V V % . 'i* f a r — M i n i t - e d - t o __ _ cater another tan- portanTyear of their Uves. H im ie of state-wide profldency tests and other nation-wide testing, teacher* are at­ tacking th e ir Jobs with renewed vigor. Many of the local school systems hove increased their rating in such tests by Commercial TEeaber hard work on the part of the teacher* and the students. Improvement is ex­ pected to continue in the schools aad and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW the same should apply on the home front. Parents have a responsibility ______ _____ _______ Publish* At 2S1 Rldgs Rosd, Lyndhurit, R.J. VOL. 7# NO. 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1*7 Sscond-Clsss Postagt Paid At Rutherford. N.J. 07070 >5 ce n t* also. Subscription SS.OO - Published W««kl» Travisano recommends school renovations School Superintendent Donald The Franklin School would be $375,000 00 The impact of this ex­ Travisano in his recommendations used as a buffer school to absorb pansion at Jefferson School would to the Board of Education that will overflow population from the south allow a 100% improvement on the be studied by the new Ad Hoc Com­ end of town where studies have in­ indoor physical education program. mittee again calls for the sale of the dicated the greater school popu­ Room would now exist for an ex­ Lincoln School and new construc­ lation rests. Modernizing is Frank­ panded use of a gymnastic cur­ tion in other schools that would cost lin School’s greatest need. This may riculum using parallel bars, tumbl­ approximately $6,000,000.00. Fol­ be done over a period of 2-3 years, ing equipment, rope and net climb­ lowing are his recommendations for with in-house labor, estimated cost ing and trapeze exercises the grade schools, Washington, Jef­ of materials is $25,000.00 The library facility at the school ferson, Roosevelt and Franklin and Included in the renovation ol would treble in size because the the Lyndhurst High school: Franklin School would be: room presently used as an all For Roosevelt School, it is rec­ 1. The installation of new purpose room would become the ommended that the two neu- chalkboards in rooms 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 library facility rologically impaired classes be and 8. Storage facilities, which the transferred to Columbus School and 2 The remodeling of the lavatory school is in such desperate need of, that the two classrooms presently facility in the teachers room. would become available as the pres­ below the first floor on the south 3. The removal of the antiquated ent library could be put to use for side have their present outdoor and degenerated wooden molding that purpose grading dropped two feet, and ex­ presently around bulletin boards Assembly programs, which are ternal fire doors be provided for and chalkboards in all classrooms. presently non-existent for school each room. Estimated cost for this 4. The covering of the old wooden functions, could become common change would be $8,000.00 The net wainscoting in all classrooms and place as it should be to any school. result would provide Roosevelt replacement with an unfinished sur­ TTus area would also allow us to School with two additional face paneling or Vfe” sheetrock. expand our contact with the local classrooms and remove two self- 5. Replacement of all windows community, as well as the com­ contained classrooms from the sub­ that are plastic and/or trans­ munity at large. m standard category - making Roo­ lucent. The emotional as well as the sevelt School completely free of Lyndhurst M e n ’s Stow Pitch Sunday Softball age of .455; Anthony Marotti, .500; James O’Reilly, 6. Dropping the ceilings in the educational needs of students would substandard self-contained Leagie has finished the softball season champs having .500; Thomas Dimaggio, .574; Mike Murray, .437; front first and second floor hallways. be enhanced by this expansion row; L-r: Robert Giangeruso, .3M; Gene Hoernlein;. classrooms. won 12 and lost 2 games daring the season. The team 7. The finishing off of the third For Lincoln School, it is recom­ For Washington School, it is rec­ beat the Polish Chib * 7 , Sloggo M in the semi-finals 351; Sam Sammarone, .437; John Giacometti, sponsor; floor storage room with floor cover­ mended that the building be sold and Wee Willie’s 7-5 to win the championship. Team Dr. Daniel Mariano, .315; Robert Ruzzo, .310. Not ommended that provision for a boys ing, ceiling, shelving and lighting and the intention to do this be pub­ sponsor is John Giacometti of Udo Body Shop, Belle­ present for photo taking member Buzz Gtariatta, .500. and girls lavatory, second floor, be units to be used only for staff licly announced as the condition for considered. Anticipated cost ville, manager is Sam Sammarone with batting aver­ purposes. the reorganization of the rest erf the $10,000.00. For the Jefferson School, my district. recommendation is a multipurpose For Lyndhurst High School, it is Bd. of Ed. approves purchases room at an approximate cost of (Continued, on Page 4 > PATH: By Carol McCarthy plemental payroll in the amount of Thomas Grillo and Maryellen from the Governor's Convocation $7,388.1*. Kulzy were designated as Af­ Award The Jefferson School PTA The members of the Lyndhurst ’Hie retirement of school adminis­ firmative Action Officers for the will match her donation, and the Board of Education approved trator Frank Ruggiero was ac­ 1987-88 school year. Grillo was also combined *2.000 will make the Savino’s brainchild purchases, totalling *4,500, for the knowledged, and the appointing of designated as 504 Coordinator for purchase possible. portation Center in Jersey Gty. The high school’s cafeteria. They also Nicholas DeGregorio as Director of the Lyndhurst Public School Dis­ Center opened in stages beginning approved the purchase of janitorial Federal and State Grants/In-Ser- trict for the school year The Board's members received a in 1973 and was dedicated in 1975 supplies at a total cost of $13,158.14. financial summary sheet and finan­ vice Operations, at a yearly salary Arline J. Stroke, a teacher at Located at the transportation cial report through August 31, and The members resolved to con­ of *43,000, was approved. Jefferson School, was granted per­ center is PATH'S nerve center, the tract with Greensteel Division The hirihg of two athletic mission to purchase a 35” or 40" the secretary reported that he was John F Hoban Operations Control in balance with the Treasurer of Adience Company in Lakewood to coaches, lunch aides, substitute television set for Jefferson School Center - one of the most advanced School Funds furnish, deliver, and install lunch aides, substitute secretaries, with the $1,000 that she received installations of its kind. There, op­ porcelain enamel facing sheets over custodians, and bus drivers, a half- erations personnel monitor the en­ and in existing blackboard frames time resource room teacher, a half- tire system and respond rapidly to at Roosevelt Elementary School, at time business teacher, a home eco­ Knights to cook up a storm any crisis or problem that might a cost of $3,875. They also resolved nomics teacher at the High school, a arise to contract with Robert J. Zoraetto, science teacher, a remedial teach­ Improvements continued into the Sr., of Pennsylvania, to reflnish er, a classroom teacher at Roo­ By Ed Moszynsld Lyndhurst Knights of Columbus next decade. The rehabilitation of slate chalkboards at Washington El­ sevelt School, a classroom teacher Family Picnic will be held. The PATH'S signal system entailed the ementary School, at a cost of $1,330. at Washington School, a Student A bargain in family entertain­ stoves will be ablaze cookin' ham­ rebuilding or replacement of all The members approved a con­ Personnel Service Counselor, a stu­ ment is about to occur. On Sunday burgers, hot dogs, and sausage for equipment, modernizing automatic sandwiches. The com will be a- tract with Educational Data Service dent aide at Jefferson School, a flag afternoon, September 27, in Area C and interlocking signal control sys­ in Saddle Brook for bidding services instructress, and a drum instructor, of the Lyndhurst County Park, the boiling and ready for serving with tem power The sophistication and and central reoeiving and supply was approved. salt and butter. The watermelons operating precision of the new sig­ distribution services, at I cost of Appointed were an Afterschool will be just waiting to be cut to the nal system permitted shorter head­ $12,008, and a contract with Wilis Child Care Aide, at a rate of $8 per right size. The beer and soda will be ways and a higher density of train Equipment Company in Mount Hol­ hour, and two Afterschool Child on tap. The dance music will flow G uy Savino movements during peak periods. ly for a It passenger, two wheel­ Care Program teachers, at a rate of freely through the trees. The kids Today PATH is in the midst of chair type school bus, at a cost of will be excited running here and $8 per hour. The teachers will work Twenty-five years ago PATH another massive Capital Improve­ $27,832. there. Ice cream for the young and on alternating days. was bom. At exactly 12:01 A.M. on ment Program, totaling nearly *1 Special education students were the young at heart. We do it every A teacher of the gifted and September 1, 1962, the Port Author­ billion The first 73 of 95 additional granted permission to attend out-of­ year and entertain as many as want talented/enrichment was hired at ity began transforming the run­ rail transit cars on order are in district schools for the 1987-88 a yearly salary of $20,124.
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