.1 :; 1.~ " I ! I ';:::: I ",.. Sir Andrew Douglas of Herdmanston (1259) f"'. I ...William de Douglas (1350) I Sir James Douglas of Lothian (I~) , --I I Sir William Do ..( I.t}thian Sir John Douglas of Dalkeith (Kl1ight of : talalc), (13(x)-I30i3) I I I ~ ! Sir James Dougla.o; Sir Henry Douglas ! uf Valkeith and ~Iorton of Luron and Loch Leven .! '~r I;; SirJamcs, 1st LordI Dalkeith (1450) Sir William of Loch Leven , " I 1 :' .t James, 2nd I..,rd l>alkeith (1456) Sir Henry of Loch Leven \ .j I I ~ ~ Janles, 1st Earl of Morton (IroJ) Sir Robert of Loch Leven r IT ..I --r Sir Robert I!of Loch I.even Nicho!a.o;Dougla! ,f~ns John, 2nd Earl of Morton (Iiilii) I (y !r !)rothcr) I I I I James, 3rd Earl of ~Iorton (I55:J) William, 8th Earl flf Morton George Douglas, 8$.o;istedMary Queen~ John i>Ouglasof", .1 (d. 1606) of Scots to escape from Loch Leven ofrchi1X\ld Kilspindie Douglas Mary_cCampl~11I MargaretII Beatrice I~lizabethI I1 I I I . - Bly = James Douglas, Robert James Sir James Douglas Archibald Regent of I of Smithfield. I t Scotland William, Douglases .9th Earl of Morton of Kirknes.~ ,- , j --, -' ---'-: ~~;- I i -I I I '"- ir Robert Douglas .~ .Robert, I~h Sir James, 12th George, 5th of Glenbirvie 1 Earl of Morton Earl of Morton Earl of Morton I '.. " " I I I I .'-1) William, 11th I I James, 6th .William Douglas Joh, Campbell ofl"{dside Earl of Morton Jame,s. Robert, Earl of Morton I ; I j'. 13th Earl 14th Earl I Sir William G~rge Douglas Ii ((fit of Morton of Morton I I I I I A Sholto Charles, John Sir Robert Wi~iam Douglas Jf:dit 17t11Earl of Morton 1 ~, I Sir Robert Dou~.h Bart. George, I t 18th Earl of Morton I Sir William Dougtrth Bart. Orkney I ' I I .George Sholto Douglas, lliam Hamilton Si~Ro~rt Doul,-IaI,t. Bart. 19th Earl of Morton ~mne1's J (Author of ~i l'ecra&oc) I ldy Hamilton I_~ -.Sholto John, , I, I 2CXh Earl of r.forton SI Alexander ~ Janet = Kcnneth Mackenzie I J~ l Sir"I Kenneth ~Iackcnzle.Sholto Douglas, 1st Bart. 21st Earl George,of Morton !~ ' I ~, : Sir Robert Andrews Mackenzie Duugl."1S,2nd Bart. ": I .,. .I I I SIr I{ollert Andre".s, 3rd Bart. Kenneth I V~ I Sir Kenneth Douglas of Glcnbirvie, Fran~ our Fre.lerick 4th Bart. , I I t Allgustus ~Iaitland Ronald Augustus Ha"ington ;'rice I I Marina ~orton Douglas Charles Henry , Hamilton I ... Alfred Douglas, I 13th Duke of Hamiltol1 l '" b ' 1_('.l.ih ' ndr~\~\jall (../,- !D~ -I I --,;: \ t ~ ,\Iio:e Ilugb 'I t ! ') " , . ~i' '..."~~ I , j~ 1 .,1'." ':.,~.' I' 1; '- ", :" c, \ 1:, -}, l -,~, ~~ , -M.c ~ ~~4;";.!, I \ ",-~; 0...,.. -t , -~ '-~ I ..' ( ro - of--I Mar .Alionora = James 'pf Sandilanttr -, -- untess of Mar I Gcorge, 1st Earl of Angus Nat, IOn of Isobel, Countess of Angus !as of Cavers I I I W..I IS, 2nd of Cavers ,, III lam, 2nd F.arlI of Angus George, 4th I Earl of Angus as, 3rd of Cavers James, 3rd EarlI -6thof Angus ArchibaldEarl (Bell of Angus the Cat) IS,4th of Cavers Archi18ld I 6th.I of Cavers George, Master of Angus Sir WilliamI Douglas Gavin.IL DoI ug Ias S Ir' Ahrc I,~.'- ld.&." I of Braidwood of KilsplDt 8th of Cavers William DouglasI of Frio Archibald,I Sir.I George-I Douglas Janet Sir. Arc h.II.1 Id 0 f GI en b..Irvle ,] I ' 6th Earl of Angus of Pittendreich (burnt I :. ,~ ; Geo bouglas ,t , = Margaret d. of I aIiye) Sir Willi\m, 9th Earl of Angus ,- ~ j ~ Henry VIII, ,- -I I ..I .r " ret DaYid, 4.-{\. James, William, 10th Earl of Angus Sir Robert DI>ae- Earl of Lennox 7th F.arl of Angus .h Earl of Morton, I of Glenl '\ I Regent of Scotland William, 11 th Earl of Angus 1- -:y Archi~ld, 8th Earl (1576-1581) and Marquis of I)ouglas t ry Douglas fary of Angus and 7th = Lady Mary Gordon, Sir William I Qu'een of Scots Earl of Morton d, of 1st Marquis of Iluntly .I rge DougJa,. Sir wIl 1 ' I I .1 I, I I I.CQr-I".(~\,<-\..k SirRo Henne Douglas Admiral Sir James J>ouglas i~ld Lord James Lady Isobel Lord William Douglas .c,3l;; -/~'f of Springwood P; rk I ~i I = 1st Duke of Queensberry = Anne, Duchess of Hamilton I 1 ~es, 13th Earl of Angus and v"'111bS<::O -=--- Sir George Dou{las ' ~uis of Douglas (Tanlallon) I I I I -~ I -Ja~ 4th Duke of Hamilton John, 3rd Earl of Selkirk Archillald 0 ary lo:fa.lcolmDo.uglas .Ij ';-. I 9()u~.t;-A: ~ ! = William Elphlnston Arcllbald, 3rd~, !cff Angus Lady Jane Douglas 1-65V r1'r I Sir William 1,1a: I altd only Duke,e \~Ias =John Steuart, s. of James, 5th Lord Anne = Romney s ary Malcolm Douglas ! ~ClIi- l" Sir Thomas Steuart Duke of Hamilton 1--.:.-. Lady Ham =Edward Palmer I b ,t of Balcaskie ~- .I Douglas -\ 1 I Art~~~ Palmer .'bald ~~~~i Steuart Douglas, 1st LordI Douglas James,I 6th Archillald,I ~h g I Duke of Hamilton Duke of Hamilton I...1. ArchliQld, 2nd C~ JamesI 4th Jane MargaretI I I AlexanderI 10th ~ James Scott Douglas Lord Douglas Lor,r Lord Douglas = Baron Montague James George, Douglas, Duke of H~milion -I Il~' -1~$1 I 7th Duke of 8th I I I Lucy = Lord Dunglass Hamilton Duke of William Alexander, ry Scott Douglas Charlotte Douglas = Edward Octa'av uglas (infra) I lIamilton 11th Duke of ~~ I 1- -12th Earl of Home Hamilton I )Ir GDeorl-'e 0' g-' FranclS Ilium Ma, :~ I IIlam' Al exanl der, Charl les .. b :t_~ l. W~~~ W ' of Spnngwood John Shol'o Henri" 12th Ouke of I , Ilamiltoo Hamilton, Augu I ,Or' -( ,[1t\\ \\ -,--- I Charles a )ougla{ 1'1~Ml (r ~\O\) Edward Octavius Douglas = Charlotte Douglas (sllpra) arah. d. of Michael Hickey, i --.AI: J_-, !!.!.s_I?:_CI;':!~._Jr_e~"'.nd !.-_,- ."---, , ::== --~I3thD laid (~C<~V-LcJe(~~ j : ij~i 1 ~ _~:~e-: C~ L~ qtO) Hugh ~ax\\.ell, d. G~ War: 191H ..Rober! }ohnstone-b4 (r I. of tlrgll P'I\\'er " -la. d. of T. C, Beirne = "jllllah, d. of E. I.. 1 horul()Jl = Alice, d. of Andrew! ,- -~ I t , I j I --,--- I I I I I I I rallo:i,; ~Iaxwell 111:11:11 ~Y~il "e~lrv ,\ll:x~\lder Ilellry Yargaret (O;dw;lrd Nohert Jaltle,; Heatri.:e .Ukc f \ ',...\ "-",t,, \1- , , ) -cv ,...-"'" i:; II ! """"T"',o-~, ~\ ( f \\o.IJ\'~J ~~i , f ~ <- -"rl:OL-f"O .: ::.,~; ~ . William de D 4), .' . Sir Archibald Dou 1--- (1240) glasT -Mar gare,.t d ()f SIr.r John I Bnce,.I Bishop of Moray (1222) r --~ (Q Sir William de Doo~las (Long Leg) died 127l r- I (1276) J " - Hugh. Su."" ., I II lam...' .\I:;: Dame Eleanor of Louvaine " I (1, t I The Good Sir James .logh Archibald I I (1290 13:0) .:\i (1~.1342) I (1333)iJiam A .( ~" Sir William D~uglas= Beatrice,d. of Sir Alexander Lindsay of Crawford ' rchlOOldthe Grim, 3rd &rl of DOG I I (1325.14001 c':f7 I' " >Ougl (H ld Hl ~1J Sir William Douglas= Margaret, d. of Donald and sister of 15th Earl of Mar 327asI424)uml on II) Jam:s (the Gr~1 Earl of Douglas 1st Earl (1327 1384) 1 . ---,.--~ 143) I :Ix- . ofDou las --' um\ t-\ ~) g .I. r I. James, 2nd Earl of Douglas fO"tte~orn) lsobel, Countess, of Mar William, J~4 ArchIbald, (1358-1388) . f D I 8th Earl of Douglas. 9th Earl of~uglas Earl of Moray 01 lit.). 7 1 I ~) oug as (1423.14/.!) (1455) Sir William Douglasof Drumlanrig, 1st Baron (1421) Archioold Douglas of Cavers .: = Elizabeth, d. of Sir Robert Stewart of Durrisdeer I A \\ilK I Sir William Douglas, 2nd ofCavl Sir WillIam -nouglas, 2nd Baron I i = Jane, d. of Sir Herbert Maxwell, Sir Archibald Douglas, 3rd of Cav~ ~ 1 Lord of Carlaverock I i Sir William Douglas, 3rd Baron 01 14 ~\f Sir William Douglas, 4th of Cave ;" .= Margaret, d. of Sir William Carlyle of Torthorwald 1 . I \ Sir James Douglas, 5th of Cavers " 1,~ Sir William Douglas, 4thBarODI ' .VI t':lt;~ , i th Lc..(I5I\ Sir James,8th BanIa .' ",t \~1~.." S. J 1"\.--h I ""Tr-- cc-::" :?': \~",,:;-JaDet.~:~~~c~YId~Cf~W~'\, .Ir ames,."""""5las,6thofCavers'" 1 i, "I ~ 'SIrWWiamt' a ,~;~~c;~~t;.-~:-~~;,.;, ~ 1- ~ i 'r?P" t. ,=E1iA;beth. d. ~SlrlobD:GOIb ~ LGc:i:-.;::.i~( 1':;,'c..)~'JC1'~"" "" ,IJI ~ ..,. ..1 ,.:J,,' """""""'~I. t ) ':':':-'c" ...",~, .- ~ ;J{~i 1 , ~ f Sir James"~--'1.".,:,vY5- Y4 ~ (~"'-'--- or--.a-" ,'-.",' ,~ =Chnsban, d. of Jotn Muter of EglintOD (&?~"' : \ s' Sir William Douglaso~ Hawick I':; 7 2. TI I: = Margaret, d. of Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar D< , I . [~~~i!':':', , Sir James Douglas, 8th Baron \ = Mary, do of John, 5th Lord Fleming (1615) 1- 'J I :J;J (1615) . i \ ~~ \1 ' Sir William Douglas, 1st Earl of Queensberry ~ , /(.40 Henne Doug! '~\ = Isabel, d. of Mark Ker, 1st Earl of Lothian (I f~- -7- ;; ,~ M ,60 3 I I Tames,2nd Earl \1 , Sir William Douglas of Kelhead (1673) I 1 = Mary, d. of John, 1st Earl of Traq'lair (1171) t = Agnes, d. or Fawside of Fawside James Douglas Mary l..ia.lcolm Dc ..1..\; I ofCavers = William Elph William, 1st Duke of Queensberry f b ~ "~ Sir James Douglas, 1st Bart. I = lsobel, d.
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