STANDARD PRESORT RESIDENTIAL U.S. POSTAGE CUSTOMER ECRWSS PAID PERMIT NO. 82 WOODSTOCK, VA Blue Ridge Since 1984 LEADER& Loudoun TodayJULY 2013 High-Density Adult Community Ribbon Cutting For The Proposed For 32nd Street Southern Collector Road TMG Construction Corporation, in cannot be demolished without approval by partnership with architect Michael L. the BOA and according to specific criteria. Oxman and Associates, Ltd., has proposed For example, BOA guidelines state: “There a gated adult townhome development of must be a compelling reason to demolish or 50 units on the 10-acre Ball property in relocate a significant historic structure.” Purcellville. The land is just south of the The applicant’s argument for demolishing intersection of 32nd Street and Main Street, the residence was that it would be necessary adjacent to the Loudoun Golf and Country to do so for the proposed gated adult Club. community to be “commercially viable.” TMG is owned by Tanya and Joe The applicant also submitted the following Matthews. Tanya Mattews is on the board reasons for demolition: “a. The house’s of the Purcellville Business Association design and block exterior walls are not and past president of that organization. She consistent with other homes located nearby currently serves on the Loudoun County and it does not contribute to the scale or Government Reform Committee. consistency of the neighborhood; b. The Joe Matthews and developer Jack house is nearing the end of its useful life Andrews came before the town of and its energy consumption is much higher Purcellville Board of Architectural Review than homes that meet today’s standards; c. (BOA) in June to discuss the concept Retention of the house would lead to an See View From The Ridge, Page 5, For Our Editorial On This Topic design for the gated community. They also awkward architectural island that would be discussed the demolition of an existing inconsistent with future R-2 development The Town of Purcellville had the ribbon Supervisor Janet Clarke and Chairman nearly 100-year old residence surrounded as currently zoned or as the center of adult cutting ceremony for the Southern Collector Scott York. Also joining the mayor were on three sides by the Ball property. The housing project (if it was to remain and this Road on June 28. Mayor Bob Lazaro (in present and former council members and residence is in the Purcellville Historic proposed project was built round it).” the middle of the photo) is flanked on the former Purcellville Mayor John Marsh. District, which is listed on the National As stated by the applicant in the left by Sean T. Connaughton, secretary of Dave Stegmaier, director of community Register of Historic Places. Historic preliminary submission to the BOA, the transportation for the commonwealth of outreach for Congressman Frank R. Wolf’s structures within the Historic District Continued on page 11 Virginia and on the right by Blue Ridge office, was also in attendance. Catoctin Creek Apartments Approved For Tax Credits – By Karen Jimmerson An application of this kind typically includes a letter of input from the municipality and The developers behind the Catoctin Creek is requested to illuminate “local needs and Apartments have forged ahead, applying for and support.” The town of Purcellville did not being approved for housing tax credits through provide the typical input, whether pro or con. the Virginia Housing and Development Authority For example, a Nov. 20, 2012, report from the (VHDA). The developer is asking the town of Purcellville Board of Architectural Review Purcellville to change the zoning of a 13.7-acre could have been submitted, as well as the portion of the 20-acre site on Hirst Road from Planning Commission staff report, a 96-page Morven Park & Commerical-1 to Planned Development Housing summary critical of the development. The -15 to provide for the construction of a 176-unit developer’s VHDA application was submitted Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy affordable apartment project. They are also in March without input from the town, a move asking for a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Continued on page 28 Happy Independence Day! Wild Loudoun, page 22 2 Blue Ridge LEADER & Loudoun Today July 2013 Ask Dr. Mike Dr. Mike, worry about or not. Your brother may I know you just be right that there is nothing wrong with wrote about Face- his daughter, but he may also be wrong. book last month, I recommend cutting and pasting the but I have my own postings of concern into an email and Facebook dilemma sending them to your brother for his re- that I hope you Dr. Mike view. I also recommend reaching out to can help me with. your niece by phone or in person to let My 16-year-old niece has posted what her know about your concerns. Keep in I think are very concerning comments mind that your actions may upset your about her hating both herself and life. niece, and she may even unfriend you on I reached out to her father (my broth- Facebook. In the end though, the good er) to express my concerns, but he just that would come of your reporting things brushed me off, telling me that I am to your brother more clearly, if there is “being overly dramatic.” Neither he nor indeed a problem with your niece, far his wife are Facebook friends with their outweighs the possible negative feelings daughter (which I think is irresponsible your niece might have toward you if she on their part), but I am and have access is fine. to her posts. Help. – R in Loudoun County Dr Mike, What are your thoughts on the re- R, cent bullying incident involving the It is not uncommon for adolescents older woman who was bullied by several to make exaggerated or existential-like boys when she was serving in her role comments about life or death on Face- as bus monitor? I know you were on book. It is also not uncommon for de- Good Morning America as an expert for pressed and suicidal adolescents to post bullying last year, and great job by the those sorts of things. In situations like way! This seems like an area of interest this, I think it is always better to err on and expertise for you, so I was just won- the side of caution since you are an adult dering if you had an opinion on what family member and since you really do happened. I think all of the children not know if the posts are something to Continued on page 29 We solve your muddy yard, wet basement, or foundation problems got mud? Our team of licensed professionals whether consulting or installing will 25 Years of Solving Erosion, Foundation & Drainage Problems Kenneth G. Fraine, PE, MSCE Geotechnical Engineer Mark J. Lane, Landscape Designer www.drainageanderosion.com 703.391.0040 July 2013 Blue Ridge LEADER & Loudoun Today 3 Board Of Supervisors Moving To Recind Special Exception Requirements For Schools – By Mary M. Bathory Vidaver several, including Chairman Scott York (R-At-Large), who made the motion, Sounding slightly less certain than a informed citizens that the vote merely year ago, the Loudoun County Board of initiated the conversation. “I just want to Supervisors proceeded with its effort to get to the point where we’re having the rescind the special exception requirement discussion,” he explained. with its mandatory public hearings for public Most of the bitterest battles regarding schools. At its June 5 business meeting, the school site selection and construction board directed staff to initiate an amendment have occurred in western Loudoun and to the zoning ordinance eliminating the citizens who spoke at the meeting’s public special exception (SPEX) requirement comment period were entirely from the for public schools in almost every zoning west. Many were veterans of the debates district. Over the next six months, staff will over the Grubb, Cangiano and Fields Farm undertake the necessary public process to sites and most were opposed pursuing these pursue such an amendment. The board’s changes. After a scathing assessment of final vote is expected in December. past school selection efforts by LCPS, The Loudoun County School Board and resident Dan Schmidt concluded, “Major its staff have long lobbied for such a change land improvements should not be placed to the ordinance. As reported in The Blue in the hands of the school administration. Ridge Leader last July, Sarah Howard- Loudoun cannot risk handing them a O’Brien of the Loudoun County Public streamlined process to place schools where Schools’ planning staff estimated that the they don’t belong.” change would conservatively save the Sarah Stinger, a long-time proponent for neighborhood schools, especially a county $50,000 per application, but “the real Lovettsville high school, supported the savings,” albeit hard to quantify, would be concept of streamlining school construction the months saved and the efficiency gained by eliminating the SPEX requirement, but by a single focus on a site plan. In July warned that the proposal before the board 2012, citing greater efficiencies, process lacked any incentive for the school system streamlining, and cost savings, a unanimous to site schools in the “right place.” She board agreed to pursue such a change. suggested that the SPEX requirement be Supervisors continued to point to these benefits at the June 5 meeting. However, Continued on page 14 NOW YOU’LL KNOW WHERE YOUR TEENAGERS ARE ON FRIDAY NIGHT Patios I Plantings I Lawn Care OUTDOOR LIVING EVEN YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE. 703.774.7304 www.rockwaterfarm.com 4 Blue Ridge LEADER & Loudoun Today July 2013 Guest Opinion – Statement On Non-Indictment Of Eugene Delgaudio – By John P.
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