NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GE N E RAL CONFERENCE I I March 31 1960 We Serve a Risen Savior! II The Com passion or Number 7 a l•' I · Ying w· I Lhc Hisc11 Lord I l 1 a ClirisL1" I.' a n 0 Le\\' UJ'd ('SS BAPTIST HERALD CONTENTS ~ Five Protestant m issionaries have added that "there is nothing new" istan after the partition of India in ret urned to t heir posts in Iraq after in the Government's relations to t he 1947. Volume 38 No. 7 an absence of several months, follow­ Vatican. Yugoslavia broke off relations - The Watchman-E xaminer March 31, 1960 ing political disturbance in t he coun­ with the H oly See in December, 1952, fP Businessmen in Cucamonga, Cali for­ try. In April, 1959, while these five charging Vatican interference w it h t he nia, are investing $15,000,000 in a 220- Bring an Offering to the Lord! were on furlough in Lebanon an d the country's international affairs. acre "Bible Storyla nd" scheduled to U. S., the National Council of Church­ * • A $1,000,000 five-year relief a nd re­ open Easter Sunday, 1961. Projected as If we feel the hands of the living Christ clasped in ours and enjoy es reported t ha t 14 Protestant mis­ habilitation program to aid some of t he a tourist attraction to compete with Cover ------------- --- A . Dcvnn ey. I nc .• N. Y. sionar'. es were forced to leave I raq. his ever-present companionship, then we must hear his words, spoken H\ Vc Serve a Risen Snv-ior" more than 3,000,000 Hindu refugees D isneyland in nearby Anaheim, "Bible Mar ch of Events - ------------------------- 2 T hat left an estimated eight or ten in West Bengal and Calcutta was ap­ Storyla nd" will include replicas of t he American Protesta nt missionaries in clearly to every disciple: "Bring an offering unto Me !" We pay only Bapt ist Briefs -------------- ------------ --- 2 proved by the Board of Managers of Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark, J onah's Editorial t he country. Ch urch World Service. Known as P ro­ wha le--even t he "Pearly Gates of lip service if we fail to demonstrate our love to him and worship of " Bring nn Offering to the Lord !" ------ 3 • T here has been un unprecedented ject Doya (Mercy), t he program calls Heaven." Visitors will be able to "sa il him with the deeds of our lives and the gifts of our possessions. As "The Compassion ~ f the Risen Lord" Rev. J . R . Kruegel ------------- ------- 4 demand for Scriptures in Brazil since for a variety of educationa l and prac­ down the N ile," r ide biblical animals, t he Risen Christ, the stands over against the treasur y of ever y church "Coloss inn s' P icture of Our S nlvntion " publication late in 1959 of a revised tical self-help projects, rather than for browse in exotic shops, and watch Re\'. George G. Kimsey ---------------- 5 P ortugu ese Bible, according to the direct relief, to benefit the refugees chariot races in a simula ted Circus and of every person's hear t and witnesses the spirit of giving that is " The 1960 Christian Leaders' Conferen ce" America n Bible Society. The Sociedade who poured into India from East P ak- Maximum. - Christ iani ty T oday shown there. Rev. Lawren ce Bienert --- - --------- --- G " R emember the Church jn Your W ill" Biblica de Brasil hopes to produce a At the time of the return of the Ark to J erusalem, David, the Dr. M. L . L euschn er ------------ --- --- 7 minimum of 300,000 Bibles in the new "New E xperien ces ! or God's Volun teers' ' version during 1960, if paper supplies king, held a great festival of praise with his people. The Lord God harl 1\l iss Gcor!!ia Hunter ----- - ------------ 8 and funds perm it. P aper is rationed revealed his gr eatness and he was "greatly to ibe praised." David called " F lyin g \Vith n Ch r istian S tewardess" by the Brazilian government. Briefs Miss Lillian E . P eter ------------------ 9 x aap'l' i s'I on the people to "give unto t he Lord glor y and strength," to "give un­ "In struments for God's Use nnd Glory" 9 Belgian Congo editions in 20 differ­ Miss Lou anne Fuchs ------------------ 10 to the Lord the glor y due unto his name." But t his could best be shown 0 ent dialects of an illustrated booklet Thro,vini:r O ut the Lifeline in Aust r ia" by the people ·of Israel as they heeded the king's words : "Bring an Dr. \V. J . A IJliel - ------------ - ------- - 12 "Stories of Jesus fo r Children Every­ e Southern Baptists Enter Guinea. tia n leadership and contribution to " From the Professor's Desk" where" have been prepared under t he Guinea is the newest mission field Baptist work around the world. H e offering, and come before him : worship the Lord in the beauty of Dr . W alter W . W essel ---------------- 13 auspices of the World Council of for Sout hern Baptists (USA). Rev. was honored in 1957 by the Queen of H' Ve. the \Vomen" holiness." Mrs . F reda Reddig -------------------- 14 Christian Education and Sunday a nd Mrs. W. A. Poe, who have served England with a n Order of t he British "lVIy F irst Christmas in America" School Association. Altogether, more in N igeria and Gha na, have been Empire for his outstanding welfare The Easter season reminds us deeply and profoundly of all that Mr. F lnvius Ma rtin ---------------- ---- 14 t ha n two million of t he books have granted permits to enter the Republic and educational affairs; and recently Christ has done for us as our Savior. He died for our sins. He gave What's Huppen ing - - - - - - ---- - - ------------ 15 THE LONG SEAR CH been printed and distributed in some of Guinea. T hey are at Conakry, the by .the F rench government of Indo­ himself as a ransom for many. He suffered on our behalf. He became By Sallie Lee Bell 110 areas of the world. Resources for capital. Guinea is the 42nd country in China with a Coronation Medal and fo r us t he Way, the Trut h, the Life which alone lead to God. Chapter Twch ·e ---- - - ----------------- I G sending out the booklets, now in a n which Southern Baptist foreign m is­ an Order of Dragon. Dr. Lam, presi­ 0 S un dny School Lessons" ------------------ I S even 50 languages a nd dialects, come sionaries are under a ppointment. It is dent of t he H ong Kong Baptist Col­ But it is also this Easter season that should prompt us to stand O ur Denominntion in A ction - - -------------- 19 chiefly through gifts of children in expected that ot her countries of lege, a nd chairman of the United Hong before him with gifts of love in om· hands, with the deeds of love that " Church E xten sion nt S t<>ckton , Calif." t he U. S. a nd Canada. F rench West Africa will be entered Kong Christian Baptist Churches As­ Mrs. Leonard F ischer ------------ - ----- 22 - The Watc11Jnt(J,n-E xa:mvner in coming mont hs. sociation, will give one of the opening are well pleasing to him, with gifts that will extend the ministry of his Obituaries --------- --- ------------- -------- 23 • Latest statistics released show 678,- • Pla ns for Graha m Crusade in Ger­ addresses at t he Tenth Baptist World hands and Gospel into all parts of the world. 258 Christians in J apan, a gain of ap­ many. Plans were mapped at a con­ Congress in Rio. * proxima tely 35,000 over figures com­ ference of t he Evangelical Alliance in • Gift for Green Lake. A $200,000 gift "Oh, let me give piled in 1958. According to t he J apa­ Germ any for a crusade to be conduct­ to provide two dormitories, accommo­ Out of the gifts thou freely givest; Bi-weekly P ublication of the nese-la nguage Christian Year Book for ed by American evangelist Billy Gra­ dating 92 members of t he student staff Oh, let me live NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST 1960, t hese include 376,267 Protestants, ha m in September. Mr. Graham is at t he American Baptist Assembly, With life abundantly because t hou livest; GENERAL CONFERENCE 266,608 Roman Catholics and 35,293 scheduled to address several rallies in Green La ke, Wis., has been received In da rkest places, fo r thy light is mine ; Eastern Orthodox. The yearbook Berlin, Hamburg a nd Essen. When he from Mr. a nd Mrs. Omer E. Robbins 7308 Madison St., F orest P ark, Illinois Oh, let me be totaled Protestant baptisms a t 19,655; was in West Germany in 1955, Mr. of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Redla nds, Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor Catholic baptisms at 19,123; and 409 Gra ham a ttracted 230,000 persons Calif. Mr. Robbins is chairman of t he A faithful w itness for t hy trut h and t hee!" for the Eastern Orthodox. during a one-week crusade. About ten Assembly's development committee - Frances R idley Havergal 9 Considerable discussion has been percent of those attending the rallies a nd has recently completed a 3-year * aroused by the suggestion t hat t he made "decisions fo r Christ." term as president of t he Assembly As Nor th Am erican Baptists we have always believed firmly board.
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