THE CATHOLIC TIMERS Zanesville Veterans Plan CWV Unit Friday, Nov. 26. 19.M * Russia May Bring Back FBI Chief Sees Need r~ ~...... WHERE THOUSANDS ‘Madonna’ To Germany Of Spiritual Awakening SAVE MILLIONS Current Return BONN, Germany — (NC) — One of the world’s most WASHINGTON — (NC) — J. Edgar Hoover, director of Account* famous paintings of Mary — Raphael’s supremely beautiful the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told a Catholic University Insured Sistine Madonna — is expected soon to be brought back from of America homecoming banquet gathering that ‘what we need To $10,000 the Soviet Union to its centuries-old home in the Dresden Pic­ most in this country are the things unseen — spiritual devel­ L OHIO ture Gallery. opment, moral power and character.’* FEDERAt SAVINGS Nine years ago, the masterpiece of the Italian genius, who Mr. Hoover spoke after receiving 78 South Third Street v is regarded as the greatest painter of the Renaissance, was the Cardinal Gibbons award for this attitude “fails to recognize shipped off to Russia, together i 1954 from the university's alumni that security and freedom, to be with the better part of the con­ seized by the “Soviet Trophy Com­ association. The citation described realized, must complemen' each tents of the Dresden gallery. It him as a “great civil servant . other.” The Hammond Organ mission'1 under the command of a oron tr.uftir of cathe* is at present on display at the in the splendid tradition of the deni quality iji church** «f any Hermitage, the art gallery in Leni- Russian major general. The build­ statesmen and the churchmen who CHtr £5 <H)<» chnrrhp* how grad. Dresden, the capital of Sax­ ing housing the collection was have molded our national charac­ ony, is located in communist-ruled destroyed in the disastrous air ter, held high our ideals and main­ HEATING AND AIR Eastern Germany. tained stability in our communi­ CONDITIONING • raids on Dresden in February, ties.'’ A statement issued by the direc­ 1945. tor of museums in Dresden read I “One real 'challenge that con­ Williamson Raphael, who painted many fronts us, "said the F B I. director, in part: “The Sistine Madonna will famous Madonnas, executed his A be returned after the Dresden “is that all schools and colleges Sistine Madonna around 1513 for 4 should place more stress on truth, Favret picture gallery has been rebuilt, the monks of San Sisto in Piacen­ character, wisdom, honesty apd peace has been restored, and the za, Italy' on a commission from faith.” dangers threatening such irreplace­ Furnace Co. Pope Julius II. In 1754. the Officers of the Department of Ohio, Catholic War Veteran* were in attendance at the recent Vet­ Mr. Hoover thinks “there are able works of art have been re­ picture was acquired by Augus­ erans' Day Mass celebrated in St. Nicholas church, Zanesville. One of the reasons for their visit was CA. 4-5211 moved.’* many seemingly well-educated and tus, Elector of Saxony, at a cost the prosopal to form a Zanesville unit of the national organization of Catholic War Veterans. Formation intelligent people in our . coun­ Art lovers here commented that of 20,000 ducats, and presented of a unit has* been considered for ex-service men of both St. Thoma* and St. Nicholas parishes with try who have not yet awakened to 55 E. Goodale Columbus, O II; while the statement was rather to the Dresden gallery. Joseph Hildebrand, Ray Basehart and Ted Hemmer cooperating in seeking prospective members. Pic­ the realization of the world wide vague, it at least dispelled German The painting, believed to have tured above on the steps of the church following Mas* are, left to right, front row; Father Jerome perils which are a potential Heat fears that the Soviets had con­ been inspired by the Salve Regina, Kendzierski, assistant pastor of St. Nicholas parish who celebrated the Mass and who is a former to uur own peace am1 security . fiscated the picture for good, represents the Virgin holding the member of the Eighth Air Force and is now chaplain of the Zanesville National Guard Unit; Father There are still too many citizens MACKLIN Insurance Agency, Inc. either by way of reparations or as Linus J. Dury, pastor of St. Nicholas, and Father Richard Endres, assistant pastor of St. Nicholas; back Child and advancing in clouds com­ who are prone to scoff and imdei 58 E. Gay St. — Columbus, Ohio “war booty.” posed of the faces of cherubs. row, James King, state commander of the CWV; Joseph Blubaugh, member of Fatima Post, 983, Co­ estimate Ihe Uommunixl mrii- lumbus; Paul 'rheado, aide io the state commander; James Schleub, state adjutant; John Plato, mem­ When the Russians entered Kneeling at the right is Pope St. ace , . J. J. ROUSSEAU GILBERT B. HOUCK ber of Columbus Post 1353; Joseph Hildebrand, Ray Basehart and Ted Hemmer. President . Secretary Dresden on May 8, 1945, the great­ Sixtus II. patron saint of the della “Pseudo-liberals, who seek tu er part of the Dresden Picture Rovere family in Italy, to which conceal themselves behind the CA. 4-8196 CA. 4-8197 Gallery had been moved to Castle Pope Julius belonged, while at the cency), City Beneath the Sea, City cloak of liberalism, have been be­ Weesenstein in Saxony, while the left is St. Barbara, protectress Motion Pictures Classified Stands Trial, Counterfeiters. guiled, captivated, and perverted Sistine Madonna was storred in an against sudden death and impen­ Decameron Nights, Destination because they have not been con­ PERPETUAL NOVENA unused tunnel at Pirna, near Dres­ itence. At the base of the picture Following is a list of motion pic­ Tales From Whileaway, Tangan­ Matrimony, Doomed, Duffy of San scious of the horror, duplicity and den, as a protection against air is a coffin on which two cherubs tures reviewed and classified by yika, Them, Toboy, the Great; Two Quentin. godle.ss.ness of atheistic commun­ Our Lady of Perpetual Help raids. The entire collection was are shown leaning. the National Council of the Legion Guns and a Badge, They Rode Earrings of Madame De, Egyp­ ism. of Decency. West, This Is Cinerama. tian. Face to Face, Fear and Desire, The eager readiness of some in Every Tuesday - 7:30 p.m. Class A — Section 1 — Unobjec­ Vanishing Prairie, Victory at Forbidden, Forever Female, Fiam- this group to attack everyone and tionable for general patronage. Sea. me Sulla Lagune, Flame and the everything related to the efforts Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, War-Arrow, White Christmas, Flesh, Flight to Tangier, Four to expose the communist conspira­ St. Christopher's African Adventure, All American, Yellow Mountain. Guns to the Border, Fugitive From cy in this country is hardly the Arrow in the Dust. Trieste. mark of a true ‘liberal.’ Indeed, LANCASTER Class A — Section 2 — Unobjec­ the true liberal is opposed to ev­ Big Jump, Bengal Brigade, Black tionable for adults. Gambier From Natchez, Gorilla Horse Canyon, Black Shield ot Eal- erything communism represents Alaska Seas, All I Desire, Always at I-arge. Church worth, I he; Blake Dakotas, Bounty for the very nature of communism BUYERS' GUIDE a Bride, Anita Garibaldi. Here Come the Girls. His Last Grandview & Ida Hunter, Brigadoon, Bright Road. 12 Hours, Hoodlum, The;. Human is the antithesis of liberalism.” Caine Mutiny, Cease Fire, Chal­ Band Wagon, Beau Brummel, Desire. Answering the charge of “some lenge the Wild, Command. Cowboy. Beggar’s Opera, Below the Sahara, Human Jungle. very articulate people" that nation­ Information L-9 Detective, Diamond Wizard, Betrayed, Big Frame, Both Sides of Kiss Me Kate. al security is incompatible with A THANKSGIVING MESSAGE Dragnet, Duel in the Jungle. the Law, Bullet Is Waiting. Iji Lu pa, Laughing Anne, Lime­ personal freedom, Mr. Hoover said Fairfield Federal BEITER & FLEGE Fireman Save My Child, Francis Casanova’s Big Night, Captain light, Little Caesar, Lure of the TO OUR BORROWERS Joins the WACs. John Smith and Pocahontas, Sila. AND DEPOSITORS Charge of the Lancers, City of Bad Savings and Loan Lancaster, Ohio Geraldine, Give a Girl a Break, Man Behind the Gun, Man Be­ Men. Crippled Wings, Crossed • YOUR SAVINGS INSURED Glory Brigade, Gog. tween. Man Crazy, Man in the At­ Poj>e Stresses • LOANS ON REAL ESTATE The R exalt Store continued patrt Hansel and Gretel, Hell and High Swords. tic, Man With My Face, Mesa of PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST__ Dancing With Crime, Diary of a Water, Her 12 Men, High and Dry. Ixist Women, Miss Sadie Thomp­ Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Country Priest (Observation: This Church's Love Formerly Acton Floral Co. Funeral njrectors Immortal City. son. Mogambo, Montana Belle, Mur­ Jungle Girls. film presents certain concepts of der Without Tear/. "Elowers for all occasions" James H. Sheridan Sons Killer Leopard, Killers From Catholic theology and clerical life Naked Alibi, New Faces, Niagara. For Workers RAILROAD Phono 522 which in practice can be mislead­ Space, King of the Khyber Rifles, Night Without Sleep. BUILDING & LOAN CO. Telepheee K Funeral Directors ing to the uninformed). Dawn at 120 S. Mt. Pl»»»ant _ Lancaater 222 South.Columbus Street Khyber Patrol. Knights of the O Congocero, O. K. Nero, One CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy 40 CAST BROAD ST. CA. 4.S8JB- Socorro, Day Out of Life. A (Ital­ SINCE Lancaster, Ohio Round Table, Knock on Wood. Big Affair, Operation Secret, Over­ — (Radio, NC) — The Church ft. ■ WHB r<w. Swr- CA. 4.(341 W THIMMES BROS. TELEPHONE 410 W ian): Demetrius and the Gladiators, Littlest Outlaw. The; Living Des­ coat. is vitally interested in the ec­ 1885 Quality Meats & Groceries ert. Living It Up, Long, Lohg Down Three Dark Streets. Paris Model, Playgirl, Pleasure Edge of Divorce, Eternal Mask, onomic welfare of the worker, 351 S.
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