N-GUANYLUREA DINITRAMIDE (FOX-12): PROPERTIES H. ÖSTMARK, A. HELTE, T. CARLSSON, R. ADOLFSSON, L. BODIN, C. ELDSÄTER, H. EDVINSSON, J. LUNDGREN, H. ÖRNHED FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency, is a mainly assignment-funded agency under the Ministry of Defence. The core activities are research, method and technology development, as well as studies conducted in the interests of Swedish defence and the safety and security of society. The organisation employs approximately 1000 per- sonnel of whom about 800 are scientists. This makes FOI Sweden’s largest research institute. FOI gives its customers access to leading-edge expertise in a large number of fields such as security policy studies, defence and security related analyses, the assessment of various types of threat, systems for control and management of crises, protection against and management of hazardous substances, IT security and the potential offered by new sensors. FOI Defence Research Agency Phone: +46 8 555 030 00 www.foi.se Defence & Security, Systems and Technology Fax: +46 8 555 031 00 FOI-R--2312--SE Technical report Defence & Security, Systems and Technology SE-164 90 Stockholm ISSN 1650-1942 August 2007 H. Östmark, A. Helte, T. Carlsson, R. Adolfsson, L. Bodin, C. Eldsäter, H. Edvinsson, J. Lundgren, H. Örnhed N-GUANYLUREA DINITRAMIDE (FOX-12): PROPERTIES FOI-R--2312--SE Technical report Defence & Security, Systems and Technology ISSN 1650-1942 August 2007 Issuing organization Report number, ISRN Report type FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency FOI-R--2312--SE Technical report Defence & Security, Systems and Technology Research area code SE-164 90 Stockholm 5. Strike and protection Month year Project no. August 2007 E20503 Sub area code 51 Weapons and Protection Sub area code 2 Author/s (editor/s) Project manager Henric Östmark Carina Eldsäter Carina Eldsäter Andreas Helte Jonas Lundgren Approved by Torgny Carlsson Håkan Örnhed Patrick Goede Reine Adolfsson Sponsoring agency Lars Bodin Swedish Armed Forces Hans Edvinsson Scientifically and technically responsible Henric Östmark Report title N-GUANYLUREA DINITRAMIDE (FOX-12): PROPERTIES Abstract N-guanylurea-dinitramide (FOX-12 or GuDN) is a novel energetic material with low sensitivity and good potential for use as in propellants or in IM (insensitive munitions) explosives. This report presents some of its properties, including 3 sensitivity, thermal stability and physical properties (bulk crystal density, ρ=1.7545 g/cm ; heat of formation, ΔHf = - 355 kJ/mole; activation energy, Ea=277 kJ/mole). The performance of FOX-12 has been calculated and measured experimentally. The detonation velocity was measured to 7970 m/s. This value is in the range between TNT and RDX. Initial measurements of shock sensitivity and sensitivity to slow heating have been performed and the result shows that FOX-12 is very insensitive (type V reaction in SCO test and 72-90 cards in LSGT). The results in this report clearly show that FOX-12 is a very promising candidate ingredient for new insensitive munitions. Keywords N-Guanylurea dinitramide, FOX-12, GUDN, explosive, energetic material, properties, detonation velocity, slow cook- off, large scale gap test Further bibliographic information Language English ISSN 1650-1942 Pages 15 p. Price acc. to pricelist 2 Utgivare Rapportnummer, ISRN Klassificering FOI - Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut FOI-R--2312--SE Teknisk rapport Försvars- och säkerhetssystem Forskningsområde 164 90 Stockholm 5. Bekämpning och skydd Månad, år Projektnummer Augusti 2007 E20503 Delområde 51 Vapen och skydd Delområde 2 Författare/redaktör Projektledare Henric Östmark Carina Eldsäter Carina Eldsäter Andreas Helte Jonas Lundgren Godkänd av Torgny Carlsson Håkan Örnhed Patrick Goede Reine Adolfsson Uppdragsgivare/kundbeteckning Lars Bodin Försvarsmakten Hans Edvinsson Tekniskt och/eller vetenskapligt ansvarig Swedish Armed Forces Rapportens titel N-GUANYLUREA DINITRAMID (FOX-12): EGENSKAPER Sammanfattning N-guanylureadinitramid (FOX-12 eller GuDN) är ett nytt energetiskt material med låg känslighet och det har god potential som ingrediens i lågkänsligt krut eller som IM-sprängämne (IM=insensitive munition). Denna rapport beskriver ett antal av FOX-12:s egenskaper, såsom känslighet, termisk stabilitet och fysikaliska egenskaper 3 (kristalldensitet (bulk), ρ=1.7545 g/cm ; bildningsvärme, ΔHf = -355 kJ/mol; aktiveringsenergi, Ea=277 kJ/mol). Prestanda har beräknats och uppmätts experimentellt. Detonationshastigheten bestämdes till 7970m/s, vilket motsvarar ett värde mellan de för hexogen of trotyl. Inledande känslighetstest, med avseende på långsam upphettning (slow cook-off) och stötvågsinitiering (large scale gap test) visar att FOX-12 är mycket lågkänsligt (reaktion typ V (brand) i SCO och 72-90 cards i LSGT). Resultaten presenterade i denna rapport visar tydlgt att FOX-12, som ingrediens, är en lovande kandidat för ny lågkänslig ammunition (Insensitive Munition). Nyckelord N-Guanylurea dinitramid, FOX-12, GUDN, sprängämne, energetiskt material, egenskaper, detonationshastighet, slow cook-off, large scale gap test Övriga bibliografiska uppgifter Språk Engelska ISSN 1650-1942 Antal sidor: 15 s. Distribution enligt missiv Pris: Enligt prislista 3 Table of Content 1 Introduction....................................................................................................................4 2 Properties .......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Thermal Stability....................................................................................................5 2.2 Physical Properties.................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Crystal Structure and Density ........................................................................6 2.2.2 Heat of Formation ..........................................................................................8 2.3 Performance ...........................................................................................................8 2.3.1..............................................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Working Capacity ........................................................................................10 2.4 Sensitivity.............................................................................................................11 2.4.1 Friction and Impact Sensitivity....................................................................11 2.4.2 Sensitivity to Slow Heating..........................................................................11 2.4.3 Shock Sensitivity..........................................................................................13 3 Discussion and Conclusions.........................................................................................14 4 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................14 5 References....................................................................................................................15 1 Introduction The purpose of the ongoing research on energetic materials in Sweden is to produce more powerful, safer and environmentally friendlier explosives that fit into the strategy of the defence forces. Hence, one line of research aims towards compositions with lower sensitivity, which improves the safety of ammunition. A problem with lower sensitivity energetic materials in munitions has been that insensitivity almost always has meant lower performance. With new energetic substances and energetic plasticizers and binders it might, however, not be so difficult to manufacture charges with low sensitivity and high performance. In the search of new and safer high explosives, a number of low sensitive molecules have been identified (e.g. TATB, NTO1,2 and FOX-73). At FOI a new insensitive compound, N-guanylurea dinitramide4 (FOX-12 or GuDN), has been developed. Due to its sensitivity combined with explosive properties, it could be of use for LOVA (Low Vulnerability Ammunition) gun propellant as well in melt-cast and PBX (Plastic Bonded eXplosives) high explosive formulations. N-guanylurea dinitramide, see Figure 1. NH O NO2 HN H2NNNH2 H NO2 Figure 1. FOX-12 (N-guanylurea-dinitramide). 4 This report presents its properties, such as sensitivity, thermal stability, physical properties and explosion temperature. The performance has been estimated for pure FOX-12 as well as for IM melt castable formulations using the Cheetah 25 thermo- chemical code and the experimentally determined values of density and heat of formation. The report also present initial experimental detonation properties; detonation velocity, shock sensitivity and estimates the critical diameter. 2 Properties The properties of FOX-12 have been determined with respect to stability, physical properties, performance and sensitivity. Parts of these results have been presented at the 13th International Detonation Symposium, Norfolk, VA, July 23-28, 2006. 2.1 Thermal Stability The thermal stability of FOX-12 was measured with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) using a Mettler 30 instrument. A typical DSC curve is shown in Figure 2. The samples were heated from room temperature with a heating rate of 0.5 - 10°C/min. FOX- 12 has an onset at 214.8°C with a heating rate of 10°C/min. Figure 3 shows a plot of the heating rate versus the temperature at the peak of the exotherm. Using
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