CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E915 26TH ANNUAL HANK STRAM-TONY CONGRATULATING NORTHWEST ice in time of emergency. They must possess ZALE SPORTS AWARD BANQUET BERGEN CENTRAL DISPATCH ON the ability to remain calm and reassuring while ACCREDITATION rapidly evaluating the situation and directing HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY help. Police officers, firefighters and ambulance OF INDIANA HON. MARGE ROUKEMA OF NEW JERSEY workers are justifiably known to and given IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES credit by the public. But almost every emer- Tuesday, May 11, 1999 gency call begins with a 911 call to a commu- Tuesday, May 11, 1999 nications dispatch center. Without these hard- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis- Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- working, highly trained and dedicated men and tinct pleasure to announce that the Silver Bell gratulate the Northwest Bergen Central Dis- women, our streets would not be as safe as Club, Lodge 2365 of the Polish National Alli- patch center on becoming the first public safe- they are today. I ask my colleagues in the ance of the United States, will be hosting the ty communications facility in the nation to re- House of Representatives to join me in con- 26th Annual Hank Stram-Tony Zale Sports ceive the prestigious new Certificate of Public gratulating Northwestern Bergen Central Dis- Award Banquet on May 17, 1999, at the Safety Communications Accreditation from the patch on achieving this accreditation, and on Radisson Hotel in Merrillville, Indiana. Twenty Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforce- the hard work it took to meet the standards in- outstanding Northwest Indiana High School ment Agencies. This accreditation is national volved. athletes will be honored at this notable event recognition of the highly professional stand- f for their dedication and hard work. These out- ards employed at NBCD. The fact that it is the standing students were chosen to receive the first facility in the nation to receive this rating RECOGNIZING KIM PEEK award by their respective schools on the basis is a special honor for this team of life-saving of academic and athletic achievement. All pro- public safety professionals. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH ceeds from this event will go toward a scholar- Police, fire and ambulance servicesÐwith OF CALIFORNIA ship fund to be awarded to local students. the life-saving assistance they bringÐare an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year's Hank Stram-Tony Zale Award essential part of our daily lives. And when Tuesday, May 11, 1999 recipients include: Tiffany Crawford of those services are needed, they are always Chesterton High School; Analisa Dziedziejko needed immediately. That is why it is vitally Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise of Valparaiso High School; Dana Gombus of important that public safety agencies have today to recognize Kim Peek. Kim was the in- Merrillville High School; Laura Jelski of High- communications facilities that are efficient and spiration for screen writer Barry Morrow's land High School; Kevin Krajewski of Crown reliable. When a citizen makes a 911 call in 1988 Oscar-winning movie ``Rain Man.'' Point High School; Matt Kubiak of Wheeler an emergency, that call absolutely must go Though the movie plot is not about Kim's life, High School; Andrius Malinauskas of Ham- through, be answered and be responded to Kim was the original inspiration for the title mond High School; Mike McGinley of Lake appropriatelyÐwith exceptions or excuses. character. Station High School; Troy Mezera of River With a facility like NBCD, residents of north- Kim is a unique person. He was diagnosed Forest High School; Karen Saliga of Ham- western Bergen County can rest assured that as a megasavant born with fetal brain damage mond Clark High School; Mary Samreta of Ho- will be the case. which affected his motor sensors. Kim is bart High School; Todd Smolinski of Lake Established in 1994, NBCD provides 911 termed a megasavant because of his knowl- Central High School; Jeremy Stockwell of and general public safety communications edge of remarkably diverse subject information Andrean High School; Christopher Trojnar of services for the municipalities of Ridgewood, and total recall capabilities of almost every- Bishop Noll High School; Justin Valentine of Glen Rock, Franklin Lakes, Ramsey and Oak- thing he has read since he was three-years Lowell High School; David Verta of Whiting land in Bergen County, New Jersey. The com- old. High School; Joshua Wyant of Boone Grove munications center is located in Ridgewood Since March of 1989, when the movie ``Rain High School; Robert Yamtich of Munster High and features a computer-aided dispatch sys- Man'' received four Oscars, Kim and his father School; Laura Zagrocki of Griffith High School; tem, touch-screen radios and an enhanced Fran have traveled throughout the United and Jeff Zeha of Portage High School. 911 system. Laptop computers are being in- States taking their message to those who will The featured speaker at this gala event will stalled in police, fire and ambulance vehicles listen. Kim's message is ``Learn to recognize be Mr. Paul Hornung. Mr. Hornung is a former to better link them with dispatchers. The nine and respect differences in others, and treat football player from Notre Dame University full-time and 15 part-time employees work in a them as you would like them to treat you. This and is known as the original ``Golden Boy.'' He modern, four-position communications room. will help give us the kind of world we hope for. received the Heisman Trophy in 1956 and is Administrative offices, training and meeting Share, care, be your best!'' Kim has been featured on numerous tele- a former NFL player for the Green Bay Pack- areas, equipment rooms and support facilities vision stations nationwide and in more than ers. He was a star player for the Packers in complete the center. The entire facility is 430 newspaper articles. He has been on a variety of positions for many years. equipped with emergency electrical generators ABC's 20/20 and on Good Morning America. Hank Stram, one of the most successful to keep it operating in the event of power fail- His story has been broadcast in nearly every coaches in professional football history, will ure. The center currently handles more than state in the United States, as well as South also be in attendance at this memorable 125,000 telephone calls annually. It was de- Africa, Australia, England, and Japan. event. Hank was raised in Gary, Indiana, and signed with expansion in mind and could be Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Kim graduated from Lew Wallace High School enlarged to handle additional services or mu- Peek for his uniqueness, and for his contribu- where he played football, basketball, baseball, nicipalities. tion to society. I urge my colleagues to join me and ran track. While attending college at Pur- The goal of accreditation is to improve the in wishing Kim and his father many more due University in West Lafayette, Hank won delivery of public safety services, to improve years of continued success. four letters in baseball and three letters in the communications services that assist public f football. During his senior year he received the safety officers, and to offer standards by which Big Ten Medal, which is awarded to the con- organizations' effectiveness and efficiency can TRIBUTE TO DOROTHY AND OZZIE ference athlete who best combines athletic be objectively reviewed and improved. To re- GOREN AND THEIR FAMILY and academic success. After college Hank en- ceive accreditation, NBCD had to comply with tered the NFL, where he became best noted more than 200 standards set by the commis- HON. BRAD SHERMAN for coaching the Kansas City Chiefs to a sion. A team of commission officials visited the OF CALIFORNIA Super Bowl victory in 1970. site to verify compliance. In the team's report, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my distin- officials said, ``Northwest Bergen Central Dis- guished colleagues to join me in commending patch has set the benchmark by which com- Tuesday, May 11, 1999 the Silver Bell Club, Lodge 2365 of the Polish munications centers across the United States Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to National Alliance of the United States, for ** * must now be measured.'' pay tribute to Dorothy and Ozzie Goren and hosting this celebration of success in sports Special recognition is in order for NBCD their family for their outstanding contributions and academics. The effort of all those involved Manager Robert Greenlaw and his dispatchers to the Jewish community and the community in planning this worthwhile event is indicative for their dedication and hard work. Public safe- at large for many decades. of their devotion to the very gifted young peo- ty dispatchers are the public's first contact with The Talmud states that ``He who does char- ple in Indiana's First Congressional District. the police, fire department or ambulance serv- ity and justice is as if he had filled the whole E916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 11, 1999 world with kindness.'' The Jewish Family Serv- bricks of that building: Athanasios Alafogianns, I am proud to have played a role in working ice has recognized the Goren family for their George Alexandrakos, George Alexiou, John with the Maryland congressional delegation exceptional commitment others that has done Alexiou, William Boutsalis, Athena Bubaris, and members of the Goddard community in much to improve the quality of life in our com- Triantafilos Golfinopolous, George Katsigianis, saving the center from closure in 1996. The munity. Their philanthropy sets an example for James Korakis, Nick Karamatzanis, Dimitrios work that Goddard personnel perform benefits us all.
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