Consolidation in Space Aeronautics and Defense CIVIL Safety L9 project SENER’s work on RAMS: reliability engineering TRIBUNE Juan Tomás Hernani General Secretary of Innovation TECHNOLOGY Single - Tank system for thermal storage in thermosolar plants “I see the universe getting a little bit smaller” One way to see the future is to look at the stars. This is the aeronautical solutions. And we have come back down to only way to understand SENER's mission in aerospace earth to develop concentrated photovoltaic technologies and engineering. That mission is to bring the universe within our products, and defence and security technologies. And even grasp. Actually we have facilitated the flight of satellites and make a deeper exploration of human beings possible due to spacecrafts even before Man set foot on the moon. We have our advances in medical robotics, expanding the possibilities been conquering the heavens, carried by the wings of our of surgery. Aerospace The way to see the future ABU DHABIììeì ALGIERììeììBARCELONAììeìì ILBAOììeììBUENOS AIREììeììLISBOììeììMADRIììeììMEXICO CITYììeììOKAYAMAììeììSAN FRANCISCOììeììEVILLììeì VALENCIAììeì WARSAW 41 CONTRIBUTORS: Carolina Velez Ernesto Sandulli Fernando Quintana Francesc Gallart Francisco Antolin Guillermo Dierssen Ignacio Pliego Javier Aguirre Javier Viñals Joaquín Botella Jordi Redó Josep María Escuer Maite Gómez Marian Fernández Marisa de la Miyar Nerea Bilbao Nuria Noguera Óscar Julià Óscar Sanjuan On the cover: artistic Rebeca Arriero view of Proba 3 Space . Copyright ESA. Ricardo Casal Mission Sergio Relloso Soledad Garrido Sosthene Ndikuriyo 04 Article Verónica Alonso and Consolidation in Space, Aeronautics Yolanda Gutiérrez. and Defense. 08 Interview PUBLISHING TEAM: Communication SENER. Rafael Quintana, General Manager of : SENER’s Aerospace Strategic EDITORIAL STAFF Business Unit. Oihana Casas, Mariana Fernández, Pilar García, Rosana Madroñal and 10 Tribune Cristina Vidal. Juan Tomás Hernani, General Secretary GRAPHIC of Innovation. DOCUMENTATION: Oihana Casas, 11 Up-to-date Pilar García, Space Lourdes Olabarria and Aeronautics and Vehicles Dorleta Uraga. Defense and Security DESIGN AND LAYOUT: New Markets KAIXO Taller de diseño Civil gráfico. Architecture Legal deposit number: Power and Process BI-1804-00 Imprenta Marine Berekintza Group 29 Corporate 34 Technology Single - Tank system for thermal storage in thermosolar plants. 36 In Brief CIVIL: The Inelfe tunnel. SENER noticias 41/SPRING 2011 3 Article AEROSPACE BUSINESS UNIT Consolidation in Space, Aeronautics and Defense With over forty years’ experience in the Aerospace industry, SENER has carved a niche for itself in all of the sectors of this demanding market. Currently, SENER is seeking a starring role, taking charge of large projects and competing on an international level on all fronts. he projects that SENER is performing which requires the ability to function in nowadays in the Aerospace market are pronounced temperature gradients; in the field of T an example of the increasing level of optical payloads, such as the UV camera for the responsibility the company has been assuming. World Space Observatory, a collaborative project At the present time, SENER in all of its sectors between Spain and Russia where SENER will is addressing increasingly complex systems and be responsible for delivering the entire camera obtaining higher priced contracts. which will later be integrated into the satellite; In the Space industry, SENER is the byword and in Guidance, Navigation and Control systems for excellence in precision mechanisms: by (GNC), where SENER will be responsible for the supplying the full system of mid and high-range entire Proba-3 mission, in addition to the specific antennas for the Beppi Colombo satellite, activities of NTE-SENER in Space. In the field of Defense, SENER has achieved milestones such as becoming the industry leader in missile subsystems: supplying Taurus missiles for the Spanish Air Force, as the prime contractor for the project completed in 2010; participating as the design authority for the actuator system for IRIS-T and Meteor; and currently being involved in the promotion of the future air defense system for the Spanish Army and Air Force, entitled Sagitario. In Aeronautics and Vehicles, SENER has the capability to deliver detailed designs for complete automotive and rail vehicles, as well as for large installations for complex tooling for aeronautical production lines. Lastly, in solar applications, over the last two years SENER has supplied over 3,500 actuators for precision solar tracking for applications in the solar power market, for both solar and photovoltaic power plants, making 4 SENER noticias 41/SPRING 2011 DUWLFOH2.6(1(5LQGG Article © ESA it a leader in this market. And in biomedical In this page, above: technology and devices, SENER, through NTE- artistic view of the Beppi Colombo SENER, has developed two products that will soon satellite, for which be marketed: a robot assistant for laparoscopic SENER supplies surgery and an automatic seeding system for the full system of Petri dishes for analyses, both of which are in the mid and high range medical testing phase. antennas. Below: integration of the Herschel and Planck A path marked by diversification scientific satellites, SENER’s foray into the Aerospace market two SENER projects. dates back to 1967, when the company won an In the previous page: test in the international competition held by the ESRO (the © ESA NTE-SENER facilities precursor to the European Space Agency) for of the MARES the design and construction of a launch tower decade to specialization among the strategic system, a ESA project in Kiruna, Sweden. After this debut, SENER Defense sectors, such as missiles. Along with this for research into continuous growth in the strategic sectors of the the effects caused gained quick access to the flight segment by zero gravity on for space projects, and in the 80’s joined the Aerospace area, starting in 2008 SENER decided human muscles. Eurojet Consortium to develop the motor for the to boost its capacity in the fields of Biomedicine and Eurofighter European fighter aircraft. Based on this Solar Industry. project, which led to the creation of the company 43 years after Kiruna, SENER is a trailblazer Industria de Turbopropulsores (ITP), SENER and an industry paradigm in the Space, Defense, entered the field of Aeronautics. At the dawn of Aeronautics and Vehicular sectors, both in the 21st Century, SENER made the decision to Spain and internationally. SENER, since its extend its activities from developing and supplying beginnings, has always been competing in this Actuator and Control Systems to the Space global market, supplying services and products industry, where an extremely limited amount of to what are recognized as the ‘prime contractors’. units are produced, to the fields of Aeronautics and Nevertheless, in its most recent projects, Defense. where the production quantities are larger. SENER has become a prime contractor itself, a This decision implied taking a step toward mass strategy that is in line with its last Strategic Plan, production of the products that led in the previous for 2008-10, which recently concluded. SENER noticias 41/SPRING 2011 5 DUWLFOH2.6(1(5LQGG Article In this page: Moving up the value chain This increase of responsibility in traditional mechanical In its Strategic Plan for 2008-2010, SENER made markets has combined with the opening of new integration of the markets which, while developed for the mid to Taurus missil in a decision to increase its level of responsibility SENER’s Integration in its aerospace projects, accepting larger long term, have also set certain trends throughout and Test Centre contracts. This involved taking on challenges in this latest strategic plan: thanks to the mass in Tres Cantos an already full system instead of limiting itself to production capacities SENER has acquired in (Madrid). In the next components, and focusing its line of business on the defense market, the company also began page, on the left: high accuracy two product orientation. mass production of products for the Solar Power axes drive MASS And this is exactly what they did: over the industry. In this field, SENER is marketing a installed in a solar last three years SENER has been able to win and high precision tracking mechanism called MASS, plant. On the right, execute high-level contracts, such as the Attitude which is one of the best selling mechanisms in above: Meteor concentrated solar power plants. Meanwhile, over missil integrated in and Orbit Control Systems (AOCS) of Herschel a fighter aircraft. and Planck, where it was the prime contractor the last three years SENER has burst onto the Below: wing stringer for the system, and the primary payload for the biomedical system scene, a market with a high production and SEOSAT satellite, a high resolution camera. technological content where it had already made positioning cell for In Defense, it has been the head design significant engineering developments and which the Airbus A350 XWB assembly line authority for missile subsystems and delivery requires the type of products developed by its in Stade, Germany, of Taurus missiles to the Air Force as prime Aerospace Business Unit. To this end, SENER another SENER contractor. And in Aeronautics and Vehicles, acquired the instrumentation and space division project. SENER has evolved toward delivering large of the company NTE, integrating its team into complex tooling packages in turn-key projects that the NTE-SENER brand which specializes in require a higher level of responsibility and the Biomedical and Space systems, and which develops ability to acquire significant supplies. life and science support projects, particularly for large scientific land installations. The growth in contracts and capacity from the last Strategic Plan involved practically doubling the company’s budget; currently, SENER’s Aerospace Business Unit has a billing volume of over 120 million euros and employs over 500 individuals. This is a trend that SENER expects to continue in its next Strategic Plan (for 2011-13), albeit to a more moderate extent due to the current contraction of the global market.
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