E 104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 25, 1996 for the crusades as the good news made its conveyances are not compatible with des- TRIBUTE TO THE LATE way across the heartland carrying God's ignated uses and were never meant to support HONORABLE BARBARA JORDAN spokesman. recreation or aquatic life. I am also pleased Dr. Graham's loyalty and friendship toward that this legislation, as the first to come under SPEECH OF my family has endured now for a half century. the scrutiny of the Unfunded Mandate Reform HON. CARRIE P. MEEK Just recently, my mother, Lucille Clement, Act, should reduce costs to States and local OF FLORIDA passed away after 75 beautiful years. Several jurisdictions. years ago, Mother visited Ruth at the Graham IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home in Montreat. My mother spoke often of These provisions are virtually identical to Wednesday, January 24, 1996 language which passed the House by a wide- how she was blessed by this time well spent. Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am So, upon my mother's death, Dr. Graham is- spread bipartisan majority as part of H.R. 961, the Clean Water Act amendments. H.R. 2567 deeply saddened to hear of Barbara Jordan's sued a statement to the press of his great love untimely death. is an extremely non-controversial and com- and friendship for my mother and our family. When she spoke with her Jehovah-like monsense solution to yet another overbearing I was very grateful. voice, it was like a powerful voice from on regulatory problem for our Nation's farmers. For these reasons and more, it was my high. She was a great American patriot whose pleasure to work with Representative CHARLES f dedication to public service and unshakable TAYLOR to invite our colleagues to sign on as faith in, and love of, the Constitution served cosponsors of this important legislation which her well, earning her national recognition dur- will record for history our admiration and high- TRIBUTE TO THE LATE HONORABLE BARBARA JORDAN ing the Watergate impeachment hearings. est honor for these two servants of God and When she spoke of the Constitution, her tre- the world. mendous voice resonated and made it sound I call upon my colleagues today to support SPEECH OF like the Founding Fathers themselves were this bill which awards the Grahams with the speaking. highest honor of the U.S. Congress, but an HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON She personified the principles of ethics, jus- award much too inadequate for this couple. I OF TEXAS tice, and compassion. am reminded today of how the writer of the Her untimely death is a major loss to the New Testament book of Hebrews describes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES citizens of this great Nation, particularly as we the heroes of our faith. These heroes, like Billy seek to resolve the difficult public policy ques- Wednesday, January 24, 1996 and Ruth Graham, are those ``of whom the tions confronting our country. We have lost an world is not worthy.'' Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. outstanding public servant. We will miss her f Mr. Speaker, I rise in remembrance of a won- advice and counsel. She leaves a great legacy CONSTRUCTED WATER CONVEYANCESderful woman,REFORM a former ACT Member OF of Congress1995 that challenges all of us to rededicate our- k of Hebrews describes the heroes of our faith. Theseand aheroes, great like Texan, Billy andMs. Ruth Barbara Graham, Jordan. are those Ms. ``of whomselves the to world the principlesis not worthy.'' of freedom and equal- Jordan passed away on Wednesday, January ity for all Americans. SPEECH OF 17, 1996, and all of Texas will miss her dearly. With her eloquent voice, she spoke for ordi- nary Americans in a language that all could HON. JAMES A. HAYES She was born into poverty during the De- understand. To those who felt disheartened, OF LOUISIANA pression in Houston's fifth ward, the most seg- she made them believe that they too were in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES regated neighborhood in Texas. As a young cluded in the American dream. Tuesday, January 23, 1996 politician, she earned and demanded respect She will be a constant reminder of the among experienced politicians at the top of Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, last May, I stood power of integrity and fairness. power in Texas which sealed their great re- in this very well and expressed my belief that I will always remember her. The Nation has spect for her. clean water is for peopleÐpeople who believe lost a treasure and a powerful friend. more in their State and community than in She served well in the House of Represent- f Federal mandates and regulations. I was atives and subsequently as a teacher at the THANK YOU FOR FUNDING LIHEAP pleased to see that the House endorsed these University of Texas. Most recently, she gave precepts as we overwhelmingly passed this much of her time as the Chairwoman of the Corrections Day legislation. U.S. Commission on Immigration. I will always HON. BERNARD SANDERS There are many rice farmers in south Louisi- remember her efforts to unite her community, OF VERMONT ana, and many more in the district of my good the State of Texas and the Nation as a whole. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friend from California, Congressman CONDIT, Barbara Jordan may have been best known Thursday, January 25, 1996 who irrigate their fields or transport agricultural for her participation in the Watergate hearings, Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, I want to offer wastewater to treatment plants by utilizing but she will always be remembered by Texans my complete gratitude to the House of Rep- man-made ditches. Although the number of as a leader and a teacher. She was a strong resentatives and the leadership for their sup- these systems in Louisiana has dwindled over proponent of teaching English and American port of full-funding for the Low-Income Energy the last decade, the cost of planting with such history in order to bring all of us together as Assistance Program [LIHEAP] to be allocated canals is approximately half of the cost of the Americans. She will be remembered by many to States immediately. Last night I delivered current most common irrigation methodÐ the following letter to the chairman of appro- pumping private well water. of us for different reasons. Many will remem- priations, which was signed by 154 Members Among the reasons for the aforementioned ber her as a colleague, and many as a teach- of Congress, asking for the immediate release switch from low-cost to high-cost irrigation er. of the $190 million remaining in fiscal year were undoubtedly costs added by require- One Saturday in June 1972, Barbara Jordan 1996 allocation for LIHEAP: ments of the Clean Water Act. The current law was ``Governor For A Day'' in the State of compels States to establish water quality Texas. I am still amazed at the record number Hon. BOB LIVINGSTON, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, Cap- standards for waters of the United States. of people of all races that converged on the itol, Washington, DC. Water quality standards identify designated State capitol that day. Also I will remember DEAR CHAIRMAN LIVINGSTON: As you know uses such as swimming, fishing, and drinking her close work with Oscar Mauzy, Ms. Jor- there is approximately $190 million remain- and criteria necessary to achieve these uses. dan's fellow fifth ward of Texas resident. ing in FY 1996 allocation for the Low-Income Incorrect past interpretations have required Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Barbara Jordan followed her conscience farmers to meet water quality standards for When a continuing resolution is developed on and did what she thought was right. When she swimming, fishing, and drinking, uses beyond January 26th, we would very much appre- spoke everyone listened, and when people the intentions for many man-made water con- ciate your releasing 100 percent of these spoke to her, she listened to them. funds immediately. veyance systems. While $810 million in LIHEAP funds have H.R. 2567, the Constructed Water Convey- She will be missed by all of us. Texas and been released so far this year, these funds ances Reform Act, is intended to afford States the Nation has lost a friend. But her wisdom, are not even half of the LIHEAP monies al- necessary flexibility in setting water quality I hope, will continue to be heard and felt in the lotted to the states in FY 1994 and signifi- standards, if purposes of man-made water halls of Congress and around the Nation. cantly less than the $1.3 billion allocated in January 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 105 FY 1995. In order to deal with the problems Houghton, Mike Ward, John Elias Baldacci, Vic Fazio, Lane Evans, James Barcia, Bar- that our cold weather states are currently Joseph Moakley, Joseph Kennedy, John bara Kennelly, Sherrod Brown, Robert experiencing, it is essential that the full $1 Olver, Phil English, Rick Boucher, Sam Menendez, Alan Mollohan, Ron Klink, John billion in LIHEAP funds be released this Gejdenson, John McHugh, Harry Johnston, Conyers, Louise Slaughter, Jack Reed, Har- year. Paul McHale, Ronald Dellums, Tim Johnson, old Volkmer, William Martini, Gary Acker- As you know LIHEAP is a time sensitive Jose Serrano, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Nydia man, Sander Levin, Lee Hamilton, Steny program, providing heating assistance to Velazquez, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Michael low-income households during the cold win- Doyle, Robert Borski, Collin Peterson, Luis Hoyer, Sanford Bishop, James Traficant, ter months.
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