MAY GOD REMEMBER 'v rufzh THE JEWISH CENTER New York City 5781 2020 — 2021 Memorial Plaques In our Sanctuary there are Memorial Tablets upon which are inscribed the names of dear departed ones. Each name is inscribed on an individual plaque bearing the date of death in Hebrew and English with a Memorial light on either side. These lights are kindled on the Yahrzeit and at every Yizkor service, at which time are recited the traditional memorial prayers for the deceased. This is a fitting and appropriate way to honor those of our loved ones no longer with us. This Book of Remembrance, which will be available for use and inspiration at Yizkor service throughout the year, contains the Yizkor service as well as the names of our loved ones who have been called to their eternal reward whom we wish to memorialize during Yizkor. A contribution has been made to our Synagogue in their memory. May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life. vtuav hausek vrfzt vbIfb vjUbn tmnv /rGC kfk ,IjUrv hv«kt kt /UbFkn Ubhct gherv rvIzF /oh rIvyU ohJIse ,Ik gnC /vbhfJv hpbF ,j T /ktrGh hpkt ,Iccr ,Itn JJ kJ ovh,InJb ,t :oh rhvzn UebjbJu UjCybJu Up rGbJu Ud rvbJ /,Iskhu oh skh ohJbu ohJbt 'ohJIse okF :vpIrht ,UkdC Ubng h rrIm h shC ohhj UrCebJu i sg idC :v rITv h rh stu iIbckv hzrt 'oheh smu ohbItd 'oh rIvy ,t ohhjv rIrmC rIrmh ohnjrv k gC ifk :o, j U b n t v T kfkU Ubk sIn g,u /o,seg Ubk rIFzhu /o,kjb tUv hh /o,nJb /o,egzk oIen hvh ktu /ons hxfT kt .rt :o,Ufz kt rGh shnT vkgh o,esm rfz :o,zUjtk UcUJh ktrGh hjsb o,UfzC :int rnt«bu /o,IcFJn k g UjUbhu oIkJ UtIch /Whbpk MEMORIAL PRAYER FOR THE MARTYRS OF THE HOLOCAUST Our Father, our King! O God who is close to the hearts of all men, grant perfect rest beneath the sheltering wings of Thy presence, among the holy and pure who shine bright as the heavens, to the souls of the six million Jewish martyrs -- men, women, boys and girls -- who were killed, cremated, slaughtered, strangled and buried alive by the enemies of our people in the European dispersion: Auschwitz, Belzec, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Chelmno, Dachau, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Sobibor, Theresienstadt, Treblinka, and elsewhere. All of them, by virtue of their martyrdom, are holy and pure, wise and saintly cedars of Lebanon and giants of Torah. May their place of repose be in Paradise. May the Merciful One bind their souls to immortal life; for the Lord is their inheritance. May He remember unto us the merit of their martyrdom and may their abiding virtue be accounted to all Israel. Let not the earth cover up their blood, and let not their cry be silenced. In their merit, may the dispersed of Israel return to their heritage. May the memory of their righteousness always rise before Thee. May they rest in peace; and let us say, Amen. 1 ktrah ,unjkn hkkjk vrfzt vjUbn tmnv /ohnIrnC ifIJ ohnjr tkn kt ohJIse ,Ik gnC 'vbhfJv hpbF ,jT vbIfb ,InJbk 'oh rhvzn gherv rv«zF 'oh rIvyU k t rG h , I n j k n h k k j JUCF kgu oJv ,Jse kg oJpb Urxn rJt WhpbF r,xC o rhTxv 'ohnjrv k gC tbt / . r t v hh 'o,nJb-,t ohhjv rIrmC rIrmU 'ohnkI g k rnt«bu 'ocFJn k g oIkJC UjUbhu o,kjb tUv / i n t MEMORIAL PRAYER FOR THE FALLEN HEROES OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL Merciful God in Heaven, grant perfect rest beneath the sheltering wings of Thy presence, amongst the holy and pure who shine bright as the heavens, to the souls of the fallen heroes of the armed forces of the United States of America and of the State of Israel who gave their lives in the sanctification of God’s Name, on behalf of our country and the Land of Israel. O Merciful One, keep their souls forever alive under Thy protective wings, and bind their souls to immortal life. The Lord is their inheritance, and may they rest in peace; and let us say, Amen. 2 o¨s¨†t :Uv«¥c§X©j§T«©u JIÀb¡ŒtÎi¤C Uvg¨ ·¥s¥T©u os¨† ¨tÎv¨n vuv À¨ h «§ ;·¨k¨j§u .hm¨ ´¦ h r¤eC©†C :r«¥cIg k´¥m§F uhn¨ À h ¨Œ v·¨n¨S k¤c´¤v©k tÀc¨¦bu §Œ g·©sIv i¬¥F Ubh¥n¨†h , I ´bn¦ § k /J«¥c¨h§u k¬¥kI»n§h cr ¤g¨Œ À¤k Jht§ ´¦ k ,hr£­¦j«©tÎh¦F r·¨J¨h v´¥t§rU o¨†TÎr¨n§J :v«¨n§f¨j c´©c§k h¦b´¥j¨E¦h h­F¦ kIt§ · JÎs©H«¦n h¦J§p©†b vS§ ´¤p¦h ohv¦ Àk¡tÎQ©t :oI«k¨J oh¬¦v»k¡t he§¦ À k¤j§u hc» ¬¦ c§¨kÎrUm h¬¦cÅc§¨kU hr¥ À¦t§J v¬¨k¨F :v¨k«¤x jU© r¨ ´v§u v·¨h¨v«¤J§F .¤r­t¨¨vÎkg © r²¨p¨g«¤v cJ¨¯ h§u :o«¨kIg§k :V«¨b¨,§b r¬¤J£t oh­v¦k¡t¨vÎk¤t cUJ¨ º T O Lord, what is man that Thou shouldst notice him? What is mortal man that Thou shouldst consider him? Man is like a breath; His days are like a passing shadow. He flourishes and grows in the morning; He fades and withers in the evening. O teach us how to number our days, That we may attain a heart of wisdom. Mark the innocent, look upon the upright; For there is a future for the man of peace. Surely God will free me from the grave; He will receive me indeed. My flesh and my heart fail, Yet God is my strength forever. The dust returns to the earth as it was, But the spirit returns to God who gave it. 3 'h,sUmnU hxjn hhk rn«t /ibIk,h h SJ km C ' i I h k g r , x C c J «h /,IUv rcSn 'JUeh jPn WkhMh tUv hF /IC jy c t hv«kt t«k /ITnt v rj«xu vBm 'vxjT uhpbF ,j,u 'Qk Qxh I, rctC 'Q«kvh kp«tC rcSn /onIh ;Ugh .jn 'vkhk sjPn trh, Whkt 'Wbhnhn vcc rU ;kt W SMn k«Ph / ohrvm sUJh cyEn vTt hF /vtrT ohgJr ,nKJu 'yhC, WhbhgC er /JDh t«k t«k gdbu 'vgr Whkt vBt, t«k /WbIgn TnG iIhkg 'hxjn hh k g /WhfrS kfC W rnJk 'QK vUmh uhftkn hF /WkvtC creh 'Q«rsT i,pu kjJ kg /Wkdr ictC ;«DT iP 'WbUt¬h ohPF gsh hF UvcDGt 'UvyKptu eJj hc hF /ihB,u rhpF x«n rT /UvsCftu UvmKjt 'v rmc hf«bt INg 'Uvbgtu hbtreh /h nJ 'Uv ghCGt ohnh Q r«t /h,gUJhC Uvtrtu 'Uv ghCGt ohnh Q r«t /h,gUJhC Uvtr t u He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High abides under the protection of the Almighty. I say of the Lord: “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Indeed, He will save you from the snare of the fowler, and from the destructive pestilence. With His pinions, He will cover you, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler. Fear not the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the destruction that ravages at noon. Though a thousand fall at your side, and a myriad at your right hand, it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes will you gaze, and see the reward of evil men. Thou, O Lord, art my refuge! When you have made the Most High your shelter, no disaster shall befall you, no calamity shall come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge over you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you upon their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the adder; you can trample the young lion and serpent. “He clings to me, so I deliver him; I set him safe, because he loves me. When he calls upon me, I will answer him; I set him safe, because he loves me. When he calls upon me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and bring him to honor. With long life will I satisfy him, and let him see my saving power.” 4 In memory of a father: rUc gC 'InkIgk QkvJ *//// h rIn hct ,nJb ohv«kt r«Fzh IJpb tvT vz rfGC /IsgC vesm iTt rsb h k C J 'c«e ghu ejmh ovrct ,InJb og 'ohHjv rIrmC v rUrm idCJ ,IHbesmu oheh Sm rtJ ogu 'vtku kj r ve c r v rG /int rnt«bu 'i sg In memory of a father: May God remember the soul of my respected father...* who has passed to his eternal rest. I pledge charity in his behalf and pray that his soul be kept among the immortal souls of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, and all the righteous men and women in Paradise. Amen In memory of a mother: 'VnkIgk vfkvJ */// h,rIn hNt ,nJb ohv « k t r «F z h tvT vz rfGC /VsgC vesm iTt rsb hk C J r U c g C ejmh ovrct ,InJb og 'ohHjv rIrmC v rUrm VJpb ohehSm rtJ ogu 'vtku kjr vecr vrG ' c « e g h u /int rnt«bu 'i sg idCJ ,IHbesmu In memory of a mother: May God remember the soul of my respected mother...* who has passed to her eternal rest.
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