (October): 154. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 215–216. Gandhi, T. Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Ruhuna N P Block I 3–4.9; Udawalawe N P 12–13.9; (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. Nawala: Temple road. CBCN 2007 (September): 135–136. Ali, S. 2007. Comments on bird motifs, 1983. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Abeyawardena, L. 2007. Divulankadawala; Nawala 25.11. CBCN 2007 essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 306. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: (November): 170. Permanent Black. Abeyratne, B. 2007. S-E Inland wetland sector 18.2. CBCN 2007 (February): Ali, S. 2007. Indian life and lore: Alien migrants. In: A bird’s eye view: the 24. collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 367–371. Gandhi, T. Abeyratne, B. 2007. Colombo: Borella 30.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 133. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. Abeyratne, B. 2007. Colombo: Borella 16.12. CBCN 2007 (December): 185. Ali, S. 2007. Kihim ‘Akhbar Book’ entry. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda, E of Kalutara; Migahatenna 27.7; Payagala essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. I: 374. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: 30.7. CBCN 2007 (August): 118. Permanent Black. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Hiyare F R, near Galle; Kanneliya F R 11–12.8; Ampitiya Ali, S. 2007. Submerged fowlers in decoy-duck caps: Strange Indian coot- 30.8. CBCN 2007 (August): 131–132. catching methods. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays and shorter Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda E of Kalutara 4.10; Kalutara; Migahatenna writings of Sálim Ali. II: 35–36. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent 9.10; Payagala. CBCN 2007 (October): 163–164. Black. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Kosgoda 22.9; Near Matugama 15.9; Nagoda 17.9; Ali, S. 2007. Correspondence on economic ornithology research. In: A bird’s Near Kalutara 17.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 152. eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 70–75. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Nagoda 14.11; Payagala 20.11; Migahatenna 29.11. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. CBCN 2007 (November): 182. Ali, S. 2007. Birds associated with agriculture and horticulture, undated. Abeyratne, S. 2007. Bandaragama 10.12; Near Kegalla 10–11.12; In: A bird’s eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. Embilipitiya 21.12; N of Sevanagala 21.12; Udawalawe N P 22.12. II: 91–98. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. CBCN 2007 (December): 201–202. Ali, S. 2007. Excerpt diary notes on Kailas–Manasarowar trek. In: A bird’s Acharya, B. K. & Vijayan, L. 2007. Range extension of Rusty-bellied eye view: the collected essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 347–355. Shortwing Brachypteryx hyperythra in Sikkim, India. BirdingAsia 7: Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Permanent Black. 50–51. Ali, S. 2007. Ornithology for mountaineers. In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Ahmed, M. F., Das, A. & Meyase, V. 2007. Khasi Hills Swift Apus acuticauda: essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 375–383. Gandhi, T. (ed.) first record from Nagaland and Manipur, north-east India.J. Bombay Delhi: Permanent Black. Nat. Hist. Soc. 104 (1): 87–88. Ali, S. 2007. Do birds possess a cnscience? In: A bird’s eye view: the collected Aitken, E. H. 2007. A naturalist on the prowl. New ed. New Delhi: Penguin; essays and shorter writings of Sálim Ali. II: 34. Gandhi, T. (ed.) Delhi: Viking. Permanent Black. 1 South Asia includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, the Maldives. 34 Indian Birds Vol. 5 No. 2 (Publ. 20th July 2009) Mahesh: Larks in Indian aerodromes Aliabadian, M., Kaboli, M., Prodon, R., Nijman, V. & Vences, M. 2007. Bhargav, A. P. 2007. A nest on terrace. NLBW 47 (2): 29. Phylogeny of Palaearctic wheatears (genus Oenanthe)—congruence Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Sighting of Pallas’s Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) between morphometric and molecular data. Molecular Phylogenetics in Chhattisgarh. NLBW 47 (2): 29. and Evolution 42: 665–675. Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Redvented (sic) Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) feeding Allen, S. & Catsis, M. 2007. On the trail of the Bugun Liocichla Liocichla on House Gecko (Hemidactylus flaiviridis) (sic) hatchling. NLBW 47 bugunorum in north-east India. BirdingAsia 7: 75–80. (2): 30. Alles, E. 2007. Colombo: Beira Lake 16.2; Sigiriya area. CBCN 2007 Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. Distribution range extension of Red-whiskered (February): 32–33. Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus. NLBW 47 (5): 79. Alles, E. 2007. Pahala Kadugannawa 19–21.10. CBCN 2007 (October): Bharos, A. M. K. 2007. A mistaken identity. Hornbill 2008 (October– 157–158. December): 38. Alles, E. 2007. Kalmunai 18.9. CBCN 2007 (September): 141. Bhatt, A. 2007. Birdwatching at Rajula–Jafarabad coastal area. Flamingo Alles, E. 2007. Palali 13.12. CBCN 2007 (December): 192–193. 5 (3&4): 7–8. Amarasinghe, A. A. T., Karunarathna, D. M. S. S. & Warakagoda, D. 2007. Bhatt, N. 2007. [‘Received “Gyps”, the Newsletter of the BCSG Vulture The endangered Sri Lanka Whistling Thrush Myophonus blighi eats Cell...’]. Flamingo 5 (3&4): 14. an endangered lizard. BirdingAsia 7: 83–84. Bhatt, N. C. 2007. Birding in Vasna area of Ahmedabad. Flamingo 4 (1&2): Ambudoss, A. 2007. Anthropocentric pressure-induced decline in status 8–9 (2006). and distribution of Eurasian Eagle Owls and initiation of participatory Bhatt, N. R. 2007. Black-breasted Weaver in Surendranagar. Flamingo 5 conservation measures: a case study in Tamilnadu, south India. World (1&2): 8. Owl Conference 2007. Groningen, Netherlands. Bhatt, S., Bhatt, N. & Bhatt, M. 2007. Just to save vultures. Hornbill 2006 Ambudoss, A. 2007. Prevalence of owl trapping communities and its (July–September): 35 (2006). ethnobiological significance in Tamilnadu, south India. World Owl Bhatt, Y. N. 2007. Rescuing a Short-toed Snake-Eagle. Flamingo 5 (3&4): Conference 2007. Groningen, Netherlands. 7. Ambudoss, A. 2007. A method of census survey and monitoringof Eurasian Bhattacharya, T. & Sathyakumar, S. 2007. An ornithological survey of Eagle Owls in south India. World Owl Conference 2007. Groningen, Chenab Valley, Chamoli district, Uttaranchal, including notes on Netherlands. pheasants. Indian Birds 3 (4): 138–145. Anderson, R. C. 2007. New records of birds from the Maldives. Forktail Bishop, K. D. 2007. Reviews. Birds in Bhutan: Status and distribution By Peter 23 (August): 135–144. Spierenburg. 2005. Bedford, UK: Oriental Bird Club. 383 pages. ISBN Antony, P. 2007. Kanneliya F R 17–18.5; Ruhuna N P Block I 26–28.5. CBCN 0-9529545-1-6. Hardback. £40. Indian Birds 3 (2): 77–78.

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